Dunkirk Evening Observer from Dunkirk, New York (2024)

FOHUTBEN DUNKIliK KVENINO-OHSEIIVKJI, THURSDAY, NOVKMHEIl 15, 1931 Expect Sale of St. Louis Cards to Qo Through Any Time Now, Maybe Dodgers Sam Breadon Would Like to Bu Brooklyn Team Which He Could If Deal with Millionaire Wentz Goes Through. By A A NV.v Vnrli. Nov. I I I --H" i i millions In i and nf bani'ball's 111 liiMinv nr- bri'ii-liiir ll Ilii- Hilll i'f a In warm up Hi inli'i'i'KI nny nfMi'iiKin i i i i i i cd, a i more a i yi-l III 1-iilin'.

Tin- ul osli IM hi-aril a si i i an all I I I wa) In i i i i A i i a 111" lllspn a i i a i a i K.f.i-J. a a i Is "li inn ri-sdy fur i i a a i la Inr Tin. i i a i i i Kit a i 111 a i la i i i i i i i i i a i a i i la!" i a i i of I i i i I open a Di-i'i'liiliiT i i i a nf MM- a i i lilld a Low I I i i i i i a i a a i niii'n 11 i i i i all Inn i i i i i i i i a i a In I i I i i I I I i a to Brooklyn a i i i i Hi" CJir- i i i i i I I 1 i i Criiiililyn. buyliij'iil linini'. and nf M.

SI. LoillS i i i i i i i i In (In in hi- ri i i of i i i i i i i i i i i-'-ailj- In i l.iiilr.'Ts i ili-ii! i a i i'il us nil a i i i ll a i i UN I a i i i i i i i i i ci, i i i Inr, nf i lias a i a i a In i i i i i In i i II Jnll for i i i i 111" i i I Ja I I I 'I'll" r.ili" he i i i a a a i i i a i i I i i i a H'l I i i i i i I I I I I I i i i i i In- i i I I I' 1 11 In i a i i i nf a i i i 1. i i i i i i i i G.ilje May Uo i bill' l-iil a In. i i i il.n rimin I llah" -111111-11 I i i i i i i i I-; i i l.i i i i i i i i I i i i hi i a i iih'ii a i in of 111" I i i i i I i i Tin.in i In- n.iili'ii. In i i i in i ill- ivaily wlii'ii III" c-luh nwni-r: KI-I together, lint Ihi'Mi- i In NORWEGIAN SKATIN.G FED.

REFUSES HENIfc I'lirlit, IT, I Tnhl h) i i i i I I I I i a i i i i loll ul I i lint In. i i Simla i i i a i i u'litiH'ti's invpan-d i i i i Tin.ll a i i 111 I I I i i i i i In i i In a i i i i a i i i i i i a i bloliili i i i i i i a i nil 111" li HIT a i mill i i i i i i i In i i i In a a In .1 i i i i a ilitys tl" i i i i i i i i i i i i i I a Ili'l I II- tin i i llll i'h" a i ni' i-x i i i i i I'l'i'i'lpln i i i i i i i rcflLicd In ilo i i i MI! In a Ih" I I i i i i i i i i i i a i i i i i us at i i i i i i IIIM- a af i i i a i i a i i i i m-anl'-ll. only the a a laborers Mm a a i a (excopl i i business! an. 1 a i cninpld "il i tin: salo by Clark nf bin i i I a (ilblii, a I oi. i i In lhn I i i Sox, a i i i I a tin.

nlll's a a place nl a i a I proil ilKlllll lhn hi! li'il to I II i llll! i nlllrii nf Iln a i a league. Kuril Krh-k wll lio 111 i ft IT Dec. It ch-cli-d In mii'ci'il A I i i iTalKiii'd I i i i a i i a I I I flrsl. "hiuiKu In luiHKcr 111" nbliir i i i i i lias had in 1 LUDLUM STEEL LEAGUE 1 i i i I I a i i 17 I i a HI I l-'liin i I I i Ill i llaiiilili'i'a 1 II 1 i II 1 L' Tut. IM; ivii 1 1 11!) US I.12 12-1 I Ir.i 1:17 11:1 i I2r, iiiv i -is: i 112 l.vs h'lii i 17:1 1 'J Tnl.

