i mm' Hy-Voe II. Moncalon Trucking 9 ScrlMzl, Hetnekenl Senear Oral 13, Croastown I J3 2 The Sioux City Journal, Saturday, June 12, 1982 SflDdDirtfs dIeitaSIl 100 100 000 000-2 Seventh Serco slow-pitch meet begins this morning Tbe seventh annual Serco Slow-Pitch Softball Tournament begins this morning at 10 o'clock at the Floyd Complex. Championship games are scheduled (or 2 and 3 p.m. Sunday. Tbe meet features three divisions Men's Major, Women's AB and Women's C.
The event will determine a number of things in addition to deciding divisional champions. The Sioux City Metro team with the highest finish in Men's Major will host the ASA Class A Cooney got ca-jgM wtth a good left hoc aa Holmes backed away. Hoimee threw a rtgn and Cooney came back with a left to tne body. Holmes hit wMh a left and Cooney came back wtth a right. Holmea (ebbed twice to the eye.
Cooney landed two good snots to the body and Home came beck with two good f0 and a tremendous right to the head. Cooney waa warned again for a low blow. Cooney hrl Holmea tow and Holmea doubted over. The referee called time and gave Hoimee time to recover. After about a mmuta'a rest, acaon reeumed.
Hoimee' round and referee deducted hvo pewits horn Cooney. Round Bom exchanged faba at the beglfinlnfl of the round Hoimee landed two faba and a right to the heed. Cooney tended a left to the body and becked up Holmea. Cooney landed a left to the body, aright to the head, a left to the body, a right to the heed, and two more punches to the body. Cooney landed a solid 1-2 to the heed.
Cooney'a eye waa beginning to ctoee. Cooney landed two good hooka to the body. Holmea landed a herd tab. then Cooney feied to hrt the body, but both hia punchea were blocked. Cooney landed a right to the ribe and the fighters clinched.
Cooney landed another left to the body end a right to the body. Holmes came back wtth a right to me head and another right to the head Both landed punchea to the head. Holmea landed a left and right to the heed and Cooney a right to the body aa the psce was torrid. Both men exchanged head punchea again. Both went toa-to-toe tor 16 aeconda aa the bet! rang Cooney'a round.
Round 11 The crowd started chanting "Cooney, Cooney." Cooney tried to go to the body but miaaed wtth the first punch of the round. Cooney landed another low btow and waa warned, and the referee took a point away. Both en traded tabs and Cooney landed a right to the head at Mlnnesots passed 45, Montresl, Norman Morton. Hollywood, Nip. 41, Chicago Cube, Damon Farmer.
Loa Angelea. ot 47. Toronto. Jum Bneco, Fowier, Cam rhp. 41.
St Lome. Ke Wmfleld. rhp 41, New York Yenkeee, Richerd Carter, Hood River. of 50, Baltimore, Michael Alenlt, San Marcoa, c. II, Oakland, Rodney McCray, Loa Angeles, of.
I Third Round 92, San Diego. Raymond Nodal. Sun-Aee, of. 53, Cleveland, Dennia Woods. No Charleston, SC.
of. 54. Loa Angelea, Jamas Den. Shalton. Ib-ot.
55, Detroit Richard Hatter. San Rafael. rhp 51. Houston paaaed. 97, Kanaaa City.
Robert Locke. Dunoari d. 51, Cincinnati paaaed. 59. Seal-tie.
Kevin Roy, Myrthe Creek, mp. a). New York Mela, James Benedict, Burbonk, rhp II, Teiaa, Jeffrey Mace, Scofrsdale. of 12. Atlanta passed.
13, Milwaukee, John Wallace. Ctovu, of. M. Pittsburgh, Michael Mazzocco, Valencia, of. IS.
California. Keith Bond, Midwest City, rhp. Chicago White Soi paasad. 17, Philadelphia, Brett Har-flaon, Muekogee. aa.
18, Montreal. David Florae, Corpus ChristJ, Texas, rhp. 08. Chicago Cuba, Timothy Englund, Waxahachie, Texaa, rhp. Toronto, Kevin SUwinekl, Garden Grove.
d. 71. SI Louis passed. 72, New York Yankees, Lull Medina, Downey, d. 73.
Baltimore passed. 74, Oakland. Richard Roaemus, Portland, Dip. Fourth Round 75, San Diego paaaed. 71, Cleveland, Ricky Hester, Ellzabethtown, N.C., of.
77, Loa Angelea passed. 7, Detroit passed. 70, Kansas City, Cecil Fielder, La Puonto, 1b. Seattle. Larry Pasklewicz.
Alabama. N.M.. a. 11, New York Mets paaaed. 92, Teres.
Michael Winbuah, Goldaboro, N.C., rhp. 83, Milwaukee, Dean Albany, Brooklyn Park, right-handed pitcher. 84, Pittsburgh, Scott Bailee. Springfield, Ihp. 85, Calilornla.
Gerald McDermott, Fontana. e. 19, Philadelphia. Todd Johnson, Delias, of. 87, Montreal, Blare Kattch, Pittsburgh, of.
88, Chicago Cuba passed. 80, Toronto, Gregory Griffin, Corpus Chrlsll, Texas, of. 10. New York Yankees. Richard Borowakl, Buffalo, a 11, Oakland paaaed.
Fifth Round 2. Cleveland, Mark Barbagelata, Sparka, aa. 13, Seattle, Jelf Schasaler. Highlands Fells. N.V., rhp.
94. Teres paaaed. 95, Milwaukee, Steve Oawaid, Chicago, Ihp. It, Marty Freeman, Gambrllla, 2b-ot. 97, California, Jell Salazer, Sylmar.
rhp. II, Philadelphia paaaed. 01, Montresl, Curtli Zucco, Delmont, Ihp too, Toronto. Oddlbe McDowell. Hollywood.
ol. 101, New York Yankees, Marvin White, Alameda, Sixth Round 102. Cleveland paised. 103, Seattle, Robert Thompson, Wsst Pslm Beach, a. lot.
Milwaukee, Oougla Glvier, Manhelm, rhp. 105, Pittsburgh passed. 108, California. Waller Dill, Beilllower, rhp. 107.
Montreal, Jeffrey Edwards, Fayettevllle, a. 100, Toronto, Tony Blasucd, Mlrsmsr, d. too. New York Yankees, Jeffrey Franks, Sixes, c. Seventh Round 110, Seattle passed.
111. Milwsukee paaaed. 112, California paaaed. 113, Montreal psssed. 114, Toronto psssed.
115, New York Yenkees. Robert QrandiuH, Huntington Beach, Eighth Round 118. New York Yankees passed. END SECONDARY PHASE SanDlego LoilarW.I-l I 9 1119 Lucaa 1 10 9 19 Sutton faced 3 battera Trh. Bale-Low.
1-2: It CINCINNATI LOS AMOLS abrhM abrhM EMUmr 4 1 1 0 Sai 4211 Oeaiera 1 1 1 1 Landrea d9 2 1 4 Cncpcn ss 2 1 9 1 Baker If 4 9 11 Barmc a 1 1 1 1 Roenick tf 1 1 1 1 Dnesan lb 1 0 0 0 Guerrar rf 2 2 1 0 Van 1 0 0 0 Thomas rt 1 0 I I Bench 3b 2 0 11 Garvey lb 4 1 3 I Lndsly 3b 1 0 0 Ce, 3b 9002 Hoshldr rf 1 0 0 0 Scloscla 4 1 1 9 Tretnno 1 0 0 0 Ruasaa ss 2 1 1 9 Peatore 9 0 0 0 Beujngr aa 2 1 1 9 Kmchkph 1 0 00 Rauaap 1110 Lerbrndl 0 0 0 0 Walker ph 1 0 0 9 BSMrtey 0 0 0 0 Blittnar ph 1 0 0 0 TOW 27 1 1 1 ToW 11 11 II CmoMnatl 100 000 000- 1 LoeAngelw 131 411 tOa-11 LOBCinclnnati 0, Los Angelea 9. IB EMIIner, Guerrero. 3B Landreaui. HR Landreeui (1), Garvey (I). SB Sas.
Oeater, Reuss. SF-Cey. ft ER 88 SO CtncHwwtt PaaloreL.4-9 2 9 4 4 1 0 Leibrandt 3 7 1 9 2 1 SShirler 3 11-111 Loa Angelas ReussW.II-5 I 1119 7 WP-LeibrandL T-202. THURSDAY National League CINCINNATI LOS ANGLS abrhM abrhM Hoshldr 5000 Oeater a 4 10 0 Garvey 1b 5 0 1 0 Cncpcn tl 4 0 1 0 Baker 4 0 0 0 Drtassn 1b 2 0 0 0 Guerrer 4 1 1 0 Veil II 3 0 0 0 Monday rf 1 1 0 0 EMIIner If 1 1 1 1 Cey 3b 9 0 11 Cedeno 4 1 2 0 Scioscia 9 0 1 1 Bench 9 0 0 0 Belangr aa 2 0 1 0 trmnoc 4 0 2 1 Roenck ph 0 0 0 0 Sotop 1 00 0 Valnzuelp 2 0 0 0 Lndsly ph 1 0 1 1 VRomo 0 0 0 0 Kem 1 0 0 0 Thorns ph 10 0 0 Humep 0 0 0 0 ToW 12 1 7 ToW 92 2 5 2 Cincinnati 000 000 210- I Loa Angeles 000 002 000- 1 Concepclon 2. LOB Cincinnati 8, Los Angeles t.
2B Guerrero, Scioscia. 8 Soto, Valenzuela. IP ER BB SO Cincinnati Soto I 4 114 5 KemW.1-3 1 10 0 11 HumeS.1t 1 0 0 0 0 0 Loa Angelea 9 3 9 5 1 VRomo 1 2-9 1 0 0 0 1 Kem faced 1 batter in Oth. Balk-VRomo. PB-Travtno.
