Application for Protective Order - E-Filed Original Petition Document June 24, 2024 (2024)

Application for Protective Order - E-Filed Original Petition Document June 24, 2024 (1)

Application for Protective Order - E-Filed Original Petition Document June 24, 2024 (2)

  • Application for Protective Order - E-Filed Original Petition Document June 24, 2024 (3)
  • Application for Protective Order - E-Filed Original Petition Document June 24, 2024 (4)
  • Application for Protective Order - E-Filed Original Petition Document June 24, 2024 (5)
  • Application for Protective Order - E-Filed Original Petition Document June 24, 2024 (6)
  • Application for Protective Order - E-Filed Original Petition Document June 24, 2024 (7)
  • Application for Protective Order - E-Filed Original Petition Document June 24, 2024 (8)
  • Application for Protective Order - E-Filed Original Petition Document June 24, 2024 (9)
  • Application for Protective Order - E-Filed Original Petition Document June 24, 2024 (10)


DocuSign Envelope ID: C5E7E538-7BCA-4BA5-9042-075C2EA541C1 Cause No.: Applicant, Samantha Lowman In the 410th Judicial District Court of Respondent: Michael Lowman § Montgomery County, Texas Application for Protective Order 1 Parties Name: County of Residence: Applicant, Samantha Lowman Montgomery Respondent: Michael Lowman Montgomery Respondent's address for service: 11307 S. Country Club Green Dr., Tomball, TX 77375 Children: The Applicant is asking for protection for these Children under age 18: Name: Is Respondent the biological parent? County of Residence: a . Grayson Lowman Yes O No Montgomery b . Caden Mays 0 Yes No Montgomery Cc. 0 Yes O No d 0 Yes O No Check all that apply: C1 Other children are listed on a sheet attached to this Application. Ww The Children are or were members of the Applicant's family or household. O The Children are the subject of a court order affecting access to them or their support. Other Adults: The Applicant is asking for protection for these Adults, who are or were members of the Applicant's family or household, or are in a dating or marriage relationship with the Applicant. Name: County of Residence: a b 4a Other Court Cases: Are there other court cases, like divorce, custody, support, involving the Applicant, Respondent, or the Children? Yes 0 No If “Yes,” say what kind of case and if the case is active or completed. Protective Order under Cause No. 23-08-11350 - Relief Denied. Divorce with Children Cause No. 23-07-10524 - Decree Entered. If “completed,” (check all that apply): A copy of the final order is attached. 0 A copy of the final order will be filed before the hearing on this Application. 1 The Texas Office of the Attorney General Child Support Division has been involved with a child support case. List the agency case number for each open case, if known. Case Number: Application for Protective Order Form Approved by the Supreme Court of Texas Page 1 of 5DocuSign Envelope ID: C5E7E538-7BCA-4BA5-9042-075C2EA541C1 4c Presumption of Stalking: The respondent has not been convicted of or placed on deferred adjudication community supervision for an offense listed under Texas Code of Criminal Procedure 7B.001 (a). 5 Grounds: Why is the Applicant asking for this Protective Order? Check one or both: O The Respondent committed family violence and is likely to commit family violence in the future. CO The Respondent violated a prior Protective Order that expired, or will expire in 30 days or less. A copy of the Order is (check one): 0 Attached, or 0 Not available now but will be filed before the hearing on this Application v There are reasonable grounds to believe that the Applicant is the victim of stalking. There are reasonable grounds to believe the Respondent committed stalking against the Applicant. The Applicant requests a PROTECTIVE ORDER and asks the Court to make all Orders marked with a check ” 6 Orders to Prevent Family Violence The Applicant asks the Court to order the Respondent to (Check all that apply): a. Not commit family violence against any person named on page 1 of this form. b. Not communicate in a threatening or harassing manner with any person named on page 1 of this form. c. . W Not communicate a threat through any person to any person named on page 1 of this form. d Not communicate or attempt to communicate in any manner with (Check all that apply): ¥ Applicant W Children Wother Adults named on page 1 of this form. The Respondent may communicate through: or other person the Court appoints. Good cause exists for prohibiting the Respondent's