The Des Moines Register from Des Moines, Iowa (2024)

Phone Your Want -Dial 3-2111 THE DES MOINES REGISTER--THE NEWSPAPER IOWA DEPENDS UPON. Monday Morning, April 18, 1932, COOK ATTACKS THREE OF FOES Brands Cosson As 'Yes' Man. (The GRISWOLD, Resister's towa IA. News Louis Service.) yr. Cook, candidate for the Republican nomination for United States senator, told a Sunday afternoon political meeting in his opinton, three of the other candidates should not be nominated.

"I have quit worrying about who 18 going to be nominated," Cook confided. "I am probably too radical to please the conservatives and too conservative to please the radicals." Not Standpat's Job. Cook said he proposed to serve somewhat useful purpose in the campaign an a truth teller, "Colonel Brookhart ought to be defeated for many reasona," Cook said. "He should not be beaten, however, by a reactionary who does not recognize that many things are wrong with our present economic system. "Yes Man." "There are still a few standpatters in Iowa who believe in Santa Claus, and most of them are backing George Cosson or Col.

Glenn Haynes. Haynes la a brave soldier and deserves well of his country, but politically he la not in any way progressive. "The Cosson candidacy is demonstrating the fact that no matter how much air may be pumped into a worn out tire, it will still keep going flat. People are not warming up to the idea of sending another 'yes' man down to Washington. But Not Hogs.

"Senator Brookhart bases very effective appeal to prejudice upon the claim that wealth 18 poorly distributed in the United States. I agree with him. should like to have more of it myself, and to date his record indicates that the colonel doesn't pass up any bets. "We are not, however, going to create new wealth, provide more Jobs, and increase farm prices by policies which are destructive of legitimate business activities. Enterprising individuals or corporations ought to be encouraged, but not permitted to make hogs of themselves.

His Ideal -Broke. have prosperity in the United States when so-called 'big busineas' is able to hire men and buy raw material. "We have had a period of a dozen years or 80 of damning the railroads, and the railroads have, finally gotten down to Senator Brookhart's ideal goal of equalization of wealth. They are broke. "However, I commend to the senator the idea of evening things up a little bit by cutting his own salary down to where it was before he voted to increase it from $7,500 a year $10,000, and by limiting the amount which he may take from his clerk hire for members of his family to a couple of thousands a year instead of five or six.

Work a Month. "The latest economy suggestion from Washington embraces the bright idea of giving all federal employes who are out of the political pull class a month layoff each year without pay. "This, of course, would hit the mail carriers and the clerks and such folks. If I am elected I am going to suggest that about 10,000 highly paid officials who get their jobs because they render political services to senators and others be given an 11-month leave of absence each year without pay, and do their work in the other month." Catholic Council Of Women Holds Audubon Meeting AUDUBON, IA. A combined meeting of the Den Moines Diocesan Council of the National Couneil of Catholic Women and the Stuart deanery was held here Sunday.

The diocesan council met at 10 A. following an 8 a. m. mass conducted by the Rev. A.

B. Aspinwall. Four deaneries Des Moines, Creston, Council Bluffs and Stuart- -were represented. At the Stuart deanery meeting at 2 p. the women heard Mra, R.

F. Rohling, Council Bluffs, diocesan council chairman; the Rev. P. M. McDermott, Atlantic; the Rev.

R. F. Hagerty, Bayard; Mra. John Galvin, Council Bluffs; Mrs. W.

S. Baird, Council Bluffs, and the Rev. P. J. O'Leary, Greenfield.

Mrs. W. H. Halloran of dubon is president of the Cities in the Stuart deanery are Bayard, Greenfield, Adair, Stuart, Atlantic, Harlan, Brayton, Exira and Audubon. Des Moines women who attended were Mrs.

L. C. Kurtz, Mrs. E. R.

Olmstead, Mrs. John Connolley, Mrs. F. E. Haley, Mrs.

Peter Mullahey and Miss Theresa McGuire. Castelline Denies Stealing Automobile (The Register's Iowa News Service I MARENGO, IA. -Ray Castelline of Deg Moines was arraigned in district court Friday charged with larceny of a motor vehicle. He entered a plea of not guilty and his bond was set at $3,500. Castelline is accused of stealing a coupe belonging to Leslie E.

Francis, Des Moines attorney, March 15. He was arrested by Night Marshal R. A. Beilstein, for attempting to remove numbers from another car in Marengo March 19. Mount Ayr Hawk Is Well Trained Mother-in-Law ('The Regiater'a Towa News Service.) MOUNT AYR, -Of course seats have had some atrange passengers! Willis Hood and Dr.

T. J. Moffit, enjoying a hike through the woods Sunday, saw a chicken hawk in a tree. A rifle bullet wounded the bird in one wing, and down it came. During the ensuing "battle," the hawk perched on the rumble seat of the men's car, and refused to budge.

As a result, the hawk got a 10-mile ride into Mount Ayr, attracted a record crowd on arrival, and spent the night in Hood's furniture atore. Today, the bird in scheduled for execution, after which it 18 to be mounted. The hawk has a wing spread of four and a half feet. D. M.

MAN HELD IN LEMKE DEATH Soults Surrenders to Newton Sheriff. (The Register's Iowa News Service) NEWTON, C. Soults, 1047 Sixth former manager of the Golf and Country club, Des Moines, surrendered here Sunday night to Sheriff George O. Kelly on a charge that he was driver of one car in a collision which caused the death of Mrs. John Lemke, 57, of Kellogg Saturday night.

He was charged with failing to report an accident, and was released on $1,000 bond to appear before Justice of the Peace Ed Finch at 10 a. m. today. The charge was filed by County Attorney A. M.

Miller. Dies of Shock. Mrs. Lemke died of shock after the car in which she was riding, driven by her husband, was forced Into the ditch by a passing car five miles east of here. Her husband was not injured.

Witnesses who reported the number of the other car said the second machine was turned about by the impact, and started west after the collision. Both machines had been traveling eastward. Call From Oelwein. Sheriff Kelly said that a Dr. Friend, who said he a brother-in-law of Soulta, called Newton from Oelwein Sunday morning, saying Soults would surrender in Newton later in the day.

Dr. Friend is reported by the sheriff as saying his brother-inlaw had not known of the woman's death until reading of it in The Den Moines Register Sunday morning. Coroner James Engle said Sunday night that an inquest will be held Tuesday into the death of Mrs. Lemke. Golf and Country club authori-73, ties said that Soults was manager for the club February, 1932.

brother, Soults of Des until, Moines said that he has not been working since that time. Tardieu Gives French Aims in Campaign Talk BELFORT, FRANCE (U.P.) France is prepared for an effort toward mutual solution of the reparationa problem, if the burden does not on taxpayers of creditor nations, Premier Andre Tardieu declared Sunday in his ond election campaign speech, delivered at Giromagny, The premier outlined a project for financial reconstruction, bitterly attacked the Socialists and said that the recent French restrictions on importa, which have been vigorously protested by Americans in Paris, continued only temporarily. interest of France in his speech centered around his violent criticism of the Socialists, Tardieu warned that the franc would fall severely if a Socialist majority were elected to the chamber of deputies next month. 4 Anti-Fascist Plot Spiked in Killing Of Italian Consul SPRINGFIELD, ILL. (U.P.)The Chicago consul general and Springfield police Sunday discounted fear of another anti-Fascist plot in the assassination Saturday night of John M.