A 47.142. Senior League So.SlouxClly.......012 044 -11 9 1 Westj.de DQ 000 000 0 2 9 (0 tnnlnga, 10-run rule) Darron Johnson and Ec' Thlele; Mike Horner, Jim Cloudaa (9) and Scott Emerick. Senior Little League WESTSIOE DIVISION Cass Grande 300 000 0 3 I 1 Bernle 114 010 7 9 2 Batteries unavailable MNTHtA) Owm.4909 atanhattanKewl(l) 1120 1900 9 20 Oklahoma Prince ll) I I t) Deny (9) 4.91 Trtfecta paid 77M0 TENTH (C) OuM.99 41 RH'a Queen (9) Mat 10 00 la) HareTronmer(2) It 00 4 at Cafun Boogied) 920 ELEVENTH IB) Oukl. II 89 Sneak Peak 17) 10 00 4.40 3 00 PK'aOaalll 4.29 3 00 Bright Brother ei TWELFTH (BB) Oukl. 09 Easy Colors 11) B) 120 Sat Lucky (1) 949 9.00 Jarme Faba II) 1.40 Trtfecta peat at THIRTEENTH IBB) Oukl.
49.29 LC'l More Power (7) 1.00 100 4 00 CC Frying Jettte 14) 1.09 910 LC'lLanettell) 4.90 Trtlecta paid 303 20 Matinee Entries (Wm Soorac Ssm a PKtl FIRST RACE (Cl dlatance 9119: 1, Forty'a Demon; 2, Nortea Mask; 9, Hydrolystan; 4, Dandy Doiorts: 9, RJ'I fbofanaga; 9, BJ'a Loralean; 7, Hondo Crusher, Justin! Shan Dee. SAM SEZ: 1-4-7. SECOND RACE IB) distance 9119: 1, Jekota Aggie: 2. Smlthereen; 1, SC Yankee Doodle: 4, Frosty Whit: 5. Sunny Key: 9, Zasly Always; 7, Pecoa SNS Cutter Revere Blue SAM SEZ: 21.
THIRD RACE (Ml dietance till: 1. ML Trigger, PunxauUwny Phil; 3, Cafun Sand; 4. Seminole Saxon; 9, BB Little Lena; 9, Penroaa Country; 7, Sugia Suna Part. I. Maleattc Bow.
SAM SEZ: 3-7-4. FOURTH RACE (Ml dlatance till; 1, ML Roert; I Teresa; 1, Penroaa Laura; 4. Semrnota Joker; 9. Red Wig-Bier, 9, Figs Hopscotch; 7, Ma Pern. 8, Dixie Freuo SAM SEZ: 841.
FIFTH RACE (C) distance 9118: 1, Edwin Abry; 2, Lester Dencol; 2, Ole Jkn Pup; 4. Lean Lucaa; 9, Tarty Dorr, 9, tVnart Pace; 7, Clever Si eat. 8, Lou Whiz. SAM SEZ: 944. SIXTH RACE (B) dlatance 9119: 1, bon a Al a PM: 2, Othkosh Todd; Hasty's Leedloot: 4, Snort Stock; 9, Echo Dolly; 9.
Fantasmagom; 7, GH'a Fat Cat; 9. Taltgunner. SAM SEZ: 44-1. SEVENTH RACE ICI distance 9(18: 1, Saaey Stepper: 2, Doug Sayre; 3, Rlcino Rod; 4, Seminole Sands. 9.
Btondra: 8, Aak BUty Kite; 7, Chappie King: 8, KeiU J. King SAM SEZ: 9-1-7. EIGHTH RACE IC) dlatance 9119: 1, Erie Kick; 2. Movements. 1, Dakota Chea, 4, Wild Butt; 9.
Kelly King; I. Luotty Jane; 7. Aak Julie 9, Mldeasa Sinoed SAM SEZ 1-3-7. NINTH RACE (BB) distance 819: 1, Windmill Man; 2. HA Cuddles; 1, Oahkosh Doyle; 4, Oshkoah Hunter; 8, Burt Jonea; 9.
WW Big John: 7, Kings Dancer; 9, Borgia SAM SEZ: 1-4-5, TENTH RACE (Cl distance 919: 1, Figs Unity; 2, Blazing Bobby; 3. Room Jill; 4, Jap'a Lennie; 8, Oehkoalt Slender; 9, Thunder Honeybee; 7. MH's Frecklei; 8, Bronco Allie. SAM SEZ: 4-2-8. ELEVENTH RACE (B) dlatance S18: 1, MM Mirron; 2, Tami Dalits; 9, HD'l lady Bird: 4, Hasty's Minute; 9.
Aslr Peg Lag; Eliminator; 7, Mr. Jug; 8, Prissy Pride SAM SEZ: 74-2. TWELFTH RACE (C) distance 19: 1, CH's Joanle; 2. Rlclna Gay: 1, DV Cheetah; 4, Nortel Sneaky; 9, Rock Leonard; 9, Forty'a Terri; 7, RH's Bonnie 8, CC's Mltey Gkl. SAM SEZ: 8-1-4.
Tonight's Entries POST TIME 8 O'CLOCK FIRST RACE (C) distance 9118: 1, Almost Today; 2. Jax KIT, 3, Go Rudy; 4, Jap'a Moose, 9. War Clipper; 8. Friendly Sam; 7, Sandra Hobba; Bingo Boogie. SAM SEZ: 1-7-8.
SECOND RACE (B) distance 3(8: 1, DJ'a Tulss. 2. Shindig Willie; 1, Adam Chris; 4, Howell; 5, Carry On Blsckie; 9, Cafun Drum; 7, ktkan Macy; 9, Aidonian. SAM SEZ: 4-1-3. THIRO RACE (BB) dlatance 9119: 1, My Smarty; 2, Tell The World: 3, Sunny Rae; 4, Voodoo Rhythm; 9, Big Thunder Bolt; 9, AC'a Fonda; 7, Funny Driver; 9, Aahmead SAM SEZ: 947.
FOURTH RACE (A) distance 919: 1, Oahkosh Bank); 2, Juke Box Hero: 1. Big Pat'e Greg; 4, Tonka; 8, 0 Thompeon; 9, Pesky Pete; 7, Handlcapper Cary; 1, Badge Ot Courage. SAM SEZ: 942. FIFTH RACE IB) distance S'19: 1, Kings No No; 2, WW Crow; 1, Tuff Cut; 4, Alias Jack; 5, Pecoa Buccaneer; 9, Don Carlo; 7, MH'a Larry 9, Oahkosh regional, while the top finisher In Women's will host the Iowa State A tournament. Also, the women's A team with the best record will receive a berth to the USSSA World Class A tournament In Florida.
Pairings: Men'e Maor: 10 a.m. Appliance Tech vs. Olympic Village; 11 a.m. Millar Hlpfi Llfa va. Comfort Work); 1 p.m.
Preecotl Plumbing v. Brant Valley Apt. of Omaha; 2 p.m. T'o 18 of Omaha ve. Appliance) TectvOfympIc Village winner.
vVoman'o AB: 10 a.m. Sarco va. Survdown; 11 a.m. Bishop Homea va. Marty'a Tap; 12 noon Huntal of Blair va.
Avantl of Mlnneapoiia. Woman' 10 a.m. Back's Tap va IBP; 11:19 a Trl-StaM Lindsay va. Marian Health Cantor; 12:30 p.m. Sporttman'a va.
Southrtdg Plaza. BC gals to national meet The Briar Cliff women's golf team will be making its second straight appearance in the AIAW Division III championships next Wednesday through Saturday, traveling to Wilmington, N.C., for the 72-hole event. Coach Llla Frommelt's squad, the host team for last year's Inaugural Division III nationals, will include juniors Lisa Hill of Akron and Dodi Kammerer of Moville, plus freshmen Ann Klepper and Jennifer Lowe, both of Emmetsburg, and Geri Skinner of Altoona. Hill and Skinner were both named to the all NAIA Region 6 team last fall as Briar Cliff won its fifth straight Io-Kota Conference crown and finished second in the Division III state tournament. Among Briar Cliff's foes in the national meet is Meredith College of North Carolina, runner-up in last year's tournament at Green Valley.
Defending champion California State-Sacramento has moved up to Division II status. K-P gals nip West in 8th Visiting Kingsley-Pierson took advantage of nine walks Friday night to slip past West 5-4 in an eight-Inning high school girls Softball squeaker. The guests snapped a 4-4 deadlock in the top of the first extra Inning when Kathryn Felts singled and advanced to second on a throwing error. It was a second throwing error that enabled Felts to score what proved to be the winning run. K-P opened the scoring with a three-run third Inning, using five consecutive walks and Linda Richardson's single for a 3-0 advantage.
West answered in the bottom of the inning with a two-run homer by Marlys Anderson. Richardson had two of K-P's five hits while West, falling to 1-6, collected just three hits off Pantherette freshman pitcher Cara Coughenour. Kingsley-Pierson also won the JV game, 10-4. Klngelay-Ploraon 003 010 01 5 Waal 002 020 00 4 3 Cara Coughenour and Dawn Welnrelch; Cindy Becker and Natalia Hlghman. Robak cited at Chiefs' Camp Bill a ninth grader from Akron-Westfleld, was named the Outstanding Player for the boys' first session (6th through 9th grades) of the Chiefs' Basketball Day Camp at Mornlngslde College.
The one-week session, concluding Friday, was directed by Mornlngslde Coach Dan Callahan with assistance from Rich Vanderloo of East, Tom Brazzell of North, Doug Iglehart of Mornlngslde and former Chiefs eager Cleo Franklin. Mark Copple of Westwood was selected the Mr. Defense winner and Norm Coon of Akron-Westfleld won the Mr. Hustle award. Other awards: Ona-on-one cftampa: Sth grade Lane Ftobblna, Nodland.
7th grade Phil Pralbarg, Sergeant Bluff. Sth grade Craig Cleveland, Winnebago. Sth grade Bill Robak, Akron-Westfleld. Mlkan ohampa: 8th-7th grades Chad Nordstrom. Westwood.