direct communications. Not go within 200 yards of the (Check ail that apply) Y Applicant Children Other Adults named on page 1 of this form. W Not go within 200 yards of the residence, workplace, or school of the (Check all that apply): Applicant WoOther Adults named on page 1 of this form. g . & Not go within 200 yards of the Children’s residence, child-care facility, or school, except as specifically authorized in a possession schedule entered by the Court. h. 8 Not stalk, follow, or engage in conduct directed specifically to anyone named on page 1 of this form that is reasonably likely to harass, annoy, alarm, abuse, torment, or embarrass them. The Applicant asks the Court to: parties’ divorce decre i ov Suspend any license to carry a handgun issued to the Respondent by the State of Texas. k Prohibit the Respondent from taking, harming, threatening, or interfering with the care, custody, or control of the following pet, companion animal, or assistance animal: (describe the |. Y animal). Require the Respondent to follow these provisions to prevent or reduce the likelihood of future harm to the Applicant. The law requires a trial court issuing a protective order to prohibit the Respondent from possessing a firearm or ammunition, unless the Respondent is a peace officer actively engaged in employment as a sworn, full-time paid employee of a state agency or political subdivision. Application for Protective Order Page 2 of 5 Form Approved by the Supreme Court of TexasDocuSign Envelope ID: C5E7E538-7BCA-4BA5-9042-075C2EA541C1 7 property Orders The Residence located at: 3854 Fleetwood Falls Ln., Spring, TX 77386 (Check one): is jointly owned or leased by the Applicant and Respondent; 0 is solely owned or leased by the Applicant; or 0 is solely owned or leased by the Respondent; and the Respondent is obligated to support the Applicant or a child in the Applicant’s possession. The Applicant also asks the Court to make these orders (Check all that apply): o The Applicant to have exclusive use of the Residence identified above, and the Respondent must vacate the Residence. o The sheriff, constable, or chief of police shall provide a law enforcement officer to accompany the Applicant to the Residence, to inform the Respondent that the Court has ordered the Respondent excluded from the Residence, to provide protection while the Applicant takes possession of the Residence and the Respondent removes any neces- sary personal property, and, if the Respondent refuses to vacate the Residence, to remove the Respondent from the Residence and arrest the Respondent for violating the Court's Order. The Applicant to have exclusive use of the following property that the Applicant and Respondent jointly own or lease: The Respondent must not damage, transfer, encumber, or otherwise dispose of any property jointly owned or leased by the parties, except in the ordinary course of business or for reasonable and necessary living expenses, including, but not limited to, removing or disabling any vehicle owned or possessed by the Applicant or jointly owned or possessed by the parties (whether so titled or not). 10 Wtemporary Ex Parte PROTECTIVE ORDER Based on the information in the attached Affidavit or Declaration, there is a clear and present danger of family violence that will cause the Applicant, Children, or Other Adults named on page 1 of this form immediate and irreparable injury, loss, and damage, for which there is no adequate remedy at law. Applicant asks the Court to issue a Temporary Ex Parte Protective Order immediately without bond, notice, or hearing. Application for Protective Order Page 3 of 5 Form Approved by the Supreme Court of TexasDocuSign Envelope ID: C5E7E538-7BCA-4BA5-9042-075C2EA541C1 12 Weep Information Confidential The Applicant asks the Court to keep addresses and telephone numbers for residences, workplaces, schools, and childcare facilities confidential. The Applicant asks the Court to order the Court Clerk to strike contact information for Protected People, including: addresses, mailing addresses, telephone numbers, places of employment, businesses, child-care facilities, and schools from the public records of the Court, and maintain a confidential record of this information. The Applicants asks the Court to prohibit the Court Clerk from releasing contact information of Protected People except to the Court or to law enforcement for the purpose of entering the information into the Department of Public Safety law enforcement information system. The Applicant asks the Court to order that all