Picco, 51, Italian consul of the Springfield district. Giuseppe Castruccio, Italian consul general at Chicago, took charge of the investigation after dispatchtwo aids here by airplane. Picco's large business interests, including a macaroni factory, a warehouse for grapes and a chain of drug stores, were considered a possible motive for the slaying. Willys to Arrive In America Today WASHINGTON, D. C.

(AP) John N. Willys, American ambassador to Poland, is to arrive in New York today aboard the Europa for a vacation. No reason for the ambassador's return was given by him to the state department. It has been denied several times that he intended resigning in the near future, Edict Hikes Mexican Air Mail Postage MEXICO CITY, MEX. (P) A presidential decree raising air mail postage in Mexico from 15 to 20 centavos (7 to 10 cents) for each grams or less, was published in the official gazette Sunday, effective immediately.

BEDDOW SEEN AS CONFIDENT 'Ponzi' Ready to Face Accusations. (The Resister's lowa News Service SIOUX CITY, IA. Frank R. Beddow's willingness to face the accusations against him regarding. alleged fraudulent tranafer here of $17,000 in stolen liberty bonds Inspired the belief Sunday night that the "bellboy Ponzi" is confident of being cleared.

Beddow's voluntary surrender to authorities Saturday in Omaha, was a startling development. Believed Fleeing. Reported seen at Grand Island, after Frank B. Davidson and J. Guy Sibert, Sioux City business men, exposed the alleged bond fraud, Beddow was believed to be fleeing to the west coast or Mexico.

With the "brains" of the alleged swindle deliberately meeting the issue, the possibility was seen here that the investigation will bring out new and 1 sensational developmenta. Thus far, Beddow has been the chief target of the conspiracy charges. Others Arrested. J. H.

Keeffe, contractor; Frank A. Heldridge, banker, and Dale Koon, stock salesman, also accused, explained their connection with the case in such a way as to make them appear merely 8.8 pawns of the former bellboy. With Beddow in custody, federal authorities hope to force a showdown on conflicting stories they said they have heard. Reed in Custody, Harry Reed, federal secret service agent who investigated the bond transfer, declared Sunday night in Omaha that George Reed of Shenandoah, brother-in-law of Beddow, and the "John Doe" named with Beddow, Keeffe, Heldridge and Koon, will be brought to Sioux City. George Reed was arrested Friday night at Shenandoah.

Cooper accuses him of being the man who signed the bonds transferred to Davidson and Sibert, misrepresenting himself as owner of the securities. Bond Signed. All members of the quintet accused in the fraud have been arrested and all but George Reed are at liberty under bail pending the federal court term that opens here May 24. Beddow's bail, furnished by professional bondsmen, is $7,500. That of Keeffe, Koon and Heldridge, In $5,000 each.

Hugh E. Smith Dies In Newton Hospital (The Register's lows News Service NEWTON, IA. -Hugh E. Smith, retired farmer and prominent in county politics, died Sunday following three months confinement in Skiff hospital here. He had lived in Jasper county since coming from England in 1885.

He is survived by his wife and three sons. One, Ralph W. Smith, is state Grange master. Risk Head, Former Iowan, Dies in N. Y.

NEW YORK, N. Y. (A) -Charles Hoffman Neely, 66, retired insurance executive, died Saturday at his home in Bronxville. Descended from Cadwallader Colden, British colonial governor of New York. at the outbreak of the revolution, Neely was born in Cedar Falls, Ia.

Two Die When Plane Takes 400-Foot Dive YOUNGSTOWN, 0. (P) amateur pilot and his passenger were killed late Sunday when their plane went into a nose dive from about 400 feet. The dead are Jack Curell, 30, pilot, Youngstown, and Earl Hannold, 30, of Gifford, Pa. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. NOTICE To Creditors of Wabash Railway Company Notice 1s hereby given to all creditors of Wabash Railway Company AS follows: That on the 7th day of April, 1932.

the District Court of the United States for the Eastern Division of the Eastern Judicial in the District receivership of Missouri cause now entered pendin said court wherein the T. Wabash Moss Tie Company iN Complainant and Company 18 Defendant. No. 9704. Equity requiring that the matter of the accounts, debts and claims of all perclaiming to be creditors of than the WA- the bash Railway Company other sons holders of bonds or other obligations seby mortence or lien.

or the trustees thereof or such claims as may be paid existing orders entered in Said cause) against the property in the hands of the Receivers appointed undersigned in said cause be referred to the Special Master in said cause to ascertain and report to said Court a list of all creditors. except aforesaid, of said Wabash Railway Company. the together with a statement showing nature and amount of their respective accounts, debts and claims. and that by said order the undersigned Special Master, WAS authorized. empowered and directed to investicate.

hear proof and report on all be claims tiled by persons claiming to creditors. both RE to the correctness and validity of all such accounts. debts and claims. and also as to the lien and priorIty. 1 any, thereof, 2.

That all persons having any such accounts, debts or claims shall file their claims on account thereof with the unMaster his office. dersigned Special, Central National Bank BuildRoom ine. 7th and Olive streets. St. Louis.

Missouri. on or before July 1, 1932. 3. That any party to said cause, the Receivers appointed in said cause, and accordance person with who said files his order or may its file claim with in the undersigned days Special July Master. 1932.

within thirty 130) after 1. an answer or other plea to any claim filed with him and may contest the same. That said order further required the undersigned Special Master to Rive public notice by publication once week for four 141 successive weeks in some newspaper of general circulation published 101 a each of the Cities of St Louis and Kansas City. Missouri: Omaha. Nebraska Des Moines.

Towa: Chicaco Springfield and Danville Fort Wayne. Indiana: TOledo Ohio: Detroit, Michigan and Buffalo and New York, New York. of the time which debts claims and on claims account shall be of filed. such accounts, FORREST C. DONNELL Special Master.

Room 700 Central Natonal Bank Building. 7th and Olive streets. St. Louls. Missouri.

Dated April 1. 1932. Cat Mothers Week-Old Fox Near Carroll (The Register's Towa News Service CARROLL, motherless week-old fox belonging to the silver fox farm east of here, has been adopted by an alley cat. V. G.

Kendall, manager of the farm, "borrowed" the cat, deprived her of all but one of her offspring, and let the orphan take their places. The surviving kitten amiably shares its meals with Reynard, and Tabby doesn't seem to mind. Last Iowa Music Contest Results Are Announced Results of events held late Saturday night in several district music contests over the state were announced Sunday. They follow: AT WATERLOO. Girls' glee club, class -West Water100.

Boys' glee club, class A- -West Water100. AT MASON CITY. Band. class B- Eidora. AT SHENANDOAH.

