Dunkirk Evening Observer from Dunkirk, New York (2024)

i i vacant a tar, New Pastor Presbyterian Church Placed in Charge by Buffalo Presbytery. Her. Chirks 11. I)aton. If came to Krtdonla IKrrm.

formally Infill' at paVor of I'" "a I'rrabyttrtan church. good ilji-d 1 1 la Geraniums Our Specialty 25,000 15 Different Colon to Chooie From. Also will fiii your porch bozei, beds and rues. i Aster, (different Snapdragons, Salvea, Caecage nnd Tomato phntr plants. au-jmr FAKK cxcLWOUfrs I' 1 I A FLOIfERPHOttB i TtMPLE STB Van but recently retired ai putor of the Fredonla church caie the charge the congregation.

In bla addren. he l.ilj a blgb compliment to Un tupport be hal recelred from the congregation wbllo paitor at Fredonla and urged the people to gl'e the tame whole hearted lupport to their new leader. Her. D. IL Jotei.

paalor of the Dun kirk rreabyterlan churc'. and Her Owen E. paitor of the Fre- Ilaptlat church alio took part In the terrlce the former glilng the clidlnr mtmturi ot the church tad frltnda from other local chnrcbei. Serrrat clirgymen from out of town look Hrt la tier. A.

(latei of Iluffalo, moderator of the Daffalo preibytery, preildtd Tbt lutallatloa teimon waa preached by Her. Evan M. Jonet of UHor theme wu bated on the leit 'Watn the Boa of Man romtth. will He nnd tbe faith oa earthT The charge to the paitor wat de- llrered by Rer. Krne.t K.

Eelle of Or- hard I'ark. Three yean ago wbes Ktlla waa InitallM ai pallor Oicbard Park, the charge to the waa delliered by Mr. Dayton. Itof. Walter A.

Henrlckt A I'enn LEGION'S CELEBRATION IN FREDOHIA ON SECOND DAY OF WEEK'S PROGRAM Bigger Crowds at Tuesday's Races (or Fourth of July. Tbt American Keglon celebration it FredoDla enjoyed a much larger at lit tecond nlght't performance, and glvi-t protnUe ot attracting- Increat Ing attenilance at week crows older. Tbe cvfnlng't. program wat similar to that of Monday, night, Includlnc the big alnttrel thow with a large cait of children. No enterUfnmenl of thlt nature L.

complet. without a strong WIlMarn J.POLICE;. ARE AFTER SPEEDERS Driver From' New'Ybrk Among Tuesday's Crist of Fast Drivers. nmlllo Oracla of New tort Fllltlno, waa, aneited bf--OBcer Thornpton In Fredonla.Tuesday eve- Bins (or driving through Frednnla at a tperd of forty mlltt an hour. He pleaded before Judge 0.

Monroe to a charge of violating the Tillage ipeed ordinance and wat Used five, dollars. John Duke, colored, of Cleveland Tuesday atternoon br fof too much speed liifthe bislneii uctlM with' a a man. In tbU, I. Utl, i I a youn-. southerner Mora down In u- Unar jrounic Alabama.

clrea eiblbltloni nf bli prowett that Includg bendlnc Inch Iron ban In teetb. permit- tin I a man to break a ZOO pound rock on bli (Sampion'i) cheit with a aetcntetn-poond maul, anil other feala of alrenntb. On the Fourtb of July there will be Initallallon prayer and Mr. Itutledcc program of tportt. the feature of rcaJla- the icrlpture lesion.

Her. Mr. Daytcn. the new paitor pro-hay the benediction. Hpcclal muile for the tcrvlce Included a topram solo by Carl Frant- and a da-t by Mn.

Frantwn and Mn. Araoi Hall. Mill Foster at the orcaa. Folluwlni the icnlcc. the yauns pcojili held conference with Her.

Mr. and a repieientatlie of the Sooth Preihjtrrlan church of DuCalo retard- Ing a mmmer conference to bj btld at WelU Aurora. I'lani were partially marie to i to tend a rfpr-ientallve to tbo confer- I i llay I DRAFT HENS Leningrad. June flock of hem liai bcrn provided to lay egjt in that the chimpanzees broucbt from Alrlra by (he Koi let corernmrnt for the "monkey farm" In the may feel at borne. In their habitat tihlmpanieea ileal anl tuck erc.

--If you want the newi the day It newt, jeu ibould read the OB- SEUVEIL SEASONABLE CUT FLOWERS EDW.N. BUTTONS SON 96-98 E. Main Street Fredonia, N. Y. Pbont 160 will be the Legloo't annual re- menage rcce for Hoy Scout Tbli event calls for a team of actfn boyt, all of whom mas' be bonad.le members.ot tbmt troop In Northern Cbautauioa cobnty.