Av i 113 117 I I I i a Hit l'J7 lf.7 I'lS 17: A i i nil ITiV 12:1 I I a 1:1:1 I IV US I I a i a i i 107 17 a i I 2 2 1 2 1 WIKI-: I 3 'I'nl. A iiai-iuiian Hi? is, i i i i i i a i 122 12" I I liiynt 1:111 1211 IL': iii i a i i I I 1 1 IS" I i i I a i i a I a i a i i 1 2 i II i i I I i a Uu iin-iiii-i- 17:1 Tiilalii I I 2 7 1 9 I I A I i 1 2 Surma isn li'lmii'k i i i i i i i 171 l.ayiinui 1 2 1 ISS Mi7 IARI.F.S is entirely tlillciont (loin ci- lahuL-d lOc." llcrc'athcdoiic: In 1931 we lioughttlio lOc ciRartolwccoin he land: aKcd.mcllowal, lilKncd it three years to make the best lOc cig.u in America in 1934. BUT-folksarcn'lbuy- ing many lOc ciRars and so ive lia ve notbing to do with our surplus lOc tobacco but put it into fjc Ibccasc. Just tryChailca Dcnby. See if you don't think it's the best lOcci- taranickcl cvcrboutlitl i(te tobacco into Ftndlicll Charles Denbyli CIGAR 5m Till.

Av. ItUi SIIS i isu li-t 156 IM 4-17 i 157 1113 175 51)1 177 a 7711 7lil 756 'XM Hlcli nciirf, L'OJI. nviMMRi'. 1D-I, ARMY-NAVY GAME COMPLETE SELLOUT Ni-w Yovk. Xnv.

IS -M i Hull! 10,000 lioiiofnl toollinll Inns will wlfs tlio Ariny-N'nvy toot- Imll ul PhiUidolpliia on Doc. 1st. For tho first I lino in tho history if Ilio scrrlcn iMttk 1 the li.td aold ont two In Kvi-ry "Ho tho 78,000 ul jKr.nnUin Hold hns IJIH-II laluMi, lo roimrts unlity from 1'oint itiul AnnaiHilis. Tho pimio hns boon rollout lio- fore, hut never two weeks in tul- vanco. MISS Ogden, Ulnli (UP)--Wobor college ro-ods hero recently wrnto os- miller the tille: "What i Woman Knows About Men." The winning ossny, i by Margaret Itoblnaon, says thnt iv cry woman should know Hint r.icn Ilka to ho flnttereil, llko lo talk, always waul lo ho inasler ot Uir home, nnd nil males of Uio species lack an nnclomnmllng of tho lulno mind.

--Advertise in Uio OUSERVliU. WINNING PLAYS OF 1934 4 i Lateral Swells Princeton Score Against Harvard A Pil.ictjton Hcnrod this i a nvn In UH lli-U victory over Har ml In HHJ r.inrtli period i Irt cuiiuiilvoil uiul ox- Milod lateral pliiy. I'aul I'aiik, left hnlfbiiuk, wont '(M 1 from tin; foui'-ynrd lino. short kick forfiiatJmt, tlic ball jiasEuil from center to Ifti)pcr ConatitbJo, taflback. Conod- as It Lo lilt between and Kiiurd, lint tin; ball to Kiullic, quarterback, who faked buck off his right In chic.

Kadllc, howover, throw a short lateral paun lo 1'iiuk, wlio hair In taking the Lnsa. Kadllc wont on id hlock tlm defunalvo left cud. Silinlliach. right halfback wont ilirouKh to take Hie backer up on the Cambridge -cltib'H lef 1 side. Punk skirted bis own end tho secondary having beei In by tlio threatened buck This piny worked for Pi-lncotoi against Yalo last season under similar circ*mstances, i ford carrying.

niversity of Wisconsin Turns Out to Welcome Great Player of '90's. i i i Nnv. I 1 I i a i i i I (oilny tn wtik'Onu! a I a O'lli'ii, a a of WlHcoli .1 a a mid i- innsl i a i Itlclcerrf of nl ni" who fni IIJ yiMir.4 was In 1 i i i a i i a i i i i i i i wliiTO lhn la.s i i i i i a asHili i In "Vlnlt! I i a i i i a I ll I i Hlnr. II" i liu I i i a i ll loday. ho wil nl bnllor al a mill I i i i Al hi! will he on 111 of Wl.4t:nnnln ciiiupu lemMHlH cf Ills ui-k In tlm liavn iiKitlo hi vci'luihln runl llunyiiii.

