Note:Characters from the DC Comics Universe remain the property of DCComics. Publishing Rights of DC Comics Characters remain with DCComics. These works fall under the classification of Fanfiction. Thegeneral conventions of online fanfiction is that it appears to besocietally acceptable to publish fanfiction works online, in a notfor profit scenario. Conventions can gradually become law. The mainthing to consider in relation to fanfiction is whether it is an abuseof the creators rights, and whether it is an abuse of theirproperties credibility and reputation. On fanfiction.net a number ofauthors have stated their intention to not allow fanfiction of theirworks, and this is shown in a list on the website, and the websitethus does not allow fanfiction work on their site of works based onthose authors. The impression is that it is up to the actual authorand creative workers and copyright and trademark owners of theproperty to decide for themselves whether they will allow fanfictionor not. This appears to be their legal right to decided. J K Rowlinghas given approval for fanfiction. J R R Tolkien while he was livingalso approved of the idea. From personal conversations, Piers Anthonyis not keen on the idea. It would naturally vary from author toauthor. On fanfiction.net there is a plethora of DC Comicsfanfiction, so it appears DC give approval to some degree offanfiction of their properties.
DCVs Marvel
TheBooster Crew: The Empire of Nippon
Detailson the Blue Beetle Corps
TheBlue Beetle Corps
Manof Steel: An Apokoliptic Sense of Humour
Detailson Lobo-Bots
JusticeLeague: The Coming of Greta – Movie Plot
Batwoman– Movie Plot
BatmanVs Ghostmaker (Movie Series) – Movie Plots
Reachfor the Stars: Crisis in Space
DCVs Marvel
MarvelVs DC - The Motion Picture
>Opening Scene
> Space. The camera zooms in on the 'SplitInfinity' space diner in outer space. There are space bikes parkedout the front. Thanos is at the bar and orders drinks. He returns tohis seat and passes his buddy a dirnk. He says 'How about a wager?'
>The scene shows lobo walking past at the back of the bar and gnortchashing after him saying 'Mr Lobo' etc
> Darkseid says 'Theterms of the wager?' to Thanos.
> Thanos says 'When worldscollide, there are always winners and losers. I use my powers andmanipulate the heroes from my half of infinity to pit them againstthe heroes from your half of infinity.'
> 'And whoever wins?'replies Darkseid.
> 'Takes the spoils,' replies Thanos.
>'Mmmm,' says Darkseid, stroking his chin
> The nextscene starts with 'Life loves a tragedy' by Poison playing and TonyStark, drunk, in a gutter, broke and depressed. He struggles to situp and wanders along the street to a park and sits on the grasslooking at the setting sun. Lifting a bottle of grog to his mouth,looking at the sun, he says 'I gotta sort this shit out.'
>Lobo is hired by Thanos and Darkseid to do the dirty work. Loboconvinces the heroes of Marvel U and DC U that there is a threat froman alternate universe and they must rally their resources to fightthis power. Lobo tells the Marvel Heroes that Thaons is worried aboutthe opposing universe which could destroy this one and tells the DCheroes that Darkseid as the same concerns. Tony Stark is the firstone tempted with an offer from Lobo for finances to get him out ofhis shitty situation. Tony asks Lobo where he is from and Lobo says'Out there'. Tony says 'Your frikking blue dude' and Lobo says 'Wayout there.' Lobo deceives the heroes and the Marvel heroes are takento Thanos homeworld were they are branded on the arm and trained totake on the threat. The DC heroes are taken to Apokolips and likewisebranded with the same brand to take on the threat also. Later on whenBlack Widow and Black Canary are fighting they see each other'sbrand, after the heroes thinking they have to fight for theiruniverses survival, and work out they have been played agianst eachother. The song 'Confident' by Demi Lovato is playing, and the videofor that song is a core idea for the movie.
BlueBeetle & Booster Gold were not taken to Apokolips deemed not tooheavy a hitter to have to be worried about. Blue Beetle has developeda gigantic 'Diamond Press' in a large Kord Industries laboratory werehe has produced 'Diamond Blades', which he attaches to a Battle Suitmade of reflective material which resists and thrusts back attacksfrom weapons. On the left arm he has a shield which is developed nowfor hand to hand combat and on the right arm he wears thebattle-blade attack weapon, which has the diamond blades and histraditional air gun built into it. Booster Gold already has atraditional battle armour suit. Wearing these suits they infiltrateApokolips, confront the Wolverine and manage to knock him out, andlater Wolverine is chained to a bench, and Superman, who has been notpart of the combat, deeming it beneath his concerns, addresses him.Blue Beetle says 'No hard feelings', as Superman explains toWolverine, as he has learned from Black Widow and Black Canary, thatthe heroes have simply been played against each other. Wolverine isreleased, and agrees to work with Superman and the heroes to combatApokolips and Thanos.
TheBooster Crew: The Empire of Nippon Chapter One
'Don't let it get to yourhead,' replied Booster Gold. 'He can be excitable,' saidGoldstar. 'Runs in the males of the family.' 'Pass me a beer,'said Booster Red. 'That runs in the family also,' saidGoldstar. 'Booster!' said Skeets. 'Yes,' repliedBooster Red and Booster Gold in unison. 'There are 3 menapproaching, armed with swords. They are Japanese inappearance.' Booster Gold looked up and saw the three men.They were dressed in modernistic Samurai outfits. 'BoosterGold San,' said one of them. 'You have information we require.Information of the 25th century. We are willing to pay much cash forsuch information.' 'Business is good. Timeline concerns meansI don't discuss futurology,' replied Booster Gold. 'That is �"unfortunate,' replied the Samurai. 'We will need to persuade youthen.' The three samurai took out their swords and pointedthem at the three heroes. The ensuing melee was a whistle and danceof action and mayhem, which resulted in the three samurais lyingunconscious on the ground on the shore of the ocean, where theBooster Crew had been enjoying their twilight party. 'What dowe do with them?' asked Booster Red, sensitively touching the freshcut to his cheek. 'We call the police,' replied Booster Gold.'Skeets. Notify the New Jersey Police Department. We have three menguilty of aggravated assault, and yes, we will be pressingcharges.' 'Certainly, Booster,' replied Skeets. TheBooster Crew waited till the NJPD had arrived, then the men werehandcuffed and taken into custody. 'We will need thatinformation,' said the Samurai again. 'If you will not divulge it,drastic measures must be taken. We will pay you one billion Americandollars for certain core details about the society.' 'Take emaway, officers,' said Booster Gold. They got back to theirparty, and Goldstar finally spoke. 'You know, one billion is a lot ofcash. I'd be tempted. I am tempted.' Booster looked at her.'Timeline issues always cause problems. It's hell resolving them. Ifwe divulged too much information the space-time continuum would alterdrastically. Things could change, and in ways we wouldn't like. It'stoo risky sis.' 'Yeh,' said Booster Red. 'It's too risky.' Butthere was no sincerity in his words.
'Rockingin New Jersey,' said Booster Red.
'You'regetting fat Batman,' said Robin. * * * * *
'There are always critics,'replied the Batman.
'When are we fighting crime. It's beenyears.'
Bruce Wayne looked at his newspaper. 'Crime isfinished in Gotham City. The turmoil of Two Face and theRavages of the Riddler have spent their strength, and the Penguin andCatwoman dare not raise their head. Gotham has been conqueredby the power of the Bat.'
'You're getting fat,' said Robin.
'Ithought it was Nightwing,' said Bruce.
'It is,' replied DickGrayson. 'Somebody has to keep Bludhaven in check, and youwould rather read sport headlines than do any heroics thesedays.'
'I'm - out of action. Enjoying retirement,' saidBatman.
'I thought heroes go on forever,' replied Batman. 'TheDark Knight has to return eventually. Gotham will need you oneday.'
'It would take the Vengeance of Bane to move me, Robin. Itwould take the Vengeance of Bane.'
Dick shook his head, and sippedon his tea.
'Bane is not in business anymore. Gone intocontract work with the KGBeast in Bialya. They're nothreat.'
'I don't know,' said Bruce, looking cautiously at Robin.'I've been monitoring them. Times come and times go, andsometimes grudges last.'
'You're fat, Bruce. Get to thegym.'
Bruce sighed.
In lower Bialya BoosterGold was watching through the binoculars at the tank.
'It has thewhite flag raised,' said Ted Kord, the Blue Beetle.
'Not sure if Itrust that white flag,' said Booster.
'Hey, you,' said a voicebehind the two members of Justice League International.
Boosterand Beetle turned their heads.
'Not you again,' said Ted.
Banehad a rifle pointed at them, and the KGBeast was up the rise alittle, walking down to them.
'Da. They will make fittingsport. Batman likes these two clowns. Gotham will be funfor sure.'
'Our contract expires soon,' replied Bane. 'TheQueen has had her service, and we can get back to some oldbusiness.'
Booster didn't flinch, but it was Beetle who spoke.'Time's change, Bane. And things change as times change,but Justice never loses in the end. Don't expect for it to godown without a fight.'
Bane grabbed Blue Beetle by the neck, andbrought him close.
'It wouldn't be vengeance if it was any otherway,' he grinned, and punched the Beetle in the face, lights out.
'Wakeup sleepy head,' said a voice, and Ted Kord the Blue Beetle felt arush of water splash on his face. He opened his eyes, and reached forhis aching head.
'Don'tworry,' said Queen Bee of Bialya. 'Bane wasn't trying to hurt you –at least not permanently.
'Smallmercies,' said Beetle. 'Gosh, I'm hungry. Do you have MacDonalds inBialya? I could use a Big Mac.
'We'renot in Bialya. We are in the royal temple of Ashigaru Tanakewan. Inthe heart of the Empire of Nippon.'
'Neverheard of him,' replied Blue Beetle.
'Herose to Shogun, but made his fame from deeds as an Ashigaru warrior,'said Queen Bialya. 'And Bialya currently has dealings with the Empireof Nippon, the true heart of Japan.'
'Fascinating,'said Blue Beetle, looking around in the dingy room which looked likea dungeon. 'Why have you kept me alive?' he asked her. 'And where'sBooster?'
'Wehave need of you and your connection to Jamie Reyes,' said the Queen.'The Scarab is a powerful weapon, and in the war of power which iscoming in this galaxy, the winners will only triumph with power attheir disposal. Apokolips never plays games in the end, and Bialyadoes not intend to be on the back hand of the wrath of Darkseid. Yousee, it's all about a Scarab and the minerals which it was dug from.When it was found by the Reach. It's made of the same stuff as one ofthe gems or stones.'
Tedwiped at his eyes, and looked at the Queen. 'And what stones or gemsare they exactly?'
'Whythe millennial stones of course,' replied the Queen. 'What else?'
'Whatelse of course,' replied Ted Kord sarcastically.
'Isee you do not understand. Let me enlighten you,' said the Queen. 'Inthe beginning of things there was a void. And then the God of theCovenant fashioined things, and life was formed in the Universe. Yetthe God of the Covenant formed a son, who rebelled. Lucifer MorningStar. The angel Samael. There were other angels as well, many ofthem, some who rebelled, and some who did not. Apart from the angels,the Endless were fashioned as well as the Lords of Order and Chaos,and many other powers which fill the Infinite Universes of Creation.And from time to time Yahweh gets involved with things, and doescrazy and wonderful things in our world. And the Millennial stoneswere such things fashioned, Power Stones, to give us chase for gloryto exalt those with the will and wit to get on with life.'
'Evilreduced to getting on with life,' quipped Ted.
'Moralscan be very relative when it comes to power,' said the Queen.
'Saysevery supervillain who has ever lived,' replied Ted.
'Nowyour Jamie Reyes has good access to the Reach, who know where theminerals for the Scarab came from, and likely have intimate knowledgeon the location of the Power Stone, one which would quite wonderfullygive us powers just like your blessed young apprentice.'
'Isee,' said Ted.
'Boosteris in the other room. We have need of his knowledge also. Co-operate,you will be returned to him. I'm sure you'll see it our way in timeBlue Beetle.'
'Cheers,'said Blue Beetle, as Queen Bee left the dungeon with the armed guardwho had been with her, leaving Blue Beetle flabergasted and wonderingwhat his next course of action would be.
'We'llhave to rescue them of course,' said Michelle, sipping on a beer inGabriel Mathieu Carter's Booster Gold International sponsoredapartment.
'Why?'asked Booster Red. 'I'm inclined to negotiate with the Queen andpersuade Jamie to give them the information they are after. The cashseems worthwhile to me.'
'Youwere always the soulless one,' replied Michelle. 'I remember when wewere young. You would cheat at Monopoly and always be the banker.Conveniently.'
'Gottamake the cash some way,' replied Gabriel. 'Besides, they don't haveaccess to time travel to the 25thcentury. Itwouldn't be a problem. And who cares about Scarabs and things. Alwayssupervillains. We fight em. The government pays us to do that. We'dbe without a job if we didn't have em.'
'Youare despicable,' replied Michelle, and stormed off.
Gabrielemailed his reply to the queen and they arranged a meeting in Nippon.They flew on British Airways, and arrived at the temple, deep in theheart of north Japan.
'Idon't think I can help you much,' said Jamie to Queen Bee.'
'Thereis a struggle, both on Earth, and in this galaxy,' said one of theNippon warriors. 'The old Axis of powers is reviving to ensure we donot end up slaves of Apokolips and so on. It is in your bestinterests to support the Axis at this time.'
'Notsure,' said Jamie, looking to Michelle for support.
ShortlyBlue Beetle and Booster Gold were brought out. Booster looked at hisbrother. 'You would,' he said. 'I saw this coming.'
'It'sa datafile,' said Booster. 'With detailed information on the25thcentury.' He handed the USB drive stick to theNippon warrior.
'Thankyou,' replied the armed man. 'We will transfer you the money uponreviewing the file.'
TheQueen looked at Jamie.
'Ican give you the coordinates for a Reach outpost which is not tooheavily protected. They can potentially access the information youneed.'
TheQueen nodded.
ShortlyBlue Beetle and Booster Gold were on the return flight with theothers, heading back to the states.
'Traitor,'said Booster Gold, not looking at his brother.
'I'msure they'll never know the difference anyway,' said Booster Red.
'Huh?'queried Ted.
'TheAdventures of Alice in Wonderland in the 25thcentury,'replied Booster Red. 'Rewritten by yours truly with some trulyfantastic history and invention.'
Michelletouched Gabriel on the shoulder. 'I should have known better,' shesaid.
'Despicable,'said Booster Gold.
'Dishonourable,'said Blue Beetle.
'Andquite a lot of cashola,' finished Booster Red, which brought achuckle from all those present.