Sth-Bth grades Brian Jepsen, Eaat High. Free throw ohampa: lttt-7th gradea Phil Freiberg, Sergeant Bluff. Slh-gth gradea Mike Smith, North High. Outalde ehootlng champ: Sth-7th grade Chad Nordetrom. Westwood.
Sth-Bth grade Chrla Qunsch, East High. Two-on-two Champa: Chad Brent (Nodland) and Brent St. Cyr (Winnebago). Three-on-three champ: Brent St. Cyr (Winnebago), Chrle Jacob (Ottumwa) and James Wooldrfdg (Nodland).
AB-atar team: Bill Robak, Brian Jepsen, Mark Copple, Mike Smith, Joe Oalvln, Brent St. Cyr. Craig Cleveland, Spero Vlahoulls, Brent Welkel, Bryan Copple, Jim Venderloo, John Vanderloo, Tom Haneon, Jack Lovell. NOTE: Second lassloti boy (grade 10-12) camp beglna Monday. KaneaaCNy 902 009 900 0011 One out when winning run scored.
E-TCrui. Blue. DP-Seeme 1. LOB-Sealtle I. Kanaaa City I.
2B DHendereon. MCasnno. White. 9B JCruJ. Brett.
HR-TCrul (71. SB Bochte. 8 Concepclon. IP ER BS 90 Seattle Perry 9 1114 1119 9 Stanton 0 1 9 9 9 1 Kansas City Blue I 9 1 1 1 9 OusnbrryW.3-23 1 1 9 9 1 Slanton laced 1 better ai 12th. PB-Buliing.
3:14 DETROIT MILWAUKEE abrhM abrhM Hemdon If 9 1 2 1 MoUtor 3t 9 1 2 1 Cabell 3b 4 2 11 Gantnr 1 1 1 9 Olbaon el 1 2 3 9 Romero a 1 1 1 0 Me dh 4 0 4 4 Vount as 4 0 2 4 Tumor rf 4 0 0 0 OglMe If 9 0 0 9 Jones rf 1 0 9 9 Simmons 4 1 1 9 Hebner lb 4 9 9 1 OThoms 9 I 9 9 Brokns 3b 9 9 0 0 Howell lb 112 9 LMPrsrl 4 1 2 0 CMoore rt I 9 1 9 Whitakr a 4 0 1 9 Edwrda dh 4 1 2 1 Tramml aa 4 0 1 0 Total 40 9149 Total 361129 Detroit 101 200 1109 Milwaukee 101 004 02- I E-Howell, Whitaker, Gibson. DP Mllwsukat 1. LOB-Detrolt 13, Milwsukee I. 2B-Glbson 2, Ms 2, Ganlnei, Slmmona, Parrtah, CMoore. 3B-Hemdon, Moiitor.
hie. SB-Csbell. SF-Yount RER BB SO Detroit Retry 5 2-1 7 9 9 3 1 21-1 9 2 1 1 0 uswsukee 11 9 I I Flnoeri 11 1 1 0 0 0 0 WP-Pelry. CALIFORNIA CHICAGO abrhM abrhM Downing 5 1 1 1 RLaw 9 0 9 0 ROark It 0 9 0 0 Hairstn cf 10 0 0 Carew lb 5 111 Bermrd 2b 3 1 1 0 Gricn a 5 2 2 9 Kemp If 4 19 1 ReJcksn rf 9 0 1 0 Luilnsk dh 1 9 0 0 Benlout rf 0 0 0 0 Peclork 1b 4 1 1 0 Baylor dh 9 12 1 Btlnesrf401 2 Lynn cf 9 0 1 0 Flak 4 110 OeCncs lb 1 0 0 2 Morrlan 3b 4 1 1 0 Foil ss 4 0 0 0 Almon la 3 0 12 Boone 4 110 Total 13 9 5 Total SSI! CaWomla 000 141 010- 9 Chicago 000 001 022 9 E-Morrlaon OP-Calltornla 1. LOB California 9, Chicago 2.
2B Boone, Downing, Morrlaon, Almon. Lynn, Balnea. 38 Bernuard. SF OeCincea 2, Baylor. IP PER SB SO California KleonW.5-2 7 2-1 5 3 1 0 4 AMorano 2-9 0 2 2 2 0 CorbeltS.7 2-3 1 9 9 0 0 Chicago DotaonL.2-7 4 9 9 4 9 1 Koosman 5 3 119 9 Dotson laced 4 batters Sth.
WP-AMoreno. Balk-Ootson. 2:53. National League PITTSBURGH PHILA abrhM abrhM Moreno 4 0 1 0 Dernier rf 4 0 0 0 JRaya 4 0 2 0 Hose lb 4 0 2 0 Madlck 3b 4 0 2 0 Marthws If 3 0 0 0 JThpsn lb 3 0 1 0 Schmdt 30 9 0 1 0 Easier II 9 0 0 0 BDUu 3 0 0 0 TPena 4 0 10 Maddos 4 0 0 0 Lacy rl 3 12 1 Trlllo 9 9 10 Berra sa 2 0 0 0 DJeaus ss 9 0 0 0 Slargell ph 1 0 0 0 Chrstnsn 3 0 0 0 JSmlth sa 1 0 0 0 Cendlarl 2 0 0 0 Monliu ph 10 00 Tekutra 1 0 0 0 Tow 93 1 9 1 ToW 9 4 I Pittsburgh 000 000 001- 1 Philadelphia 000 too 000 0 DP-Phlladelphla 1. LOB-Plttsburgh I.
Philadelphia 9. 2B-Madlock. Rose. IB Moreno. HR Lacy 12).
8-Lacy. IP ER BB SO Pittsburgh Candelarla 9 3 0 0 1 4 TekuMW.4-2 1 1 0 0 0 0 Chrislnsn L.3-4 9 9 1 1 2 11 T-2 CHICAGO MONTREAL abrhbl abrhM Wills ft 3 10 0 Raines a 5 1 2 2 JKendy 0 0 0 0 Francon If 9 1 2 1 Mollnar ph 1 0 0 0 Dawson cl 5 1 1 0 Sndbrg 3b 4 1 1 1 Oliver 1b 12 12 Bucknr 1b 9 1 1 0 Norman If 0 0 0 0 Durham rf 9 2 1 1 Carter 0 4 0 2 2 Johnston 1 1 1 9 Wsllach Sb 9 2 2 0 LoSmim 0 0 0 0 Cromart rf 1 9 1 0 WHmdz 0 0 0 0 Speier aa 4 12 1 Monnd ph 1 1 1 9 Tavern SI 0 1 0 0 Campbol pOOOOLeap 2900 Woods cf 4 0 0 0 Fryman 0 0 0 0 Bows ss 4 0 10 Mills ph 0 0 0 0 JDavia 4 0 10 Reardon 0 0 0 0 Bird 10 10 Proly 0 0 0 0 Brlgga ph 10 0 0 Tidrow 0 0 0 0 SThpsn If 2 110 ToW 14 I II ToW 141131 Chicago 000 300 050- I Montreal 209 002 02- I E-JDavta 2. DP-Chlcago 2. LOB Chlcsgo 2, Montreal I. JS-Blrd.
Sandberg, Ralnea. 3B Carter. HR Oliver ill. Johnstone (2), Moreland 110). SB Dawson, Ralnea, Oliver.
IP ER BB SO Chicago Bird 21-9 9 5 5 1 1 Proly 12-3 0 0 0 1 1 Tkjrow 1 9 2 2 0 2 LeSmlth 2-3 0 0 0 1 0 WHernandei 1 1-9 1 0 0 0 1 Campbell 1 9 2 2 1 9 Montreal Lea 7 7 9 1 3 4 FrymanW.3-2 1 2 2 2 0 0 Reardon S.t 1 0 0 0 0 2 Tidrow faced 3 batters In tin. Lee Isced 3 battera in 8th. HBP-by Proly (Wallach). WP-Blrd. T-3W A 31,121.
ST. LOUIS NEW YORK abrhM abrhM McGeed SO 2 2 Wilson cl 4 0 0 0 Ramay 3b 5 0 2 0 Bailor a 4 12 0 KHmdz 1b 4 0 1 0 Klngmn lb 4 0 1 0 Hendrck rf 5 0 1 0 Foster If 4 12 0 LoSmlth If 5 2 2 0 Stearns 4 12 1 Porter 4 9 11 Yongbld rf 4 0 0 0 Herr a 4 110 Brooks a 1 0 2 1 OSmith Hill) Grdnhr ss 2 0 0 0 Andufar 3 0 2 2 Bckmn a 2 0 0 0 RsJonea 0 0 0 0 MScotl 0 0 0 0 Rslslch ph 1 0 0 0 Zachry 19 0 0 Jrgnan ph 1 0 0 0 Hauamn 0 0 0 0 Staub ph 10 0 0 ToW a 7 15 7 Total Kilt St. Louis 033 000 010- 7 New York 000 101 010- 1 E-KHarnandei. DP-St. Louis i.
LOB-St. Louis 7, New York 9. 28 LoSmith, Foster, Brooka, Andular. HR-Porter IS). SB-LoSmllh, KHemandez.
Andular. IP RER B8SO St. Louie AnduiarW.94 I 13 2 14 New York 21-3 7 9 1 1 9 MScott 2-9 9 1 1 0 Zachry 4 2 1 9 0 1 Hausman 2 9 110 1 WP-Andular. T. HOUSTON SAN DIEGO abrhM abrhM loucks 4 1 1 0 Wiggins If 4 0 0 9 TScott It 4 9 9 9 RKhrds lb 4 0 1 0 Knight tb 4 0 19 Tmpttn ss 4 0 0 0 Garner a 4 0 1 1 RuJona 4 1 1 0 Kmcely rf 3 1 1 0 Letcano rt 0 2 0 0 Thon a 4 0 0 0 TKenndy 9 2 2 9 Garcia at 1 9 0 9 Sslaiar a 9 2 9 4 Puioia 2 9 19 Flannry a 1 0 0 0 Sutton 3 0 11 Beveoooh 9 0 9 1 Boone 9 9 9 9 Pitman a 9 9 9 9 LaCone 1 1 1 0 Loner 1111 Ashby ph 1 9 9 9 Lucas 119 9 Tow 1 9 1 Total 7 Houston 0 111 0OO- 1 San Diego 000 030 30x 9 Templeton, Balazar, TKennedy.
