The Monitor from McAllen, Texas (2024)

EVEMI MQMT Who darts th'mk one thiixj othS another telt, my heart detests his as the gates of WEATHER Rxh yesterday 95. Low today 77: wn FS. Forecast Continued through Fri.Ljv higfee degree today la wrtrra rod of Valiey. YA MY i OR mm Jefferson FORTY-THIRD YiAR No. 275 McALLEN, TEXAS.

THURSDAY. MAY 21. 1953 5 DAILY 10 SUNDAY 2S PACES 1 i Bermuda to Da Pre-Russlsn Parley Scene at BeraewiSe r3 i OrangeF acedByl I ITiio Declare WASHINGTON. May UP President Eisenhower Thursday called a meeting with British Prime -1 flooding Peril I DEWEYVTLLE. Mar 21, JI.Wll IIVJI DEWEYVUXE, Tex.

Minister Winston Churchia anJ French Premier Rene Mayer which could lead to a Big Four world peace conference with Russia later. I The Big Three parley probably will be held tn Bermuda late ia UP The main levee Jur. Churchia said some time aft BELGRADE. Yugoslavia. May 11 er June 15.

The White House said Mr. Eisen- UP President Tito Thursday ssf'atysss Thousands ee i I -e nd between 50 and 75 families! 11 VM' 11 were chased from their homes toil 1 1 b'u't--J -Sgaefe'r-rr herJ Curtis Humphries of New-0111513119 1 1 Deweyvtfle from the Sabir? River broke early Thursday and between 50 and 75 families were chased from their homes to higher Sherilf Curtis Humphries of New 1 th. Big Three meeting to develo? Big meeting op irv V1UW EUmj UO ILK 114 JIHlffj "common viewpoints many problems that "must be solved' eo ton said the main levee had Of county Flood Wafers forget the help which our Allies-" JT" "ioT.M. America and England-gave us In the darkest hours of our "four big breaks and one small one" in its half-mile length. Earlier, a sub-dike at the west end of the main levee broke before the river's onslaught.

Meanwhile, an official at Orange, downstream, said the mass of wa Mayer said tn Paris that the U.S. British-French meeting was being Tito said. Tito addressed diplomatic mis NEW ORLEANS. May 11 UP Thousands of farmers, trappers and fishermen erected makeshift shelters for their families on hieh called to hammer out "unity of UNHEARD OF Asst. Counsel Robert F.

Kennedy of the Senate InvestigatingSubcommittee uses a chart as he testified that British-owned vessels have been transporting Communist troops in the Far East. Chairman joseph McCarthy denounced the use of the British ships for this purpose as "unheard of." (NEA TELEPHQTO) sions and air attaches from countries except those tn the Soviet bloc views' for a Big Four conference with Russia. And Churchill said he ter moving toward it would "put in the Highlight of a ceremony at water Li downtown Orange." andjy "gry i hopes the Bermuda talks will lead Batajnica notary airport on mmg greater im. Aall agencies were being mobilized waters, backed up by southerly winds, tpreid over southwest there to brace for the flood. The Air Force.

Louisiana and crept into the city crest was expected Saturday. previous suggestion for big between us and the I of Lake Charles. "Relations John W. Simmons, president of As the mass exodus to the hills uvwci lute li. ww a hur7sa Soviet Union and certain countrieay M.T BREAKFAST CHAT Pres.

Eisenhower chats with Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway following their breakfast at the White House Wednesday. Gen. Ridgway totd newsmen that expected to take over his new assignment as Army Chief of Staff in about a month.

tNEA nnnAt lA nrTita-A at era a itnF continutd, the Lake Charles weath uatu a a -a uu uv -e a uvt a Vv the Sabine River Authority at Orange, aid 100.000 additional sandbags were being flown there and Phorr Meeting Told Of Dam Opposition White House Press Secretary Tito until today Improved at er bureau warned that the most critical point of the four-day floods James Hagerty, Frtsldect Lir senhower said: said. could yet come. Tha government of the TJmt4 Still Shoe At Us are still shooting rifles si that Nsvy personnel already had begun 'he long task of raising the level of levees. Water Enters More Homes Winds May Back Tp Waters States, France, and Britain havs been ta eonsulutlon with the view Winds blowing inland from the us." he said, hey are still mis committing the fnited States to Gulf of Mexico were expected to, treating our people. Their press is participate in the building of Anzalduas.