Orchestra, class A--Abraham Lincoln (Council Bluffs), Orchestra. class Clearfield, Deatha DEATHS and funeral notices of not more than five lines. $2.00 a dav. Each these additional line. On week days 11 appear in both morning and evenine editions.

CAVANAGH-Services for John nauch. 56 years of age, of 504 Maury st. will be held Monday mornine at 9 o'clek from Visitation church, Mr. Cavanauch will lie in state at the Caldwell Puneral home. 1 a of 2800 44th St.

will be heid from DENMAN- Funeral services for W. H. Lillys Monday at 10 a. m. Interment at Rest Haven.

STEINBERG-Mrs. Esther Steinbers of 923 2nd at. died Sunday afternoon. ServIces will be held from the residence Monday at 2 p. m.

WALTERS- -Funeral services for Mrs. Helen Walters. wife of John H. Walters, 205 E. 14th St.

will be held at Dunn's Funeral Home Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment at Masonic cemetery, CARD OF THANKS. 1-A. WE wish to thank our friends and neighbors all organizations for their kindness and nympathy during the and death of our wife and mother. H.

Schuline. daughter and sons. WE wish to thank friends, neighbors and relatives for their kindness and floral ofterings during Illness and death of our husband and brother. Cissy and Joe Frain, FUNERAL HOMES. E.

Carl White FUNERAL HOME. Our distinctive service costa no more. LOST AND FOUND FINDERS of lost articles advertised below please, take notice. After vou have returned the articles to the loser so to the Want Ad Dept. 715 Locust where you will be presented with one guest ticket for the Des Moines theater now showing "'The Crowd with James Carney and Joan Biondell.

SUIT CASE lost-Black. probably picked up by mistake on the Rock Island station platform at 6:30 Saturday, April 9. in Cedar Rapids. Finder please notify Irene Holman. Mason City.

for reward. WRIST watch lost, lady's white, gold Bulova. Rew. 315 Chamberlain Hotel. WILL, lady who picked glasses Kirkwood hotel lounge please return to Kirkwood desk and receive reward.

NOTICES. IOWA STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION By C. R. Jones, Auditor April 13. 1932.

THE MINNEAPOLIS ST. LOUIS RAILROAD COMPANY Notice of annual meeting of stockholders NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Sealed bids will be received at the office of the Auditor of the State Highway Commission. Ames, Towa, until 10:00 A. April 26.

1932, for the various items of construction work listed below. A certified check or State cashier's Highway check Commission. payable to for the 8 sum must equal to filed by of the each bidder amount in of con- the bid. be nection with each proposal filed, except as otherwise stated. Plans, specifications and proposal forms may be seen or may be secured at the above office.

All proposals filed shall be on the forms furnished by the State, sealed and plainly marked. Proposals containing any reservations not provided for therein. rejected. The Iowa State Highway Commission reserves the right to waive technicalities and to reject any or all bids GRADING. Lucas-Wayne Fed.

Aid 344. 12.448 Humeston miles of Road No. 137 north out of Into Lucas County, involving 378.694 cu. yd earth 222,500 sta. yd.

overhaul, and 100 cu. yd. riprap, Pottawattamie-Shelby P-794. 2.661 miles of Road No. 168 from Shelby south to Road No.

7. Involving 93813 Cu, yd. of earth excav. and 75.000 sta. yd.

overhaul. Palo Alto F-109. 0.251 mi. of Road No. 17 south of Emmetsburg, involving 3783 cu.

yd. earth excav. RIPRAP, Keokuk P-574. On Road No. 77 south of Road No, 2 at the Skunk River Bridge.

450 tons of riprap in place, Lee P-743. On Road No. 103 northwest of Ft. Madison at Sugar Creek Bridge. tons of riprap in place.

At bridge place near Fort 45 tons of riprap in ENTRANCE CULVERT PIPE. Various counties. involving 1500 In. ft. 3500 lin.

ft. 700 lin. ft. 24. 150 tin.

ft. of 30" and 300 1in. ft. of 36" clay, concrete or corrugated metal entrance culvert pipe. f.

b. destinations. SECOND COURSE GRAVEL SURFACING. Plymouth F-210. 21.7 miles of Primary Road No.

12 from the Woodbury County line NW to Akron, involving 9799 cu. yd gravel to crush, screen. load, haul 1 mile, and 96809 units add. half mile haul. Plymouth P-39, 10.4 ml.

of Primary Road No. 5, from Road No. 29 west to Akron. involvine 2808 cu. yd.

gravel. crush. screen. haul 1 mile, and 37908 units add. halt mile haul, BRIDGES AND CULVERTS.

Lucas- Wayne FAB-344. On Road No. 137 from Humeston north. one 50x24 I-beam. one 60x24 -beam with 2-50x24 1-beam aDproach spans, one 36x24 I-beam.

one 40x24 and one 310' multiple span bridge, and 52 culv. and exten. Shelby- P- 794. On Road No. 168 south of Shelby.

16 culverts and extensions, DENATURED ALCOHOL. Sealed bids will be received until 2 p. April 26, 1932. for approximately 125 barrels of radiator denatured alcohol. Certitied check of $100.00 required.

AUTO AND TRUCK BATTERIES. Sealed bids will be received until 3 p. April 26. 1932. for automobile and truck batteries 1933.

for the Certified period check May 1. of 1932 $100.00 to required. Notice Is hereby elven that the annual meeting the stockholders of The Company Minneapolis St. Louis Railroad (A corporation of the State of Towal will be held at the office of the company Room 1215. Equitable Bide.

Des Moines. Town, on Tuesday. May 3. 1932. at 12:00 o'clock noon.

for the election of directors and for the transaction of such other business AS may properly come before the meeting. Stockholders entitled to vote said meeting are those of record on the stock books of the company at the close of business April 2. 1932. W. H.

Bremner, President. P. M. Tompkins. Secretary.

LIKE to trade your radio for a washing machine, your car for a lot. or your piano for dining room suite? You can find opportunities of this kind in the Section column of the Classified WILL net Be responsible for any debts contracted by anyone other than myself. Manke. Entertainment Directony, VIN SPECIAL LADIES FREE NITE MON. BALLROOM Where Des Moines Dances.

Benny Bensman's Recording Orchestra, Men 50. Mon. Ladies Free. THE BARN. Des Moines novel ballroom.

Wal. Tues. Joe Gazzo's Melo Blue Boys Men Ladies free PERSONALS OVERNIGHT meter freicht service to Kate 8as City. Bruce Transfer co. 111 5th 4-4101 PAINTING.

wall washing. paper cleaning. $1 per room. Redecorating, Phone 6-4741 BATHS, sulphur, vapor Swedish massage Reclining cab 1192 9th. 3-8015 Rose Green PATIENTS.

elderly people cared for in good nurses home. $10 to $15 wk. 5-6102 TRANSFER. Long dist, hauling. Guar insured service.