DP Houaton 2, Sen Diego 1. LOb Houston 7, San Diego 1 2B-TKennedy, Rttherda. HR-Salutl (3). SB-Thon. Ssiaiar, Garner, Garcia.
SF ER BS SO Houaton I 1 9 9 4 9 Boone 1 1 9 9 9 0 LaCone 1 1 9 9 9 1 Baseball American League EASTERN DIVISION Pet OB Boston a to to Detroit it vt BWmon 2 27 7 Milwaukee a 17 7 Cleveland 77 a 41 (Vk twwtort a a 4n Toronto 77 30 .474 WESTERN DIVISION KenseeClry 31 22 .100 CMcaoo 32 24 .571 IVt CeMotma 3 29 SM IVt Seattle 30 .402 Oakland an .441 I Teiaa 17 33 .340 13Vt Itawn 14 41 .233 2Ty Friday Gemee Mmnesots il Teies, rain Toronto 2. Oakland! Baltimore I. NewVorkt t9oetonl.Clevelend2 Mvwsuliee 4. Detroit! CaWrvniel, CrucaooS Umd City 3. Seotlle 2 112 Innings) Today Pttchen Oakland (Langlord 4-7) al Toronto (SoeOS-61, Cleveland (Denny 3-9) at BollOft Ceniornie (Forach 4-4) at Chicago (Trout 44).
1:20 pm. York (Enckaon 4-J) at Baltlmora (Palmer 3-31 1:35 p.m. Oelroll IWllcu 4-2) al Milwsukee (Caldwell 341. 7 30 pm. Serine (Helton 4-7) at Kansas City Mtnneaota tCeatillo 2-3) at Taiaa (laadich 141, 7:39 p.m.
National League Lat gamt not Inctudtd EASTERN DIVISION I. Pel 06 St Louie Montreal PMUderphla New Tort Pittsburgh su a 24 947 30 .549 a a so a a 43 21 97 302 SW 3Vt SV I 14 Chicago WESTERN DIVISION Atlanta 33 21 til SanOlego 32 23 Loa Angelas a 31 San Francisco a 31 Nogalon a 32 Cincinnati 24 33 1V 7H IV tv lOVl .475 45t .430 .421 Ule Thursday Cincinnati 3. Los Angeles 2 Frtdey'e Gemee Pittsburgh I. Philadelphia 0 Montreal 0, Chicago I St. Louis 7.
New York 3 law San Diego t. Houston 2 DM Los Angeles 11. Cincinnati 1 AtlantaalSanFnncleco, late Today's Pitchers Atlanta INieuo 4-2) at San Francisco CQaM 2-4). 3:06 p.m. Pittsburgh (Sarmlento 1-0) at JPVicWpnu KrukOW 4-4).
1:05 p.m. Chicago IMirtz 4-5) at Montreal Jl Palmer 1-01. 35 pm. SI. Loull (mora 5-4) at New York Swan 4-1).
1:35 p.m. Houston (Ruhie 4-3) at San Diego Welsh 4-1). 3 05 p.m. a Cincinnati fHarria 2-1) at Loa Angeles aMWekh 5-4). 1:05 p.m.
jj FRIDAY College World Series Wichita State 8, Teiaa 4 (Teiaa aan Miami 10. Milna 4 (Maine eliminated) High School Storm Uke SI. Mary 1-4, Hull Western aw Christian 04 WeslLyont, MturlceOrange City 5 (I OMInnlngel Sfoui Center 3. George! loMsrsGehlen2, Akron-Westfleld 0 Sr Remsen SI. Mary 13, Orange City EUnltyOinstlenS Spirit Lake 10.
Cherokee 1 gj Sergeant Blult-Luton 12, Hlnlon 2 (5 Innings) 1 Marcus Valley 1 GMve-Horsteln 10, Maple Valley 7 American Association Lomtvlllet. Eenavlll0 Iowa 1H0, Indlanapolla 3-2 1 NWI League Rock Valley Alton FRIDAY American League OAKLAND TORONTO ebrhbl abrtlM I RHndsn If 4 0 0 0 Garcia 2t 4 0 1 1 Murphy 4 0 0 0 Mullnka 3b 4 0 0 0 Meyer dh 9 110 Upshaw lb 4 0 0 Armas rt 4 0 10 Revrng dh 4 1 1 0 Grose 9b 2 0 0 1 Bonnell It 2 0 0 0 'Local a 3 0 10 Moaeby ct 2 0 1 0 'Spencer 1b 3 0 0 0 Powell rt 3 0 0 0 "MHealh 3 0 0 0 Whin 2 0 0 0 Phillips sa 3 0 0 0 Griffin as 3 1 1 0 a 1 I 1 Total a 2 4 1 (Oakland 000 100 00O- 1 Toronto 010 010 OOl- 2 E-Murphy. LOB-Oekland 3, Toronto 9. 28 Lopea, Garcia. IP ER BB SO i Oakland Kingman L.0-1 4 2 13 3 Toronto ClancyW.M I 1 1 2 8 CLEVELAND BOSTON abfAbl abrhM tDHon II 4 110 Remy 2b 4 110 Harrah 3b 9 1 1 0 Evans rt 2 2 0 0 Hergrv lb 4 110 Face II 4 12 2 Thrntn dh 10 2 1 Yeumk dh 4 0 1 1 'Hares rl 4 0 0 1 Lanatrd 3b 4 1 1 0 'Naflrdny 4 0 0 0 Siepnn lb 4 0 1 0 'Mannng cl 3 0 0 0 Qedman 4 1 2 0 JFIechlin as 3 I 0 0 Hoftmn ss 2 0 0 1 rPercont a 3 0 0 0 RMiller cl 9 0 0 0 Hotel 2 9 2 Total 31 1 1 4 )C1eelend 200 000 000- 2 Boelon 400 110 OOi- I I Sorenaen, DHone, Hottman.
DP Boston 1 LOB-Cleveland 4, Boston 7. stB Gedman. SF-Holtman. IP ER SB SO a cttveland 7 1 5 2 4 BAnoerson 3 1 0 0 3 0 nnauvi freda 1 2 2 2 0 0 SargmerrW.MI 3 0 0 2 2 1 HBP-ey Ofeda IHarrahl. WP-Oieda, sSoronaen.
Balk Sorenaen 2. SEW YORK BALTIMORE abrhM abrhM Jkndtoh ft 5 0 1 0 Bumbry 9 1 3 0 eCrlftey rt 1 2 0 Oauer 2b 10 2 0 sMureer dh 1 0 0 1 Slngltn dh 4 2 2 1 fmMa dh 2 0 0 EMurry lb 2 2 0 0 Maybry tb 3 0 0 Lownatn It 3 2 2 1 sHobeon tb 2 0 10 Ayela ph 0 0 0 0 MhnlieW It I 2 2 I Dwver It 10 0 0 oMettlee 4 1 1 0 Roenick rf 2 1 1 3 Smauey ss 3 0 2 2 Ripken 3b 4 2 1 Parynegar I 1 1 1 Nolan 2110 Comrta 3 0 1 0 Dempay 2 0 1 1 Sakata ss 4 0 0 0 fTolal 14 4104 Total 34 tt4t fjeewrork 110 101 000- 4 Mnrxs 500 001 90s- I E-Nolen, WMIWd DP-Nw York 9, I LOS-New York 10. iftemmore I TB Lowenstem 2, Wln-OtSvSd. Nettles. Dauer.
Bumbry. 313 tWinnee). hp Roenicke (14). Ripken IIS) SB-Gnnvy. Cowia.
SF-Murcer. EN BB SO I tUwYort 'MoroanLM 5 2-3 9 9 1 1 1 iRewiey 2-141111 12-121911 :DalemruW.Mt 7 4 14 1 1 19 9 11 PB-NMan. T-4I I SEATTLE KANSAS CITY abrhM abrhM 9 1 1 9 WWUsonH 4 0 1 9 IMCaalU 0 1 1 Wathan 9 9 9 9 5 0 1 9 Brett 3b 1119 iZiekdh 1 0 0 0 Otis 9119 iCowens It I 0 1 I McRM dh 9 9 1 9 Gray lb 9 9 9 9 Alkena lb 4 9 9 9 tTCruiaa 9 1 1 1 OWshntphl 9 99 4 DHnden of 4 1 9 Martin rf 9911 Smpeoncfl I 9 9 Whe 4119 BuMnge I 99 9 CncpaiM I 1 1 9 Rendletr 9 9 9 9 hrMc 1999 Total 412 It Total 41111 I Srjonaman'a22, Maxal Hawkaye Bank II. St Luke's 11 tBP-Umted vending a. Sugar Bowl 19 asanan Health a.
SouthndgePlazaS Red Lion a. Central Soya I Palmer Candy 19, Dry Dock 7 Jack Ptnney 9, Donnelley Marketing 4 KingdCluba UL Dlstrtbutlng 15. IBP 310 Lawton Pub 4. Donnelley Marketing 1 feidweiaer Light 9, Aging Jesters 7 neater Iron 13. Power Drive II Old Mmwukee ire.
Han Beverage, PPd. Youth Leagues FPJDAV RESULTS Elementary Glrta Fremont Tire 12. Hy-Vee 4 Otaon'a Spone Security Bank I Cieueson a GH 37. Jefferson, SO. 15 Dan Darby 7, Cass Grande 0 (lorteit) Junior High Glrta Local 212 Sterling Springe il SMuxland Sporta 11, Orpheum Tha-atarl Harvey's Reslauram 11 Hardeee 4 Suuxland Merchants 24, Centra) UL 19 Senior High Glrta Justice 12.