Ithad hurt like hell. I mean, it had practically killed her, but whenshe was split in half, and her to half entered the ghost zone, shewas left in a half-life – literally – her eyesperpetually open. Anima had been in limbo. Floating, in a half life.Not really alive. Not really dead. And she had floated their, somethoughts in her head, some pain at times at her torso, but mostly alimbo-state of existence which she feared might be her eternity. Shethought on family in these years, that she might have tried harder,that she might have loved them better, that she might have been moreof a 'Hero' like she claimed to be. And she thought on her friendsand the team-mates she'd had in Titans and Blood Pack. And,gradually, these thoughts consoled her, and gave her mind and whatwas left of her being some consolation. They were memories which kepther heart going, gave her something to contemplate, and a meaning tobe. Not that she had much of a choice about that anyway. And,finally, after years in this state, a decade or so, she could nottell, she felt finally content that, if there was a God, he hadsorted out something of an eternal life for her, as her heart felt oknow, and her memories made her strong. And she found happiness enoughwith that. And was content enough with that. And then, one time,floating there, almost smiling, a voice said 'There you are. Foundyou at last.' And she looked, and it was the Animus, and she smiled.And slowly he performed his magic, and healing took place. It tookseveral days, weeks probably, but soon enough her lower body hadregrown, and she started moving and kicking, and she was whole again.'Awesome,' she said to the Animus. 'But how do we get out of here?''I HAD TO WAIT TILL YOU WERE WHOLE AGAIN. OTHERWISE YOU WOULD INDEEDHAVE DIED FOREVER.' And then he opened a portal, and Anima travelledthrough, and landed outside a manor in what felt like America. Shestood there, looking at the beautiful sights she had not seen in along time, and gazed at the warm sun. 'Back, are you?' asked a voice.She turned and look. It was Batman. 'Ah, yes Batman. The Animus foundme and healed me.' Batman nodded, and came forward and cradledCourtney Mason in his arms. 'Good to have you back, Anima.' 'It'sgood to be back,' she smiled warmly, and he motioned her to follow,and she came into the Batcave, and he fed her cookies and hotchocolate, and Anima was reborn, whole again.
'Parasitessuck,' said Courtney.
'Ihave a parasite problem,' replied Batman. 'All over the Batcave. Hereis some Parasite Killer, from Wayne Corp. Clean. You have finishedyour cookies and beverage. I will have Alfred prepare your room,while you detox the batcave grasshopper.'
'Grasshopper?'queried Anima, eyebrow raised.
'Soyoung. So much to learn. I don't know,' said the Batman, shaking hishead. 'Alfred will check your work in half an hour,' said Batman, ashe stepped into a stairwell, and climbed upwards.
'Great,'saidAnima, looking at the control panel. She pushed a button.'Unauthorised User' flashed up on the screen. 'Funny, Batman,' shesaid. She looked around and noticed a bookcase. She went over andpulled out a folder. 'Golden Age Supervillains' was on the cover. Sheturned over the page and the first profile was on the Joker. 'Ooh,'she said, and started reading. Half an hour later she had learnedmuch about the Supervillains of Gotham, and sighed, picking up thecan of parasite killer. Working her way around the Batcave shesprayed here and there, till she noticed an older man looking at her,sitting at the Control Panel. 'Mr Wayne will be impressed. Studyingabout Supervillains first, but still doing your duties. Very goodMiss Anima.'
'MrWayne? Bruce Wayne is Batman?'
'Hedoesn't mind you knowing Courtney. He assumes you will keep theinformation confidential.'
Courtneykept on spraying. 'If he gives me a job,' she said.
'Youare Mr Waynes ward from this time onwards. Anima learned much, butshe fell short somewhat. Defeated too easily. She need a freshinduction course to get her up to scratch. That much should beobvious to yourself. Even Mr Wayne once had to refocus. When Banebested him for a while.''
'Iheard about that,' said Courtney.
'Thereare not actually any parasites, but nice to see you are obedient.Follow me,' said Alfred.
Animagrumbled a little, tossing the can on the floor of the Batcave, but astern look from Alfred made her pick up the can, and put it carefullyback on the Batcave control panel. Then she followed him up thestairwell into the heart of Wayne Manor.
Shelooked outside the window at the grounds. Grasslands, a lake in thedistance. She would visit that tomorrow. She picked up 'Pride andPrejudice' which Alfred had suggested she might like to borrow fromthe library, and laid down on her bed and read the first chapter. Shewas familiar with the story, but when the chapter was finished shewas tired, and slept. That night her body adjusted more to life backin the physical earth domain, and in the morning she felt moreregular still. She sipped on orange juice at the breakfast table, andDamian looked her over once, but mostly ignore her. 'Who's thechick?' he finally asked Alfred.
'MissCourtney Mason, Damian. Formerly known as Anima. She has been out ofaction for a while, but is in recovery now.'
Damianbit into a power bar, and chewing, stared at Anima. 'You got what ittakes, babe?' he asked her.
Courtneysipped on her juice, and Pride and Prejudice was in her head. 'Hardlya distinguised member of the Wayne clan, are we Damian?'
'Oh,she's posh. I see,' said Damian. 'Right up herself. She'll crumble inthe heat of Gotham nights. Dead as a dodo.'
'Ican bring the heat,' said Courtney, leaning over and glaring intoRobin's eyes.
'Sureyou can,' he said. 'Out on the court. Take me on at Bball. See if youhave what it takes.'
Courtneyglared at him, and looked at Alfred. 'Thank you for the eggs andtoast Master Alfred. I'm going over to that lake.'
''Asyou wish Miss Mason,' replied Alfred.
Courtneystood, and put her plate on the sink, and as she left she glared atDamian, who stuck his tongue out at her.
'Women,'said Damian.
'Indeed,'replied Alfred.
Courtneywandered down to the lake, and found Bruce Wayne practicing martialarts moves. She sat down on the grass, watching him. After a while hespoke.
'Sometimesa superhero can think themselves infallible. That they are the goodguy and can never get hurt. It's just not true. Justice doesn'tprevail unless we do something about it.'
Courtneynodded. Bruce continued his training.
'Whenthe bad guys come, sometimes they come hard, you know. And they arenot merciful at times. They like to play tricks and pranks. Oftenthat is what does them in. Gotta have the last laugh, leavingopportunities to take them down. But sometimes they want to playhard. You have to be ready for that, or this simply isn't yourbusiness.'
'Igot used to a lot of that, but Prometheus was my undoing,' saidCourtney.
'Bestbe ready next time, or he'll finish the job,' said Bruce, taking atowel, and wiping down his sweat. He started walking back to themanor, and looked at her. 'Keep your cool. Think about your person atevery moment, and where the bad guys are, and what weapons they haveat their disposal. They are key factors for staying alive.'
'Iunderstand,' replied Courtney.
'Seeyou up at the manor,' said Bruce.
Courtneywatched him go, and looked out at the lake. But in her head she wasthinking over the Batman's advice.
'Lookthere,' said the Masked Avenger.
Animaturned, and from the other side a block of wood hit her in the back.
'Shouldhave seen that coming,' grinned the Masked Sidekick.
'Getstuffed,' replied Anima.
'Lookthere,' said the Masked Avenger, in a new direction.
'Whatdo you think I'm stupid? I won't fall for the same....' and suddenly,from the direction the Masked Avenger pointed in a block of wood hitAnima in the guts.
'Bastard!'said Anima, gasping for air.
'It'sofficial. She's a moron,' said the Masked Sidekick.
'Biteme Damian,' replied Anima.
'No.It's the Masked Sidekick,' replied Robin.
'AndI'm the Masked Avenger. Remember the name,' said Bruce Wayne theBatman.
'Criminalsdon't think like this,' said Anima defiantly, in a training roomhidden in Wayne Manor.
'Criminalsare not the most predictable of creatures at times. You never knowwhat to expect,' said the Masked Avenger.
'Soexpect anything. And everything,' said the Masked Sidekick, raisinghis baton, and rushing in at Anima.
Shesidestepped, wacked out her leg, and Robin tripped, went rolling, butcame to on his feet, ready for more.
'Nicemove blondie,' said Robin. 'She almost has some style.'
'Almost,'said the Masked Avenger.
Then,with the Masked Avenger and Masked Sidekick trying, but not too hard,they put Anima through her paces for the rest of the morning. Sheducked planks of wood which fired out at her from all directions, andmade that many martial art moves at the Masked Heroes suggestionsthat she lost count. But after a few hours, when lunch approached,she was indeed exhausted, but felt she was getting the point. Being avigilante was hard work, and you needed to be ready for anything.
Soonenough it was lunch, and Alfred had made them ham and salad rollswith juice.
'Sheperformed, adequately,' said Bruce Wayne to Alfred.
'Shelooks quite bruised,' said Alfred.
'Tellme about it,' replied Anima. 'They hit me from every angle.'
'HowMaster Bruce likes to play the game,' replied Alfred.
'Obviously,'said Anima, looking at Bruce.
'You'regetting up to scratch again,' said Robin. 'Didn't really know youback in the day, but dad talked about you a bit. But, by the timewe're finished with you, if Prometheus shows up again he'll be themore sorry for the experience.'
Animawent quiet.
'Sorry,'said Damian, and touched Anima on the arm.
'No.It's ok,' said Anima. 'I don't hate Prometheus. But he is a bad guy.I'm not about revenge though.' She looked at Batman. 'But I am aboutjustice.'
'Thenshe has learned what she needs to know,' said Bruce Wayne.
'Quiteapparently,' said Alfred.
Later,back in her room, she looked at the full body mirror, and made somemoves. She was in her Anima outfit again. Soon enough she would beout there, taking on crime. Re-engaging with superhero work. Wouldshe pull through this time? She knew what to do. She had experience.But it hadn't been enough the first time. Whatever else, expect theunexpected. That much she had learned from Bruce Wayne. That much sheknew was par for the course in fighting crime as Anima the New Blood.
Notfar from Wayne Manor, on the Wayne Estate, further out in the sticks,in the 'Wayne Wastelands'.
'Whatis this place?' Anima asked Robin.
'TheWastelands. We do training her,' replied Damian. 'I also come outhere to sleep sometimes. Hard stuff. To stay hard for the streets.Just me, my knapsack, and cheese sandwiches. And a few bottles ofwater mixed with juice.'
'Thehard life, huh?' replied Anima.
'Dadis rich. I'm not stupid. But one thing is he says he does as Batmanis fight for the common man of Gotham. We're not rich because we'rebastards. What we believe, anyway. Grandfather cared about people. Sodoes dad. I'm a bit reckless in a lot of ways, but I give a damnabout Gotham and being a protector guardian. We work on the dark sideof the law. It's what superheroes do a lot of the time. We don'talways employ the most legal of methodologies, but it's how we getthe dirty work done. And dealing with cretins like the Joker andPenguin sometimes you have to learn how to deal with the dirty work.Why I come out here. To stay in the element.'
'Tostay in the element,' repeated Anima, kicking an aluminium can in thedirt. She looked around. 'It has a weird sort of feel to it. Like awasteland indeed. Sort of desolate and in despair in some ways, butthere's a comfort in it as well.'
'You'venoticed,' said Damian.
Theypushed up inside of a run down building, which was in, according toRobin, a deliberate state of misrepair. To keep it hard and tough.They sat down against a wall, and Robin drunk some of his water. Hepassed the bottle to Anima, who took a sip.
'Westay here tonight. Remember, expect the unexpected. Dad often likesto surprise me.'
Sheslept well, but woke often. An owl hooted, and it was a full moon.Late in the night she heard some footsteps, and looked. A dark figurewas at the entranceway. It spoke.
'I amDark Steel. Are you ready to rumble?'
Robinwas already awake, with his baton, and Anima came next to him. Theyattacked the Dark Steel, who repelled them as if they were nothing.Robin hacked at Dark Steel with an overhead thurst, but it ricochetedof the dark figures head, and had seemingly no effect. And Dark Steelstarted laughing, came over to them, picked them both up easily, andthrew them against the wall, which cracked a bit. Anima shuddered,and felt fear, but just as suddenly as Dark Steel had shown up, hewas gone. And they were left alone. She slept cautiously the rest ofthe night.
Thatmorning at breakfast.
'Oh.It's you,' said Robin. Anima, coming into the room looked. It wasSuperman with Bruce Wayne at the Breakfast table.
'Funny,'said Robin, rubbing his sore head. 'I didn't know how someone couldbe so strong.
Supermansipped on his tea. 'I have no idea what you are talking about Robin,'but there was a knowing smile on his face.
'Notfair Bruce. Putting Superman against us.'
BruceWayne just smiled. 'Remember, be ready for anything. Even DarkSteel,' said Batman.
Animatook that to heart. She would not forget.
'Nowyou are ready, at the least, to re-engage,' said Alfred, in theBatcave. Anima had her clothes she came into the Batcave on. Brucehad requested she put them on that morning, and said 'I wish youwell. Talk to Alfred now.' And she had followed around Alfred, whohad an occasional word, then led her down to the Batcave.
'Whatnow?' asked Anima.
'Backout the way I came, huh?'
Alfrednodded. Anima made tracks. Coming out into the fields near WayneManor, she looked at the manor a brief while, and looked heavenwardstowards where the portal had opened up and Animus had dropped herdown to Earth. He was nowhere to be seen or felt at the moment, butshe could sense she could contact him if she really needed to. Shelooked in her wallet which Alfred had given her. 500 dollars, and anote. 'If you really need help, you know who to call.' signed'Bruce.' She sighed. Back to the real world. She looked around. Itwas about mid-day, so she tracked herself down to Gotham bus stop ina long walk. She found the interchange, having bought some fast food,and sat there, eating her food, sipping her cola, and looking around.Perfectly innocent 20something lady, having a meal, waiting on a busto who knows where. New Olreans? Maybe. Metropolis even? Maybe. Butshe just ate her meal, sat there, thinking. And it struck her after awhile. She was a new blood. With awesome power, and potentiallyawesome responsibility. But she was also Courtney Mason. And back inthe day, ironically, she had something of a plan to get on with aregular life when it came right down to it. Superhero workintervened, such was life. But, right here, right now, with nothingparticularly better to do, she finished her meal, looked at the city,felt it may as well do as home, and Bruce and Damian were where sheneeded them to be, so made her way around the city, found a jobexchange place, and went in, and explained her situation. They gaveher details for a halfway house, and sent her out on a temp contractwith Gotham mail. Gotham mail liked the looks of her, and gave her a3 month contract for mail sorting. She took the job. A few weekslater she was in a shared flat in Gotham suburbs with 3 other ladies,working types, in her own room, doing mail work. And she was lookingat study courses. She was a superhero – potentially –potentially at the drop of a hat. But for now, Anima reborn was aboutgetting on with the rest of her life, re-engaging with the real worldand, whatever else came her way, she would get on with being plainold Courtney Mason. And that much brought a smile to her face.
TheCeltic Peoples of old had Interminglings with Ancient Egypt at times.An old member of the Daly clan had interminglings with an ancientEgyptian who had Scarab technology. An injection from the scarabtechnology into an old Dalaigh clan member mixed in with the DNA andremained latent in the mutation in the DNA. Things changedgenetically somewhat, with alteration to this bloodline. WhenBloodlines occurred, a parasite was involved with Daniel Daly, whobit into Daniel, and genetic information triggered latent Meta Humanabilities. Daniel was left for dead, but recovered in hospital. Lateron, in Macarthur, he was up in Macarthur Ridge when, picking up anordinary beetle, he suddenly felt a surge of energy. This was scarabbased energy in his mutated DNA. It was the standard sort of Scarabenergy of the Blue Beetle. Daniel became a 'Blue Beetle' Metahuman,with super strength which comes in at times, and the ability to beextremely agile and jump great distances. He also has superb climbingabilities like a beetle and can climb up walls and along ceilingswith no difficulties. He becomes the fifth of the Blue Beetles afterSandra Bullock, 'The Quintessential Blue Beetle'.
AfterDaniel comes the sixth Blue Beetle who is a member of theLegionairres, Computo, Danielle Foccart, who is caught in a TimeProblem, which is resolved by Booster Gold, but leaves her in thecurrent era. After an encounter with Jamie Reyes, a scarab is placedinto her body by the Reach, and she becomes the Sixth Blue Beetle.
Theseventh Blue Beetle, completing the Blue Beetle Corps, is an alienmember of the Reach.