Cut rates, 6-1465. Curtains laundered, and stretched 45e EMPLOYMENT POSITIONS WANTED MEN. 10. Paper cleaning. B.

Lawson. Wall washing. 5-7338. PAPER cleaning. wall washing.

25 years' experience. W. H. Chenoweth 3-1430. 5-7139 cleaning, wall washing.

Cutler Rough Paper spe- C. L. cialty. PAPER cleaning, Chas. S.

Poskie wall washing Work guaranteed. 4-6547. PAPERHANGING. paper furn. Painting roll.

Reas. Terms. 5-4150. PAPER cleaning, wall washing. 50c room up and painting.

Darrah-Brewer. 3-5537. PAPER cleaned. walls washed. painting.

floor work. Work guar. Person. PAPERING, painting. $5 per rm.

and up. Work guar. Free estimates. 6-2026. PAPER cleaned.

75e up. Walls washed. Satisfaction guaranteed. 4-2616. PAPER cleaning.

wall washing. Floors wood work polished. 3-8421. PAPER CLEANING 50c to $1.00 room. Work guaranteed.

4-9656. Patch Plastering. 4-0820 Plastering New guaranteed. and repair. 6-2845.

All work PLUMBER, good sheet metal and heating man wants posit Go to work at once. Write P-461. Register and Tribune. SALESMAN, 15 vrs. coal and of hdwe.

ref. Write central and western Ia. Best W-576. Register and Tribune. SALESMEN.

shoes or gen'l. store. Write K-361, Register and Tribune. WINDOW trimmer, card writer, thoroughly exp. young man.

Men's wear selling exp. Write X-460. Register and Tribune. YOUNG man. 22.

good habits. desires work and home on farm. Small wages. Otis Green, 703 W. 15th St.

Phone 3-5698. Stepping Stones Pool rocks. sodding. 5-0952. YOUNG mr'd man.

wants anything steady. 3-8061. Write W-648. Register and Tribune. YOUNG man.

21. married, wants steady job. Handy at anything. 6-6465. 1308 E.

18. YOUNG man, age 19. wants odd jobs around your home. Ph. 6-6380.

WILL work for room and board or board and small wage. 7-2009. Positions Wanted Women. 10-A SPECIAL To help worths people to secure employment our special offer: 2 3 DAYS. $1.00 3 LINES DAYS.

$1.50 on account of this very low rate no ads can be charged. Bring your ad to the Want Ad counter. We will gladly help write and word your ad. BEAUTY operators, man and wife. Man good barber.

Will work or rent bination shop. Ph. 3-0056 or write H-458. Register and Tribune. BEAUTY ex.

in all lines. Write Edna Gilmore. Bouton. Minburn phone. BOOKKEEPER- desires nent, temporary work.

Free to leave city. Ref. Write W-730. Register and Tribune. BOOKKEEPER- STENO, 12 yrs.

insurance and general A-1 references. 5-6398. COOK. private homes. good housekeeper, neat, clean.

Ref. 4-3340. DAY work. cleaning or washing. White woman.

Good work. Ref. 4-5762. DAY work by hour or day or any kind of work, References. 4-0482.

DOCTORS secretary. Practical nursing and stenographic wants position. Ref. Write W-733. Register and Tribune.

GENERAL housework wanted by experienced woman. Phone 4-0992. GIRL wants housework and care of children. Ph. 6-6055.

HSKPG. in motherless home. pref. small children or elderly people. Must be good home.

Write H-474. Register and Tribune. HSKPG. or traveling comp. to lady or couple, by teacher.

22. Exp. cook. driver. Write P-560, Register and Tribune.

HOUSEKEEPER, middle aged, good cook. economical, prefer motherless home. Write S-466. and Tribune. HOUSECLEANING.

per br. or housekeeping capable. good cook. Ref. 7-1225.

middle aged, best ref. Rel. and reas. Write E-694. Register and Tribune.

refined widow, 112-year-old child. 4028 8th St. place. 3-6638. HOTEL any size hotel, single.

Go anywhere. Write A-761, Register and Tribune. MACHINE quilting. 51.75 and $2.00. Work guaran.

Mrs. Iven Nebergall. Tipton. Ia. MAID, colored.

afternoon work. References. Reliable. 4-4644. POLICY writing.

exp. and all kinds of insurance. Write X-561, Register and Tribune. SLIP COVERS THEY FIT. Curtains.

dressmaking. coat relinine. Mrs. Wynne. 7-0410 STENOGRAPHER or typist- -Temporary or permanent Reasonable Call 4-4203 AmerIcan Institute of Business, Des STENO and dictoph.

Opr. wants perm. work. 6 yrs. exp.

Will take hr. wrk. in p. m. 5-0800.

STENOGRAPHER, 3 yrs. exp. legal and commercial work, Ref. Reas. Ph.

6-6632. STENO. or office-3 yrs. Ref. exp.

Ph. Temporary or nermanent. Local STENOGRAPHER, bookkeeper. credit. vrs.

experience. Excellent references, 5-0194 CARE for children: nurses tr. Ref. Speak English. Holland.

Gertrude Witboard, Iowa Falls. Ia. EXPERIENCED girl wants house work. day or hr. reas.

Bundle wash. Ref. 3-7577. EXPERT typist. neat.

accurate, wants home work. Reas. rate. 5-4689. MIDDLE aged lady wants work as practical nurse, or housekeeper.

4-1754. Auto Semice Directory CRACKED cyl. blocks, welded in car. Gibbs the Welder Ph. 315 12th.

4-7018. AUTO BODY SERVICE. WRECKED cars rebuilt; fenders, axles and frames straightened. Towing. Iowa Spring Body 1401 Grand.

Ph 3-8169. ONE new power hoist box. size vards, for sale cheap. Patterson, Winterset, Ia AUTO PARTS ACCESSORIES. WRECKING 128 Dodge truck, 129 Chev.

truck, '27 Chev. panel ton. Sam's Auto Salvage, 14th and Locust, 4-6626 AUTO PAINTING. AUTHORIZED Duco station. Polishing, patch wk.

Motor Car Painting. 1423 Grand. AUTO PARTS AND WRECKING. WRECKING Nash special: Star 6: used parts for all cars. Junk cars wanted Auto Tires Salvage co.

425 E. Grand. AUTO RADIATORS. 'OMPLETE radiator serv. Distr.


Phone 3-2098. BATTERIES AND SERVICE. Batteries 13 plate $2.50 and change Guar. 6 mo. Beckel Battery Elec.

1013-15 Grand. 3-2589. Batteries Rebuilt. Guaranteed, $2.50 with old battery, Auto Parts Service. 1109 Grand.

3-4424. CHROMIUM PLATING. AUTO trimmings replated in chromium or nickel Write or phone for price list. Iowa Plating Work. 821 Grand.

Ph. 4-5816. DUMP BODIES. TRUCK EQUIPMENT. OUTFITTING and equipment of trucks and trailers Good values.

Ph 3-8408 Weston Dump Body Co. 326 S. W. 11th st. DUMP bodies--Several near new, hydraulic and gravity.