dam. Woman's Arrest Breaks PHARR The Valley will continue to get its share of the waters of the Rio Grande through diversion at Falcon Dam whether still attacking ua. (Sco PARLET, Ps t) Furtnennore, I declare that He also charged that the dam project on which Hidalgo and Anzalduas Dam is built now or Sheriff Humphries said the new break sent Water Into about 10 homes ir the main section of Dew-ejrviUe itself. When the sub-dike broke, some 50 homes at the south and east edges of the town were flooded with water as much as four reach 30 miles an hour, backing up the flood waters which would ordinarily drain into the Gulf, the weathermen said. They forecast that the swollen Calcasieu River would rise to its highest crest in history late Thurs-dav, posing a serious threat to even should the Soviet Union moderate Its propaganda campaign against us, this would not be enough to cause us to change our Border Smuggling Ring Poles Demand not, and it is more important tOiCameron County Saturday win establish allocation of water in each vote on a $250,000 bond is-the Valley than it is to build i sue to buy right of way, is a pro-dam, motion of the Lower Rio Grande tposition overnight.

BROWNSVILLE A tmwm Aiithnrit-O nt la inai-iaMv lintra4 'feet deeD. with the Authority gravity canal More than half the town was That was the contention of C. B. Cramer, manager of the big Pharr-San Juan Alamo water dis Lake Charles where water already ring specializing to undesirable jta lorgasthey do not European aliens mttttudt poUcy "riwnwi IM ful aMVAftA lia tonal 9 Red Chinese Return Of Fighter Plane project. lapped at the homes of some of viuiuucua tutu mil vum ttan mv th ritv'a 41 (WO inhabitants.

trict, expressed last night at a "I believe if the bond issue Wirf f5tiii Tncni" raTIv in fails tn nasa th Authnrirv is couldn't get legal entrv papers A National Guard unit was as- A II (See TITO. Page S) (See FLOOD, Page 1) Federal Sales has been broken up tn Brownsville the AUA-Ue U. J. signed to duty in the city at COPENHAGEN. Way 21 CP and Galveston, U.S.

Immigration the high school auditorium on the dead, if it passes it will put new pros and cons of the coming An-ihfe back in the Authority," Cram-zalduas dam bond election. er said. "I am not opposed to Cramer also denied that there, building Anzalduas dam but I am request of Red Crosyi workers who The Russian-built MIG-1S landed Of Atrocities officers disclosed tcday. The ring charged $2,000 a head, Auto Strikes Wednesday on Bomholra Island is said tney learea an "extremery serious situation" could develop. Resembles Muddy Lake Virtually the entire southwest the fanciest price for the service: Is anything in the treaty between the United States and Mexico! (See DAM, Page 2 Tax Reported the same type as the Soviet-made jet "delivered" to the free world MUNSAN.

May 21 UP Red'-'Ter heard of in these parts. i Communist news! A Costa Rican woman has 56,000 4nl China and section of the state resembled a huge muddy lake dotted with oc by the saire route 18 weeks ago. tt was announced Thursday. Lt Zdislaw Jazwensky. the dar it.

Kaan triaj mnA nrtirirtmA Under Study casional high points of land but Thursday of flooding 70 North Ko-tJral court here. An Argentine. I lul -fincf IBM. 1 1 If X- I fl 7 I i I IIO L'E ZJL Watered-Down Car Inspection Law Given Approval by Senate rean visages and dnNrtung hi iiiimhwji UIG'throtih uxt 0r. WASHINGTON.

MaV M-UP Underserretary of Trtasury Marl JZaaMaw-MJ EETF.OIT. Mit II told questioners that it was bombing of two big dams south of an member in Galveston Ced when roomtl.K muto idled more tW- than the cm town on B. Folsom said the PTongyang. oracers approacnea and enouier tttJ1 auto workers tn the to Eomholm in March, but Danish administration is studying the en AUSTIN, Mav It UP The RIVER. Page 1) ROKs Rout Red Chinese tire excise tax field presumably controversial Texas automobile in Radio Peiplng.TOice of Commun-l.