Jolly time 10 Lambert Engraving Boyl Club Royals Olson Sports 22, MornlMngsids Sta-tJooaryt Jurnor High Boys St. Paul's 7, Southern Hills Merchants (forfeit) FRIDAY High School Klngsiey-Piaraon 9. West 4 ll Inmnge) West Lyon 11. Maurice-Orange City 1 SlnnlngB) Sioux Center 11. George 5 Cherokee IS, Oreirnlle Spalding 12 La Mars 19, Akron-Weatiield 9 (9 ainmga) Woodbury Central 19.
Od ebon-Arthur I (I Inninga) Spencer t. Storm Lake 4 Anthon-Olo ll Eaat Monona 0 Aureliaa, Peullmall Boxing Holmes-Cooney Fight LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP) Here ti the round-ov-found description of Friday night'a World Boxing Council hoevyweight championship fight between champion Larry Holmea and Challenger Gerry Cooney: Round 1 Fight opened with men coming to middle of ring where Holmea aDbed and started circling. Holmes got in four or Ave good jabs in the first 30 seconds while Cooney didn't throw a punch. Holmes almost felt getting away from a Cooney hook but regained balance.
Cooney scored wttn a couple of light labs, the first punchea ha landed. Holmea' ab was his main weapon through the first hall of the round. The first body punch Cooney landed at about two minutes waa low. Holmea Hred a hard jab to the head and Cooney landed a left lo the body. Cooney landed a right but Holmea came back with a jarring fab.
Cooney landed a right to the shoulder, Cooney to the arm, and Holmea landed a right to the law. The AP gave the round to Holmea. Round 2 Second round started the same way with Holmes tabbing, once to the heed and once to the body. Hoimee landed another (at to the head and then to the body at about 30 aeconda. Cooney missed two wild shots to the head.
Holmes landed a good right to the head and a good jab after Cooney missed. Cooney got In a left to the head as Holmea kept tircling. Cooney missed with hook to the Dody. Cooney landed a glancing right to the head aeveral atsconds later. Cooney landed right to Holmea' heed.
Holmea knocked down Cooney with an overhand right to the taw. Cooney got up immediately and came beck wtth a left to the body attar Hoimee landed a couple of jabs. Holmes round. Round 1 Cooney tabbed and got a right to the heed as the third round opened. Cooney tanded a left to the body Cooney landed a good left to Holmes' head in a neutral corner.
Hoimee was circling, Cooney appeared oompielely recovered from the knockdown and waa stalking him. At one minute, Cooney caught Holmes with a short hook to the head and Holmes Jabbed twice. Cooney landed a right as Holmea backed away. Then Holmea came back with two (aba. Cooney landed another good left hook and Holmea becked along the ropes.
Holmea landed a hook end missed with a hard right to the heed. Cooney got another left into the face at two mlnutea. Howtes scored with a right to the face aa Cooney missed a hook, then Cooney raturned two faba, then two mora. Cooney 'a round. Round 4 They exchanged jabs, then Holmea sent two mora (aba.
Cooney landed a hook aa the round began. Cooney waa alerting to land more faba as the tight progressed end waa finding the range more often with his hook. At one minute, Holmea fabbed to the heed and Cooney to the body. A good right by Cooney to Holmes body, out he missed a hook to the head. Holmes landed a left high to the aide of the head at mid round.
Both exchanged faba. Cooney doubte-hooxed to the body. The crowd started chanting "Cooney." Holmea threw a right to the face which Cooney partially blocked. Both fabbed and again Cooney dug a good right to the body and a righi to the head. Hoimee fought back but was shaken by a toft to the heed.
Cooney followed with a right to the head. Cooney got Holmes the corner and landed a left to the body. Cooneya round. RoundS Holmea tanded a light fab and Cooney fabbed back twice at the start of the round. Cooney landed a short right lo the few aa Holmes backed away.
Holmes came back wtth two good faba. Cooney landed a left that was partially blocked and Holmes came back with three good faba, then mteeed a big hook. Cooney missed a right to the body, got a hard fab return. Holmea landed a hard right to Cooney'a heed after faking with his left. Holmes landed another hard right to the head aa Cooney came back with a left to the body.
Cooney hooked to the body and then to the heed aa Hoimee danced away. Holmea landed a good 1-2 aa Cooney missed a left. The two exchanged faba. Holmea round. Round! Holmea opened the round with two febs after Cooney fabbed him to the stomach.
Cooney tanded a right to the head and missed with a left The referee warned Holmea for holding. Cooney landed a right to the body at a minute. Holmea fabbed low and Cooney came back with a 1-2 to the heed. Both men scored with three faba at mid-round. Holmea got in a good hook to the heed, missed to the body.
Holmes landed a good nghl to body and a left waa low aa the crowd booed and the referee warned Holmea. Holmea missed with a right, Cooney landed a good left hook. A right and a left hurt Cooney. Cooney waa reeling, Hoimee waa after him. Cooney apH out hia mouthpiece.
A left and a right by Holmea, then Cooney rMOkMatthebeN. Round 7 Holmea came out and landed two hard faba. A cut over Cooney'a left eye began bleeding. Cooney was cut at the end ot the sixth round. Cooney lander three faba and miaaed with a right.
Holmes Hred two febs to the eye. Cooney landed a left that again appeared low. Cooney tended a left to the body end a right to the head as he seemed to rally. Holmea dd Hue punching in the Aral heft ot the round, eeemmgty looking for his spot Cooney hooked to the body, then Holmes fabbed. Holmea started dancing aa the two-minute mark approached.
He Mt Cooney with two faba but missed with a right. Cooney landed two light faba and Holmea waa fierfooted again. A right to the body by Cooney, but now the bridge of Cooney'a nose began to bleed. Cooney landed a good right to the head and a left to the body and waa warned again for hitting low. Holmea hred a good tab.
Hoimee' round. Round I Cooney fabbed to the face and Hoimee returned two. Cooney landed a left to the body that was partially blocked, then came back with two faba. Cooney landed a right to the head aa Holmes moved to the center of the ring. Cooney landed another right that waa perhaify blocked.
Cooney landed two good punchea lo the body. Holmea responded wtth a left and right to the heed. Cooney missed wtth a left but landed a right to the face. Holmea returned i tight to the body. Cooney landed a good right and a good left to the body and a right lo the head.
Cooney mouthpiece came out for no reason and they exchanged punchea. Holmes snapped Cooney'a head beck with right then another, then Cooney landed a 1-2 end Hoimee came back wtth four punches to the head. Cooney hooked to me body. Cooney 'l round. Round Cooney entered the ninth round tor ttte Aral time ever a fight.
Holmea tended two faba to the aye. Cooney landed a rtoht to the head over a lab. heed punches sod Cooney came with three kgftt faba. Hoimee ecored wrth a good fab. Cooney landed a right to the body and Hoimee came back with a good right to the head.
Cooney landed low again and the referee atopped the bout to warn Cooney again. Cooney went to the body with a left and right and Holmes came back with two (aba. Cooney answered three Holmea faba with three of his own. Hoimee' round and referee deducted one point from Cooney. Round 12 Holmea opened with two aba.
Holmea ecored with a good right to the head and two faba. Holmea scored wtth two more good tabs in the center of the ring. Holmes backed Cooney to the ropes and landed a light hook. Cooney missed a hook to body, got a left to the body In return. Two more good faba by Holmea.
Cooney was doing Utile in the fVtt naff of the round, then landed two good shota to the body. Holmea landed a good right to the face and another ab. Holmea caught Cooney with a good right to the head. Cooney landed a left to the faw and took a right back. Two more rights to the head by Holmea and another by Holmes at the bell.
Holmes' round. Round tl Holmes scored with a fab to open the round. A good right lead by Holmea hit Cooney'a faw and he followed with a hook. Another good right to the head by Holmea. Cooney waa starting to look bred.
Holmes landed a good fab and Cooney missed two punches. Holmes fabbed to the body and Cooney backed Into the corner. Holmea landed a good hook and Cooney was warned again for punching low. Both men fabbed and Cooney'a comer hollered thai Holmea wea thumbing. Holmes fabbed twice to the body and once to the head and threw a tremendous straight right to the head and two faba, then another right to the head of Cooney.
Holmea threw another good left and Cooney appeared very weary. Holmea landed a series of rights and a left uppercut to the head and a right hand to the head. Cooney fell down. Cooney'a trainer, Victor Vaile, Jumped into ring aa the fight waa atopped at 2:52 of the round. TV Sports Saturday, June 12 SCHEDULE SUBJECT TO CHANGE Morning 8: 1979 U.S.
Open golf highlights (ESPNI 7:00: Sports Academy soccer (USA) 7L0O: Pro team rodeo (ESPN) 7:09: Baseball Bunch (WTBSI 7:30: Jimmy Houston Outdoors (SPN) 9:30: 1172 U.S. Open golf highlights (ESPN) 9:00: Jimmy Houston Outdoors (CBN) 9:00: Tennis tor the Future (KXNE) 10:00: Wrestling IWOR) 10:00: CoHege World Series (ESPN) 10:30: Tennis tot the Future (KUSO, KSIN) 10:30: Sporta Academy soccer (USA) 10:30: NASL soccer (WOP.) 11 JO: Sporta Legend! (WOB) Afternoon 12:30: This Week In Baseball (KSFY) 1:00: 1979 Wimbledon Highlight! (ESPN) 1:00: Baaeball regional Angela at White Sox. Indiana at Pad So (KMTV, KTIV, KSFY) 1:30: U.S. Open golf special (KETV, KCAU) 1 :30: Fishing with Poland Martin (SPN) 240: FullConuKtKarate(ESPN) 2:30: Memphis Golt Classic (WOWT, KELO, KMEQ) 2:30: Pro Bowlers Tour (KETV, KCAU) 236 Moterweek Illustrated (WTBSI 9:00: Reggie Jackson Sporta World (Nickelodeonl 3:06: Baseball-Atlanta Braves it SF Giants (WTBSI 9.30: Sport Fishing (KUSO) 9:30: Boxlng-WBA Jr. leatherwelght tie boul (WOWT.