A. E. Beason. Audubon. Ia.

MOTOR REPAIRING. EXPERT motor repairing. Towing. Hays Sons. 1918 Forest, Ph.

5-1343. TIRES AND ACCESSORIES. Brake Service Twins for Tires. Walnut Tire and Battery Co. 1419 Walnut.

4-5107. WANTED A AUTOS. LATE model sedan. Will pay cash or sume contract. Strictly confidential.

Not connected with any finance or used car company, No dealers. Write H-455. RegIster and Tribune. Automobiles 12 Chevrolet Spt. Cpe.

1930. Here's one worth the money. We trade. Liberal terms. We carry our own paper.

Iowa Auto Market 1309-19 Locust st. Ph. 4-3141. CHEVROLET 6, '30 Truck and new bunk house. Sell separate or together, 2 bodies, one combination grain and cattle rack: one steel dump body with dual wheels.

Good cond. Sell terms or trade for light cAr Sam Nelson. Manly. In. CHEVROLET standard sport coupe.

late 1931. like new. low Inlleage Will sacrifice. 2106 East Grand, CHEVROLET coach. 1930, extra clean, refinished.

wire wheels $295 Ph. 4-7462. Dodge See Victory It nt sedan the Car 1920. $75 Shop. down.

1012 Locust. Ph. 4-7431. DODGE sedan. 1930, Just clean as new.

Will sell very cheap, and arrange terms. Ph. 5-3272. FORDS-AIl models and prices. CAPITOL MOTORS.

Authorized Ford Dealers. 10th and Mulberry streets. Ph. 4-4248. FORD truck, model A.

nearly new. dual tires, $450. 1804 Franklin, 5-3757. AUTOMOBILES, TRUCKS, ETC. PERSONALS Return Trips Wanted Prom the fotlowing points.

Des Moiner and vicinity: St. Louis. Chicago. Omaha. Minneapolis and Kansas CIty White Line Transfer 120.

8. Fifth Ave. Phone 4-6255. New Plumbing All new guaranteed fixtures and pipe installed on easy time payments. COHEN BROS.

3-8164. Long Distance Removals Clean storage, modern fireproof warehouse MERCHANTS STORAGE. 9th Mulberry, Des Moines. Ph, 4-2124. "POTATOES ARE CHEAPER" -and so are used cars in the Classified section.

The selection is larger and the prices are lower than in a dozen years Des Moines' Oldest Cleaner Suits 15c. Dresses $1 up. Deliv. included, BARNES THE CLEANER. 4-0464.

4-4259. OUR factory trained service man repairs all makes of electric refrigerators. Prices reasonable United Service 206 4th Phone 4-1647. LAUNDRY special till April 93. 30 lhs.

damp wash. 15c. washed clean in soft tere Ph, for truck. Federal Laundry. FUMIGATION and extermination.

Rats. roaches, bedbugs moths all pests Work guaranteed American Chemical Co Estimates free Call 3-3941. AUTO TRAVEL SERVICE. Car owner take someone to share expense. PSETA.

for Chi. N. St. Paul. Houston.

Cal. Ref. required. 1716 23rd. 5.2082.

RED BALL TRANSIT 805 GRAND. National long distance movers. Cut rates to all points. Also local. 4-5440.

REPAIR GASOLINE STOVES. ETC. Work guar We sell the famous Kitchenkook tine Ia Light Co. 111 Locust, 3-5314 24 HR. service on Thrifty-1 12 lbs.

SI. Each additional lace curtains laundered. Model Laundry. 4-5193, 514 3rd. across the street or across the Moving continent, BRUCE TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO.

111 5th Ave. 4-4101. MOVING. PACKING. STORAGE.

Blue Line STORAGE CO 3RD ELM. 4-8151 ELDERLY or invalid people. will have nurse's care in her private home. ences exchanged 1122 26th. from Lincoln.

or Return Load Mo. Ins. Sink Trans. 3-2832, Call 6-3482. LOCAL Moving McKinney, $1 HOUR.

HOW IS YOUR FOOTING. puss* Foot Shoe Repair Shop, 407 8th st. DRAPERIES and curtains to order. experience. Ream.

3-7658 BATHS. massage, reclining cabinet, electreatments. 1145 7th St. THE better you 1 tell it the quicker you sell it PAPERHANGING. cleaning, wall washing.

wood work cleaned. For less. Holt. 6-6465. Moving la dist rms.

30c ml furniture, 4-5594 Insured Hanion $7. Rugs sive made patterns. from old Mr. materials. Douglas, 3-8975.

ExeluTRY our Firmatone wrinkle treatment this week. Ph 4-1414. BARBER SHOPS. 25c Haircuts class work. "Schlick'" 4th.

Shop, Elliott Hotel, 221 FURRIERS. Furs Restyled, Cin'd, St'd Low summer factory prices. Call 4-5105. Ask for Service Dept. Cownies, 510 Market.

HARDWOOD FLOORS. FLOOR where. surfacing: in old or out new. Anyor Melone, 1308 Des Moines st. Ph.

0-3419. HAT CLEANING -SHOE REPAIR. 6 Min. to clean and block your hat at the new enlarged FORUM Hat Cleaning Shoe Reonir, 420 5th St. LAUNDRY SERVICE.

TROY'S Thrifty home Service washing, coats less 12 than lbs. for $1, All flat work Ironed. Ph. 4-3257. WE WASH your bundle-Return it just as you want It--and do it cheaper than you could.

Overton's. Phone 6-1910. OPTOMETRIST, EYESIGHT SPECIALIST. UNEMPLOYED MEN AND WOMEN by 1.000 need credit. I give it.

EYE TEST FREE. Lenses changed free for 5 years Dr. Lew Arntz. 326 Fleming Bide. 3-6811.

PATENT ATTORNEYS. TALBERT M. DICK. Personal service. No consulation charges.

4-9416. 1215 80 Surety Bldg Des Moines. ORWIG HAUGE. 608 Crocker Bldg Des Moines. 4-7628.

BAIR FREEMAN SINCLAIR. 803 Equitable Bldg Des Moines. ROCK GARDENS, Stones for Rock and Gardens, garden furniture, Stepping stones Rowat Cut Stone E. 7th Vine. 4-5101 SPOUTING SHEET METAL.

SPOUTING. heavy. copper alloy. lower prices. M.

Schmidt. 3-8653. TRAVEL BY BUS. PICNIC in low's State Parks. Excellent accommodations for groups of 15 to 25.

Very attrac. prices. 3-1991. Off. 705 4th.

Beauty Parlors $5 PERMANENTS-2 for $3. Shampoo and fingerwave, 35c Franklin Beauty Shop In Franklin Hotel. 5th Locust. 4-4532. pushwave 54.

Fredrick wave $5. $5 perm. $2. Genuine material. Iowa Beauty Shop.

515 6th. 4-8025. Not a school. A LASTING croquignole, $5. Better wave cannot be had.

By E. J. Niffenegger personally. E. 14th-Thompson.