T'mLi -XV Mlwn zir experts said atter preUminary China, additional demanded 500 te to Dtrolt investigatiott that it was the same at roro Motor wiui t.sw including national sales taxation. Some congressmen have said the sales tax may be the answer to the administration's search for new ready Idled, said 13.000 of its p.rrta that the United Nations end edenc to mlke a Korean war by abandoning its nd UP court-absurtT war prisoner proposal! "We figure we broke up smug- spection law appeared destined to remain on the books Thursday. But the family jalopy won't be subjected to such close scrutiny as re 000 hourly-rated employes arroes airltnp inonj wouId 79th District Court Split Gets Approval when truce talks resume next ring specializing in Europ- in lumiLrj wuuni jwu uu ij lengthened to antiapauon of sources of revenue to offset pros quired by the original act. Mondav. leans that was lust bennninr to Monday.

After Battle pective cuts in other kinds of tax further jet arrivals from the Soviet world were denied by high sources ation. The Senate gave final approval Wednesday to legislation modifying the centested law and sent the bill The radio broadcast said the operate on a big scale." S. 1 A strike at Ford's Canton. Ohio, bombings occurred, from May 13! Whitaker, immigration investiga- forgings plant would force a shut- here. Folsom testified before a Housei SEOUU Mar 21 UP South to Mav is.

destroyed both reser- or. said "As far as we know doTi of all but one or ks is as- Danish CoL Irick Rasmussen. t. TT TT subcommittee investigating prob Koreans regained an eastern front voir dams and Doodea miles 01 a neaa is me mgnesi iee aemmy pianim uraujiiwn lems of small business firms. He who went to Borr.holm Wednesday outpost Thursdav in a U-hour farmland with a "rreat ever chanted in thia locality forttion.

to examine the AUG and its refugee fr.rhni.n, TnHioi-i amendments. noted that President Eisenhower said Wednesday he will send Con- pitched battle that proved the once peasants reported drowned or such a service." The 83.000 Ford workers facing niTi flav liapV WanMav The Senate also passed a pro- fal the T.rra.nW ar.a bntrkl tA poorly organized ROKs had be-miMm, a -w included 63.000 ijistnci oi Jim eus. oiarr. Droossi rr in JannsrV mronnsals for come first class fiehting men. I v.v cin Km anr said in c- troit area alone.

43.100 of them at and Duval counties was voted out iT t.Y h. that with a "do pass' recommenaauoni ct iular federal court here, this 7" KlJ" Rou P1" ta Tn-mhra tha r-tmlar arrn-d the treasury aDDreciates the effect t-yongjang ot-paicn mai Ul armedithe treasury appreciafes the effect Pyongyang dispatcn mat oi-n we cornnU- of such taxation on small business. Actin Foren toisJer forces, but the conferenre (See POLES. Page 2) Cadet Killed In (See SSfrGGLEVG, Page 2) tee report on the measure has noti When reporters asked if a nation The 66.900 industry workers already idled, all of them members of the CIO United Auto Workers by the Senate Judicial Districts committee. The Senate committee measure was similar to a bill passed April 28 by the House of Representatives.

oexurc miuiugm. lire nuiu twn- brazen and barbarous atroci-ter-attacked within two hours, been acted on by the House. jal sales tax is included in the Both House and Senate worked Treasury experts are making, Fol- to be repulsed. Li charged that 70 villages had th rough the late afternoon again som repued: Sen. Kerr Of- The South Koreans picked up re- yX.

been submerged and more than 00i Crash at Laredo LAREDO, May 21 UP Laredo Air Force Base authorities Union, included 37.500 at Detroit: 1.40O at Canton; 4.000 at Cleveland; 8 500 at Toledo; 3,500 at Kenosha, and 2.500 at Danville, IX Wednesday against next Wednes- "Let's leave it that we are study- V. A major feature of the redis- persons were dead or missing a9 day's final adjournment. Both like- ing the whole field of excise taxa- -aVtt i Peipmir Radio devoted Hio.Tc. Kin- T. assembly; announced Wednesday that three On the tl Td try the stubborn it, nooa to the Oklahoma Says demands qIs rvAfrtvae nwittiTitr Until 'I hiivta a In addition.