TheBlue Beetle Corps 17: Camping Out
Theywere in a forest, outside of El Paso.
'Watch,'said Scorcher, and engulfed a pine with flame.
'Cool,'said Cloudflame, and did one herself.
Firefist,watching on, smoking a ciggie, chuckled. He watched for a fewmoments, enjoying the fire, before getting the fire extinguisher outof the back of the van, and dowsing the burning trees.
'Why'dyou do that?' asked Scorcher.
'Don'twant any undue attention,' said Firefist. 'Besides,' he said, lookingaround. 'This is nature, and I don't have anything against creation.It's now how I work.'
'Fine,'said Scorcher. He turned to Cloudflame. 'Let's roll.'
Theytook off, several feet from the ground, screaming around the tracksof the forest, leaving burning tracks in their wake, before finallycoming back to their campsite, and settling down.
'So,bossman. What's the plan?' asked Scorcher, settling down to eat someof the barbecue Firefist had been preparing.
'TheHarbinger. She's been making a name for herself as an Emissary of theDivine, apparently, for the protection of the south-west states. Myemployers want her turned to their service. She serves the UltimateLord of Order, and his underlings currently. We are to bring her tothe darkness.'
'Awesome,'said Cloudflame. 'Turn the bitch against heaven, and into hell'semploy. Amusing.'
'TheLords of Order and Chaos are not quite on that sphere of reality.Only ultimately above them do religious motifs interfere. They dwellon the spheres which affect the more mundane of us all. Were realpeople live real lives.'
'Andnot caught up in the sanctified things. I get it,' said Scorcher.'Mum's a Catholic. Some of mankind work on more serious tones intheir behaviours, and get involved in religious circles of life. Thehardcore stuff in some ways.'
'Where'The Lucifer' sometimes gets involved, but he has a level of his ownin the end anyway. Not that big on too much religion,' said Firefist.
'Ifwe wanted to get more serious, we can't defeat the ultimate power,can we?' queried Scorcher.
'Idon't think anything can in the end,' said Firefist, roasting amarshmellow. 'If we call that God Almighty, he probably has the wholeworld in his hands and does what he wants to do. I remember thatsong.'
Cloudflamestared into the fireplace. It was getting dark. 'I probably believein God. I probably believe in being kind as well, and thoughtful.Probably wouldn't murder anyone. I'd kill. But I wouldn't murder. Ifyou know the difference.'
'Possiblyan issue for consideration,' said Firefist. 'Anyway, enjoy the meal,and we shall now sleep soon enough.'
Heput on his earphones, listening to Mozart's 21stPianoConcerto, 'Elvira Madigan', and settled down in his sleeping bag.Cloudflame came and kissed him on the forehead, before settling downalso, while Scorcher finished his meal, and sipped on a beer, andsmoked, and looked at the moon.
TheBlue Beetle Corps 18: The Yankee Wicker Man
'Behold,America Burns!' exclaimed Firefist, and pointed his flamethrower at aWicker Man Uncle Sam, pressing the nozzle, and flame erupted,engulfing the larger than life dummy. The gathered neo-nazi goons allgloated, while Harbinger stood at the edge of the clearing,observing.
'Shouldn'tyou go in and arrest them?' Harbinger queried the Blue Beetle Corps.
TedKord spoke first. 'I have marshmellows,' he said, bringing a pack ofmarshmellows out of his knapsack. He grabbed some sticks, and came upto the burning wicker man to start roasting them, as the nazis dancedto nazi rock and roll, and Firefist stood with Scorcher andCloudflame, revelling in his glory.
'You'remaking a mockery of this Ted Kord,' said Harbinger, glaring atFirefist, who saluted her in a mocking response.
'Theyhave a permit,' said Ted Kord.
'Apermit?' queried Harbinger. 'This is legal?'
'Americancitizens have the right of protest. It's in the constitution,' saidTed, roasting the marshmellows.
DanielGarrett was observing the nazis. 'They are starting to get a littlewild, I think.'
DanielDaly was eating the marshmellows with Ted Kord, and Jamie and Sandrawas seated on boulders, beneath Daniel Garrett, observing the madlydancing nazis. A police wagon was a distance away, with 2 officersstanding next to their car doors, one with a megaphone, observingcarefully.
'USA!'yelled Firefist at the Blue Beetles.
'USA!'yelled Ted back, and continued cooking his marshmellows.
'Theyare committing abomination against your nation,' said Harbingerloudly to Daniel Garrett.
'Weare a free nation. And we don't dictate that people have to agreewith everything commonly accepted in our nation. It's the freedoms weare built on which we believe in.'
'Idon't,' said Harbinger, and using her powers caused the wicker man toextuinguish its flames, and caused a wind to blow against the Nazis,sending them tumbling.
Firefist,observing this, went over to the police officers, and was yelling atthem for a while. Shortly, in response, the police officers came overto Harbinger.
'Maam.We'll have to issue you with a caution. Do not make trouble. Theseare legal protestors.'
'Unbelievable,'said Harbinger. She glared at Daniel Garrett, who shrugged, then flewinto the skies, and flew off.
'USA!'yelled Firefist, as the nazis restarted the burning wicker man.
Andas the wicker man burned, Harbinger observed from the clouds above. Agame of politics and legal trickery was unfolding. She would be wiserthe next time for the experience.
BlueBeetle Corps 19: Manifestation in El Paso
'Whatis it?' asked Sandra Bullock.
'It'sa manifestation. Of a Lord of Chaos,' said Harbinger.
'Inthe centre of El Paso, a crowd of Nazis and American Citizens weregazing up at a large giant, well, ghost. Or something like that.
'Peopleare kneeling. Bowing to it,' said Daniel Daly.
'That'swhat it wants,' said the Harbinger. 'To gain their worship throughfear.'
SuddenlyFirefist, Cloudlflame and Scorcher started running through the centreof El Paso, exploding and blowing up objects in scorchy flames offire.
'Work,Jamie. Follow me!' yelled Ted. Ted and Jamie, with Sandra staring atDaniel Garret and Harbinger for a moment, hesitating, before yellingfor Daniel Daly to join her, went off to deal with Firefist and hisaccomplices.
DanielGarret stared at the Lord of Chaos. 'This is a big job for the BlueBeetle Corps.'
'WhyI'm here,' said Harbinger. 'Powers that be knew Chaos was going tomake a move. It wants a stranglehold here. Part of its overallobjective.'
'Howdo we defeat it?' asked Daniel.
'Takesa Lord of Order to really sort it out,' replied Harbinger. 'But I'llhave to suffice.'
Shehovered in the air, and as the crowds watched in fear, came up to thelarge Chaotic ghoul.
'Begonefowl lord of misrule,' she yelled at it.
'Ithink not Harbinger,' replied the creature.
Harbingerpointed her hands at it and poured an energy burst towards it, but itjust absorbed the energy, and suddenly flung it back at theHarbinger, sending her plummeting to the ground.
'Nasty,'said Daniel. The crowds only feared the more, and started chanting ina weird way. The Lord of Chaos was obviously controlling their minds.Harbinger got up and returned to Daniel Garrett, while Firefist hadbeen dealt with by Ted Kord, who had him in an arm lock, andCloudflame and Scorcher were surrounded by the other Blue Beetles.
'Ihave an idea,' said Harbinger. 'Why I think I've been sent here.Daniel Daly. The new guy. He has Blue Beetle Scarab energy in himalso, doesn't he?'
'We'veall been touched in a way,' replied Daniel Garrett. 'Even Ted is notleft without something of the legacy of the Scarab.'
'Thenthat is how we shall respond,' said Harbinger. 'BEETLES. GATHER TOME!' Commanded the Harbinger. The Blue Beetle Corps, as one, gatheredin front of the Harbinger. 'Stand. In a circle. Summon your scarabenergy. Focus it above your heads. In a blue sphere.'
Allmanaged to participate, even Daniel Garret. And, as the Lord of Chaosstruck further fear into the crowed, the Harbinger addressed him.'FOWL CREATURE. Chaos always thinks it can rule unopposed. It alwaysbelieves it will triumph. Taste the wrath of the Blue Beetle Corps.'And summoning the reserves of energy within her, she focused the bluescarab energy, and blasted it right into the heart of the Lord ofChaos. It glared at her for a moment, and sensing the energy too muchfor it, diminished, and escaped back into the void of a portal, backto its own realm of darkness. The creature had been vanquished. TheBlue Beetle corps were exhausted, but managed to help the police inrounding up the nazis, and soon enough they were being led away, withFirefist in handcuffs, glaring at Daniel Garrett.
'Youwin this time, Beetle. But we'll be back.'
'Counton it,' said Scorcher.
'Theywon't tell our mothers will they?' asked Cloudflame.
Later.Back at Blue Beetle Corps HQ.
'TheScarab energy obviously has more to it than we have encountered sofar,' said Jamie Reyes.
'Itis a force which can do much good. But much harm also, if corrupted.'
'Soit's best in the hands of the Blue Beetle Corps,' said Daniel Garret.
'Let'sparty,' said Ted.
Andthey celebrated well into the night, even Harbinger getting a littletipsy, as in her cell Cloudflame had the worst tongue schlacking fromher mother, while Firefist brooded on his planned revenge.
BlueBeetle Corps 20: Words from the Guardian
'Well,Sandra,' said the Guardian. 'How is it working out?'
Theguardian who had given Sandra Bullock her duties was in the BlueBeetle HQ, speaking with Sandra Bullock.
'Oh,fabulous. I have a lifetime membership to the Blue Beetle Corps,which guarantees magazine articles every issue, and all sorts ofbenefits.'
'Thatshould be pleasing,' said the Guardian.
'Dealingwith nazis. That's fun. But nothing compared to a Lord of Chaos.That's all fun and games.'
'Youare being sarcastic,' said the Guardian.
'Youreckon?' replied Sandra.
'Theseare the duties of a Blue Beetle. It is a life of being a hero and aprotector.'
'GuessI don't have much of a choice,' she replied.
'Youwould change your destiny?' asked the Guardian.
Sandralooked around, at the club which had started to become her home, atthe pictures of the other Blue Beetles on the wall, at the thingwhich was now something personal to her, and looked squarely at theguardian.
'No.Probably not,' she replied.
'Thenall is good,' replied the Guardian. 'My work has not been in vain.'
'Anyway,perks. There is always perks in a job like this,' said Sandra.
'Thepublic good,' said the guardian, starting to float away, as Sandrafollowed him.
'Youknow, good retirement options. Top draw at sporting events and such.'
'I amsure your government can assist,' said the Guardian, floating towardsthe entrance to the club.
'Weget a salary. Not great, but it's something,' replied Sandra.
'Thereyou go,' said the Guardian. They were now outside, and the Guardianwas about to ascend to the skies, and looked at Sandra. 'You haveacquitted yourself well, Blue Beetle Sandra Bullock. But there islikely many more adventures you will have to go through before yourheroic deeds are done.'
'Ifigured that,' she said. 'About those perks, though.'
Butit was all in vain, and as the guardian ascended upwards at anincredible rate, Sandra was left with no perks, and Ted and Jamiepulling up to the kerb, with two lovely looking ladies.
'You'lllove the club,' said Ted to one of the ladies.
'We'rein charge also,' said Jamie.
'Oh,here we go,' said Sandra, and soon enough the Blue Beetle Corps werearguing amongst themselves about who was in charge of the club house,while a guardian of the universe sailed through the heavens, happilyon his way back home to Oa.
Manof Steel: An Apokoliptic Sense of Humour
Manof Steel 2 - One of the Councillors on the Council of Krypton wasfrom Kandor, and thought about Jor El's warnings in contemplation.While publically he sided with the council against Jor El, when backin Kandor he spoke privately, and they agreed with the generalconclusions Jor El had made. Steps were taken. Having understandingof Jor El's plan to send his child to a distant planet, Kandor hadbeen reduced in size with Kryptonian technology, and one of therobotic droids had placed Kandor secretly in Kal El's ship as itheaded for Earth. In Man of Steel 2, Kal El finds the city of Kandorin its tiny holding cell. Using the scant technology he still has, heis able to take the city into orbit, and it is transmogrified back toregular size and becomes the floating cloud city of 'New Krypton'.Superman now has a new issue - harmonizing Kryptonians with humans.All is well and good, till a ruddy Czarnian bounty hunter called'Lobo' shows up, gunning for Kryptonian blood.
When Superman is infront of Kandor in Orbit in the upper atmosphere, smiling, showingthe glory of New Krypton to Wonder Woman, proud of himself, a blastof laserbolt hits him from behind. Superman gets up, dusts himselfoff not affected very much, and turns and looks. 'How you goingbuddy. Nice to meet you bastich,' says Lobo, on his space cycle. AndWonder Woman, looking at Lobo says 'He could be a problem.'
Man ofSteel 2: New Krypton has started with an understanding of the galaxythey are part of and that there is a life in the galaxy ofmultiracial species. They quickly see themselves as part of thecommunity of the galaxy. A line of a councillor of krypton fromKandor is 'New Krypton must take its part amongst the communities ofthis galaxy. We must lead where we lead, and follow were we follow.It is our new life and our new home, and Kal El, you must representus at times, for Earth looks to you, and we wish to live in peace andharmony. Be truth for us, Kal El. Be justice for us, Kal El. Be aSuperman for us, Kal El. And when the races of this galaxy meet us,they will no we mean them no harm, and intend to live in peace.' Andwhen New Krypton is happy with its ethical stance, Lobo the Czarnianshows up, and tells New Krypton, 'Welcome to the party Kryptonians.Greetings from Darkseid,' as Lobo proceeds to rumble around NewKrypton, flirting with the Kryptonian women, and being 'the MainMan'.
Man of Steel 2 - Kal El has been follow Lobo around NewKrypton, as the 'Main Man' does his thing, with Wonder Woman,folllowing at a bit of a distance, with a very stately goddess gaitin her step. Looking very polished. After a bit Wonder Woman catchesup to Superman, as he has stopped in a part of the city, watching theLobo ride around the city on his cycle. 'He's a laugh riot,' saysWonder Woman. 'I don't trust him' replied Superman. 'No. Obviously heis another emisarry from Apokolips. Perhaps he should beapprehended.' Superman, who is carefully watching Lobo, replies 'Heis causing some tension, but he's not guilty of anything yet.Flirting with kryptonian women, and tough talk it not grounds forevicting him. We must show peace if that is what they come with.' 'Isee,' replied Wonder Woman, turning to gaze at Lobo. Lobo continueshis laugh riot around New Krypton, before coming down to Superman andWonder Woman. 'Well, it's be a rush,' says Lobo. 'but I got places togo, people to kill, that sort of thing. Seeya bastich.' And he headsoff back into space. Supes and WW make some comments, and then thenext scene sees Lobo at the edge of New Krypton, laughing, and says'Enjoy this Kryptonians' and tosses a 'Starro' onto the side of NewKrypton, who attaches on, and starts crawling towards the heart ofthe city. Lobo then blasts away back into space.