contact information of Protected People be confidential. Y The Applicant asks the Court to order that the following person is designated as a person to receive any notice or documents filed with the Court related to the Application on behalf of the Applicant: Name: Katherine Bihm and Andrew Gastler Address: 208 W. Davis St., Conroe, TX 77301 O The Applicant asks the Court to order that the Applicant's address is confidential and shall only be disclosed to the Court. WARNING: A copy of this court document will be served to the respondent with any information that you include available for public inspection. Marking the box on number 12 means that you are asking the judge to order the clerk to remove some addresses and telephone numbers from the final order in this case so that the public cannot see them. If you are requesting this, DO NOT INCLUDE this personal information in this form OR a temporary ex parte protective order form 13 Fees And Costs The Applicant asks the Court to order the Respondent to pay fees for service of process, all other fees and costs of Court, and reasonable attorneys’ fees, if applicable. | have read the entire Application and it is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. DocuSigned by: SZ aAs KU J FeSR206F 8280463, Applicant Address where Applicant may be contacted: The Bihm Firm, PLLC 208 W. Davis St., Conroe, TX 77301 Phone # where Applicant may be contacted: _ 936-788-6100 Fax #: 936-788-6102 (List another address/phone if you want yours kept confidential) Application for Protective Order Form Approved by the Supreme Court of Texas Page 4 of 5Respectfully submittedTHE BIHM FIRM, PLLC208 W. Davis St.Conroe, TX 77301Tel.: (936) 788-6100Fax: (936) 788-6102a AeKatherine BihmState Bar No. 24041910 kate@bihmfirm.comAndrew GastlerState Bar No. 24092407 andrew.gastler@bihmfirm.comAubrey ZiegelheimState Bar No. 24137154 Attorneys for ApplicantNOSAMANTHA LOWMAN IN THE DISTRICT COURTVv. 410" JUDICIAL DISTRICTMICHAEL LOWMAN MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS AFFIDAVIT OF SAMANTHA LOWMAN IN SUPPORT OF APPLICATION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER My ex-husband Michael (“Mike”) Lowman’s behavior toward me and to our childis becoming increasingly alarming, and | ask for the Court to enter a protective orderagainst him. | previously applied for a family violence protective order in this Court. OnAugust 15, 2023, the Court denied my application following a hearing. Since thathearing, and increasingly in the recent past as our divorce suit came to a close, Mikehas threatened and harassed me. Our temporary orders required us to exchange Grayson at a local fire station.However, Mike always refused to meet me there, instead insisting on coming to thehouse. | have had exclusive use of the house, and until the end of January, | generallywould not let him in, as he was far too abusive to me (including on one occasion uponwhich he punched a hole in the wall). Throughout the suit, he would yell at me in frontof Grayson, calling me a “bitch” and a “c*nt.” Often when he returns Grayson to thehouse, he'll throw Grayson’s diaper bag or other belongings at me after starting anargument with me. This has happened on at least ten occasions. Seemingly anytime during the suit he’s heard on the news of a husband killinga wife who cheated, he’s made sure to tell me about it on the phone as if to say thatthe way he treats me could be worse. This has happened on three or four occasions.However, on December 28, 2023 during an argument over the phone, he interruptedme and asked, “do | have to f*cking kill you to do this?” | reprimanded him for sayingthat, pointing out that he’d been telling me about husbands killing their wives. Soonafter, he said “you’re going to find out,” then hung up the phone. He came over on New Year's Eve and demanded to get in the house, sayinghe wanted a tie. | was in the doorway holding Grayson. | told him I’d go get it, and he Samantha Lowman v. Michael Lowman Affidavit in Support of Application for Protective Order Page 1 of 4said, “I can go in my own f*cking house,” then shoved me and Grayson out of thedoor, put his foot in the door and went into the house. | have periodically dated Gareth Nock since Mike and | separated. On February23", he explicitly threatened to kill Gareth. Since then, he has threatened to kill Garethmore times than | can count. His threats to kill Gareth or hire someone to kill Garethare a near-daily occurrence. | have reported this to law enforcement, but | am unawareof anything being done about it. Mike and | started going to counseling earlier this spring. So long as he wasacting normally, | would let him in the house. However, on Sunday, May 12", the daybefore our trial date (and Mother's Day), Mike came over. He asked about the divorce.