Ford plants re scheduled Federalexcise taxes are imposed, flee on selected items at the factory: traditional political territory of to "close: training planes crashed within 24 attack and to Communist Horra Parr tha "Diika of Duval." Thursday at Louisville, hours, kiiung one man, The Senate worried whether of a nounced that or at rerail. Proponents He's Not Dead Norfolk. Chester. Somervule, that tha UN give up its "proposal for forcible detention of Korean and Chiaese prisoners of war." Jim Hogg. Webb and Duval counties would form, the 43th Dis- or al sales tax nave argued mat me Texas' children are imbibing selective excise tax system is Met, according to provisions of the Mr WASHINGTON.

Mav 21-UP- Senate bill; Webb. Zapata i a other tvpes of ice cream con- Sen. Robert S. Kerr (D-Okla.) taming more than one-half of 1 perj umcers saia a jrrencn stucer.i whose name' was withheld pending notification of his family through the French embassy at Washington was lulled late Tuesday when his T-3-J Jetplane crashed, and burned north of the base. A T-25 propeUor-driven plane crashed a minute later 13 miles southeast of CotuIIa.

Tex. First LL W. J. Iverson, an instructor, and i Buffalo Dearborn. Chicago, Memphis.

Dallas and SU PauL Stabbing Victim Taken From River EDINBURG Sheriffs officers Metals Embargo cent alcohoL Sen. Doyle Willis Mexican Court Sentences Slayer (See COURT, Page 2) "fnendly forces re-occupied all positions at 10 o'clock with sporadic small arms and automatic weapons fire still The South Koreans had been poor soldiers at the beginning of the Korean war, but they showed a willingness to learn battle tactics that in recent months have made them a formidable enemy of the Reds who invaded their country. A thick overcast limited Allied air action to strikes along the 153- Fort Worth wanted to pass a law happy to say the rumor of his death is untrue. When Kerr returned here recently after making speech at Jay. he found that his 14-year-old son Bill and Burl Havs.

his classifying such ice cream as an alcoholic beverage. House members, simultaneously. Bill Hit By Mexico Official MATAMOROS Saturino Ar- Harlingen May Get TV Station naga. charged witn murdering w. reported that the body of a "I'Ti, 1 O.

Oscar Williams, prominent "TL" 40 rears old. had been null-'' "I1" r.aimM htf OOUl IU yaara (See AUTO, Page 2) nnniTiMi frvina In mn. MEXICO aty. May 21 UP not hurt- the r. -j--.

i. from the Rio Grande on Ex-Foreign Minister Ezequiel Pa Paul Van Leeuwen. another ca- riiu axi' ucuwea. anuiicr car itiju Kwii jivt: i ur.ui. wi dilla Thursday said enactment of mile-long battlefront plus a single WASHINGTON.

May 21 UP San Benito farmer, in ms Dea a year and a half ago. was sentenced to 1 years in the Tamauli-pas penitentiary by the district court at Nuevo Laredo, the Court of the First Instance was advised report came from a Fort Smith.) Santana rincn aoout e.gnt mues escapi uninjured when his radio staUon. ZJ wta crashed at the nonh end of The body had two knife aj.j.. Hays said he tried to contact in eh. runway Wednesday.

The Federal Communications Com Any Politician Can Be 'Jim' the controversial Simpson metals tariff bill "would signify a hostile act to the present friendly rela raid into North Korea after early morning carrier-borne strike on targets in the Haeju peninsula. Off the east coast of North Korea, the destroyers Kyes snd Ever- mission Thursday awarded Magic Triangle Televisors. a permit for a Channel 4 television station k.yl kaian it aawn-r rKlaf jay Mnooi cupi. day ca: aiiu tions" between Mexico and the here today. then Delaware County Sheriff Deputy Sheriff Tom Wuigert anlPflcf Indian Lindlev.