KELO. KMEQ) 4:00: Soccer In Germany (KUSO) 4:00: LPGA third round (KMTV, KTIV, KSFY) 4-00: Wide World of Sport! (KETV, KCAU) Wrestling (WOR) 4:00: Pro tesm rodeo (ESPN) 9:00: Wrestling low! vs. Iowa State (KSIN) 6:00: Water skiing (USA) 9:00: Racing from Selmond (WOR) 9:30: Pro Celebrity Golt (CBN) Evening 9:00: Sports Probe (USA) 9:00 Sporta Saturday (CNN) 9:00: Soccer In Germany (KSIN) 1:05: Wrestling IWTBS) 9:30: Bssebell-Chlcego Cub! at Montreal Expos IWGN) 9:30: Baaeball-SI. Loull Card! it NY Mats (WOR) 7:00: NAIA track (USA) 7:00: College World Series (ESPN) 7:30: History ol drag racing (SPN) 9:30: Pro soccer (WOR) 11:00: Pretoniime Clime trick (ESPN) 12:30: Wrestling (KETV) 1:00: All-Star Sports Challenge (ESPN) 2:30: College World Series (ESPN) Dog Racing SODRAC PARK Friday Results The longest shot on fhe board Nasty's Profit pafd off with a org win In the flral race on Friday night's greyhound racing card at Sodrac Park. The Carroll Kennel racer poured It on In the stretch to clan hia flral win ol the meet.
Alley Smoke was caught In the stretch end finished eocond, white The Hasty a ProflMltey Smote combination returned 111410. well above the average aumlela (943.17) prtoo paid hare thia year. Hasty'! Profit arao provided the first hall of a atrong dairy double thai paid 8213 80. Charter Kennel's Quote started off Ma career here on the right loot with a grade A win In the sixth, finishing nearty five lengths iheid of runner-up Gorgeoui Babe, A doubieheader program la acherj-vted today beginning with the matinee card at 1:19. The evening program haa an 8 p.m.
atari FIRST (Cl OUM.114.M Hasty's Profit (2) 17.41 1180 7.00 Aliey Smoke 15) 11.00 4.20 Pecos Devins (1) 00 SECOND (B) Ourn.20 40 BiaksWhuMI) 19.09 9 00 40 La Ls Success (2) 9.00 oo tehkoehWlggler(4) J.20 DAILY DOUBLE PAD 21M0 THIRO(M) Oum.2S.9l fJodnehborSam(2)9 29 4 80 4 20 FramonlShanelT) 4.40 3 2g MlnlMonteiM) 10 Trtfecta paid 1,013.90 FOURTH (BB) Oukl. 19.29 OenkoshSong(T) 4.90 4.40 1.40 JW Ribbons 18) 4.00 4.20 Cnlxen Dream (21 3 00 Trlfecta paid 209.H FFTH (Bf Oukl. 44 40 TS Marty's Hope (1) 10.20 11.40 8 00 Roob Ryan III 4 JO 4.20 Cruen Shot Gun 191 4.29 Trtfecta paid 394.49 SIXTH I A) Oum.97 41 OuotelS) 140 110 100 GorgeouaBsbsIT) 7.00 100 Beatnik BerWII 111 2.10 Trtfecta paid 107.10 SEVENTH (B) Oum.t1.e1 TDPtcaemupir) 12.49 920 10 Mingo's Two Tone (9) 101 I SO AC Phantom 11) 100 Trlfecta paid 1N.20 EIGHTH (O Ou S7N Seminole Spiced) 1100 io 7 00 Tare Heather (7) a) 1.M Tough TBI (21 9.00 Trlfecta paid 974.29 Tennis deadline extended The entry deadline for the KTIV Junior Open tennis tournament has been extended to p.m. today. Entry fee ls $7 for singles and $8 for a doubles team.
Players may enter by phoning Teddie Beam, (712) 258-8234. Notices Softball FLOYD COMPLEX SCHEDULES Slow-pitch sollball managera ara advised that aecond-hall achedulea for Floyd Complex leagues will be available Monday night at the Floyd preea box. Softball Tourneys MEN'S SLOW-PITCH SIOUX FALLS A United Stale! Sm-Pitch Softball Aseoclatlon regional qualifying tournament wHi be held July 24-25 al the S.ierman Park Complex in 8kux Falls. First place feama each three dlvtalona will qualify lor regional kwrneyl to be hard at Moore, Hutchlnaon, and Colotado Springs. Com.
The tournament wUl be limited to the Brat 11 teama Class 24 In Class end ta Class C. Entry lee fa 175 for USSSA sanctioned teama and MO for non-ssnctkinad squads. Entries (deadline July 18) may be mailed to Jack Kolbeck, 501 N. Laadale, Sioux FsUs, S.D. 57104.
For addlttonsl hformstlon, oontact Kolbeck at (005) SS2-JIT2. MEN'S SLOW-PITCH SIOUX FALLS A three-class man's alow-ollch Softball tournament wrH be herd June 20-27 at the Sherman Park Complex In Sioux Falte. Entry fee ra 180 per team In any of three classes. Entries (deadline June 21) may be mailed to Dakota Sporta, Box 710, Sioux 8.0. 57101.
For additional Information, contact Dakota Sport! It (80S) 332-21 91. Golf Tourneys PLAIN HEW OPEN PLAINVIEW, Neb. The innuil PWnvtew Open gotf tournament will be hard Sunday, June 27, at the Plamvtew Country Club. Teaof tlmaa wW be available from 7 to 10 a.m. Play will be limited to golfera agea 19 and above with an entry fee of 112 SO.
Championship night wlH consist of 27 kolas wime all other flights will play II. Shuffflings BASEBALL Anwkwn Lmqu NEW YORK YANKEES Warned Clyde KlrtQ pitching coacti. TORONTO BLUE JAYS-Announced tttt ligningi of Chrti Jotmston and Mark Garard, tint baaeman; Ronmt Chapman, aecond baaeman; Darrttl RnodeB art Cnrtt Shaddy, afKxlstooa; and Keith Oititam, prtchef. Natktnal League HOUSTON ASTROS Signed Craig Klzer, pitcfier MONTREAL EXPOS-Signed Buck Betue. NEW YORK METS-Sigrted Dwtght Gooden, prtcner, end Gerald Young, and eaalgried tnern to Kfngsporl of the Appalachian League.
Signed Roger McDoweti and auigned htm to Shelby Oof the South Atlantic League. PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES-Signed Lance McCuHera, Kevin co*ker, Jerry Arnold, and Damon Dombek, piichert; Howad Ntchola, tint baaernan-catcher; Henry Smith, third baseman; Kevin Waiten and Dave Vernon, catcher; Ken Jackson, ahortatop; Kevin Rosa, Jim Vett, and Todd Jortnaort, out tleidera; and assigned them to Helena of the Pioneer Rookie League. FOOTBALL National Footbaft League NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS-Signed Fred Marlon, tree safety. WASHINGTON REDSKINS Announced the etgnlngs of Carl Ptweit, wide receiver; Ken Coiley, defensive back; Oan Miller, kicker; Bob Holly, quartaroacK. and Don Lester tackle.
Soccer Morgan St. League STANDINGS Jhunoty Game AW Un: Independence Eaglea S-0-0, Bultalo Alice Strikers WM, Sportsman Flames M-l, Northsrdl Rowdies M-f, Lunar Feat M-0, Morgan Street East Neatnlka 2-24, Mornlngaidera 1-2-1, Headlngton Heedera 2-1-0, Rustln Roctsts 1-441. Walker Saints 0-44, Security Bank Eipreae 0-40. Woman: MHC Hot Shots 44-1, Coon 94-1, Woodwork! 1-2-2, Nutrition Village 1-2-2, Super Sllngert 1-2-1, Olympic Village 0-4-1. SCORING Mea: Tony Newby, Eaglea, 91 goali; Dave LeQree, Eagles, II; Clsy Wlllen, Esgles.
19; Dove Wtften, Esgles, 19; Mick Lsllsr. Eaat, 19; Bill Meyer, Flernes, 11; Bobby Rodgert, Flames, 10; Jerry Schnecke, Strlkars, 10. Woman: Renae Young, Woodworks, 7 goals; Kem Aslaml. Olympic Village. Yvonne Paronto.
Coora, 2. Jo Friedman, Coon, Theresa Delta. Hoi Snots. I. Barb Condon.
Hot Shots, Connie Aram, Hot Shota, Suale Chicoine, Nutrition Village. Roale Crall, Stfngers, Terri Beaumont, Stingen, 2, Softball Fast-Pitch rpjOAY RESULTS Buffalo Alice It. Taylor a Tapl Sand Bar 9 Galley 10, Waterbed World Oltmnlnga) Slow-Pitch ntOAV RESULTS Al Floyd Comptea Men Kenny's Standard ll. Runway 1 Uptown Battery 17, Boyte Const 11 Branch ta. Rochester UAW fi 7 eiCPenney 20, Rochester Porkers 7 Coca-Cole If, Advance tnduetries 1 Market Center 20, Ctonnelley Market Little League NORTHEAST DIVISION Dairy Queen 7.
SC Auto Body 5 Admlnlstrslors 12, SC Grain 9 (Jon McMahan, Grain. HR) Major League Draft REGULAR PHASE NEW YORK (AP) Mondav i rourid-by-round seiectlone on the first day ot the regular phase of ma)or league baaeball'a amateur draft (with team, player, home town end position): First Hound 1, Chicago Cubs, Shawon Dunston, Brooklyn, ss. 2, Toronto, August Schmidt, Kenosha. ss. 3, San Diego.
Jamea Jonea, Dallaa, rttp. 4, Minnesota, Bryan Oelkera, St.Loula, mp. 5, New York Mela, Dwrgnt Gooden, Tampa, rhp. 9, Seattle, Spike Owen, Cleburne, Texas, aa. 7, Plttaburgh, Sammy Khalifa, Tucson, ss.