| told him | was going forward on Monday. He became upset, told me | was a “f*ckingc*nt,” that he’d make sure Gray knew why we were divorcing, and that he’d “burn thef*cking world down.” He left to check the mail when | asked him to leave. He cameback into the house, and using a razorblade, cut up a jacket Gareth gave me forGrayson months ago, cutting his own finger in the process. He told me that if he seesme and Gareth out in public after the divorce, he'll kill us both. On May 13", the day of trial, he located me in the parking garage across fromthe courthouse. He yelled at me and screamed in my window, refusing to leave mycar and trying to prevent me from going forward with the divorce. | couldn’t leave mycar or communicate completely with my attorney. He threatened to send incriminatingphotos to my new employer and post them on Facebook. When Conroe police arrived,they asked him to leave, and he did. On Wednesday, May 15", | went to an Astros game. He was waiting for me inthe cul de sac when | got home. He left when | arrived and drove to a parking lot withinviewing distance of our house and watched me. | know this because he called me at 11:00-11:30 p.m. asking why the patio light was on, who was at the house, and askingif anyone else was coming over. | turned off the lights and locked the house securely.| don’t know when he left. On Friday, May 17", after 10:00 p.m., when | refused to tell him where | was orsend him proof of my location, he loaded Grayson into his car and drove around TheWoodlands and Old Town Spring, threatening that if | was around someone he woulddisappear with Grayson. He threatened that if | didn’t dismiss the divorce, he wouldsend incriminating photographs to my new employer and again, threatened to killGareth. On Sunday, May 19", we met at a park to exchange Gray. He held my car dooropen yelling at me about Gareth while Grayson was in my lap. | asked him ten timesto get away from my car or I'd call the cops. He replied by saying he’d go to the house Samantha Lowman v. Michael Lowman Affidavit in Support of Application for Protective Order Page 2 of 4instead, which he did. | was headed to the house at the same time. He intentionallyblocked the driveway with his car, forcing me to drive over the curb to pull in. He calledme and threatened to call the cops as Grayson wasn’t in a car seat, and demanded(as he often did) that | do what he said, the “first step” of which was to remove Gareth,Gareth’s family, and any mutual friends of Gareth’s from being friends of mine onFacebook. On Monday, May 20", when | wasn’t there, he drove to the house to check ifI'd had anyone over. He took an extra key I’d hidden for the dog-watcher and left. Hetold me he’d check other locations to see where | was. I’ve had to avoid the houseand actively conceal my location given Mike’s recent behavior. On June 3", we appeared before the Court for our final trial. Mike did notappear. On June 6", he showed up at Grayson’s daycare when | was there to pick upGrayson. Initially not believing that the Court had entered an order for him to havesupervised possession, he took Grayson out of our car, only giving him back when herealized | was calling 9-1-1. The Court signed our divorce decree on June 17". Ever since then, Mike hasbeen relentless in asking me to execute a written statement saying that | don’t wanthis visits to be supervised. He won't use the court-ordered parenting application, andso far, he is adamant that he won't exercise supervised visits for Grayson. On June 21*, | met with my friend Lauren at Sawyer Park Icehouse after work.Somehow, Mike learned that | was there and showed up within ten minutes of myarrival. We left immediately to avoid him, but Mike pursued me to confront me aboutchanging our divorce decree. | asked him to leave me alone and left. After | left, he texted me asking why I’d been in downtown Houston onWednesday the 18"". He told me he knows people everywhere and will always knowwhere | am with his son. Later, | met with Gareth Nock, who drove me to pick up Grayson from daycare.On the way from the daycare to my house, we passed Mike, who had seemingly justleft the house. Given that | have the exclusive right to occupy the house until it is sold,he had no business being there other than to watch me and harass me. Seeing