ONLY. Shampoo. hot oil treatment. fingerwave or marcel $1. DAY -NITE Beauty Salon, 623 Grand.

4-4821. $8 Eugene $5. $7.50 Croquignole, $5. Croquignole pushwave. $3.50.

VOGUE Beauty Salon. 626 Fleming, 4-7372. Specials- -Hot oil. shampoo and fingerwave. $1.

Permanents 2 for $5. FRED. push up 9 for $8. Fine. w've.

50c. Helen's Shoppe. 514 E. Loc. 3-4526 SPECIAL wave, 2 for $5.

Genuine Eugene, $5. Fine. 50c. Schmitt. 5-4051.

SPECIAL pushup wave. $2.50, guar. imp. Croquignole. 3-2224, 6-2430.

McCoy, Op. eve. SHAMPOO. finger wave, hair cut, Georgia's Beauty Sh. 1403 20th.

5-7878. SPECIAL GUAR. $2.50. Helen Kooker. 1121 20th st.

5-8004. VITA TONIC WAVE $5. OTHERS SI. Kathryn Duff. 2907 Ph.

3-3097. ORIGINAL Hyland waves, $3 by Mr. ell personally Limited time 3-2234 MISS SEYMOUR'S ST PERMANENTS NOW FOR $3. OPEN EVENINGS. 4-2021 GUAR.

Per Comp. $3, 55. Fred Vita TonIc $6. 9 exp. Eves.

McIntire. 6-5995. BEAUTY SCHOOLS. 7-B Permanent Waves $9.50, $3.50 $4.50 Finger waves 25c. Free hair dyeing Tues Write For Free Catalog 617 Walnut Over Kresge's.

Ph. IOWA SCHOOL OF BEAUTY CULTURE. Permanents Taken $4, Genuine Tet curls terials. A Rudemar facial for every need. Thompson's OF RUDEMAR BEAUTY CULTURE SCHOOL Strand Theater Bldg Des M.

Ph. 4-1414. MIME Permanents $2 KENNEDY-30 and $5. Tests years a taken, leader. Shampoo and fingerwave 39c.

Marcel 25c. Eveashes and egetabs $1.50 Manicure 250 Write for catalog 822 Walnut 4-0818. EMPLOYMENT MEN WANTED. EMBALMER. Heensed, and furniture salesman wanted.

21 to 25 years old. in northern Iowa town Give references. Write A-458. Register and Tribune. MUSICIANS and entertainers for summer work.

9 to 227 Flynn Bide. OPPORTUNITY for young married man. 25 to 35 years old to make profitable connection with large. well established Iowa compans Not a traveling for job The man who is chosen this posttion will have a good education. good personality, some business or sales experience and will be unusually aggressive.

Earnings will depend 011 his ability to produce results through proper manage: ment. Right man can make $40 to $45 per week at beginning. As A matter of security and good faith. he must be in A position to post a cash bond of $1,500. Six per cent Interest will be paid annually.

Write fully your qualifications to L-375 Register and Tribune SALESMEN. 9-A 6 Salesmen for direes selling. dousehold furnishings. Cash from start We train you 219 3rd St EXPERIENCED electrie refrigerator salesmen for retail sales in Des Molnes. Must have clean record and be producers.

F. McGuire -206 4th st. can furnish the biz Bottle Extract Sets to retail for $1.00 and other good deals. Nice profit. Supply Company.

525 No. 15th Omaha. Neb. MEN to sell paint. Direct from factory to consumer Liberal commission Independent Paint Mfr Co.

118 8th st THRIFTY SERVICE 100 12 Pounds for All Flat Work troned PHONE 4-3257 LAUNDRY CO. CLEANERS DYERS 60F KEOSAUQUA WAY SALESMEN. 9-A Four Small Contracts a Day Nets You $93.60 Weekly Commission every night. Our ganization is using successfully depression-proof plan. Good men earn $75 weekly.

Average workers earn $11.70 daily. Sales easy organization work confined 10 our own membership. Brand new Idea, Car an advantage. Byers made $15.60 yesterday. Street earned $42.90 in three days.

Can use good men. Apply 10 a. m. to Mr. Schermerhorn, secretary.

1208 Register and Tribune buildIng. HIGH GRADE MAN OR WOMAN to sell a Mr. fast. Rowe. Hotel Pt.

Des Moines. exclusive, money maker. Phone Phone AGENTS. 9-B AGENT wanted. For fast selling radiator cleaner in capsule on display card.

Just In season Guaranteed. Knoke's. Plushrite Cleaner. Rockwell City, Ia. FULL time agents make $10 to $20 a day $1.500 aecident policy $1 yr.

C. B. on Smith 1307 E. Walnut, Des Motnes. HELP WITH I INVESTMENT.

9-C WANT man to invest $2.500 in going business of an unusually stable character. If able to provide services will give office management at satisfactory salary. Investment will return in 90 days. No merchandise hazards. will bear strictest investination.

Must act quick. Can secure with W-754. clear Register Des Moines Tribune. real estate. Write and MAN with car to service vending machine route.

$35 to $50 weekly part or full time $375 cash required which is secured. Call 3-1161, Room 840 for appointment, Help Wanted-Educational. 9-D MEN, 18 to 45. Steady work. $1.100 to $2,300 year.

Postoffice clerks, mail carriers. Common education sufficient Paid vacation. 25 coached free. Write today sure for full particulars. Write X-647.

Register and Tribune. STEADY jobs, U. S. government. $105-8250 month.

Men- 18-50. Paid vacation. Experience usually unnecessary. Pull ticulare with sample coaching free. Write Immediately Franklin Institute Dept 78- A.

Rochester. N. YEAR around employment, per week. Few months practical training will equip you for position in window trimmine. show card writing.

advertising. Smeby Schools, Minneapolis. LEARN barber trade lowa Barber lege 204 Walnut Des Moines. Iowa WOMEN WANTED. 9-E BEAUTY operator with D.

M. following for downtown shop. Good salary. 4-4532. COOK: Experienced and capable of banding kitchen In hotel.

Write including references, Hotel Buffalo, Buffalo Center. Iowa. COOK. A-1 all around, personal applications given preference. Bring references.

Cafe. Battle Creek, Ia, COSMETICIANS for Nina Ross Cosmetiques company, 2. Apply in person. MarHunter, Brown Hotel. 4th Keo.

sueritte HOUSEKEEPER, middle aced, on farm for one adult. Economical, neat and good cook. Prefer one who can candle Buick car. Write K-659. Register and Tribune.

HOUSEKEEPER-Unencumbered. on farm near Des Moines, Have care of garden and chickens. $3.50 wk. Write L-395, Register and Tribune. SALESLADY, experienced.

to supervise wash dress and corset departments. Give age, past experience and telephone number, Write W-725. Register and Tribune. TYPIST -cashier. Also saleslady.

Askin and Marine 815 Walnut. YOUNG lady (3) to demonstrate and sell cosmetics. Do not confuse this ad with similar ads where cash security and purchase of merchandise is necessary to obtain employment. A few experienced applicants trained. Apply in person.