Uni-ni'dH of O'lJna's Touts wit a al'u iilmoiil unhellcvali II ciiiiiparlsnii i prese'at da Kindanls. In ono on iindily flold and In a heavy nil won victory ll Kia! t'l-oni Ills ow 7-yin-d line, O'Di'ii ohlivlon under a ii.iiii" bi'i-auso Ilia fool lia i his law prai ii-i! In San Fram-lnco. i anil 111 went, to wlior slii'il III" Idi-'tillly slarli: l'i. a.i a lumberjack. II Is a nuiipany execnllve.

A San sports write linn. I I I Hpi-iiiKltold. Mo. (HIM--Archli iy. local grocer, displayed t'u wi'talil'iiK i-lKhr and mid moasnrlng inchos i WHOewiFIRSTp! I A I A Uy Nutltnii Kane I Aullmr of "F.imoiio First Uio U.

S. over Aincrh'ftiix tn the World War? wns the fl.rPt ntglit rdoJIiall pl.iycd? Wlio Invcntwl (he flrst, eas nK-lej'? Answers tn nnxt ICE CREAM SODA MADE DEBUT IN PHILADELPHIA IN FIRST AUTOMOBILE INSUAAMCE POUCV ISSUED IN HftBTRXJO, CONN.INI69S. to I'rcvlolls Questions rHB first "pigmy" coif course Is claimed to have been built live years npo near Chnt- oofia, Tciin. The r.ystem Icji Carter patented presented hazards, like standard course. Miniature courses with less than nlno holes, or courses with short liblcs, however, wore built previously, llqberf Green added Icn cream'(s plain soda water, and demonstrated the palatable imverago nt 1 7 I Somlccnte.nnlal cnliibrnllan.

A Huffulo'doctor; on Mi. is OS, hail his cur Insured by a The Sulky Trail ew York News thai III isy-hred yearlings are signed lo Iho lOlb Old Cilory Hale tn bo held here Thanksgiving veek hy Hanover Shoo I-'arntH, Innover, coillirnts Hit: oplll- on of harnos.i bor.it. 1 Inn laal year's lotal Hales of Ilil) he far ocllpsed Ibis i titrong bids for jn ieli- to tlie thrones held 'iy lln-lr iladdy and niolhlT. liaiiovor's contlnj-ent, one ot the and birgesl over sent lo thu Clory. tn l.awn'iu:" owner nf ai-e stainl- inlhrml nursery, hoasls IT.

young by Ibo Crcat A'olo. a brother 0 I'eler Volo Ihat is rapidly coin- ng In Ihi! front as sire nf iDiilablit nichiH inatiM-ial; colls 'iy Sandy l-'lasb: by Iliniter: a iy Hillon Axworlhy; fi by Trnax; 1 by McKluiHty. winner of ho llrst a i i i i a and 1 by Mr. -lanover llannver ItnrsL's all over spnrls map on mile ami linlf-inllo rinks this nnil plenty ot fast company battle, tlm Kunns' ea-valcii(le ot yourllnns are expected to be ped up lllce proverbial hoi-cakes when Ihcy gn iiniler the block Siluailrnn Armory hcru Tha-nks giving week. a few of th poieullal stunt oil i way I.

change hands In New York of wjrnt Uio Is Hindi I.Indir Hanover, hay Illly by (In; lou Mnlil 'hy 1'i'lur Vnln, I full Klsti'i- In 2:11 whose mark was net Ibis yea when she proved to be of th fastest Irotlurs raced ovur an Ainorlcaii or traek. Til Iy Hnnovor, by Hie CreaL Voh 2:112 oul of Helen Dillon, 2:11 winner of the Kentucky an llui dam of four 2:111 poi-formors nlno is expected lo kick up keei ding. from Hanover, all of which an rated high by expels, are: Hanover, nlarlnibi Hanover, Kat Hanover, .1, 0. Hanover, Kelt; Illluover, Umly Hanover, llanovc llroker anil Clarence Hanover, t' from other noled nurseries, Walnut Hull, Villace Farm Iloine.stcn,! Stud and 1'onii ular Farm are certain to mak the linai i-nuud-up of the bai jj racing season the most en rnnlnc sign Hie tlnien tn till! spori yet seen. vctera-iis COLGATE FULLBACK GIVES PEP TALK IN THE HUDDLE Hamilton.

N. Nov. I 1 --Come oil girls, let's HO out am aow 'em down, says Don Hull Kr vln, anil that's what Colgate's, cloven has been doing. The husky fullback of the Kec Haiders, booms ont the batilo co hits deep bass voice and his miles respond. Uo gives then he one-line pep talk when Ihoy'n in huddle just before ho klckoff.