He was told both were at t-. Ujl IfiUJUII Lindley. He was told both were tr.n,ir OKLAHOMA CITY, May 21 UP.u. s. at Harlingen.

Tex. Arriaga also was fined 1200 pe- rjtin A competing application by Houston Mayor Roy Hofheinz for ine UKianoma nouse oi rtepre-j He said he was "confident that wle imaShed a 20-car train. The sentatives approved a resolution the u. s. Department will Cruiser Bremerton returned to the Wednesday to permit any member, have had good judgment not to battered port of W'onsan to hammer with higher political ambition to provoke unecessary lii feeling with coastal defenses.

change his name to "Jim." a friendly nation." 1 Three "Jim's" in the House The Simpson bill would place a' the same channel was withdrawn last week. jmemorial hospital in Siloanij had sPPar 'Knrrnf Spi7tr1 The aged San Bemto farmer was Spring, Ark. LntIy 'ceen the river about seven IUlCOllCS JCIZCU beaten to death ta his sleep the) -Then I really became da vs. I CALXSTON. May 21-UP Hay" -five pounds of Hashish, an East 1952 with a tractor wrench.

His) Oklahoma senator said he dress pan'J. a blue dress Indian nar which Customs Tl I7 i A in 00 excitement when' gh-rt with white stripes and Mex-' Agent AI Scharff said would be tned to hide under her bed cover- rnved in Tulsa from Jay. ican-made high top shoes. wor'h about J11.600 on the "boot- ing. but recovered from her m- rer.ived several calls from He ahout five feet eirht market at a Nance.

Bullard and Arlington are high embarro on lead and zinc TTf.L Hmete Approve Court Bill AUSTIN. May 21 UP A Sen entering the country. Practically, I I till fUfffUUU porenuai candidates lor governor. A fourth "Jim" Douglas is be all of Mexico ores are shipped the press, and I informed them 'the! inches tall and weiched about 170 tourist court Wednesdav. Victim Succumbs ing boosted lor lieutenant governor.

to the U. S. Santiago Ambrix r.rvirT ra rn riiiTTn. waa pniirpiT i Hernand'Z arrested i puunu. inf wut was 'uun iu in ate bill by Sen.

Ottis Lock of Luf-kin, providing an additional district court, the 140th, for Angelina, Cherokee and Nacogdoches counties, was approved Wednesday by the House. Vfatamoros was premature ana greatry exaggera the De Leon funeral home in Pharr. "Anyone who wants to stay in politics," said Rep. Lucien Spear) I "should have the right Of71 OflU KOflCfl WACO, May 21 UP The Merchant seaman Frank Dolcima-scolo of Port Bolivar, Texu. was arrested and charged with posse, si on and smuggling of narcotics.

Brownsville shortly after the mur ted Kerr said. Waco tornado toll stood at 114 der. He was given a life sentence to change his name." Thursdav following the death Anstia Ma KilW AUSTIN, My 21 UP Aubrey Week Proclaimed by a Jury in 107th District Court at Brownsville last year. We're Smelling Hill Bingham, 40, of Temple was Work Bill Ad aJtrea AUSTIN, May 21 LP Tie Arriaga was arrested in Mata- Wednesday of J. Eschenberger.

62. in a hospital. Eschenberger was critically Injured May II when the twister Benson Warns Controls killed Wednesday night when he May AUSTIN, May 21 UP Gov. Allan Shivers Thursday designated 1 ft C.vm .4 Tl V. was struck by an automobile white Senate Wednesday passed a House.

Pretty Today moros at the same time Am Dm was caught in Brownsville. All efforts by Cameron County and Perhaps you've noticed we re crossing an easi Ausun street, ri.a appro ru cut ujjj, ui death marked the city's fourthlweek for state employes from 44 traffic fatality for the year. to 40 hours, within a week. and' urge "thi to The' death of Eschenberger tied Be Clamped on U.S. Cotton U.

S. State Department officials to extradite him failed. fUr.VF.LANn. Mi Mav 21 lareaa and delaved nlantinrs mav VT. the all-time record for tornado umr u.a tl.

deaths in Texas. The other twister i AKni.ui.ui? ocirciarj E4211 aevmic ute rxprvicu 'tranches T. Benson said Thursday the "cold, ft.nM,n said the "moat serious1 which took 114 lives was the Goliad storm of May 18. 1902. harJ facts" are that controls will smelling pretty again today.