Margueritte Hunter, Brown Hotel, 4th Keo. YOUNG lady, experienced with office work. Must be Able to make telephone appointments. Apply in person. Margueritte Hunter, Brown Hotel.

4th and Keo. SALESLADIES. 9-F WANTED- Cultured reliable woman, aged to 45 by the Frontier Press Co. to fill good position. Good income.

Give references and phone no. Address 425 Securities Des Moines, PERMANENT connection for intelligent woman over 27 well established company. Experience not essential. Give phone. Write 1-393, Register and Tribune.

MEN OR WOMEN WANTED. 9-G TEACHERS- For best choice. Enroll now. Many vacancies. American Teachers Agen710 Old Colony bide.

Des Moines. TEACHERS of superior qualifications enroll free. Central Tchrs. Ag. Cedar Rapids.

PUT your idle days to work. Call at Kennedy's Beautv School. 822 Walnut st. Posilions pro Wanled Men SPECIAL To help worthy people to secure employ. ment our special offer: LINES 3 DAYS.

$1.00. LINES 3 DAYS, $1.50. On account of this very low rate no ads can be charged. Bring your ad to the Want Ad counter. We will gladly help write and word your ad.

Put These Hands to Work Ashes cinders, bish, black dirt, shale, 4-0336. rubhauled cheap. Ashes and general hauling. Rubbish hauled cheap. Phone 4-0336.

ASHES. driveways cindered. Shale. ding. Lawn work.

Bob Ryals, 4-3365. Ash hauling, black dirt, red shale, rotten manure. 3-5337. ASHES. driveways cindered, black dirt.

sodding and manure, Reas. 6-4715. AND RUBBISH HAULED Ashes CHEAP 7-1993 PHONE Ashes cinders, hauling. sod, shrubs manure, trimmed. black Lawn dirt.

work. Work of any kind. 5-8603. ASHES. coal drw's, cindered: trees transfer work.

Trucks. 5-5130. 1217 24th. ABHES. rubbsh.

what have Cheap. you? 3-0406 You call we haul. Brick Work and cement wk. reas. 3-4807.

CARPENTER. Remodeling specialty. satisfaction guaranteed. Free est. 6-3462.

CARPENTER work, new or repair. Hour or contract. Reasonable prices. 7-0151 CARPENTER. by hour or contract.

Expert work. Verv reas. Free estimate. 3-7560. CARPENTER work.

furniture repairing, painting, contract or or, Ph. 4-6437. Cement drives, walks, design floors, pools. color or 5-2778. F.

FERREN SON. 5-4797. Cement Work New and repair. Step. stones.

4-7743. CEMENT or brick wrk. Repairing flues. foundations, steps. firs.

6-5668. CUSTODIAN exp. painter, paper hanger, care apartment, small wages. 3-0460. CHAUFFEUR, excel.

ref. A. Winden, 203 N. Roosevelt, Cherokee, FARM position for strong 155 lb. single young man.

Three yrs. exp. Prevailing wages. Box 414. Favette, Ta.

GRADING AND SODDING Patchwork a specialty. Tree wk. 4-0945. Grading and Sodding Sod delivered. C.

L. Fallis, 4-1466. GRADING AND SODDING Sod delivered. O. J.

Marlindale. 6-3459. Grading and Sodding Sod del. Blue grass sod. Ph.

4-1264. HAULING- Cinders. driveways. rubbish, any work. Garages moved.

Ph. 5-5146. MAN and truck for hire 60c hr. Lone hauls. 15c mi.

Minimum. 75c. 4-9566. MEAT cutter and all round butcher. Can manage market.

Ref. J. M. Paucher, Ames. 712 Burnett ave.

PAINTING- all kinds. Beautiful new styles. new prices. Wall paper and calcimine removed by steam process. Bill Bayles.

1410 20th. 7-0006. Painting stucco, washed. basem*nts sprayine. Houses Lowest prices, free estimates.

4-2545. sprayed. PAINTING. papering. woodwork.

wall cleaning. floors cleaned or refinished. pert work. Hendrickson. 7-1144.

PAINTING, paper cleaning. 15e room. Wall washing Work guaranteed. C. L.

Riley 6-2709. PAINTING, papering. decorating. Expert work Reasonable, Clyde Ellis, 6-2635. PAINTING inside and out.

Wall washing and floor work a specialty, Ph. 3-6815. PAINTING. good painter, 45e 1st class Tiffany work Best references. 3-4350.

PAINTING. decorating. papering. paper ele Free est. All work guar, 5-3404.

Painting ine, Paper fast exp cleaning. wall washwork. 6-5092. and paperhanging for expert workmanship call Mr. Troxel.

4-6841. PAINTING. paper cleaning. washing. J.

Miller. 3-8512. PAINTING. paper cleaning. The room.

floor waxing. wall washing. 7-3420. PAINTING. wall Free est.

Exp. Work cheap and guar. 6-4939. Painting Expert, contract. workmen.

Ref. 50c 4-0627. hr. PAINTING. Will take car in exchange.

Time payments. 4-9733. PAINTING. paperhanging. All work suaranteed.

Ph. 3-2297. Papercleaning 150 81 room, WALL WASHING A SPECIALTY PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING. 5-4158-Expert Work Paper walls cleaning, specialty. 20 washing.

E. years, Rouch bus. (Schuler-Chenoweth 3-7550 This Ford Town Sedan 1929 cleanest car beyond a question of the used car you will doubt is opportunity to buy. New tires, paint have the Good mechanically. like Duffield- Hinton 1015 Locust St.

Ph. FORD coach. 1930. 4-3245. down payment.

No finance charge clean, on small ance. Ph. 5-4639. bal. FORD truck.

1929 with dump body, 1415 11 Tire sedan; Little FRANKLIN straight 8. Ario Salvage. Marmon 3-1824. 425 E. NASH HARTER coupe, 1930.

MOTOR SIX wheels. co. 1100 Locust st. OLDSMOBILE coupe. 3-6264.

1470 Keo WILLIAMS Way. AUTO MARKET. PE. PACKARD club sedan in excellent 4-3744. tion: hot water heater: all condi.

$3.000 car for $500. Phone good 4-9820. tires. wheeling. floating 1982.

like power, new. Free PLYMOUTH $450, SANDERS MOTOR CO. 15th Lacust. Ph. 3-0136.

mileage. Original coach. tires. Must extra clean, low PLYMOUTH 1929. Ph.

5-2403. sell. $185. new PLYMOUTH tires, $225. sedan, 1929.

Six wire PLYMOUTH Terms or trade. Ph. 3-1745. wheels, coupe, 1930-Bargain. Call 5-7064.

$925. PONTIAC sedan, 1930. SEARS AUTO CO. $350 1304 Locust st. Ph.