9, California, Robert Klppar, Aurora. Ihp 9. Atlanta. Duane Ward, Farminglon. rhp.
10. Kansas City, John Morris, Bellmore. II. San Franclaco, Stephen Stanlcek, Park Forest, III lb. 12, Cleveland, Mark 8nyder, Knoxvllla, rhp.
19, Philadelphia, John Russell. Norman, Okla, c-ot. 14, Chicago White Sox. Ron Karkovice. Orlando, c.
15, Houston Steven Swain, El Caion, of. 10, Boston (from Texaa) San Horn, San Diego, lb. 17, Chicago Cuba (from Montreal), Tony Woods. Oakland, sa. tl, Boaton, Robert Perklna, Arteala, rhp.
IB. Los Angelea, Franklin Stubba. Hamlet 1b-of. Detroit. Richard Montelone, Tampa, rhp.
21, St.Loula, Todd Worrell, Arcedie, rhp. 22. Cincinnati (from New York Yankeea) Scott Jonea, Hmedale, Ihp. 23, Cincinnati, Gary Hawley, Columbia, S.C., rhp. 24, Baltimore, Joseph Kucharakl, Clinton, rhp.
2i. Milwaukee, Dale Sveum, Pinole Valley, aa. a. Boaton (Irom Oakland) Jeff Ledbetler, Clearwater, lb-of. Specie! Round 27.
Chicago Cuba. Willie Bodertck, Tamoa. of. a. CrnclnnaU, Robert Jonea, Maywood, lb.
Second Round 29, Boston (Irom Chlcsgo Cubs), Kevin Romine, Fountain Valley, d. Toronto, David Welle, San Diego, Ihp. 31, San Olego, Joaeph Plessc, Crown Point, rhp. 32, Minnesota, Allan Anderson, Lancaster, Ohio. Ihp.
33. New York Mels. Floyd Youmsns, Fonlsna. rhp. 34, Seattle, Michael Wiahnelakl.
Valparaiso, Ibot. a. Pittsburgh, Jamea Opie, Veaw, N.V.. a. a.
New York Yankees (from Calilornla). Timothy Blrtaaa, Clarkalon, Ihp. 37, Atlanla, Joaeph Johnson, Pielnavllle, rhp. Kansas City, Joseph Szekely, Perls, Texss, c. 39, Sen Francisco, Barry Bonds, San Carlos, of.
40, Cleveland, Jamas Wilson. Corvallla. lb. 41. Philadelphia, Lance McCullers, Lull.
rhp. 42, Chicago White Sox. Rolando Pino. Hiaiean. If.
43, Houaton, Michael Meadows. Msysvtlte. C. of. 44.
Texss. Michael RuDel, Anaheim, 1b. 45, Montreal, John Dopaon, Flnksburg, rhp. 4t. Boston, Steven Jongewaard.
Fountain Valley. aa. 47, Loa Angelea, Richard Floras, Thermal, as. 48, Detroit, Scott Kamrenleckl. Detroit, rhp.
41. St.Louls. Timothy Wallace. Lsn-caster, 50. New York Yankees, Vmcenl Jackson.
Bessemer, as. 51, Cincinnsti, Barry Larkln. Cincinnati, H. 52. Baltimore.
David Otto. Elk Grove Village. 81., mp-lb. 53. Mllweukee.
Bryen Duquette, Los Alamnos. Ihp 54, Oakland, Steve Ontiveroa, Stafford, Texas, mp. SECONDARY PHASE First Round 1, San Diego, Kevin Towers, Oceanslde, Calif rhp. 2, Cleveland, Brian Howard. RockvMe.
If. 3. Loa Angeiea, Don Smith. Redlands, rhp 4, Detroit, Doug Sheets, mine. rhp.
5, Houston. Charles Kerfetd, Carton City. rhp 8. Kanaaa City, Thomas Weuece, Pasadena. ot.
7, Cincinnati, Kalvoaki Daniels, Warner Robins, of. 8, Seattle, Thomas Duggsn. Huntington Beach, If 8. New York Mels, Rsndsll Myers, Brush Prane. Wash thp.
10, Texaa, Randall Kramer, San Joee, rhp. 11, Atlanta. John Bryant. El Ton, ol. 12.
Milwaukee, Timothy Utecht, Ken-newrct, lb 13, Pttraburgfl, Leon Roberta, Oakland, es. 14, California. Mark Bauer, SneWng. rtip. 15.
San Franclaco, Jody Reed. Brandon. aa. to, Chicago While Sox, Joel McKeon, Hollywood, Ihp. 17, Philadelphia, Kenneth Jackson, Waskom, Texss, sa.
18. Minnesota, Curt Kindred, Walnut. Caul, rhp. 19, Montreal, Nelson Santovenla, Miami, c. Boston passed.
21, Cnicego Cuba, Byron KemmerHng, Arcadia. Texas, rhp. 22, Toronto. David Hlnrich, Piano. Teiaa.
rhp 23. St. Louis. Thomas Mauch. Coslna, of.
24, New York Mark Stafhai, Lake Oswego, as. a. Baltimore, Bred Amsberg, Medford, rhp. Oakland, Jasa Rodeas, Houaton, rhp. Second Round 17, San Diego, David Groot, Yorba Unoa.
aa. a. Cleveland, Edward Emmona, St.Petersburg, rnp. Loa Angolee, Matthew Howe, Naveto, rhp. 30, Detroit, Timothy McMsnnon, Idaho Fane.
Idaho, rhp 31, Houaton. Michael Hogan, Balboa. rhp. 32, Kansas City, Msrk Berry, Oxnard, a Cincinnati, Alexander Madrid, Mesa, rhp. 94, Sealtto, Jamie Doughty, Broomtiold, as.
a. New York Mats, smart Foutka, Florence. N.J., mp. Texas, Msnuel Mantrana, Miami, aa. 97, Atlanta.
Kenneth Lynn. Qreer, rhp. 18. Milwaukee, Jeffrey Qyermati, PWneboro, N.J., mp Plttaburgh, Fran Ruaao. Fort Plena.
II. 40, CaMornia. Paul WlMama. Bronx, ef. 41, 8an Franclaco paaaed.
43, Chicago While Sox, Harold Stewart, Crucket, Texaa. rhp. 43, Philadelphia, Ptuup Raid, Sherman, Texas, aa. 44. paseum.
sam stz: SIXTH RACE (A) distance 919: 1, Time Passages; 2, tnttmato Friend; 9, Sam BVCA; 4, Erupt; 9. Action Alley; 9. Maxwell Smart; 7, Hustling Sweetie, 8, rouCrszy.SAMSEZ:744. SEVENTH RACE (B) distance 918: 1, Blood Brother: 2, Lesley Rose; 1, Son Of Bur); 4, Mil! Cola; 5, Wild Ginger; 8, Go Solar; 7, HO'i Ike: 8, Zesty Bruno. SAM SEZ: 4-7-1.
EIGHTH RACE (C) distance 818: 1, Reno Rav; 2, Sugia Brawny Boy; 9, Myalery Phantom; 4, Lucky Calvin; 9. Aak Dennia 9, Burning Torch; 7, That DM It: 9, BP'S Scott. SAM SEZ: 4-14. NINTH RACE (A) dlatance 919: 1, SNS Slllln Texan; 2. PK's Jewel; 9, Hollywood Howl: 4, Jerry Bump; 9, Pearl Buck; 9, Talking Wind; 7, Wllma Way; 9, Paid In Full.
SAM SEZ: 7-34 TENTH RACE (C) distance 819: 1, BQ'l Mouse; 2, Nan's Super Tote; 9, Papa'a 8hine; 4, Proud Pimento; 9, Nature'e Bonua; 9, RC'I Eaay Rider; 7, Inken Xylophone; Unseen. SAM SEZ: 8-2-7. ELEVENTH RACE (B) distance 919: 1, Dan's Gold Hsrp; 2. Vleta's Soul; 3, Staiteon; 4, Sals Bead; 9, Bodacious Doll; 9, Blazing Power; 7, Veges Oust; 8, Cheeks. SAM SEZ: 9-74.
TWELFTH HACE IBB) dlstmce919: 1, Dskots Emma; 2, Forty's Jin; 1, Msg Wump; 4, Cramcourse; 9, Dry Gulch; 9, 8tstus Quo; 7, Jaunly Zona; 9, Sky Celeste SAM SEZ: 441. THIRTEENTH RACE (A) distance 118: 1, Cruzen Playboy; 2, DO Hope; 3, Deano'i Baby; 4, Utile Bandit; 5, Ama Oazzler; 8, Tad'l Larry; 7, Cthin Lur, 8. And Swllty. SAM SEZ: 8-24 Horse Racing ATOKAD Friday Results One bettor took home an of the 001 Irom 14.487 eiacta payoff at Atokad Park Friday. Track officials takj ortfy one ticket waa sold on the Big Bud-Brave R.K.
combination ki the eighth race. Big Bud won the race and paid 942 80, 821 .10 and 80. Brave A K. returned 912.90 and 88.20 lo place. PfftST 4fur1onos Delay Dee (4) 10.80 1.40 1.80 Whitsuntide (1) 3.80 280 Ale Good (2) 8.80 SECOND 8 furlongs PappaC.W.(4) 4.00 2 00 2.40 Jasper Go Home (9) It 2.40 BleuDeen(l) 9.00 Electa paid 9 80 OAJLY DOUBLE PAID 29.00 THIRD 4 furlongs Prince Aurellul (9) 4.40 2.80 2.80 WHO One 1.20 2.40 Darby Don 12) 1.90 OuloeHa paid 8.20 FOURTH IVt furlongs Ventruse(2) 7.00 180 2.20 lH'sNeeco4) 1.80 2.20 Not Expected (8) 2.20 Exacta pea) 19.00 FIFTH I furlongs siasywin Hot Pro Will (2) SOO 4 80 8.20 4.40 100 Daniel Thomas (8) 4.80 Ouinetia paw 11.00 SIXTH 4 furlongs Ceil firm Lefty (4) 800 140 2 00 Treve Choice (II 8.20 140 MlaaGoodland(l) 120 Electa paid 22.00 SEVENTH Iturtonga GieetulNohoc(2) 900 380 2.40 Hasty Society (31 9.20 1.20 Mlat Thunder Rldga (9) 1.00 Exacta paid 71.40 EIGHTH tfurtonga tug Slid 15) 42 00 21 10 180 Brave K.I1) 12.20 9 20 Mr Tarnoshsntarll) et Exacts paid 4,417.00 Attendance mutual handle 850 O90 Today's Entries Pott Ttmtip.m.