us, he immediately turned around and followed me to the house. Whenwe stopped, Mike got out of his car and approached the driver's side of the vehicle.Grayson was in the back seat at the time. Gareth opened the door and got out of thecar. In response, Mike shoved Gareth, who shoved him back. | called the police. Mikescreamed at Gareth to “stay the f*ck away from [his] son,” and left. For a moment,Grayson seemed shocked and startled, but once the shock wore off, he cried. Samantha Lowman v. Michael Lowman Affidavit in Support of Application for Protective Order Page 3 of 4In the hours that followed, Mike texted Gareth repeatedly with obscenities. Heposted about both of us on social media repeatedly, referring to me as a “stupidcheating slu*t,” a “cheating whor*,” and defaming Gareth and his business. For months, Mike has threatened to kill Gareth and acted threateningly towardme. He is becoming increasingly confrontational and has now escalated his behaviorto putting his hands on Gareth. His behavior seems to be having a serious emotionalimpact on Grayson, as well. Instead of seeing his father during periods of possessionGrayson’s recent experiences with Mike have all been Mike exploding at people (oftenme) in fits of rage, then disappearing. Grayson now experiences more intenseseparation anxiety and is attached to me at all times. Given that Mike’s behavior is escalating, | ask the Court to enter a protectiveorder prohibiting his behaviors. VERIFICATIONSamantha Lowman appeared before me today and stated under oath “My name is Samantha Lowman, | am above the age of eighteen years, and |am competent to make this affidavit. | am familiar with the facts stated within thisaffidavit, and they are true and correct.” Namnatha yuma sa mantha Lowman [Printed] WV S Im: antha Lowmah [Signed] the. 4 Subscribed and sworn to before me, the undersigned on this the Alday of UML 2024 i i Mitty, Notary Public, Fj ate of Texas Aden Sy yer “, ever ly 2pRY BG, 4a Bore %, Ste 2381! “np 01-10.9-29"Le “AU yyy Samantha Lowman v. Michael Lowman Affidavit in Support of Application for Protective Order Page 4 of 4Received and Filed for Record August 15, 2023 4:06 pm Melisa Miller, District Clerk Montgomery County, Texas NO. 23-08-11350 SAMANTHA LOWMAN IN THE DISTRICT COURT VS 410TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT MICHAEL LOWMAN MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS ORDER DENYING APPLICATION FOR A PROTECTIVE ORDER On August 15, 2023, the Court heard this case. Applicant, SAMANTHA LOWMAN, appeared by and through her attorney of record,Katherine Bihm, and announced ready. Respondent, MICHAEL LOWMAN, appeared by and through his attorney of record,Bruce Buskirk, and announced ready. A record was made by Yoranda Said, CSR, for the 410" District Court. The Court, after considering the Application for a Protective Order filed by SAMANTHALOWMAN, the application should be DENIED. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the Application for a Protective Order filed bySAMANTHA LOWMAN against MICHAEL LOWMAN, IS DENIED. 8/15/2023 4:18:02 PM SIGNED on pr JUDGE PRESIDING ASSOCIATE JUDGE 410™ DISTRICT COURT Minute 15th of August, 2023Received and E-Filed for Record 6/17/2024 8:29 AM Melisa Miller, District Clerk Montgomery County, Texas Deputy Clerk, Jordan FloresNOTICE: THIS DOCUMENTCONTAINS SENSITIVE DATA NO. 23-07-10524IN THE MATTER OF IN THE DISTRICT COURTTHE MARRIAGE OFSAMANTHA LOWMANAND 41074 JUDICIAL DISTRICTMICHAEL LOWMANAND IN THE INTEREST OFGRAYSON LOWMAN, A CHILD § MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS DEFAULT FINAL DECREE OF DIVORCE On June 3, 2024, the Court heard this case.Appearances Petitioner, SAMANTHA LOWMAN appeared in person and throughattorneys of record, Katherine Bihm and Andrew Gastler and announced ready. Respondent, MICHAEL LOWMAN, although duly and properly cited, andhaving made appearances in this case, did not appear and wholly made default.Record The record of testimony was duly reported by the associate court reporterfor the 410th Judicial District Court.Jurisdiction and Domicile The Court finds that the pleadings of Petitioner are in due form and contain No. 23-07-10524 In the Matter of the Marriage of Samantha Lowman and Michael Lowman And in the Interest of Grayson Lowman, a Child Default Final Decree of Divorce Raaeitect 43 20th of June, 2024all the allegations, information, and prerequisites required by law. The Court,after receiving evidence, finds that it has jurisdiction of this case and of all theparties and that at least sixty days