The etf nt cotnlita of four 100 yard daihet and the ilgnalllna; of a mcamce by semaphore. No. 1 la the team car- rlet a tealed raetaage to No. 2. who runt with It to No.

I. No. I. readt It to No. 4 who tlgnala It to No.

K. No. 6 readt the metaage received to No. 6 who runt with It to No. 7.

The latter finish)t the race by carrying It to the flntih line. The race It tcheiiuled for 1 P- m. on July 4. The cup It now held by Troop 2. Frednnla.

Whin tbe tame troop hat won It three tlmet It be- oorcet their permanent potitaalon. A TUESDAY OF MRS. SARAH A. A The funeral of llrt. Sarah A.

Purnham wai held Tuetday noon at the residence 4) Eacle ttrcet. Fredonla. Her. Owen E. Itutledge.

paitor of Fredonla Haptlit church, officiating. Mrs. rtrnnson tans "Hoik of Ages" and With Me." The bearert were Walter 3. Bura- him, Allen n. Jackion.

Dr. II. H. Johnson and Frederick H. Jackion.

Those attending from Awar In- clud(v the following: Mr. and Alei Hood. Mr. and Krneit Irrln. Mr.

aad Mrs. Frank Chase, Mr. and Mn. Beryl Chase. Mr.

and Mrs. Walter S. Uarnham. Dr. and Mrs.

H. H. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. II.

H. Johnson. Mr and Mn. Earl Pcnhollow, Slnclalrrllle: Mr. ud Mrs.

William Dnrnpnt. Robert Butcher Mrs. Frank Becker, Mrs. Cbarlri'IIaai and Mn. Hash Hall.

Caaftidaca; Allen E. Jackson. Welt- wood. N. J.

The burial wa In Burnham cemetery. fined five dolliri bjr Judre Monroe. FREDONIA PERSONALS Jlrs. H.J. Pasehke of th- Wett Malfl road It reported orlllcaUr IU.

Trinity Parlih mild of FredoaU gave a tuccei.ful roast beef tnpper Turiday evening In the parlih Mrs. Raymond Tutor bf Fredonla, Chautauqua countf chairman of the American Legion Auilllarr attended the mldiummer conference ot the Sth dlltrlct at the Hotel Sutler, Uu3alo. Tuesdar. HUt Uarjr Cranktoa, dean of women at the Normal echool and Ulit Anna of Fredonla Thursday for New York shere thu former wllffltuilr In Columbia Unlrerslur durlng the- summer session. Mill Uaude M.

Davis. former member of the Fredonla Normal scfiool facultr now a teacher at Omen port. L. who hat been a guest lor a tew dart at the home ot Miss Lora Mead. Daj'itrc-t.

Fredonla. left this morning for Seattle. where she will spend the tummer with friends. Miss Edna Fuller, of Maple avenue entertained a few friends at tea tor Illss Davit Tuesday afternoon. Htniseltr-Lehntn Mr.

and Mrs. N'lcholas Lehnen ot Fred-mla announce marriage of their daughter, Monica Evelyn to Karl Hfnucler ot In Uuffalo Saturday Jane 25. airs. Heniieler Is a niece ot Judge Anthony Johnton and hat a large circle of frlendt In Dunkirk and VteJonla. Mr.

and Mrt. Heniieler will Midst Gardenvllle. Dyckes-Haywsrd Tbe marriage ot Mill Dorothy Hayward, daughter of Claude Hayward. Fredonla and Joseph Dyckes of Miami. Kir.

took place Monday morn Ing at nine o'clock In SL Joseph's rectory, the ceremony performed by llev. Walter Gonter. bride was attendel by Ruth Wlllson ot Fredonla nnd the bridegroom by hit brother. Stanley Dycket ot Miami. After a short wedding trip to Chicago and Detroit, Mr.

and Mrs, Dycket 111 tako np their residence In Fre- donla. Third Day of Redpath went Drew Three Big encet--Musical Comedy Tonight The 192' Chautanp.ua has a uimpleta tuccets. Judging by crowda wb'ch have attended the per-! formanccs In the tent on Central avenue during the flrtt three dtyt of tat' week. Thursday and Friday will tlote the engagement here. On Tuesday anl today three pro- gramt were scheduled, and many of Jit patrons attended all ot them.

Thi week. Hoyal Dadmna. baritone, wu atsltted by Emllle toie Knoz and Barbel, violinist and planlsL Ur. Dadaut. has a rich, Bezlble voice and easy ttage presence, and was a great favorite.