ALBANY-KINGSTON TIED Albany, N. Nov. 15--(UP)-- mid Klngsio.i. were liei or first place In Iho iVew York itnto haskolball league today ifter tlie Senators lurtied back lio UtiTM quintet, 21! to 21. Led by Sonny Cluck, former league star, the Albnnj ilnh piled up an early lead, wind vas thi'witeneil oncp.

The made It two straight for Ubany over Ulicn. Kingston remained undefnatet vbon it set Iwek Llulo Kails. WRESTLING RESULTS (Uy umtoa Prowl Now York--Charlie Jllilget Fish- Wisconsin, throw Joe Banaskl, Karl Von Zupnkc, OUT- any, doclsloncd Hons Sclmnbol, ormanyj Maurice La Cbappellc, ranco (ilrow) Loo Walllck, Ger- lany; Clmrlos Johnstono, Cuba, oclslon Eildlo Pope, Ireland; ony Morcll, Italy, throw Joliini" nrlln, Sweden: Dnvo Levin, New 'ork, threw Jlnrllii, Italy. -Advertise in the OBSERVER. Knocked Out Poreda In.First Round Last Night Making It 10th Straight.

Chicago, Nov. lli-- i l.onis, Don-oil negro, less tluut year ont nf (he amateur ranlu, today threatened to fight bis way lulu a pluce among Hie heavy weight eonlemlers. lio knocked oul Stanley i'oreda, Jersey City, N. .1.. In the first of a scheduled 10-ronnd bout l.wt iiiKlil.

n-clKlicd I9. 1 I'oroda, 20S 1 It was Louis' tentl straight victory since luniiim pro- Tho altcndance way 2,700 and Ibo rocclpls I'oreda, who outpointed Prinio Carnera In. If) rounds shorlly foro tlio Italian giant became champion, went down for an eight count under a barrage of. lefte null iLs in the first minute. When no got up, Louis booked with a left nnd crossed over a OK him Ibrough Hie rope, and out of Uio ring.

I'oroda atilo lo get only one over the beforo the roferee bad count eii to 20. Ihu time allowed a fighter to net Illicit in Ibo ring. Poretla also holds decisions VIT Tommy Loughi-an and Ernie Sdinnf. Now York, Xov. 15--(UP)--The brllllanl runnliig of Manlaci and Tony Sarausky has brought Ihem into the spntligbt In Foniham games, but the Kains Iririb guards have been playing plenty ot football theinaclvcs.

are Joe AlcCardle ami John Moauy Roth are seniors from Massachu- sclls, and both will be upon Saturday to help stop Purdue's Dnanc Pnrris. Cambridge. Nov. 15 -( a a is takhij no elia.ii- ces i New Hampshire and fnr Ihurmore the firsl stringers need work, so Ihere will be no sub lute starting line-up in Hie ga Saturday. The Harvard varsity is gottiiiK plcnly of sliff drilling.

Primielon, Nov. 15- --A sellout for Ihe Yalo game Salnrday in Palmer stadium is forocasl. if Ibe 5S.OOO seals are filled ll will be the first time in six The Princeton winning streak and traditional rivalry angle combined to build np this Pittsburgh, Nov. 15 (UP) -Pittsburgh's Pant tiers won't have tho decided weight advantage c.v looted over tho Navy Saturday. The Middies' weigh average 17 over-all against ISO for Pftt, Hanover, X.

Nov. 15--(UP) --Dartmouth worked out yesterday the snow with only one oxper- enccd hack-field man performing. Fim Alota went through the paces, vhfle oilier ball-carriers nursed fii- uries. Several unknowns are ex- lected to appear against the thaca team. New Haven, Nov.

15 -UP) Yalo spent yesterday in ight drill to perfect timing for ho Princeton game Saturday, Sig- inl drills and punting completed ho rehearsal. Providence, K. 1., Nov. 15--(UP) Snmmerflelft took Tnft'a place left end on the Hrown eleven in workout and probably ill start Saturday. hart a ong drill against Holy Cross ilnys.

REPRESENTS CAROLINA AT MEET Kftlftlgh, N. C. --(Up)-- Attired an attractive- dark bluo enjem- for street wear, Miss Mary toao Plckler, of Altieniarie, won irst nrl2o In North' Carolina's 4-H lub dress revue. Sho will repre- ent CaroUnh flt tho national 4-H ongrcas in Chicago, Nor. 30 hrough Dec.