have elapsed since the date the suit was filed. The Court further finds that, at the time this suit was filed, Petitioner hadbeen a domiciliary of Texas for the preceding six-month period and a resident ofthe county in which this suit was filed for the preceding ninety-day period. Allpersons entitled to citation were properly cited.Jury A jury was waived, and questions of fact and of law were submitted to theCourt.Divorce The Court finds that Petitioner and Respondent were married on April 27,2019. IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that SAMANTHA LOWMAN, Petitioner,is granted a divorce from MICHAEL LOWMAN, Respondent, and the marriagebetween them is dissolved on the grounds of both cruelty and insupportability.Child of the Marriage The Court finds that Petitioner and Respondent are the parents of thefollowing child: No. 23-07-10524 In the Matter of the Marriage of Samantha Lowman and Michael Lowman And in the Interest of Grayson Lowman, a Child Default Final Decree of Divorce WRaemof 43 20th of June, 2024Name: GRAYSON LOWMAN Sex: Male Birth date: XX/XX/2021 Home state: Texas S.S.N.: XXX-XX-X116 D.L. No.: N/A The Court finds no other children of the marriage are expected.Parenting Plan The Court finds that the provisions in this decree relating to the rights andduties of the parties with relation to the child, possession of and access to thechild, child support, and optimizing the development of a close and continuingrelationship between each party and the child constitute the parenting planestablished by the Court.Conservatorship The Court, having considered the circ*mstances of the parents and of thechild, finds that the following orders are in the best interest of the child. The Court finds that it is not in the best interest of the child that the partiesbe appointed joint managing conservators. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED thatSAMANTHA LOWMAN is appointed Sole Managing Conservator and MICHAELLOWMAN is appointed Possessory Conservator of GRAYSON LOWMAN. IT IS ORDERED that, at all times, SAMANTHA LOWMAN, as a parentsole managing conservator, shall have the following rights: 1 the right to receive information from any other conservator of the child concerning the health, education, and welfare of the child; No. 23-07-10524 In the Matter of the Marriage of Samantha Lowman and Michael Lowman And in the Interest of Grayson Lowman, a Child Default Final Decree of Divorce WRaemof 43 20th of June, 2024the right to confer with the other parent to the extent possible before making a decision concerning the health, education, and welfare of the child; the right of access to medical, dental, psychological, and educational records of the child; the right to consult with a physician, dentist, or psychologist of the child; the right to consult with school officials concerning the child's welfare and educational status, including school activities; the right to attend school activities, including school lunches, performances, and field trips; the right to be designated on the child's records as a person to be notified in case of an emergency; the right to consent to medical, dental, and surgical treatment during an emergency involving an immediate danger to the health and safety of the child; and the right to manage the estate of the child to the extent the estate has been created by the parent's family or by the parent, other than by the community or joint property of the parent. IT IS ORDERED that, at all times, MICHAEL LOWMAN, as a parentpossessory conservator, shall have the following rights: 4 the right to receive information from any other conservator of the child concerning the health, education, and welfare of the child; the right to confer with the other parent to the extent possible before making a decision concerning the health, education, and welfare of the child; the right of access to medical, dental, psychological, and educational records of the child; No. 23-07-10524 In the Matter of the Marriage of Samantha Lowman and Michael Lowman And in the Interest of Grayson Lowman, a Child Default Final Decree of Divorce WRaeteof 43 20th of June, 2024the right to consult with a physician, dentist, or psychologist of the child; the right to consult with school officials concerning the child's welfare and educational status, including school activities; the right to be designated on the child's records as a person to be notified in case of an emergency; the right to consent to medical, dental, and surgical treatment during an emergency involving an