He tang a gronp ot Haitian tongt, Includlnc "Moatsort- "Sons ot the Flea," aad English, Irish, Scotch, and Negro folk songs. In the evening. Dr. llay Petty, Baptist paitor of Orace Ttmpla la PhiladelphL-. was tbo hit lubject being "New Thinking for a Day" An enthailattlc speaker.

Inspired bis audience with a tboathtfnl talk on problems of the day." Paul Clement' Marloneltet lalned a crowd ot children and growa- ups this mornlag. Mr. Clement has been la Dunkirk before, and his eater- one. Ills "Hansel and OreteL" Tonight a Ilcdpath company will present the -omlc opera, "Tte Fortune Thlt to be one of the mott popular events, as many eicrved seats have sold. Thursday's program Includes a lecture In the afternoon by Theodore F.

Graham, ani a program by Charles RoitTatgart, the famons others. --OBSERVER advertising pays. Performance, Comfort and Luxury TN THE Waiter P. Chrysler has upset all Ideas JL of the quality and value that can be purchased in a motor cat priced at $750. Full-sized comfort with ample seating capacity for adult passengers; Speed of SO and more miles an hour with a smoothness never before known at such price; Pick-up of 3 to 25 miles in 8 seconds; Economy of 25 miles to the gallon; Distinctive and enduring beauty which makes you proud to own and drive it; And with these--through the great Chrysler plin of ized Quality--dependability and long life assured by the same finest engineering design and precision manufacturing which have produced the Chrysler '70" and i.

lnJiltr (itlll rmmUi S'Jff ISio; 1 Ditrtll, tt odw AflChrr- tltf cmn Van tbl tdJJ- Yoa cwc to youiKlf to ride In die Not a perfunctory demonstration, but we are eager to give you the opportunity for a not test, you to select the route and do tbe driving, if you wish. Then and only then will yon appreciate that nowhere else at $750 on you obtain the same performance, luxury and fort you get in the Chrysler RYSLER WATROUS ft BARNES, concert oa the ipectal Tnesdsjr afternoon musical erent of the' talnment It a deUghtfnl puppets enacted the ttory Beach $11.95 DeForest Straight Fredonia, N. 35 W. Main Street Pair of Lawyers Have 127 1 Experience IOTI--Two ased lawyen here, one nlacty-flre' and tbe other elgbty-ont, count combined rfcord ot 127 years of legal practice and cballeoge ony. community to produce a pair to equal them.

It T. McCoBa, the elder of the pair, In his seventy-first year of continuous practice. Bom In Kentucky In 1532, he was admitted to tbe Mr In Indiana after he had fought In the Ueilcan nar. He camo here In 1S37. J.

P. Fllfk, the yonnger of the has practiced lair since 1STO. He It a ClTll war veteran and has served two terms In congress, one tern In the Iowa legislature and as federal attorney under Present nurrrT-M. McCoua has lessened his activity la recent years, but still counts his clients by the score. lie specializes In criminal law.

--It yoa lose anything let OBSEHVEB help yon find It the Say It With Flowers For the graduate we bare everything in flow. en including Basket, Bonqnets, or Loose. Our experience as- inrei you of same being cirried ont to your wishes Jut tell tu when and they will be there. Tloweti by mail messenger or'telegnph. SCHWAN'S 66 E.

FOTJBTH BTBEET Phone 3768 T. 0. Greenhouses, Frcdonia, neat IUW THE WHITE INN FREDONIA, N. Y. The Murray Hiflf Westfield, N.

Y. FISH, FROGS LEGS, CHICKEN AND LOBSTER DINNERS, OVER THE WEEK-END i i i i i i i i i i i i I x- BUILDING Sports Wear New Suits Kasha with Contrasting Collars and Cuffs TWO-PIECE SUITS Coats In Yellow, Lanvin Green, Powder Blue, White Skirts SI 0.98 SPECIAL Huckleberry Jerry Ontfiu, Fancy Treave tops, crept de cbice $538 READ THE OBSERVER ADYTR7.S£i.iK:.75 and vriinfc about them with In irhir! iit.j there to scrr: ton. Central Avenue I A A Farnisb ronr brtakbtt room terra in Urtikfut Rooc SeU. 'rbiy th-r finjieJ 21 laoibi: ra: scat art of grty, with blue. R.t«a 'I-AV Fonr rrbabi lo raitck eatk tet.

stable but cst trantvr. Priced at rwv.asMt xt. $27.50, $29.70, $38.50, $46.00 per Set TERWILLIGER 4 SALZER 37 W. Main St. Fornirnr.

tiA UiuierUklntt i 11 i i i 11., 11.

Dunkirk Evening Observer from Dunkirk, New York (2024)
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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.