S. Cup Outlook Bad for This Country; Wood, Allison on Doubles Team By New York, Nov. 15-- Thov you who have oven so much tennis-racquel, own a pair flannel panb, or can look too 10 Important upon occasion, had etler be on guard theso days foi oit're In danger having a sack irown over your head and bcini ilrlted- away to captain the 103 mericau Davis cup learn. I don't mean to scare you, but tiie nlied States Lawn Tininta assocl lou Is likuly to have to adopt such stern measure to gel a leader foi cxt year's forces. The association n't likely to have any voluutecra; erlaluly not any whose menla lyont is wilhin three strokes of nc.

And 1 can't nlctura tlie as ation, desiillo the presence in Its akoup of more brass than there hi St. Cauden's Lincoln (I Ijnnw 's know It's 'ng anybody to tuko the Job. Bad This Year Tlie Job was had l-isl oar, as Dick Williams, tlie playing un-playJng captain, fouiiil oul his year It's going to he worse an over, for when those two ayboys of tlio western woi-ltl. eorgo Lott and Lester Stoofon. rued professional, our side lost the only two guys it bad who gu out there at Roland Garros or Wlm- hledou, or anywhere else, and deliver.

The Messrs. Lott anil Stoef. en did not observe tlio strictest of training rules. They played tlio dogs, followed the horses, stepocd a few graceful tangos at London's hot-spots, and. when cornered, even swigged a tew co*cktails.

Hut, despite the fact that they acted like human beings moro than ranking tennis players, they won everything they went out for, eluding tlie Wimbledon championship, and their doubles match In both the iiiterzone and challenge round cnp play. Tho boys were good for a sure point whenever they picked up their bats. The 1935 team, which you may have to captain unless you your eyes open and avoid'lonely streets after will be sure nothing, unless it Is defeat. According to present plans it will be composed of Wllmcr Allison, Sidney Wood, Donald Budgo and Gena Mako. with the first 1 two parties named handling the singles, ant! the youngsters doing tho doubles.

Allison and Wood What may he expected from thiy irouji? Well, I'd say they -will havo an oven chance agaiust Australia or Japan in tho intorzono and will run strictly for Mrs. Sweeney against Knglaud In. tho showdown for tto cup. Allison and 1 Wood, sound players as they aro, can play Perry from now uutll Iho last cow comes hom*o without A wouldn't risk a penny on them against Bunny Austin, liunny, as old-school-Uesh, and thoroughly disllkeable as ho Is. a whole lot of something when tin king and tiucen sit down and the; start playing for keeps.

In another couplo of years nudge and Mako probably will be tho besl doubles team In" the world. But what they'll do nejt year, in their debut as internationalists, is something else again. In tact, I'll wa-i- er a guess that our doubles team tor 1935 will wind up being Allis'in and Johnny Van Ilyn. BRISK TRADING IN NAT. HOCKEY RANKS Montreal, Nov.

15--(UP) Tho jriskest trading ever experienced by the nine clubs in the National hockey league lias iajjged tho personnel of all. The Maroons have eix new men, Caiiadlens five, St. Louis si.x, Boston eight, Chicago five, Detroit 'fve, Toronto four, Americans three and Hangers three. A total of 142 players are on ftio active playing list in tho league. The Toronto Maple Leafs and SL ifl Eagles carry the most, 17 each, according to official league i a released yesterday.

Snap-Up Your Appearance for THANKSGIVING With a New I TOPCOAT O'COAT ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE Witli prices i i clolhiiig market skyrocketing, ns a result of Hie increased ivagcs ntul (leurcased working hours of the garment makers' industry, we take great pride in being able to otter this amaxing value. Only because it look weeks planning' and searching- lo acquire a selection of suits, topcoats mid overcoats with such nil round satisfaction at such a low cost, are we able to sell them to yon nt such a low price. Our sale ends soon--and a price raise will be affected. Buy yours now. OTHER SUITS O'COATS $18.79 1 BOYS' ALL WOOL O'COATS Sizes 8 to 12 $5.49 Make yourself the owner wearer of one of.

these now smart overcoats and you're set for the winter social'and business scaeon. Ot melton cloth --heavy and long wearing--in )lue or oxford grey, In models bit will aet you apart In better appearance; Ready for Winter Men's O'coats In' greys, browns and nnvics. Smart full belted orl half! belted models, nt a price that will be much higher! at tlie end our Anniversary Sale. GREATEST CLOTHIERS.

Dunkirk Evening Observer from Dunkirk, New York (2024)
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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

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