Man of Steel 2 -Clark Kent is back on Earth at mom's. He is helping her bring in thewashing. 'A lot of fuss about that city in the sky,' says MarthaKent. 'Tell me about it,' replies Clark. 'You were new to everyone.Zod shook things up quite a lot, and people haven't really settledyet. They get nervous, you know.' 'I know,' replied Clark. 'Yourfather felt it best, in the end, that something like that city upthere shouldn't really happen. it could cause you too much tension.Fitting in. But Clark. Sometimes what has to be just has to be.Whether we like it or not.' Clark puts down the washing on thekitchen floor, and looks to his mother. 'Whether we like it or not,'he replies to her, and she nods. The next scene has Clark, in thelater evening, looking at a picture of his dad, while sitting on hisbed. He lies down, and looks at the ceiling. A flashback now happens- Jonathon is with Clark, chopping wood. Clark suddenly gets a surgeof energy, and the wood goes flying when he chops it with the axe.'Sorry dad,' he says. 'No need to apologize,' replies Jonathon. 'Yourlife is going to have these problems.' 'It's dealing with it which ismy main obstacle,' says Clark. 'All this power - life ahead for me. Iwant a good life. But its going to be problem after problem andobstacle after obstacle.' 'Life is obstacles,' says Jonathon. 'Peoplecome along, and you wave your hand at them, and greet them, and thinkthey could be something good for you. And they turn out being thebiggest pain in the neck in the world. But it's not so much themwhich is the problem or the obstacle in the end. They are not theproblem in life. That is what life is full of, all over this world.it's how we deal with those obstacles which defines us Clark. It'show we respond to problems which sets us apart.' Clark thinks onthat, and the scene returns to Clark on the bed, who lies looking atthe ceiling, then turns over to sleep.
Man of Steel 2 - Aquaman isin a pool on New Krypton, flirting with Kryptonian women. it has astatue in the centre of the round pool, and Aquaman is enjoyinghimself. A starfish creatures floats up and Aquaman looks at it.'Mmm,' he says. 'Kryptonian Starfish.' He picks it up and looks atit. It spits out a little bit of ink at him. 'My, Your a feistyfellow aren't you,' says Aquaman, and laughs a little. Suddenly theStarro lurches forward and attaches itself to Aquaman's face. Aquamancomes under the control of Starro. A Kryptonian woman says what's theproblem Arthur, and he turns and she sees his face with the Starrocreature, and screams. The creature then reproduces another starrowhich attaches itself to the woman's face, and the Starro breedingstarts happening in New Krypton.
Man of Steel 2 - Scene:Apokolips. Various shots of the cruel world. Then Darkseids throne.'You delivered the creature?' asks Darkseid. 'All done and dusted,'replies Lobo, lighting up a cigar, and looking dreadfully cool.'Good. Return to Earth, and monitor the situation. Keep me informed.''Extra cashola for surveillance,' replies the Czarnian. 'You willhave your money,' replies Darkseid, and turns and looks out thesegmented circular window at Apokolips. Lobo heads off.
Manof Steel 2. 'Clark, can I speak to you?' asked Wonder Woman. Supermanturned in the hallway around New Krypton, and looked at Diana. 'Whatis it?' he asked her. 'That,' she said pointing. Superman turned andlooked to his right. 'We are Servants of Starro. We love him and heis our Master. Serve the Great Starro,' said Aquaman, a Starro fishon his face. 'I see,' replied Kal El. 'And who is this Great Starro?'Aquaman jumped over the barrier into the hallway. 'He is a SovereignAquatic Power. He originates in the Heart of the Universe, and isspreading his way of Salvation to all the peoples of the galaxies.Trust in Starro. He will guide you.' Superman looked at Wonder Woman,and looked at Aquaman. Then he noticed out in the parks of NewKrypton the Starro creature had multiplied rapidly, and was on theface of hundreds of his fellow Kryptonians. 'Starro is your saviour!'yelled Aquaman, and lunged at Superman. Superman resisted, but aStarro creature leaped out and attached itself to his face, andstarted growing. He yanked it off, though, before it could latch onproperly. 'Resistance is useless,' said Aquaman. 'There is onlyStarro.' Superman backed off, and grabbing Wonder Woman retreateddown the hallway. They made their way around New Krypton, seeingeveryone being captured by the Starro creature. 'Not exactly the bestof introductions for your people to Earth, is it?' said Wonder Woman.'I have a feeling that Czarnian might be involved with this,' saidSuperman. 'That thought had also crossed my mind,' said Wonder Woman.'What next?' 'We retreat to Earth. New Krypton should be fine for thetime being. I need to think how we are going to safely enough get ridof this problem.' Superman and Wonder Woman came to a flyer, and tookoff to descend down to Earth. Watching them, though, was Lobo theCzarnian, who had a chuckle on his face.
Manof Steel 2 – 'Watch the Hull,' said the Starro Kryptonian. 'IAM watching the Hull,' said Superman. 'We can't afford it to crack,'said the Starro Kryptonian. 'Starro is Saviour. Not Devastator.' Thetwo Supermen beings righted the ship, and flew it to the nearby dock.Then they turned their attention to the robots running around NewYork. 'I can handle this. There is no need for Starro to getinvolved,' said Superman to the Kryptonian. 'Starro is Saviour,' saidthe Kryptonian, and flew off to start fighting the robots. Supermanwatched him go, shook his head in frustration, then took off too tocombat the robots which had started attacking the East Coast of theUSA. Later, when the robots had been defeated, Kal El retrieved acamera from his flat in Metropolis, and returned to New York City totake photos of the defeated robots as 'Clark Kent'. The followingmorning he was in the office with his editor of the Daily Planet,Perry White. 'I don't like the headline,' said Perry to Clark. 'Itwon't float. People appreciate what the Starro Kryptonians did forthem.' Clark Kent was about to take off his glasses to wipe them, butthought better of it, and looked strictly at Perry White. 'We can'ttrust them. People need to know that. Starro is an unknown entity,but I suspect darker powers at work.' 'They saved Metropolis. Theydidn't have to. We're running with a new headline. If you don't likeit, I'll get Catherine Grant to do the story. Starro hasn't done anyharm yet, Kent. Get used to it.' Clark gave Perry a frustrated look,then sat down at his desk. Lois looked at him. 'They don't have yourconcerns, do they Clark?' 'I see a whole pit of trouble coming onthis,' said Clark. 'Starro. He's a device of something darker.' 'Youthink Apokolips?' asked Lois. 'Won't deny that thought has crossed mymind,' replied Clark Kent. 'Well, good luck proving it. It's not likeyour Superman and can fly to Apokolips to confirm your conclusionsnow is it?' said Lois, looking at her computer screen. Silence. Loislooked up. Clark Kent was nowhere to be seen. 'He's always doingthat,' sighed Lois, and started typing at the computer.
'It'slike this Darkseid. You are up to some sort of plan.'
'Kryptonian,'replied Darkseid. 'Your people are dead and gone. This new worldwhich has magically appeared is not a reality. It is not a truth ofthe galaxy. They ought not be. I don't know what zone of reality theyhave emerged from, but they will not be tolerated.'
'Kandorwas preserved from microsizing,' replied Clark. 'They have resided inKryptonian owned estate always.'
'Kryptonianowned estate?' queried Darkseid.
'Ipurchased the land of the fortress of solitude a while ago,' repliedClark. 'I have a mortgage with First Metropolis.'
'Ifyou need inter-galactic finances, we have a loans department,' saidDarkseid. 'Our credit is good intergalactically. It always has been.I take care of that.'
'I'mnot here to discuss finances,' replied Superman. 'New Krypton isvalid and true. We are slowly working it out with Earth. We will beaccepted in time.'
'Yourpeople pose a threat. We can not assess their responsibility withtheir abilities. They're great strength under a yellow sun. They are– a problem,' said Darkseid, sitting down on his throne, andpicking up a glass of alcohol.
'They'repunks. Easybeats,' said Lobo, emerging from the shadows.
'Whydoesn't it surprise me that I find you here,' said Superman to Lobo.
'Czaranianslike to travel. What can I say,' replied Lobo.
Supermanglared at Lobo for a moment, and returned his focus to Darkseid. 'Weare not a threat. Kryptonians are not a threat. I repeat, we onlyhave good intentions.'
'That,'said Darkseid, sipping on his drink. 'Remains to be seen.' Darkseidstared at Superman, who stared back, looked at Lobo momentarily, andleft. He'd seen enough.
'StarroLoves me,' said Bruce Wayne, taking the flyer from a woman with aStarro on her face.
'Takethe Star, friend. Starro has a way of life. Once you accept Starro,your life will change. You will be reborn. His great sacrifice issaving this galaxy. Take the star. You will feel peace unimagined.'
'I'llbe fine,' said Bruce, and the lady moved on to her next customer. Itwas like this everywhere. People infected by the Starro. And now thealien had a new tactic – copying religious tradition. It wasobvious, but society was no longer so much afraid, rather bewildered.What the hell was going on? Bruce crumpled up the flyer, and threw itin a public bin, and continued on his way. He reached the WayneEnterprises building, and entered in.
'MrWayne. Good to see you. I am sure Mr Fox can accommodate you.'
'Ihave this pass code,' said Bruce. 'Lucius arranged it.' He presentedthe pass to the receptionist who examined it then scanned it, typingsome details.
'Youknow your way around Bruce,' she said. 'I'll leave you to find yourway.'
Brucenodded and headed to the elevator. Down in the basement he came to alaboratory, and sat down at a PC bringing up an old file. He startedreading. He had work to do.
Flowers,'said Hippolyta of Themyscira. 'It's raining flowers.'
Dianaturned and looked out the palace. She walked forward to the edge andlooked skywards. Flowers falling everywhere. One landed on the palacefloor, and she bent down and picked it up.
'Whatis it?' asked Hippolyta.
'Idon't know,' said Diana, returning her focus to the skies, and thefalling flowers.
JimmyOlsen presented the flower to Perry White. A starro was on his face.'Starro Loves you Perry,' said Jimmy.
'ThanksJimmy,' replied Perry. 'You're all heart.'
PerryWhite sat down at his desk, examining the flower, as Lois walked in.
'Boss.About Jimmy.'
'Don'tsay it,' replied Perry. 'Those Starro creatures are everywhere.'
'Invasionof the body snatchers revisited,' quipped Lois.
'Tellme about it,' said Perry, looking at the flower, and throwing it inthe bin.
ClarkKent came in the room. '3 articles from my reserves,' said Clark.'They should be up to scratch. I need a few days off Perry.'
Perrywaved him away and as Clark left he smiled at Lois, who acknowledgedhim, holding her coffee cup.
'Chief.The angle on the story.'
'Jesushas returned as a starfish,' said Perry.
Loischuckled. 'Seriously boss, what are we supposed to say?'
'Coverthe news Lois,' said Perry, taking a bottle of scotch out of hisdraw. 'If there is ever a time for this, it's now.'
'Coverthe news,' repeated Lois, and left Perry's office room. She sat downat her PC, looked at her fingernails for a moment, and looked acrossthe table at Clark sitting opposite, typing at his PC.
'Youlook busy,' she said.
Jimmycame by and said 'Starro Loves you,' to Clark, and gave him a flower.
'Uh,thanks Jimmy,' said Clark. He returned to his typing. 'UnprecedentedTimes, Miss Lane,' said Clark. 'Aliens, Aliens and more aliens.Mankind is adapting to new changes. We have a new galaxy we are justgoing to have to come to terms with.'
'Iread Intervention in high school. I know all about alien contacts,'said Lois. 'Not exactly what we had in mind, though. SaviourStarfish, and beings of amazing power.'
'Theuniverse must have a sense of humor,' replied Clark.
'Somethinglike that,' said Lois, and turned her attention to her PC. She typedfor a while, and then said ''Clark,' and looked up, but Clark wasgone. 'He's always doing that,' she said, and returned to her typing.
Aquamanis serving Wonder Woman a plate of fruit.
'Thereare many advantages in joining Starro. It's a universal creditnetwork,' said Aquaman.
'Howso?' asked Wonder Woman.
'Starrohas faithful adherents everywhere. They have a lot of cash toinvest.'
'Fascinating,'said Wonder Woman, taking a piece of fruit.
Lobowalks and sits down and takes some of the juice from the pitcher.
'Heysweetheart,' he says to Wonder Woman. 'If you're ever looking for areal man, hit me up.'
'I'llkeep that in mind,' replied Wonder Woman.
'Lobo,'says Superman, from the doorway.
Loboturns and looks. Then he return to the plate in front of him. 'Whatdo you want Kryptonian?'
'Czarnia.You genocided your own people,' said Superman.
'Beenaround the traps have you?' replied Lobo.
'I'veseen a few worlds now,' said Superman. 'Met a number of societies.Czarnia was destroyed by one of it's own. Killed all the planet basedresidents.'
'KilledALL the Czarnians,' said Lobo.
'Notfrom what I have heard. Round the galaxy, places here and there, theylive. In peace. Making a new life.'
Lobotook out his cigar, and lit it, leaning back in the chair. 'Noconcern to me. They weren't loyal to Czarnia. They didn't care. Theplanet is all mine.'
'Whyyou killed them all?' queried Lobo. 'To rule your homeworld?'
'Whatof it?' replied Lobo.
'Onemight call that a galactic offense,' said Superman.
'TheGuardians of the Galaxy have no beef with me. They don't want to messwith the main man.'
'Justicemight call one day,' said Superman.
Lobostared at him. 'No so called Justice League can take down the mainman. Believe me.'
'Fruit,'said Aquaman, offering the plate again to Wonder Woman.
WonderWoman smiled and accepted a piece of fruit, while Lobo sauntered andSuperman glared.
Supermanwalked over and pushed Lobo from behind.
'Badmove,' said Lobo, and stood, looked at Superman, and hit him in thechest. Superman was thrust against the wall. He gritted his teeth.
'Whatkind of moron kills his own people? How you going to frikking survivewithout your own kind? Everything I had was taken from me whenKrypton was destroyed. This place is my new life. But you? You did iton purpose. That's reprehensible.'
Loboglared at Superman, and then sat back down, sipping on his juice.Superman walked around to the other side of the table, and sat downnext to Wonder Woman. Lobo looked at Aquaman seated next to him, whosmiled, and said 'Starro loves you.'
'Youknow, Lobo. Life has weirdly left you alone so far. Your bountyhunter work must be doing us all some good I suppose. But there areprices to pay for lunacy,' said Superman.
'I'llget by just fine,' said Lobo.
'Allyour family. Your people are your family. You killed them all. Howcan you celebrate anything about Czarnia without its citizenship.'
Lobolooked at Superman, and looked down at his plate. He did not reply.
'Hasit ever been on your mind?' asked Wonder Woman.
'Ithink about it,' said Lobo. 'I did what I did for a reason. Czarnianshave a pretty savage sense of humour you know. They take this kind ofthing.'
'Mmm,'said Wonder Woman, and looked at Superman.
'Allthe culture and lifestyle they would have with you,' said Superman.'The friendship.'
'Runmy own ship,' said Lobo looking down still. His words had softened.
Supermanstood. 'I pity you. You don't even know what you had. It's gone now.There are others, though, out there. Czarnians. Still around. Ifthere is any sense left in you Lobo Bounty Hunter, you'll track themdown, and rebuild Czarnia. It's about the only redemption you canhope to achieve.' And Superman took one last look at the Main man,and left. Lobo just continued staring down.
'Thisis the place?' asked Lobo.
Thegreen skinned man got off the back of Lobo's bicycle, and lookedaround.
'About50 clicks in that direction,' said the man. 'The brotherhood requirea pilgrim to walk the distance naked with no food or water. Hide yourbelongings in the rocks here.'
Lobolooked in the direction, and unclothed, putting the bike in a cragwith his clothing.
'Theywill expect 10 years of your life. Standard Galactic years. Theatonments being made are challenging and difficult. Oneness with theuniverse is affected by genocide. It causes great harm.'
Lobodid not reply.
'Itcan't really be atoned, you know. It's too late for that. Onlyadjusted too and you live being tolerated. It's very long before youwill find favour. Once you admit your crimes.'