4-5205. 1929 PACKARD std. 8 sedan 1930 Chrysler 66 sedan 1930 Buick 57 sedan 375 1930 Auburn 125 phaeton sedan 650 1929 Graham Paige sedan 750 1923 Buick std. coupe 325 1928 Hudson coach 175 1925 Packard phaeton 125 1927 Auburn 8 sedan 95 150 Wetherell-Mcininch, Inc. 1439-41-43-45 and 1506 Locust St.

Phone 3-4200, 1929 OLDSMOBILE $350 1928 Oldsmobile sedan 1926 Packard 326 sedan 225 175 1930 Nash 452 coupe 450 1930 Chrysler 70 sedan 525 Nash Vriesema Auto Co. 1420 Locust. Ph. 4-4181. '31 FORD coach.

nice 8915 1929 Buick sedan. fine job 485 1929 Pontiac coach. clean 285 1925 Dodge sedan. A-1 condition 100 1927 Buick std. coach.

runs fine 150 1929 4-door, good dandy 325 Pontiac 1930 Pontiac coupe. job 350 1929 Chevrolet coach. overhauled 225 Schooler Motor Co. 1118 Locust, Ph. 3-5161.

1930 CHEVROLET coupe. wire wheels. clean. 1929 Ford coach. very good, 1930 Pontiac coupe, last series.

newish. 1929 Ford roadster. 6 ply tires, runs fine. 1928 Pontiac coach. extra clean.

Swan Motor Co. 510 East Grand Ave 4-4295 '27 ESSEX coach 13 '28 Essex sedan 165 '29 Whippet 6 coach 215 Hudson-Jones Auto Co. 1408 Locust st. Ph. 3-6235.

Special Today We have several good Chevrolets. RAY DODGE CHEVROLET CO. 1312-18 Locust St. Ph. 4-3118.

GOOD USED CARS AND TRUCKS. PORT Dodge with HURON hydraulic MCHY dump Bargains Des Moines 1929 CHRYSLER 15 SEDAN $375. DES MOINES MOTOR MARKET. 504 East Grand. 4-7191.

WHITE AND INDIANA MOTOR TRUCKS. New and used Sales and service White Service Co 701 Cherry 4-7710. BARGAINS in used trucks and Used cars. Terms. Trade.

Pittsley Motor 16th and Locust. McCOMB MOTOR CO. Used cars 501 East Grand Ave. 3-6642 MERCHANDISE FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. 14 Golden Rule Want Ad Tell readers all you yourself would like to know.

The suggestions offered below are made to help advertisers get best results from their advertisments. Describe what you have to sell so clear. ly and completely that your ad will receive prompt action. Do not defeat 8 sale with meaningless abbreviations that readers do not understand. Good copv in The Register and Tribune will make the sale.

Miscellaneous--For -For Sale NAME OF ARTICLEElectrical appliance, register. pl furniture, baby buggy, stove, etc. CONDITIONnew: used one sear: A-1 condition: used with care. VALUECost $50 new. MISCELLANEOUS Color, style, name and make.

TERMSCAN BE SEENWHEN- ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBERAnd when you have prepared your ad, phone it to an ad taker at 3-2111. Heavy Cardboard Size 17x22 EACH These dry mats are excellent for lining garages, chicken houses. coal bins. cellars. cabin walls.

-boarding or soundproofing We have an unlimited number which may be bought for each. Call at Stock Room: 1st floor Register and Tribune Bldg. I volts-60 ELECTRIC motor, 3 H. P. -3 base, phase good 220 cycle.

with sliding condition, $40. Write K-360, Register and Tribune. LAW books, Corpus Juris. R. and N.

W. with cases. price for cash. J. E.

Fines. 1415 University ave. 5-2334. COAL mine all Steel Tipple, Ottumwa Elec. Jeffry Coal Crusher, 36 single roll.

A. E. Hupton, Albia, Ia. TOWER exerciser reducer. $50 new.

To trade Coleman oven stove or what? Write P-761. Register and Tribune. LAW library of 350 vols. All in good shape. Terms.

$50 cash. Bal. 2 years time. D. D.

Rorick. Monticello, Ia. THE better -you describe what you have for sale, your classified ad the quicker you sell it. 1931 ELEC. ice cream machine, 50 cabinet.

all complete. 1411 Beaver. 5-1127. FOR sale or trade new Silver Fox scarfs, as low as $50. Phone 6-1823.

CARPENTER'S tool chest and tools, for sale. 737 Polk Blvd. BUILDING MATERIAL. CEMENT. 35C; ROOFING.

70C. Lowest cash prices plaster, lime, C. rock. Ready mixed concrete, sand. gravel, lath.

PERKINS SERVICE. 10TH VINE. plain WINDOW roofing. sereens. 70c; good 60c; fence posts, 120.

asphalt Canfield Lumber Yard. 4-3237. CONCRETE or cinder blocks make better, cheaper walls. foundations, etc. 4-7632.

Household Goods ANTIQUES, large mirror. table, 2 Beaver. chairs, walnut; also beds, Chairs. 3916 5-7578. BUFFET and dining rm.

table, fumed oak. cheap. Good cond. 3916 8th st. 3-3590.

DINING table, square oak. 6 chairs. butfet. $25. 718 18th.

4-8670. sweepers. We ELECTRIC washers and specialize in Hoover rep'g. Good Hoovers $10 up: rolls. motors, $2.75: tags.

$25 up. Tweed. 907 Grand. 3-1508. machine mechanic.

repairing. Electric washing makes. Younkers Washing Machine Dept. ELECTRIC small Refrigerator, New Kelvinator fully $139.50. teed.

Mr. Coomer 3-2394. family ELECTRIC used refris. Baby 7 cu. buggy.

ft. Llord, $10. cheap. Consider car. 5-9387.

ELECTRIC washers. motors. wringers, 3-6812. rolls and parts Grinstead 1036 6th ave Floor sample. 4-9126 All porcelain Paul refrigerator 319 Court Ph.

GAS stove, good condition. Call 5-2490 1156 23rd. GAS stove, Acorn, b. oven, white porcelain. $22.50.

Phone 3-6466. HOOVER attachments. practically sew $35, Munn. Ottumwa Ia. MATTRESSES Mattress, remade.

1707 Washington tick. 5-4660 $3.50, Ice refrigerators, insulated, metal Refrigerators cabinets. Moderately designs priced. and Terms debeauti- ful sired colors. Also used boxes at bargain prices.

and Fuel co. 3-4221. Des Consumers Ice Ice co. Ph 4-3261 Sewing Machine Sale Elec: Treddles. all makes, from Easy $5 terms.

up. All tries from $7.50 up. an ofguaranteed. 921 Come in and 3-5929. make us Locust St.

SEWING machine for sale. Barcain. 5-6388. Masce. Stoves Stoves Stoves Model All kind from our trade in dept Stove 307 Locust.

3-5261 YOUR choice of 12 $13 styles for in $1.95. decorated Elliott's end tables, values up to 424 East Locust. 3-3319. of yards of good 8 USED rugs. at hundreds prices.

useful carpet low 807 Grand..

The Des Moines Register from Des Moines, Iowa (2024)
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Author: Frankie Dare

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Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.