FIRST RACE: Puree 1790, 9-year-old maidens, Ov) furkjngi: Same Old Lord 120, Doc Go Go Weed 120, Colonel Victory 120. Praise Ticket 120, Bupen Black Jack 120, Harmonize 120, Heeeer i Joker 1 20. Out To Gettum 120, Pvrdum 120. SECOND RACE: Puna 8780. 4-year-olds and up, claiming 12,900, IVt furtonga: Sweet'i Bast 122, Red Hot Binders 122.
Denny Bob 122. Gee Echo 122. Pet 119. Llk Beans 122. Little Feller 122, Tlzlopotts 122, King's Capture 119.
Cross To Msrket 122. Also eligible: Kevin's Flight 122, Anglo Face 122, Noble Program 122, Ward Hawk 122. TWflO RACE: Puree 9790. 4-veer-old maidens. 4 furlongs: Rythym Verier 117, Noddingo 122.
Ba Laval With Ma 122, Steco Area 122, BarMzon i Qnoet 122, Drift Mar 122, Oan Tobki 122. Cama Express 1 72, Pteeeant Dawn 1 1 7. SoOCs Lynntlf. Also eligible: Franla 117. FOURTH RACE: Purse 1790, 4-year-olda snd up.
claiming 82.500, 4 ruftonge; Gem Foxle 122. Wall Your Turn 122, Aoagado 122, Untkk) 122, Jenoe Jr. 122. Mlaly Boy S. 122.
Mr Spaed Stick 122, Crazy Charlie 119, Poised And Ready 122. Bolero KM 122. Also eligible: Barb's Birthday 111. FIFTH RACE: Puree 8780. 1-yaanoW maiden Utiles, I furlongs: Allsha'e Draamcard 118, Aatro'i Prtnceea 111, oozy Ben 119, Pama'e Fancy- 119, Lucky Louie's Girl 118, lighting Rktgo 119, Cherrt Hoc 115, Everything Gallant 119, Rich Reward 119.
SIXTH RACE: Purse ISS0, year-otds and up, claiming 13.900, mM and 70 Four Me 118, Recount 122, Future Sot Its, Lady Hour 117, Todd's Prize 118. Supper Sport 119, Sound Steamer 122. SEVENTH RACE: Purs 8190, 4- year-olda and up, clilming 19.000-84,800, 8 furlonga: Jim's Oul-Chess 112. Larryatan 122, Haarta Gamble 117, Mlnoma's Lad 122. Patchelta 112, Meaa Redondo 122, Emeraonien 121 EIGHTH RACE: Puree 8190, 4- and 5- yeer-olda.
allowance. 8 furlonga: Glory Sanaa 122. Fly Bye Bird 122. Foiy Bunny 117, More Mini 122, Mmaledt 117, Wester Tide 122, Top Latch 122, ice Ob)ect 117. NINTH RACE: Puree 8800.
4-year-olda and up, Nebraaka bred, claiming 82.900, I furlongs: Fsrmer'l Msrket 122, Toadstool Eddie 111, Esmsiee 117, Trudy's Pet 117, Nervi Scurvy 117, Awtobelurtiey 117, Only A Smile 117, My Quack 122, Brave Brave 121 AK-SAR-BEN Friday Results PBST Shrrlofid Banquet Queen 9.20 140 3 00 Baby Bupen 7.40 9.80 Pocket Posy 14 00 SECOND Ofurtorvje My Roman Lady 9J0 4 08 3.40 QypsyGwen 4.49 3 49 Gay Escapade 9.80 DAILT DOUBLE PAIS 8) 81 TrftRO llurtonce Second Drone 94.00 1120 1.80 Become Adio UK 0.80 Glory Royal 4 00 FOURTH Ifurtongs Nancy Mars 840 3 0 3 00 TumtoAMIrtcaf 10.10 880 WstchTheRos 11.) Electa pattern FIFTH IfurUnoa My Star 18.29 7 80 8 00 Mid atom I SO 210' Miea Precast 1.40 SIXTH Iruflonoe Carefree 32 eg 11.20 120 EuaeSiar 10.40 100 TrURuken 9.09 Evacta paw 212.40 SEVENTH lurking Mf.Bladei 180 4 40 3 20 Nobis Mornanf 121 300 Pabarene 4 00 EIGHTH tfurtonoa Star Trap 9.09 1 40 2 80 Brownie Smoke I.M 880 AetroCiaaa too tfWTH MM, 71 TsTe I Delight 19.99 710 1.80 Prince Deiighi lag 1.40 Tidal Dancer 7.M EsactapaM91 40 Attendance eiutuel fundi t1.t1.S03 Today's Entries Posy THtHlp.m. FIRST RACE: Purse St 503 (-veer-Olds, eaowance, I fiirtonge: Nutty Nerb 114, Society Eipreae 114, aHenry Jakob 114, Swap'i Fire 117. Tknray lit, levsntln 117, Hurry Up Chad 117, RtMle'a Ringer 117, Country Moon 114, Pones 117, a-BIg Van 114, Lonestar 114. Kamllng trained entry. SECOND RACE: Purae 11.700, 9-year-old Nebraaka breda, claiming II4.0O0-S12.0O0, I furlonga: Shake Atot 111, Trapper Mike 111, Cart's Pleasure 112.
Lo 0 Or 119, Justs Sac 120. A J. a Eiprees 119, The Brain Or. lit. Nep-lune's Dream 107, Msstsr Eddie 119, Smart Valentin 112, Cry Ma Ahead 109, Copper Pocket 120.
Alao eligible: J.A. Prince 120. Manco 119. THIRD RACE: Purse 89.900, and 4-year-olda, allowance, 9 furlonga: Ridley Road 108. Native Wand 119.
Cast ol GoW 109, Dangerous Ace lit, a-Maaterworth 129, Turf Authority 111, French Buddy 110, aalarriazrjo 123, United PrUe 100. a-Mlka Klein trained entry. FOURTH RACE. Puree 500, 3- and 4-yeer-oM Nebraska brad IMlss, allowance, 8 furlongs: Jeenie Blue til, Angel Reck 1t3. Combo Bland 118 Turn To Lust 110.
Dancing Mary 101. Susan Belle 112, Royal Trtsh 112. Polteta 112, Avenue Gal HI. Honky Beth 110, you Terzan Me Jane 112, Afro Get 111 FIFTH RACE: Puree tlO.SOt. 4-year-ok) and up, claiming 822.800-818.900, mil snd Mltti: Nt De Oagner 120, Silver Piece 120, Dr.
Rlchler 111, Avon Now 111, AioeU 111. Dunster 120. Tim To Try 111. General Account tot. Clek 190.
SIXTH RACE: Purse 91.900. yaer-ords and up claiming ri.000412.0O0, ratio and MUh: Shellle'l Oaneer 111, s-Oeo 119, Good Service 111, Jayaton 111, Anthony Switch 111, Fit As A Fiddle 111, Alzeenero 119, Irish Connection 119, Brazen Ego 119. Rocky Start 120. tcratoh Msrk 118, General Lab 118. Also eligible: Sugar Dust 1 18, Gokjle'a Son 118.
e-Beeu'e Winner 118. -Marvin Johnson trained entry. SEVENTH RACE: Purse 7.000, lyeiroide and up. ettuwanc. ante and 1-llm: Hold The Beena 117.
Hob Me Not 111, Bom To Lead 112. Win Stat 111, Chlefto lit, Raiea A Kid 112, Brent Trans Am 112, Hidden knag 111. EIGHTH RACE: Purse 1 10. 4 year-old and up, claiming 982.900428.900, 9 furlongs: mebrlaror 118, eJto Pomp 119, Hometown Bookie 107, Tan O'clock Scholar 100. Lamar Lad 119, Weather Tamer 111, Hot Property IM, First Away 111.
S-C Song 172. NarMetat 111, Snectarooney 111, Fte-Inctory 11s a-0 R. Clark trained entry. NINTH RACE: Puna 130,009 added, l-year-olda and up, "The Speed 8ter.ee," I turtonge: Daddy 117, Ming Ot 108, Destroy Em 114. Braze and Bold 101, Smoklte 123, Dave's Friend 117, MadKey117.0galaultt4.
TENTH RACE: Purae 88 900, -rearw CMS and up, "Ac ef Spades" starter sertae, lit maee: Poker Kanhune lit Dele Turn 117, Tidy Chief 117, First of Denver 111, ana Bel Man 111. Pride 112. Bum Cnooer 112, Rraa Bwmg 111. Allan Cornel til. ken Pea US.
Dregeel 111, Canonson 111. Alao eligrbte: Pmce Hedstefl Daryf's Son 117, Hipper 117, Dan's Plan 111, Rocket Man 111. Reuben Brown lit )Sergeant-BIuf boys rip Hinton SERGEANT BLUFF, Iowa Sergeant Bluff-eLuton scored in three of the four Innings it batted 'While battering Hinton's Blackhawks 12-2 In a War fcagle Conference game limited to five innings by pie by the 10-run rule. John Klemish led the Warrior charge with a fcriple and single and four RBIs, Including two with his three-bagger in the fourth, i SB-L now is 1-2 In the War Eagle Conference nd 3-2 overall, while the Blachhawks dropped to 0-2 in the league. Ifrnton 010 01 I 7 I feergeertt Bluff-Luton 420 ta 11 1 BUI Heeemen and Tom Spice; Chrle Johnson and Randy Lau.
I. i i.