Lobosighed, and started the trek. Superman had won the conversation. Lobohad admitted it. There had been words of logic which he'd neveradmitted. Things and explanations which Lobo didn't give a damnabout, but which put into perspective the fool he had been,and thecoarsness of his heart. He had his work as a bounty hunter, and thekilling would continue afterwards. But he'd work on code in these 10years, develop it carefully, and make sure he didn't piss off toomany more Kryptonians.
'Theyhave too much power,' said Granny Goodness.
'Wemust respond,' said Desaad.
'Theywill ply nobility and a way of life which disdains the truth,' saidGranny Goodness. 'There kind never understand. They never understandthe Dark Side of life.'
Darkseidsat on his throne immobile.
'Lobohas scampered to the Brotherhood of the Light,' said Desaad. 'He willno longer be of any use to us. Word has come through that theKryptonian lectured him on morality. This is what their kind do. Theypreach. They lecture. They exalt themselves. They proclaim standards,then betray them all day in their actions. They are inconsistentbufoons, and under their growing power this galaxy will fall intosuch blandness that life will be unliveable.'
'I amaware of all of that,' said Darkseid. 'Our lesson of humour willcontinue. I have made available to myself a second choice to workwith the Starro being to accomplish our purposes. This one will notbe so gullible.'
'Whois it?' asked Desaad.
'Yes,do tell,' replied Granny Goodness.
'Myold sparring partner,' said Darkseid. 'I've had him in a dungeon formonths now. He has finally agreed to my terms of release. He'llfulfil the contract we have arranged, and then he will be free toleave. Bring him forward,' said Darkseid.
Mencame forward, and a being resembling Darkseid in some ways stoodbefore the throne.
'Mongul,'said Desaad. 'I had heard Warworld lacked its leader at this time.'
Mongulwas in chains, and glared at Darkseid. 'Free me. I'll keep ourarrangement.'
Darkseidmade a gesture with his hands, and the guards took off the chains. Ashe was rubbing his wrists he spoke.
'Wouldyou have me kill the Kryptonian?'
'Ifnecessary. But it is a return of the favour. Lecture him. Teach himthat we shall not bend the knees to Krypton or Earth's sense of moralfairplay. We are made of tougher stuff than that. And lecture himhard.'
'Asyou wish,' replied Mongul, and the two lords of darkness glared ateach other.
'MrBiden. Mr Johnson. I wish to express our thanks to you foracommodating our embassy in the skies. New Krytpon the City of Kandoris eternally grateful,' said Kal El of Krypton.
Therewere cheers as the two world leaders shook Superman's hand, and thereporters took photos in bucketload.
'ALLHAIL STARRO,' yelled a voice from a speakerphone. The crowd clearedas proud boys, covered in Starro's, marched forward, and DonaldTrump, an extra sized Starro on his face, in a Jeep, came onto thewhitehouse lawn, and halted in front of the world leaders on theirdais.
'Thatelection was rigged,' said Donald. 'But Starro forgives you. He loveseveryone.' Donald turned to the people. 'Receive the love of Starro.We love. We love you all. Starro is strong and merciful.'
Thedemocrats in the crowd started talking to each other. The smallcontingent of Republicans scratched their heads. 'You sure Donald?'yelled one Republica.
'Anew adherent,' said Donald, and a tiny Starro lept from Donald's faceand landed on the Republican's. 'All Hail Starro,' he yelledinstantly.
Loiswas watching on and took a photo of the newly received Starro member.'Amusing,' she said.
'Kryptonis welcome. Long live Starro,' yelled Donald, and the jeep turned andmade its way off, the proud boys retreating.
'Heis a new person,' said Joe Biden.
'It'sbeen good for him,' said Boris Johnson.
Supermancame down and stood next to Lois.
'Wemight have to address these Starro's eventually,' she said to him.
Supermanlooked at the Starro citizens in the crowd. Something soon might needto be done.
'Clark,'said Lois. 'You should look.'
Clarkcame over to the window. Down below was a crowd of Starro citizenssurround a big beefy fella. He didn't look human. 'I need to go tothe men's room,' said Clark.
ShortlySuperman was down in front of the warrior.
'Mongul,'he said. 'I've seen you in pictures around the galaxy. You arefeared.'
Mongulhad two henchmen beside him with Starro's on their face, but he didnot have a Starro on his face.
'Superman.Straight-laced aren't you?'
'Always,'said Superman, stepping up to the dais.
'Let'swrestle,' said Mongul. 'Just a wrestling match.'
Monguljumped down onto the pavement, and motioned for Superman to join him.The crowd made some room. They began wrestling. Strength againststrength. Standard wrestling moves were made, choke holds were usedfor a while, but wrestled out of, and pins were made momentarily, butescaped from. Eventually there was sweat on the two warriors faces.Mongul slapped Superman on the butt, and got up.
'Youwrestle well, Kryptonian.'
Kalwas breathing heavily. 'Yeh,' he said, catching his breath.
'Let'sdo bit of boxing,' said Mongul. He waited a moment, and Kal nodded,and he came forward and hit Superman in the arm, at the shoulder.Superman rubbed it for a moment. It stung. He looked at the face ofhis adversary and hit him in the gut. Mongul flinched, and bent overfor a second. 'You hit well Kryptonian. Can you take a punch in theface?' Superman stood there, then nodded. Mongul came forward, andbashed Superman on the nose. It hurt like hell. It started bleeding.Superman wiped it and looked at Mongul. Then he swung at him and hithim in the cheek. Mongul was flung back a bit, and grabbed his face.'Yes, you do hit well Kryptonian.' He looked at the crowd who werecheering. He looked up at the Daily Planet, and then looked atSuperman. 'Don't expect it to always go your way Kryptonian.' Then hereturned to the stage, and started talking to the crowd. Supermanlooked at him for a while, then returned to the Daily Planet.
Thegiant Starro creature was with Batman. 'I am satisfied with theterms,' he said to Batman. '500,000 citizens around America willsuffice.'
Overthe next few hours Starros fell of most peoples face on the globe,apart from around half a million in America. Starro departed theworld.
Thefollowing day at midday Clark and Lois were chatting. 'An arrangementhas been made,' she said.
'Don'tknow who by,' said Clark.
'Theninvestigate,' said Perry. 'And we've got work to do. No more coffeebreak.'
TheLois sighed, and they got to their desks, and got on with their day.
'Theyhave a sense of what is on the horizon. The rest is up to youDarkseid,' said Mongul.
Darkseidwas watching the tape of the fight. 'This should be enough,' saidDarkseid. 'They will get more lectures soon enough.'
Grannygoodness bit into an apple. 'May we return to our focus on NewGenesis now?'
Lobo-Bots.Lobo-Bot was a Czarnian Android Bounty Hunter. He was in storage inDeep Archive 4 X in the catacombs of Czarnia. There were 17 of theseLobo-Bots. At a certain point they reactivated, and their job is totrack down the 'Lobo' and bring him to justice for executing Czarnia.Lobo-Bots work with 'Jugular X' who is a robotic Terror-Cat-Droid,who goes straight for the Jugular. These robots find robots in theirbrigade if they have been destroyed, gather their parts, and repairthem. This is why Lobo can never quite get rid of the peskyLobo-Bot's who haunt him around the DC Universe.
JusticeLeague: The Coming of Greta – Movie Plot
Aquamanemerges from the ocean in the north atlantic on and island and comeson to it. A man in a traditional clothing style, with a black beanieon his head, is confronted by him. I'm looking for a fella, saysAquaman. You won't find him here. Best you leave, says the man.Aquaman continues on, and Mera confronts him on the side of a road,and says 'you know, you really should look the part,' and he puts ona white traditional shirt over his aquaman suit and black slacks.They come into a traditional village, and Aquaman talks in thetavern. They tell him where he can find his man.
Batmanis in a crag on an island in the southern atlantic. He climbs up to acave, and bats come flying out, and he grins at that. He goes intothe cave.
WonderWoman is on St Helens. She comes into a church, and is led to thecatacombs by the priest. The priest says 'it's deep down in there,'pointing. Wonder woman continues to explore.
Supermanis on pluto. He is in a dark cave, seeing with his vision. He islooking around for something.
Aqumanfinds his man – the trickster. He confronts him. The trickster(played by Mark hammil) says his glory days are well behind him. 'Shechose you,' says Aquaman. 'For whatever reason she has.' 'then Iguess I'll have to get my tricks in order,' replies the Trickster.
Batmanretrieves the desired object.
WonderWoman retrieves the desired object.
Supermanretrieves the desired object.
Aquamanis examining a large black long shape under the water. Superman istrying to penetrate it with super strength and then x-ray vision.'It's no good. You've tried that already,' says Aquaman. Supermangives up, and again reads some of the writing on the side of theobelisk in Kryptonian. Wonder Woman reads some in her language.Aquaman reads some writing in Atlantean. Batman is in a hokeyunderwater suit. Aquaman says 'nice suit' in a mocking tone. 'You gota problem with it?' replies Batman. Batman reads out the writing inEnglish. The messages are from 'Greta'. They are a warning of doomfor the planet if they will not repent and learn the ways ofuniversal harmony. This has not been spelled out, so the team fearsthe worst.
PossiblyJLAGreta stuff
itmight have the comedic element. That might work ok.
Gretashows up and she is huge like galactus. She is a giant green womansort of divine being. She has long hair in sort of thick strands,sort of like dreadlocks in some ways. She is like galactus perhaps.She has a host of servants with her. She descends into the oceandepths from her spacecraft. The JL go down to confront her. Her hostsstart filming when the JL arrive. 'Who are you?' asks Superman. 'I amGreta. The Judge of your world.' 'Who appointed you?' asks Superman.'I did!' bellows Greta, and the ocean thunders. The JL rightthemselves, and Batman says to WW, 'Look,' pointing at the host. WWobserves they seem to be filming what is going on. Greta goes on toexplain that humanity is abusing the earth and is not properly fitfor galactic civilization. And because of this they are to be judged.The movie goes on with Greta judging the world and unleashingcalamity after calamity for the JL to take on, saving people and theplanet. Greta says 'And because you have failed the world, I willjudge you by the very things you have failed in.' She now unleashesthe disasters:
THEDISASTERS Caused by Greta
Avalanchesin the Alps. Moral Lesson: Global Warming
RubbishMonsters attacking New York from the Ocean. Moral Lesson: Litteringthe Ocean
SmogMonsters attacking Beijing: Moral Lesson: Smog
OilMonsters attacking Alaska. Moral Lesson: Oil Spills
SandMonsters attacking Cairo. Moral Lesson: Soil degradation
FireSalamanders attacking Rio Di Janeiro. Moral Lesson: Burning forestsin the Amazon
Finally,when judgement is complete, the JL come back to Greta. 'You'vedestroyed us,' says Superman. 'You've had your say.' Greta nods.'Indeed, Supemran,' and she gives anotehr brief lecture. 'We are atyour disposal,' says superman, bowing. 'Very well. I will now acceptthe offerings,' says Greta. Aquaman brings 'The Trickster' into viewin front of Greta. Trickster presents the offerings of fine gems andprecious metals from their solar system which the JL found at thebeginning. Batman says 'I went through hell getting that 'XXX'(whatever it is). A host of greta comes forth and inspects the goods.He turns to Greta and sayd 'The offerings are in order, yourglorioius one.' Greta nods, and turns her attention to the Trickster.'Now. Entertain me.' The trickster now starts cracking jokes anddoing stupid tricks and things. Greta finally starts laughing.Finally, when the show is over, a host comes forth with tablets withcontracts in them. 'Electronic signatures. Waving rights on ourclaimed copyright,' says the host. 'Superman says 'Whatever then'.Batman, while signing says 'Unbelievable. ' Aquaman says 'All for theshow'. When the signatures are in order Greta looks at them,satisfied. 'Your world has learned a lesson. Heed that you do ntoforget.' Then she raises her arms, and all over the planet everythingstarts returning to normal, and people are back to life again. Thenthe Greta show leaves, the JL crack jokes about what has gone on,that they should do their own movie, they compare themsleves tomembers of the Avengers, and that's the end of the story.
AlexaBliss ran into the wall headfirst, and collapsed, as the Shadow Lordtook her body and escaped the wrestling arena. He dragged her outsideof Metropolis, south, then west, into backwaters, and placed her onan altar at Midnight. Then he chanted, and plunged a dagger into herheart. The next morning, the sun was bright, and the birds werechirping, and a snake was slithering in the grazz. Alexa awoke. 'Farout,' she said. She felt herself. She didn't feel right. She lookedat her hands. They were all wrinkly and sullen. 'God Almighty. Am Idead?' She got to her feet, climbing down off the altar, and noticedher whole body was like this. She took her compact out and looked ather face. She looked like a frikking Zombie. Suddenly she laughed.She didn't know why she laughed, she just did. 'You know who youare?' she said to the reflection. 'You are Zombie Quinn.' Alexa wasfascinated with Harley Quinn from the Suicide Squad. She had picturesof her everywhere in her flat. Now she would be Zombie Quinn. Shewandered the forest for days, and noticed she didn't need to eat ordrink much, and didn't need to sleep much. Then she found a cave, andwandered down into it. She descended, further and further down, as itseemed to lead her on. Then she found lava, and it was that newvillain. The Batman Who Laughs.
'Bouttime, sweet cheeks,' he said.
'Howdid you know I would find you?' she asked him.
'It'sin your head. All that you need to know is in your head. We're notstupid, my buddies and I. We have work to do you know. Bloody work todo.'
'Right,'said Alexa. 'I'm Alexa Bliss. No.No, I'm Zombie Quinn.'
'Ofcourse you are,' he replied.
'I, ILOVE YOU,' she said. She came over to him, and reached up and grabbedhis jaw. 'Don't forget it buster.'
'ZQ.You are a crazy lass. I like you.'
'It'smiss frikking ZQ to you buster.'
'Yesdearest,' replied the Batman Who Laughs. 'Of course you are.' Andthey laughed and cried, and then spluttered a bit, and set abouttheir dastardly plans.
'Justa drop of blood, Mr Wayne. For security analysis for Wayne Corp,'said the worker Bruce didn't recognize.
'DidI authorize this?' asked Bruce from his desk.
'Variousauthorities in the organisation,' replied the worker.
Brucesighed and rolled up his shirt. The worker took a syringe, proddinghis arm, finding a suitable place, and injecting the needle. It hitfirst time, and she gradually took 100 mils of blood.
'Thatshould do just fine Mr Wayne?'
'Wonderful,'replied Bruce, as the bandage was attached and he got back to hiswork for the day. The worker left the room with the vials of blood ina case, walked to the elevator, went to the ground floor, and exitedthe building. At the bottom she exited Wayne Corp, came out on to thestreet, and walked down the block, getting into a red car.
'Hereis the blood,' said the worker. 'Wayne won't expect anything,' shesaid.
'Wonderful,'replied Bloody Mary. 'I'll transfer the money immediately. Have anice day.'
Andthe worker exited the car, checking her bank account 5 minutes laternoticing the money had been transferred, grinned, and got back towork.
Inthe car Bloody Mary was looking at the blood. 'We have you nowBatman,' she said, put the blood away, and indicated the to the driveto drive on.
* * *
'Fightme Superman!' yelled the creature.