Take a whiff this issue of The Monitor and you'U see what we mean. That odor is coming from an advertisem*nt on page 19 of today's paper telling about a new soep. The perfume used in the soap and in the ad is sandalwood oil perfume Imported from India, the makers say. problem" currently facing the industry is the sharp drop in cotton Proposed Amendment To Give Vote to Soldiers Advanced AUSTIN. May 21 UP A pro-1 liquor control act.

rrmidirig that No Ticket for 27 Years, And Then DETROIT. May 21-UP-Mrs What! Shark In Los Angeles River? Tcen-Agcrx Win Over City Council KELSO, May 21-UP Kelso city councilmen argued heatedly before approving a petition by a group of local teen-agers. Marie JL Olariu. 87. a hoapital switchboard operator, drove for 27 years without getting a traffic tick posed constitutional amendment a retail Uqtior ncene may net extending voting privileges to be denied because a brewery owns members of the regular armejpremUes licensed for athletic eon-forces was approved by the Hooseitests.

BUR8ANK. May 21-UP-A crowd gathered on the banks of the usually-dry Los Angeles River, et. She got three of them Wednes be clamped on cotton in 1954 if this year's crop equals 1952 production. Benson told the Delta Council that acreage and marketing quotas for the 1954 crop would be "unavoidable" if domestic and ex-j port demands are exceeded by more than 30 per cent "Reluctant as I would be to have to invoke marketing and acreage controls, I would have no choice under the law," he said. (Agricultural and banking lead-era have a reed almost unanimous exports.

He predicted that foreign countries would buy only 3.5 million bales of American cc ton this season. Benson blamed this situation on the federal government's ban on cotton exports for the short 1950-51 crop. He said the ban proved a "boranza" for foreign cotton growers, who immediately increased production. day in five minutes. NOON COTTON PRICES By I aited Preae New Tork: Jutv 34.14 down to Thursday for submission to the Approves Beer BZa On a split vote they decided to allow the teen-agers to use the city council chambers for a dance.

Mrs. Olariu was stopped try a po about 23 miles inland from the sea. people. liceman for driving the wrong way to gape at a shark floating in two The measure, sponsored by Rep. The measure, sponsorea cy itep- feet of water.

on a one-way street. He noucea sne -j- Oct. 33.76, down 1. W. H.

Abington of Fort Wonh. has i a .1. i. A. I rJ eafherfnrd Pipeline Authorized Oty Animal Superintendent un wiwiS iiti rew urieans: juit wwb a 1.

ew WA nTTXrtTnV u.v 1l tT f-mnm Firrall as 11 the ahark a er a tirerraa and marie not a sec- i rw tit, nwknnd 1 Buff Stadium at Honston. "Now we have world production GuIf interstate Gas Co. of Houston five -foot 73 roin1 gray speciman. ond ticket. committee.

The proposal received Arheuser Jiisrh Brew ly that this year cotton crrp will exceeding connurafuon, has been amhortzed bv the Federal had been dead for quite a while. Mrs. OUnu drove off. glancing mg Co. 1944 FVTT'KES Tork: May 333 down Senate approval Wednesday.

be greater than last year. I Power Commission to build an surmised that a fiherrpn down at the tickets in her hand.) New lower chamber alao gave ever, recent rains and flood watersi Benson said his department has mile. MIVW ppeline from the caught It Ir fhe Pacific and tosnediThen she plowed Into a parked car July 33 down 2 The Hi concurred in Sena's smendmaus Is the tvl tj a her third summons, for New Orleans: May 23 1 V. jnnal approval and sent to the gov- which have washed away up to taken steps to try and bolster sag-Louisiana Gulf Coast to It into the river rather than take tt and got JjuJy Cgurss uns.vaila.tie. one-fourth of the ootton ta soms'guig exports.

jern Keatucky. horns. carsless driving. i.

The Monitor from McAllen, Texas (2024)
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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.