immediate danger to the health and safety of the child; and the right to manage the estate of the child to the extent the estate has been created by the parent's family or by the parent, other than by the community or joint property of the parent. IT IS ORDERED that, at all times, SAMANTHA LOWMAN, as a parentsole managing conservator and MICHAEL LOWMAN, as parent possessoryconservator shall have the following duties: 1 the duty to inform the other conservator of the child in a timely manner of significant information concerning the health, education, and welfare of the child; the duty to inform the other conservator of the child if the conservator resides with for at least thirty days, marries, or intends to marry a person who the conservator knows is registered as a sex offender under chapter 62 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure or is currently charged with an offense for which on conviction the person would be required to register under that chapter. IT IS ORDERED that notice of this information shall be provided to the other conservator of the child as soon as practicable, but not later than the fortieth day after the date the conservator of the child begins to reside with the person or on the tenth day after the date the marriage occurs, as appropriate. IT |S ORDERED that the notice must include a description of the offense that is the basis of the person's requirement to register as a sex offender or of the offense with which the person is charged. WARNING: A CONSERVATOR No. 23-07-10524 In the Matter of the Marriage of Samantha Lowman and Michael Lowman And in the Interest of Grayson Lowman, a Child Default Final Decree of Divorce WRaeof 43 20th of June, 2024COMMITS AN OFFENSE PUNISHABLE AS A CLASS C MISDEMEANOR IF THE CONSERVATOR FAILS TO PROVIDE THIS NOTICE; the duty to inform the other conservator of the child if the conservator establishes a residence with a person who the conservator knows is the subject of a final protective order sought by an individual other than the conservator that is in effect on the date the residence with the person is established. IT IS ORDERED that notice of this information shall be provided to the other conservator of the child as soon as practicable, but not later than the thirtieth day after the date the conservator establishes residence with the person who is the subject of the final protective order. WARNING: A CONSERVATOR COMMITS AN OFFENSE PUNISHABLE AS A CLASS C MISDEMEANOR IF THE CONSERVATOR FAILS TO PROVIDE THIS NOTICE; the duty to inform the other conservator of the child if the conservator resides with, or allows unsupervised access to a child by, a person who is the subject of a final protective order sought by the conservator after the expiration of the sixty-day period following the date the final protective order is issued. IT IS ORDERED that notice of this information shall be provided to the other conservator of the child as soon as practicable, but not later than the ninetieth day after the date the final protective order was issued. WARNING: A CONSERVATOR COMMITS AN OFFENSE PUNISHABLE AS A CLASS C MISDEMEANOR IF THE CONSERVATOR FAILS TO PROVIDE THIS NOTICE; and the duty to inform the other conservator of the child if the conservator is the subject of a final protective order issued after the date of the order establishing conservatorship. IT IS ORDERED that notice of this information shall be provided to the other conservator of the child as soon as practicable, but not later than the thirtieth day after the date the final protective order was issued. WARNING: A CONSERVATOR COMMITS AN OFFENSE PUNISHABLE AS A CLASS C MISDEMEANOR IF THE CONSERVATOR FAILS TO PROVIDE THIS NOTICE.IT IS ORDERED that, during their respective periods of possession, No. 23-07-10524 In the Matter of the Marriage of Samantha Lowman and Michael Lowman And in the Interest of Grayson Lowman, a Child Default Final Decree of Divorce WRaemof 43 20th of June, 2024SAMANTHA LOWMAN, as parent sole managing conservator, and MICHAELLOWMAN, as parent possessory conservator shall have the following rights andduties: 1 the duty of care, control, protection, and reasonable discipline of the child; the duty to support the child, including providing the child with clothing, food, shelter, and medical and dental care not involving an invasive procedure; the right to consent for the child to medical and dental care not involving an invasive procedure; and 4 the right to direct the moral and religious training of the child. IT IS ORDERED that SAMANTHA LOWMAN, as