'It'sDoomsday,' screeched a citizen of Metropolis. Shortly Clark Kent,with his hearing, had rushed out of the Daily Planet, changing intohis Superman outfit, and flown quickly to the site of the melee goingon. It WAS Doomsday. At least, it looked like Doomsday. Superman flewin and bashed him from behind. The creature reacted by turningquickly, grabbing Superman, and plunging his bone claws intoSuperman's arm. They penetrated, and the bones had cylinders in themwhich quickly sucked out some Kryptonian blood. About 100 mils.Superman pulled away, and gripped his arm. He used his X-Ray visionto burn the wound, and it cauterized quickly. He looked around.Doomsday was gone. A lady screamed at him 'He Went up, into theclouds, and disappeared.' Superman looked, but there was no sign ofthe creature anywhere. His arm still aching, he calmed down thepeople and started turning cars up the right way, repairing some ofthe signs of the melee.
* * *
'Excellent,vile creature,' said Bloody Mary, taking the vials of blood.
'Itwasn't pleasant impersonating Doomsday, said a man, taking off a highpowered Doomsday tech-suit. 'But it got the job done Miss Mary.'
'Indeedit did,' replied Mary, flicking the side of the test tube with herfinger. 'Kryptonian blood. We have him now.'
* * *
'Allis going according to plan, master,' said Zombie Quinn, deep in theheart of the Earth.
'Excellent,'said the One Who Laughs, and cackled a vile cackle.
Gretaturned to Manga Khan. 'Your robot. Is it for sale? It is witty. Ilike wit.'
Manga,sitting at his PC, waved Goddess Greta away. 'Leave me. I havenegotiations.'
'TheCluster business can wait till another day Manga. I am bored. Bored,Manga.' She came up and stood behind him, looking at the computerscreen.
'Whatis that?' asked Greta.
'Bloodcells,' said Manga. 'I am collecting samples from outstandingEarthers at the moment. Quite a lot to choose from. Have arrangementswith a new fella I ran into. A laughing bat. Grim Knight sort offella. Was on Earth, and he agreed to the terms.'
'What?You are collecting blood? For what purpose?' asked Greta.
'Iwasn't always hot gas, you know,' replied Manga Khan.
'Yourhot air never ends,' replied Greta. 'It is why you are such anamusement to myself.'
Mongulwalked past them, scratching his balls and saying 'Where is thatwench?' A moment later Lobo followed, took a swig of alcohol, andcontinued on after Mongul.
'Soyou had a form?' she asked.
'I amfrom the Khan dynasty. We have a proud tradition throughout thisgalaxy. Several powers are Khan blood. Old Yuga's lad Darkseid isvery feared on Apokolips. Tricky dealing with that miserable fella.'
'Iwould imagine,' replied Greta. 'How will the blood help you?'
'Formativeingredients of a new body. I am looking for outstanding human'scurrently, but also I damn well need a drop of that Kryptonian'sblood, and it looks as if I've got it now. That will help me no end,especially in worlds of the yellow star.'
'Youare drawing the blood to become a god?' she asked.
'Whythank you,' replied Manga Khan.
Gretafrowned. 'I am sure it will be a thrill for you then. You might evenprove a fitting consort.'
'Mydear, I would be charmed.'
Gretasighed, and went off to look where Mongul and Lobo had gone. 'Goodluck with your endeavours Manga. Let me know how it goes.'
'Willdo dear Greta,' replied Manga, as he continued staring at the screen,happy at the progress of his plan.
WonderWoman looked around the Headquarters.
'It'srun down J'onn,' she said.
MartianManhunter said 'Max had it locked up, and it fell into ruin.Juveniles run through here on occasions, turning over chairs andspraying graffiti.'
'Obviously,'replied Wonder Woman, looking at some Graffiti which read 'TheJustice League International is a Joke.' 'Why are we here again?' sheasked.
'Maxhas been going through reformations, yet again. He's been bad andgood and bad again, and all over the place. He's never really surewhere his head is at.'
'Myfirst encounter with Mr Lord back a long time ago was challenging,'said Diana.
'Irecall that' said J'onn. Max offered the world a lot of choices then,before moving on to reunite the Justice League International. And nowhe's at it again. Reforming the Justice League International for newworld threats. Probably a concept of atonement in his thinking, orsome such.'
'Onecould imagine,' replied Diana, walking through the cobwebbed filledheadquarters.
'Theobjective this time is for a more serious league, still with thetraditional JLI team, but bringing the heavy hitters in. And Max isnegotiating with Hawkman again. Saying it will be different thistime.'
'Alwaysafter the Hawk,' said Wonder Woman.
'I'llbe arranging a cleaning crew come in here next week. It will be ourbase of operations. This new era of the Justice League yet again willhave an international focus. Batman and Superman feel it's time for achange again, and this old idea could be fleshed out a bit. Potentialin bringing the heroes an international focus.'
'Asthere has always been,' said Diana. 'Let me know when we have ourfirst team meeting,' she said.
Martianlooked around. 'Here we go again, I suppose.'
'Herewe go again,' echoed the Amazonian.
Karnalitylifted her weapon and pointed it at Superman. 'Hasta la vistaKryptonian,' and she pulled the trigger on the ultra high gradeplasma cannon. A bolt shot forward at lightning pace and his Supermanin the chest, ravaging his uniform, which was rare, and singing hischest. 'You are not that tough son of Jor El.'
Supermanpicked himself up and started circling Karnality. She had light greenskin. 'Where are you from Karnality?'
'Hereand there. I knew Krypton before it exploded. Yes, I'm that old. Knewyour father Jor El as well. He was high on the council. I liked him.You'd disappoint him though. He was more decisive. You are too soft.Need a lesson or two.' She put down her cannon and lurched forwardwith the speed of Superman, and plummeted into his legs, knocking himdown, then she started punching his head. Superman fended her off andpicked her up and threw her at the base of a nearby statue, thuddinginto it. She groaned, stood, and rubbed her back.
'Hopeyou enjoyed that,' said Superman. 'Why are you causing this trouble?Do you have a point to prove or something.'
Karnalitystarted circling Superman, then blasted heat vision from eyes atsuperman's torso. It burnt him also, and he turned away, and flew upinto the air. She stared up at him. 'I don't have the power offlight. Your advantage Kryptonian. But I can jump high,' and she did,grabbing Superman's feet and latching on.
'Whydo you want this trouble?' asked Superman, looking down at her, as hetried shaking his feet.
'Hey,I'm the new girl in town. Maxima recommended that you would be a bitof fun.'
'Maxima,'said Superman, grabbing Karnality, and flying down into the ground,crashing her into the pavement. 'Is a pain in the neck too.'Karnality lay there a moment and Superman stood over her, lookingdown at her face.
'Thatactually hurt Kal El,' she replied. She gingerly got to her feet, andSuperman was on guard.
'Noneed to worry any more. We've had a bit of fun,' she said, putting upher hands. Superman lowered his guard, and looked around at thedamage, when Suddenly Karnality crashed into him, pummelling him intothe same statue base as before. She proceded to punch his face a fewtimes, and his nose started bleeding. Eventually she stopped and said'That will do Kal El,' and stood, and pulled away. Superman got tohis feet, and looked at her. They were both sweating and breathingheavily. 'If you want trouble, I will meet you head on,' saidSuperman.
'Notour species kind. Making trouble. Fun, sure. We like to put people intheir place.'
'Soyou say,' replied Superman.
Shepicked up her plasma cannon, and sat down at the base of the statue.She waved Superman to come and sit next to her as the crowd which hadgathered watched on animatedly. They were both in a sorry state.
'Theygot some of your blood,' said Karnality. 'I saw the news report ofthe fight. Figured that might be going on. Figured I know who'sbehind it. Manga Khan. He is collecting blood at the moment.'
'Thecluster guy,' said Superman. 'Old trouble for the Justice LeagueInternational. We're reforming the JLI right now. Looks like fate hassprung it on us at the right time.'
'Thingoften happen for a reason,' replied Karnality, getting to her feet.She put out her hand and Superman took it and shook it. 'Your fatherwas a good man. You obviously care also. Just need to fight a bitharder son of Jor El. I'll be seeing you.' And she smiled, turnedand, with her plasma cannon in hand, walked off the scene. Supermanwatched her go, puzzled, but looked at the mess, and the policepresent, and went over to give a report of the incident.
'She'sunder,' said Ra's al Ghul.
'Good,'said the One Who Laughs.
'She'llneed a week of programming for regular routine to feed and clean andclothe herself. She is quite docile in this state, and will need tobe worked over till she follows. She should alread know how to dowhat you ask, you just need to tell her.'
BloodyMary came forward and looked at the Zombie Quinn laid back on theseat. She opened up a box, and took out a Scarab. 'Zombie Quinn,'said Bloody Mary. Zombie Quinn looked at her. 'This is a Scarab. Itwill give you instructions for things you will be accomplishing inthe near future. At a later date. Hold the Scarab.' Zombie Quinn putout her hand, as the others watched on, and the Scarab enfoldeditself around Zombie Quinn's hand, and sent it's tendrils up her armlodging in the back of her skull, piercing her head and brain. TheScarab whirred excitedly for a while and, just as soon as it hadbegun, it finished, retracting its tendrils, and falling off ZombieQuinn's hand, taken by Bloody Mary and put back in the box. 'Our workis finished,' said Bloody Mary. 'She's all yours. I will consideryour fee paid Dark Knight.'
Theone who laughs looked at his beloved. 'You have a lot of work aheadof you, don't you dear. They shan't forget you any time soon.'
* * *
'Prometheusarise!' declared the One Who Laughs,' at the lava pit. Out of thelava a figure started emerging, and took shape, rising up, andstepping out onto the cave floor.
'Hell.I've been Forever Evil. It's different to taste physical life yetagain.'
'Ihave work to pay off your debt. I can cast you back into the pit.Fulfil the terms and I'll free you.'
'Whatare the terms?' asked the naked man.
'TheLord Manga Khan has paid hansomely for some blood, and we have mostof what we need. But there is some blood which is particularly potentwhich I have become aware has returned from a deathly experience. Itis a strong bloodline, from days past, and it has a fight of theAnimus I crave within it. I knew you had dealings with her, anddefeated her. What better way than a visit from the man she hates themost.'
'Anima.Trash girl,' said Prometheus. 'She should be a lot of fun.'
'Acquiresome blood. Do what you will with her after that. It is of noconcern.'
'Andthey are the terms?' queried Prometheus.
'Theyare the terms,' replied the One Who Laughs.
'You'llhave your blood. And I some hunting to do.'
Andthe two howled a vile laugh in the heart of the world.
CourtneyMason, the superhero formerly known as Anima, now Reborn, and workingin a factory in Gotham city, was on her lunch break. She sat on abench, drinking a bottle of milk, eating her salami sandwich, andlooking at her fellow workers walking around the factory grounds. Shewas earning ok, and life had restarted in Gotham. She had a flat, shehad no boyfriend, not yet anyway, but she had things to do, and wascollecting Comics. She'd found a few old issues of 'Anima' down atthe comic store in the city, things developed from news reports onher, produced by DC Comics which were the major publishers goinground. She was always fascinated reading her old adventures. Theywere true to a certain extent, often based on real events, but oftenimaginary extras. She also collected a lot of Batman at the moment,impressed by him. She felt guilty, though. She'd seen Iron Man 2, andhad a crush on Robert Downey Junior, and purchased a quiet amount ofrecent Iron Man comics from the dread number 2 Marvel Comics. Theydidn't really cover superheroes from the real world – just madeup ones from the Marvel Multiverse. Fascinating, though. She feltthey too had their own life to them. She liked to submit her rare andexpensive comics to CGC, getting them slabbed, and was proud of herelite 9.8 collection, with some choice items in them. It was hercurrent hobby, gave her something to do, and it passed her time,alongside her CD collection and DVDs.
'Courtney.Can I get a shot of your blood,' said a nurse. 'We need it for themedical.'
Courtneylooked at the lady in white who had sat down next to her. 'Uh, sure Iguess,' replied Courtney, rolling up her sleeve.
'Won'tneed much at all,' said the lady. 'Just a few drops. Hardly worthgoing into the office for.'
'Sure,'said Courtney.
Thenurse inserted the needle, drew a little blood, and sealed the vial,placing it in a box. 'Thank you very much Courtney. I'll see youaround.' And the lady walked off.
'Funny.Never seen her before,' thought Courtney to herself. She continued onwith her meal, and 10 minutes passed, and she was about ready to getback to work, when she heard a hissing noise behind her. She turned.It was a pussy cat.
'Awww,pussy. Are you in trouble?'
'No.But you will be,' said a voice.
Courtneyfroze. She knew that voice. She knew it well. It was the voice whichhad killed her. She looked up from where she was bent down pattingthe cat, and the face of her mortal enemy, Prometheus, glared at her.
'Roundtwo bitch,' he said. And he kicked her in the face, sending hersprawling.
Asshe recovered, she ripped off her clothes. Some of her armour was onunderneath.
'Comeand get me, bastard,' she yelled at him.
Heapproached. 'You were easy first time.'
Shelunged at him and with a hard hit, pummelled him in the neck. Hereached up for it, but grabbed her own neck and started stranglingher. She grabbed his hands, and wrestled for a while, but soon shewas getting faint. Then he threw her to the ground, and startedkicking her. Soon she was a bloody mess, and he bowed down to herface. 'I got the blood I already needed, Mason. I could kill you. ButI think I'll save that for another day.'
Courtneyspat at him saying 'You're all heart.'
Hechuckled, and then, with one last blow, hit her in the face, knockingher out. And then she was gone, and Anima was lying unconscious onthe ground, in a sorry state indeed.
MangaKhan was twirling a vial in his fingers, sitting at a table in GretaGoddess's mansion, who came over and sat down next to him.
'I'mbored. All my guests have left. What's that?' she asked.
Mangaflicked the vial into Greta's hands, who caught it with the skill ofa Goddess. 'Ooh, she says. It's metallic. And liquid. Quicksilver isit?'
'Notquite,' said Manga, and put his arms down on the table and put hishead in them. 'It's a metal substance. Expensive. Difficult toobtain. From the heart of most worlds in reality.'
'Whatis it?' she asked.
'Rare.Expensive. The foundational sort of stuff right at the nucleus ofworlds. You have to go through the fires to find the stuff. But itmakes the worlds go round, and is essential for my new body. But itneeds life. It needs blood, if I am to have the substance I need.'
'BloodMetal,' said Greta, her eyes lighting up.
'Itwill give me the power of a god in some ways,' said Manga Khan. 'WhenI get the blood I need. But I need the blood to have the life I need.To have the Flesh and Blood I need to be alive.'
'Havingproblems with your cronie?' asked Greta, flicking the vial back toManga Khan.
'Some.They've run into difficulties,' replied Manga Khan.
'Difficulties?'asked Greta, eyebrow raised.
'Oh,they have obtained the samples I need, but the Grim Knight in myemploy has worked out my agenda. We chatted, and he put two and twotogether, and now has his own plans to find his own Metal. In theheart of Earth. And the Blood Metal Creation which will come forthfrom that feral wannabe is probably not in any of our bestinterests.'
'Soit's totally backfired,' smiled Greta. 'The best laid plans oftencome undone. You'll have to deal with it I suppose.'
'That'sthe problem. It will likely mean an old adversary. A man as cunningas they come, with just as much of a diabolical side as me on a goodday.'
'Oh,jolly good,' said Greta. 'Do keep me informed,' she replied, as shewandered away to find her next item of amusement.
'I'lldo that,' sighed Manga Khan, his head returning to the table.
'MrLord. I have Green Fury on the VideoLine. She says it's urgent. End your ex-wife asks if you still can make it to Paris next week forthe meeting with the Conglomerate.'
