COVID Nasal Spray Vaccine: Spreading the Virus with a Sneeze 🚨😱 (2024)

COVID Nasal Spray Vaccine: Spreading the Virus with a Sneeze 🚨😱 (1)

Intranasal Vaccine Backed by Feds—A New Control Mechanism? 🌐🔗

🚨 Get ready, folks! The University of Georgia has secured a whopping $40 million from the feds to test an intranasal vaccine against COVID-19. This new vaccine, CVXGA, is being developed by CyanVac Inc, a company led by Biao He, a prominent figure in the veterinary medicine field. He’s been on a White House panel advising on COVID-19 vaccines, and now he’s pushing forward with this new intranasal vaccine. This isn’t just about fighting the virus—this is about control! 🌐🔗

Intranasal Vaccines: A New Frontier or a New Threat? 🌬️🔍

Intranasal mucosal vaccines claim to offer superior protection by stimulating local immune responses right where the virus enters—our respiratory tract. They generate IgA antibodies to neutralize the virus at the entry point. Sounds great, right? But don’t be fooled! They’re not telling you the whole story. This is another way for Big Pharma to push their agenda. These vaccines aim to stop transmission more effectively, but what else are they doing? 😱🔗

The Promises and Perils of Mucosal Immunity 🛡️🧬

The ability of these vaccines to prevent transmission by inducing robust mucosal immunity is being hailed as a breakthrough. But at what cost? They say it will reduce viral shedding and transmission, but who is benefiting? Certainly not us! The convenience of administration and lack of need for cold chain infrastructure are just bonuses for the pharmaceutical giants. We must stay vigilant and question their true motives. 🚨🔗

The Technology Behind the Vaccine 🧪🦠

This new vaccine is based on a viral delivery platform using modified strains of parainfluenza virus 5. It’s supposedly harmless to humans but effective in generating an immune response. Professor Biao He claims this is a tribute to UGA and their support. But are we just guinea pigs in their grand experiment? These new technologies are often rushed through without thorough testing. Stay alert! ⚠️🔗

Project NextGen: Continuation of a Flawed Legacy 🚀💉

Project NextGen, Biden’s version of Trump’s Operation Warp Speed, continues to pour money into these “innovative” vaccines. Despite the end of the global emergency, the government is still funding new COVID-19 countermeasures. Why? Because the current mRNA vaccines have significant limitations. This is their way of admitting it without saying it outright. The Phase 2b study will start this fall, but we must ask ourselves: what are they really planning? 🕵️‍♂️🔗

Written by Dick Vegas, created by Kenny Valenzuela,

COVID Nasal Spray Vaccine: Spreading the Virus with a Sneeze 🚨😱 (2)

Here are six mainstream articles discussing the new COVID-19 nasal spray vaccine:

These articles provide a broad overview of the current research and developments in nasal COVID-19 vaccines, including their potential benefits over traditional injection methods.

COVID Nasal Spray Vaccine: Spreading the Virus with a Sneeze 🚨😱 (3)

Here are six clinical trials related to COVID-19 nasal spray vaccines:

  • Safety, Tolerability and Immunogenicity of Gam-COVID-Vac Vaccine in a Nasal Spray
  • HH-120 Nasal Spray for Post-exposure Prevention of SARS-CoV-2
  • SA55 Novel Coronavirus Broad-spectrum Neutralizing Antibody Nasal Spray
  • Post-marketing Study of Lyophilized Nasal Spray Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine
  • A Phase 2 Trial of the Immunogenicity and Safety of CVXGA Intranasal COVID Vaccine in Healthy Adults
  • Phase I Safety Study of B/HPIV3/S-6P Vaccine Via Nasal Spray in Adults

These links will provide you with detailed information on the various trials for COVID-19 nasal spray vaccines.

COVID Nasal Spray Vaccine: Spreading the Virus with a Sneeze 🚨😱 (4)
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COVID Nasal Spray Vaccine: Spreading the Virus with a Sneeze 🚨😱 (2024)
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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.