parent sole managingconservator, shall have the following exclusive rights and duty: 1 the right to designate the primary residence of the child within Montgomery County, Texas and counties contiguous to Montgomery County, Texas; the right to consent to medical, dental, and surgical treatment involving invasive procedures; the right to consent to psychiatric and psychological treatment of the child; the right to receive and give receipt for periodic payments for the support of the child and to hold or disburse these funds for the benefit of the child; the right to represent the child in legal action and to make other decisions of substantial legal significance concerning the child; the right to consent to marriage and to enlistment in the armed forces of the United States; No. 23-07-10524 In the Matter of the Marriage of Samantha Lowman and Michael Lowman And in the Interest of Grayson Lowman, a Child Default Final Decree of Divorce WRaemeof 43 20th of June, 2024the right to make decisions concerning the child's education; except as provided by section 264.0111 of the Texas Family Code, the right to the services and earnings of the child; except when a guardian of the child's estate or a guardian or attorney ad litem has been appointed for the child, the right to act as an agent of the child in relation to the child's estate if the child's action is required by a state, the United States, or a foreign government; 10 the right to apply for a passport for the child, to renew the child's passport, and to maintain possession of the child's passport; and 11 the duty to manage the estate of the child to the extent the estate has been created by the community or joint property of the parent. The Court finds that, in accordance with section 153.001 of the TexasFamily Code, it is the public policy of Texas to assure that children will havefrequent and continuing contact with parents who have shown the ability to act inthe best interest of the child; to provide a safe, stable, and nonviolentenvironment for the child; and to encourage parents to share in the rights andduties of raising their child after the parents have separated or dissolved theirmarriage. IT IS ORDERED that the primary residence of the child shall be withinMontgomery County, Texas and counties contiguous to Montgomery County,Texas, and the parties shall not remove the child from Montgomery County,Texas and counties contiguous to Montgomery County, Texas for the purpose ofchanging the primary residence of the child until this geographic restriction ismodified by further order of the court of continuing jurisdiction or by a written No. 23-07-10524 In the Matter of the Marriage of Samantha Lowman and Michael Lowman And in the Interest of Grayson Lowman, a Child Default Final Decree of Divorce WRaemof 43 20th of June, 2024agreement that is signed by the parties and filed with that court. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this geographic restriction on theresidence of the child shall be lifted if, at the time SAMANTHA LOWMAN wishesto remove the child from Montgomery County, Texas and counties contiguous toMontgomery County, Texas for the purpose of changing the primary residence ofthe child, MICHAEL LOWMAN does not reside in Montgomery County, Texasand counties contiguous to Montgomery County, Texas. If a party applies for a passport for the child, that party is ORDERED tonotify the other party of that fact no later than 10 days after the application.Possession and Access The Court finds that the following orders for possession and access are inthe best interest of the child. 1 Possession Order The Court finds that awarding MICHAEL LOWMAN a Standard Possession Order would not be in the best interest of the child. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that MICHAEL LOWMAN shall have supervised possession at Access Builds Children, Inc. (“ABC”) on the 15, 3°¢, and 5" Saturday of each month from 8:00 a.m. until noon. Such periods of possession shall occur at ABC’s facility located at 301 North Thompson Street Suite 215, Conroe, Texas 77301, and shall be supervised by and in the presence of ABC. MICHAEL LOWMAN is ORDERED to pay 100% of No. 23-07-10524 In the Matter of the Marriage of Samantha Lowman and Michael Lowman And in the Interest of Grayson Lowman, a Child Default Final Decree of Divorce Raat 43 20th of June, 2024the costs of his visits at ABC. IT IS ORDERED that each party shall register with A

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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.