'Thankyou Ms Wootenhoffer,' replied Maxwell Lord. 'Ruddy Green Flame,' Maxmuttered to himself.
'ProblemsMr Lord,' said L-Ron, his Personal Computer Assistant.
'NothingI can't handle L-Ron.' He flicked on the screen.
'Thereyou are,' said Beatriz DeCosta, the Superhero Fire. 'About time youanswered my call.'
'Whatcan I do for you, Beatriz,' asked Max. 'Need a new gig.'
'Modellingis hardly fitting work for a superhero. I am sorely tempted to goback working for Checkmate with how bad it's getting. Haven't signedan autograph in years. You are a second rate agent, Maxwell Lord. Second rate.'
'Oh,come on Fire,' said Max. 'It can't be that bad. You're a member ofthe Justice League International. Truth, Justice and the Americanway. All that jazz.'
'Thedays of glory for the Justice League International are long gone,'replied Fire, hotly. 'Kids these days don't even know who we werelet alone who we are now. Like we're forgotten, and the regularJustice League of America rules again. We made headlines, Max. Headlines. We were the next best thing. People were taking bets onhow we'd performed. And now? I mean, if I don't get to myhairdresser soon, if I can even afford it, I'll be totally frazzled. I need some real work, Max. Real work.'
'Iknow, I know. I've been working on it,' said Max. 'Got this gigwith some reformed members of the Injustice League. Should paywell.'
'Whatis it?' sighed Beatriz.
'Regularkids party tricks. They love superheroes, you know. Everyone does. You'd be perfect.'
'Youare kidding, right?' asked Fire.
'Thesedays, you know,' said Max. 'I mean, Blue and Gold are in theRestoration Business. Power Girl has had to resort to the One StarSquadron to get anything going for her, even with all her buxomassets.'
'Giveme the number,' said Fire.
'I'llemail you,' said Max. 'Thinking of you, Fire,' and he flicked thescreen off. He sat there, looking out at the city, when hissecretary Ms Wootenhoffer buzzed him again.
'Yes,Ms Wootenhoffer,' said Max.
'It's,uh. It's someone you should probably talk to. He says he knows you. I seem to recall the details. He's on the screen.'
'Fine,'said Max, and flicked on the screen. There, in front of him, a facehe'd sooner rather forget. The inimitable Manga Khan.
'MaxwellLord. Old friend. How you been?'
'It'sbeen a while,' sighed Max. 'How's business for the cluster?'
'Neverbetter,' replied Manga Khan. 'Now, I have something I need done. Sticky work. Requires heroes. Heroes who are not that necessary foryou all. Expendable sort of heroes. Disposable sort of heroes. TheJustice League International comes to mind.'
'Oh,'said Max. 'And you can pay?'
'Ican pay,' replied Manga Khan.
'ThenI'm all ears,' replied Maxwell Lord.
'He'sbeen insisting on seeing you,' said the Arkham guard to the Batman.Batman walked into the padded Arkham cell, and glared at the Joker.
'Batsy.Long time no see,' said the Joker, and burst out laughing.
'Whatdo you want Joker?' asked the Batman.
'Now,where are my manners. Sit down, sit down,' said the Joker, indicatingthe table with two seats. Batman sat and Joker joined him. Achessboard with chess pieces was on the table.
'Youmove first,' said Joker. 'I'm hardly white now am I?' Batman made hismove and Joker responded.
'NowBatsy, I have a few things to say. In all this recent kfuffle I'vehad a lot of fun. Bloody times indeed. And that Blood Metal. Toxicstuff. But alack alas the heroes triumphed again, and I'm all lockedup nice and tight, aren't I'
'Whereyou belong,' replied Batman.
'Ofcourse it is,' said Joker, as their game of chess continued. 'Now, Iwant to share a little philosophy with you Batman. In life there aregood guys and there are bad guys. And that is sort of the way theworld is.'
'Goodguys and guys who need therapy,' said Batman.
'Oh,I've had tonnes of that, I can tell you,' replied the Joker. 'Butit's never worked. It never will. You want to know why?'
'I'msure you are going to tell me,' replied Batman, making his next move.
'Becausethat is just not how the world works. If it's all rosy all the time,you know what that is?'
'Peaceand quiet,' said Batman.
'Butoh so boring,' replied the Joker. 'Face it, Batsy. Without me, youare out of a job. I bring that spark to life. That humour. That Joke.That – killing – joke.'
'Icould learn to live without it,' replied the Batman.
'Butyou'd be bored,' said Joker. He looked right at Batman. 'Don't tryand save me Batman. I'm not meant to be redeemed. Everyone knowsthat. I do the dirty work, and you get the glory when you finallycatch me. It's how it all works. You're the hero, I'm the villain,and never the twain shall meet.'
'Agrim reality I learned a long time ago, Joker,' replied the Batman.
'Soit's the way it goes,' said Joker. 'I'm not a moral guy. I'm thejoker. The wild card in the pack. And I trump everything,' said theJoker, making his next move.'
'But,'replied Batman. 'There is always a Knight to keep you in check. Andthat is checkmate I believe,' said Batman, making his move.
Jokerlooked down at the board. 'Blah. I hate chess,' he said, and tossedthe chessboard onto the ground, pieces flying everywhere.
Batmanstood and looked at Joker. 'I'll always catch you, Joker. Crime willnever pay.'
Jokergrinned. 'But it's oh so much fun playing the game.' And then hestarted laughing and going wild, and Batman glared at the clownprince of crime, and left the cell, leaving a wild joker laughing hishead off, as the world turned once more.
TheEnd of Blood Metal
(Sentas Tweets to DC initially)
Gofor Lindsay Lohan in a new Batwoman Series after the current oneends. Do it about 3 years later. Batwoman should still be hot.Lindsay is a much better choice and will be well received in therole.Do the Batwoman movie with'Lindsay Lohan' and her enemy played by 'Megan Fox', also with ShiaLebouf as a villain in the movie. Megan and Shia have a kickass finalscene with Batwoman. Lots of car and cycle chases, and canal scenes,and the Batboat chase.Megan andShia are caught and sent to Arkham at the end of the Batwoman movie,and Commissioner Gordon is in the movie. NO Batman, though. Justmentioned.In the Batwoman moviestarring Lindsay Lohan as Batwoman, Batwoman encouters 'Chronos'played by Shia LeBouf, who has a giant Clock set up in his HQ. 'Timeis running out for Gotham, Batwoman. Who will you save? Will it be?'She has 3 choices. She rushes off to saveMaps &Olive (Gotham Academy).In the Batwomanmovie Megan Fox 'The Flying Fox' chases Batwoman around Gotham in thefirst half. Batwoman works her out, and chases Flying Fox aroundGotham in the second, saying 'The Hunter has become the Prey. IronicJustice.'So the Batwoman Movie.'Batwoman' (Lindsay Lohan' VS Chronos (Shia LeBeouf) and 'Flying Fox'(Megan Fox). Set in Gotham City. Lots of Bike, Car, and Batboat chasescenes. M to MA15+ rated. Nobody gets killed, but has coarselanguage. Lots of sarcasm.TheBatwoman movie has similar feels to the early Batman movies starringMichael Keaton. Chronos is trying to change 'Time' in Gotham, and runthings backwards, forwards quickly, and all the timetables andcomputers are in a mess. There is a crazy gas in the air.Inthe Batwoman Movie Batwoman goes down 'Vertigo Alley', where Maps andOlive (Gotham Academy) are held prisoner. They are the first choiceof ones she has to save. Vertigo Alley is all crazy, with VertigoIllusions, and she sees things which aren't real.Inthe Batwoman Movie the 'Time Bandits' (Dwarves) serve Chronos as hishenchmen. Flying Fox rivals this with the 'Skunk Girls'. Chronos says'They really stink.' Flying Fox replies 'Bite me.' Chronos replies'Love to, but I've a dinner date.' 'Men,' says FF.Theend of the Batwoman movie is 'New years Eve' celebration, andBatwoman, Maps & Olive have a party on the rooftop at the end ofthe movie. 'It's been a hell of a year,' says Batwoman. 'Wait tillthe next one,' says Olive. 'I'm sure it will go off.''Wonderful,'.The Time Bandits have'Mini VW cars', and chase Batwoman. 'I hate VWs,' says Batwoman.'Unless they are white. White ones. They rule.' 'These guys havegreen ones,' says Maps. 'Enviro friendly they may be, theyr'e goingdown,' says Batwoman. She takes em out 1 ata time.Thetime bandits retreat to Chronos HQ and say Batwoman is too tough. 'Myturn' says Flying Fox, and sends out her Skunk Army in the'Stinkmobiles', little 'Aston Martins'. They think they're jamesbond, says Maps. 'I''ll give em the Batfinger then,' repliesBW.Batwoman Movie: Time Banditsand Skunks chase her, then FF chases her. BW works all this out, thenin 2nd half, chases them around with Maps and Olive. Finds HQ, anddefeats bad guys. Also Canal chase with Batboat.Chronosis fussy about time in the Batwoman movie. Gotham must work accordingto the wonders of time. Space, that can be interesting, but time isthe key. It's all about not being on time, to cause a littlechronotical mayhem. That's a laugh riot. Villains are funny.Thesong 'Wind up Toy' from the album 'Hey Stoopid' by 'Alice Cooper' isChronos theme song for the Batwoman movie.Chronos isintroduced in the movie as growing up with his parents and being anobsessive inventor of toys. He goes through all the toys, which arewind up toys, but his parents hardly approve of his choice. But hesays 'Everything changed when I found clocks and time.' In theflashback scene of his youth they are all dressed in white.
BatmanVs Ghostmaker
We'lldo a Batman movie together Kimbra. Privately made. You are a female'Ghostmaker'. I'm probably 'Alfred', who has a crush on theGhostmaker, when she barges into Wayne Manor. Batman looks you overand says 'Who the Hell are You?' 'A Female Sir,' I reply as Alfred.'And quite a dishy one as well.' Lot s of 'cool' action and charm,semi-comedic, and highly intense at times. I'll develop the scriptmyself off of comics ideas from Batman, and we'll do a series ofmaybe a dozen films with 'Batman Vs Ghostmaker' and Alfred marryingGhostmaker in the end. I'll work on it eventually in this adventingworld to come, and it will be a project for us a long way down thetrack. Sort of looking for you to be a good friend. I am fond of you,and want a good friendship with you eventually. Hope you like theidea Kiwi Dollface.
Inthe third movie Alfred has some 'Good Intent' towards Ghostmaker.Ghostmaker is obsessed about competing with Batman. Not reallyin killing Batman, which is not her intention, but about rivallinghim and taking him on. She notices Alfred, and in the thirdmovie Alfred makes a move on her in Wayne Manor. She is diningwith Bruce Wayne, and Alfred pours out some champage, and touches herwhite gloved hand briefly as he is pouring out the wine.Ghostmaker looks at him for a moment, noticing his admiration forher, and, as he leaves the room, she looks after him as he leaves.She is touched a little by the touch, and is curious about what isgoing on there. Batman makes some comments about Alfred, beingsingle, and that 'He obviously likes you'. 'I...noticed,'replies Ghostmaker. Batman is played by Christian Bale.
Inthe third movie Alfred takes Ghostmaker to a club and they do 'GoodIntent' style dancing.
Idress like Alfred in 'Batman Vs Superman'. Same sort of Alfred.
I'llhave to take lessons for the dancing. Ghostmaker dresses likeKimbra in the Good intent videos. It's the same
dancingas in the videos. The same cast from the video could be thepeople at the dance club. Alfred probably knows
themwell as friends, and he chats to them when they get to the Club.Lines like 'Who is this Alfred?' 'My She's a Catch'
andso on are made about Alfred's date Ghostmaker. They drink at atable after the dancing, and Alfred shares details
ofthe single life he has lived. 'Serving the Wayne family hasnever been a chore. It has been a duty of honour I am honoured
tohave been given. They've been a home for me in life, when otheravenues of family where not always so forthcoming.
Iam eternally indebted to them.' 'Bruce Wayne. He'sBatman,' says Ghostmaker. 'I've been trailing him.Followed the Batmobile
tillit disappeared outside of Gotham. There was only one place itcould have gone.' Alfred smiles at her. 'An interesting
observation.I'll be sure to share that with Mr Wayne. He's be doubtlesslyamused by the idea.'
Ghostmakerfights with long staffs with blades. She waves them around, andthrusts them at Batman. In a final scene of a movie Alfred iswatching on intently, when Ghostmaker beckons Batman to come fighther. He says to Batman 'For God's sake don't hurt her Bruce.'Batman replies 'No promises Aflred.' They fight it out andBatman eventually knocks away the blades, and punches Ghostmaker inthe face, knocking her out. Later she is in hospital, with abruised nose, as she comes to her senses, with Batman and Alfred andCommissioner Gordon standing there. 'She caused trouble for MrWayne,' Alfred says to the commissioner. Batman stepped in andsorted her out. Gordon nods and says, 'Oh, where is MrWayne?' 'Uh, he is engaged, sire.' Gordon looks atAlfred, and then gives Batman a long knowing look and says 'Right'.'You've got time to serve,' Batman says to Ghostmaker. 'It wasworth it,' she replies. Alfred comes and stands over her.'I do hope so, my lady.' She smiles at him.
Afterthe Dance.
'Youknow, it's really a miracle,' said Bruce Wayne, watching Alfred dust,and dance around the library.
'Whatis sir?'
'Thechange which has come over you in the last few days Alfred.This is NOT Mr Pennyworth. He has been kidnapped. And bythe Ghostmaker herself it would seem.'
'Indeedsir,' replied Alfred, unperturbed, continuing his dusting.
'It'sreally a doppleganger,' said Dick Grayson. 'Somebody has clonedAlfred, and injected some go go juice into him.'
'Gogo juice?' asked Bruce, eyebrow raised.
'Gogo juice,' said Dick. 'They sell it down at the mall.It's advertised everywhere.'
'Iam NOT on go go juice,' stated Alfred. 'Simply in a good mood,master Dick.'
'Obviously,'said Dick Grayson.
'It'slike he's 20 years younger,' said Bruce.
'Iforget how old Alfred is,' said Dick.
'Informationprivvy to Thomas Wayne, rest his soul,' replied Alfred.
'Ithink I might have seen an employment form once,' said Bruce.
'Yes.You pay Alfred of course. Never really thought about that.'
'Yes.I am on a healthy enough stipend,' said Alfred. 'Though I havenot much need of it. I live here, and the estate provides mybed and board as part of my employment.'
'Clothes,I guess,' said Bruce.
'WayneEnterprises fits me out,' said Alfred.
'Oh,we do do we?' asked Bruce, eyebrow raised.
'Isee your own tailor. The family tailor,' said Alfred. 'Worked outlong ago.'
'Theway he's dancing about he might need some new threads soon too,' saidDick. 'He thinks he's Fred Astaire.'
'Abutler in love,' stated Bruce.
'Indeed,'finished Alfred, and made his way to the next room to continuing hisdusting.
INTRODUCTORYSCENE OF 'The Dark Night: Ghostmaker's Good Intent (Third in the DarkKnight Ghostmaker Series)
We'rehere at the scene of the front of the Gotham Gazette, where theGhostmaker has just left, having shot Two-Face in the chest.Two-Face is in Intensive
Careat Gotham Memorial Hospital, and Ghostmaker is nowhere to be seen.Eyewitnesses account that the alleged Assassin, in her war
withthe Gotham Underworld, is getting more and more brutal in the methodsshe employs. No confirmed killings, but all signs point to anumber
ofgangland deaths at the hand of the Ghostmaker. The question is,should we complain about another masked vigilante dealing with the
criminalsof Gotham. In a city like ours, this is just par for thecourse.
'You'regoing down, Penguin,' said the Ghostmaker.
'Inyour dreams, Ghostmaker. Harvey always had bad eyesight.Sort of the crooked eye,' said Pengui, waving his hand at his eye.Ghostmaker stared at him. 'Can't see so well out of one eye, ifyou know what I mean.' Ghostmaker continues staring at him.'Sort of cause he had this accident, and half of his face got coveredin acid. Sort of wrecked one of the eyes. But that iswhat we criminals deal with on....' 'Get to the point,' saidGhostmaker, interruputing him.
'DIEGHOSTMAKER,' Yelled Penguin, and suddenly a group of Penguins croniescame on the scene, and surrounded the Ghostmaker. Penguin watches fora moment, and makes his getaway, while the rest of the scene hasGhostmaker fighting then defeating Penguins cronies (she doesn'tkille them).
ThisGhostmaker is Ghostmakers sister, who has concerns for her brother,but also her own concerns. She doesn't have the samemotivations as her brother, and sees herself more of an 'Avenger' and'Vigilante'. Similar to the Punisher.
TheVillain psychopath 'Dirty Scream' was in Ghostmakers face.
'Listen,bitch. You die if you mess with the scream. I go for thejugular. I don't play pretty.'
Ghostmakerstood silent like a ghost, and reached her hand out and touched'Dirty Scream' on the shoulder.
'Iknow what you did,' she said softly. 'And I forgive you.But I will still kill you.'
DirtyScream, dressed in black, with a red crown of thorns on his dirtyt-shirt, lunged at her with a dagger, which she
easilyfended off with her staff.
'Iam merciful,' Dirty Scream. You'll make a good ghost.Hell won't be forever. You're too evil for God to allow that.Down into
darkdeath, no more to return.'
Dirtyscream lunged at her again, but missed, and yelled 'Stop saying thatcrap. There is no God.'
Shewas suddenly behind him. 'I pity you, you know. Neverknown love. Never known true peace. Your father probablyhit you. He
probablyeven abused you, didn't he?'
'Shutup bitch. You don't know anything about me,' he screeched.
'No.But I know your type. I've long known your type.'
'Die,'he screeched,and lunged again, but missed as she stepped aside, andhe collapsed on the alley floor. He lay there,
andstarting sobbing. 'You don't understand. Nobodyunderstands,' he said, whimpering. But as he looked around,Ghostmaker
wasnowhere to be seen. The he heard a faint voice which said,'I'll be watching.'
TheDark Knight: Ghostmaker and the Disillusioned
Ghostmakerhas first taken on Dirty Scream. She, with her access to GothamCriminal records from
aninside source who supports her work, has information on unresolvedcases involving psychopaths.
Trackingdown 3 of the Psychopaths in this movie, she uncovers them one at atime, finally killing the
3rdand last of them, while letting the first 2 live. Batman showsup after Ghostmakers work for the
firsttwo psychopaths, and finds them in a state, and hands them over tothe police. He is able to
deducethe work of this sister of ghostmaker, who also shares his name, butwith a different agenda,
andis caught between stopping her, and the secret heart of him whichapproves of what she is doing.
Forthe third and final psychopath, Batman is present, and intercedes forthe psychopath, and fights
Ghostmaker.It ends in the sewers of Gotham and, inadvertantly in the struggle,the villain is washed
downthe sewers and drowns, and Ghostmaker gets away. Batman findsthe villain later, and considers
thesituation, and whether he should allow ghostmaker to do what she isdoing or not. this is the 2nd of the
ghostmakermovies, the third being Ghostmakers Good intent. In the firstmovie it is more focused on the
maleghostmaker, and based somewhat on Batman 102, but the sister isintroduced in that movie and
itexplains her origin and motivations for what she is doing.
Justhad an idea where John Constantine is smoking in Tokyo at midnight inthe rain outside a bar. Logan Wolverine is beside him smoking acigar. They talk shit for a bit then Constantine says 'Well fuckthis. Lets go shag some geisha girls.' Black Label stuff.
Loganflicks away his cigar and says 'Don't mind if I do,' and follows JohnConstantine inside the bar. The bar is dimly lit, and they sit downand order beers. Geisha girls come up to them after a while.
'LoganSan. Nice to see you again,' says a geisha.
'Niceto see you to sweetheart,' replied Wolverine.
'Whois your friend? He looks handsome,' said the Geisha Girl.
'I'mall that and more, child of sin,' replied Constantine.
'Yeh,we sinners,' says the Geisha Girl. 'What of it? Everyone gotta make afucking living one way or another in this shitty world.'
'Iaint faulting you fer it,' replied Constantine. 'In fact, it'sexactly what I'm looking fer.'
Theyare about to go off with the Geisha girls, when large men come intothe bar, and surround them.
'Ihate days like this,' says Logan.
'Tellme about it,' replies Constantine. 'What do you guys want?' asksLogan.
Andthe story begins.
'Reachfor the Stars: Crisis in Space'.
TheReach are back to conquer Earth and enslave the superheroes withScarabs to bring them into service to the Reach as leaders in theirbattles. The Reach succeed for a while. Company wide and Blue BeetleNo 1.
TheReach have reached an agreement with the Guardians of the Galaxy thatHal Jordan is a troublemaker, as are all Earth's Green Lanterns, andthat humanity is a bastard case which needs to be conquered andcontrolled. They state their plans to the council of the guardians,dare them to disagree with them, and leave. The Reach land at theKuiper Belt, and monitor Earth. A dominion ship is stationed therepermanently, watching Earth. It doesn't interfere with Earthactivity. The Reach ship lands on an asteroid next to the dominionship. Through the front windows they glare at each other. On EarthJamie Reyes is having one of those days. Ted Kord, on a Blue Beetledesigned skateboard, shows up and suggests they go down to theskatepark. Jamie follows and Ted skates around for a while, and theychat some smalltalk. Jamie starts going on about the scarabe, and Tedis sitting there and says 'Of course, they look like that, don'tthey?' Jamie looks where Ted is looking, and a Scarab is in the air,monitoring them. The Scarab then suddenly flys away a distance to theother side of the skatepark, and lodges itself in the back of a man.The man walks forward for a while, starting to scratch his back. Tedand Jamie approach. 'Peacemaker,' says Jamie. 'Something like that,'replies the Peacemaker. His eyes glaze over. 'Your gonna have toconform eventually, you know. The Reach rule in the end.' Then hisbody transforms into a 'Golden Beetle', takes to the air, and flysaway. Jamie is about to follow him but Ted puts his hand on hisshoulder and says 'Let's wait this one out. Let the dust settle abit. I want to investigate.'
** *
'No,I don't want to drink some blood Zombie Quinn,' said Harley Quinn toher doppleganger.
'Wecan make it batblood if you like. That could be a thrill,' saidZombie Quinn.
'Whilethat would impress me no end to the Batman and his sense of humour,I'll pass thanks. Don't you have anything to do today?'
Ascarab flew in through the window and lodged itself in Zombie Quinn'sback.
'Allhail the Reach,' said Zombie Quinn. 'You'll learn your lessoneventually Harley. We're not pussy Manhunters. We play hardcorebitch. Don't forget it.' And instantly she became a red and bluebeetle, went to the window, and flew away.
Harley,looking out the window at the departing Zombie Quinn said 'Notsomething you see every day.'
** *
Fireand Ice were on a date. Not with each other. With a guy they'd eachagreed to go on a date with – a blind date – to assess ifeither of them were suitable for him.
'Thename is Wild Dog,' said the man, in the hockey mask, sitting down atthe table.
'Willyou take off the mask, Wild Dog?' asked Ice.
WildDog looked around. 4 people in the restaurant had their mobiles readyto click if he would. He spoke to the restaurant. 'I need to datealso. I'm asking you, don't take my photo.'
'Wehave rights,' said a lady on the table opposite him. 'We should beallowed this scoop. It can go on social media, and we could make alot.'
'Ialso fight hard core crime. It's in your best interests to keep my idsecret.'
Shelooked at him. 'Ok. I guess so,' she replied. The rest put down theirmobiles. Wild Dog took off his mask. People looked. The lady pickedup her mobile. 'Can I have one for my personal interests? It won't goonline.'
Henodded. The lady took the photo.
'So,that's what you look like,' said Ice. 'You're handsome enough.'
'Ialways thought you were cute too Ice Maiden.'
'What'sthat behind you?' asked Fire.
Ascarab slipped down Wild Dog's bag, and lodged in his spine. WildDog's eyes glazed over and he looked at Fire and Ice. 'You two arenothing but trouble. All hail the Reach.' And he transformed intoGreen-Grey Beetle, and flew out the door.
'It'sall your fault Tora. You always drive them away.'
'Iknow,' said Tora. 'And I liked him too.'
** *
TheReach have created an Oxygen Field around a section of the KuiperBelt, and are bringing in temporary facilities on various of theasteroids. The dominators observe casually and remark on the thingstheir competitors are up to. Superman has surveyed their activity,flying out and watching. He knows it's the reach, and is concernedthey are planning something.
TheReach start activating various heroes and villains on Earth withtheir Scarab technology. After causing much chaos in sparringmatches, the Reach Beetles lure the heroes of Earth to the Kuiperbelt and imprison them within the Oxygen field they have created. Theheroes are pressured into service to the Reach in exchange for Earthbeing left alone by the Reach. Various groups of Heroes are involvedin tasks throughout the galaxy, fighting battles for the Reach tohelp them build their Empire. Eventually they have had enough, and aresistance having formed, they return to the Kuiper belt, and battleit out with the Reach and their minions. The heroes ultimately provesuccessful.
Atomand the Hawkman have been with Cyborg in his ranch basementmonitoring everything that has been going on. Ray Palmer (The Atom)has been putting together Cyborg's design of a certain object. Theyhad been approached by a Scarab, the Atom had, but Hawkman hadgrabbed it, and was too strong for it to get away. Hawkman had beltedit with his morning star, and it has whirred right down to very lowlevel activity. After dismantling it in Cyborg's ranch basement, theybegan to construct their own scarabs. They'd had a discussion, yousee. Hawkman had stated that 'The heroes will probably win thisfight.' Cyborg had replied 'Probably.' Atom had said 'So what.' ThenHawkman had said 'Then let's teach the Reach a lesson.' The lessonthey intend to teach the Reach, when the heroes have conquered them,is to place their own scarabs into the Reach to get them to do'Guardian Duties' around the galaxy as their service tointer-galactic society and to atone for their crimes. This isachieved.
** *
Animacontinued hitting Prometheus in the face, pinning him on the floor.'Die, Die, Die,' she yelled time and time again. 'You cut me in half,drain me for blood and leave me for dead, and show up again. Justdie,' and she continued punching.
Batman,having defeated his adversary, gingerly got up from the ground, andwalked, with a limp, and blood on leg, over to Courtney. He looked atAnima pummeling Prometheus face.
'Ithink he's had enough, Courtney.' Courtney finally stopped, and burstinto tears. She looked at Prometheus, with blood all over his face,and broken teeth. 'Hah,' he managed to say. 'Is that all you got?'Courtney collapsed, and lay on her back next to the bleedingPrometheus.
'You'rea tough bitch, Anima,' said Prometheus.
Courtney,despite herself, laughed through her tears. 'Thanks,' she said.
GingerlyPrometheus managed to lift his right arm, and it fell on Courtney'schest, his hand near her breasts. He squeezed one. 'And you have nicetits.'
Courtneylooked up at the skies. It was going to be one of those days.
Onthe adjacent Asteroid Superman was in a sorry state. Karnality nextto him was pretty bloodied up also, and Wonder Woman equally shoddy.
Antaxx,Locus and Darter stood in front of them. The Scarabs were in theirbacks, and they were ready for more.
'Thiscentury is such fun,' said Locus. 'Chasing after you back in time isunusual. We saw the end of you, and we know you died. Maybe today isthat day Superman.'
'I'veheard the story from Booster Gold,' said Superman. 'Nobody livesforever, and I can accept that. Whatever my future self of the year3000 achieved, I am sure his heart was in the right place. But todayis not your day Locus.'
Themember of the five glared at Superman, and rushed forward again usingher power and the Scarab to sink a blade into Superman's arm, whoflinched, pulled away, and based Locus in the head. The other twowere also struggling.
Upabove the asteroids in Space the Dominators still had their tractorbeam holding the Reach Ship in place. From the deck of the shipHawkman looked out at the Reach opposite. '500,000 souls,' said oneof the Dominators. The same terms as Starro. 'That should be fine,'said Atom. 'America will host your race. The starros have proved –amusing.'
'Weboard them now,' said Cyborg. He focused the viewer on the fightsbelow. 'Batman and the others have defeated their opponents,' saidCyborg. 'Superman and Wonder Woman and Karnality are finishing offthe heavy hitters.'
'Ifthey can,' said Atom.
'Ifthey can,' echoed Cyborg.
Atthe bottom of the pit on Asteroid X4, Fire & Ice and Blue &Gold, in chains, where chatting.
'Allthe action's going on above,' said Blue Beetle.
'We'remissing it,' said Booster Gold.
Firewas filing her nails. 'I guess,' she replied.
'Whatyou gonna do?' asked Ice.
'Youtwo have the power to break these chains,' said Blue Beetle.
'Sowe can join the fight,' said Booster Gold. 'Batman needs our help.'
'Isuppose we could break the chains,' said Fire. 'If we were in themood.'
'Yeh,if we were in the mood,' said Ice.
'Youknow Tora,' began Beatriz. 'I think it's about time girls ruled theJustice League International.'
'Jesus,'said Blue Beetle. 'You are kidding aren't you? Bwah hah hah ha.That's classic.'
'I'llhave to put this in my diary,' said Booster Gold. 'Fire and Icepresent the unthinkable to Blue & Gold.'
'Well,we'll just have to enjoy our little hole,' said Fire.
'Makeyourself comfortable,' said Ice.
Theheroes sat in silence, bound by the chains.
'Isuppose some voting structures can be rearranged a bit,' said BlueBeetle. 'The Super buddies are an equal opportunity employer afterall.'
'Girlsin charge,' said Fire.
'Girlsin charge,' said Ice.
'Look,we'll think it over,' said Booster Gold.
'Idon't know,' said Blue Beetle. 'We can stay home then. Eat chockiebikkies. Listen to jokes from Lord Slime. Could be fun. Lighterduties. Catch up on some old Oprah shows and stuff. Board gamesperhaps.'
'Icould spend more time at Booster Gold Industries,' said Michael.'Make some new investments.'
'Thenwe have a deal?' asked Fire.
'Sure,'said Blue Beetle. 'Scouts honour.'
'Girlsin charge,' said Booster Gold.
'Idon't know if we can trust them,' said Fire.
Iceblasted the chains with an ice blast, and kicked them, and theycracked. 'We'll just have to Beatriz.'
'Andget us up out of here would you,' said Blue Beetle.
'I'mgoing to smell for a week,' said Booster Gold, as the girls grabbedthem and flew upwards.
Blue,Gold, Fire & Ice find the battles are all over, and reflect onthat. Everyone is amused when the Reach leaders are brought down tothe Asteroids, and fitted by Cyborg and the others with SpecialScarabs. The Reach are now enslaved to undo all the damage they didwith the heroes.