The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

0 til A TOLUME XIX. SHIPS SHIPS. "gasnanrhr ij uLn ri Llverpwel. raa snip RTCaAWAY.eoodwIn.maater, having aw fstbs par of bee tareo en eased will have atcs saspatra. Fo freisht of bales cotton, srp'y tb DDI' I 1U tfsat aaillne ahin TRM im nmn oa board.

roft LIVEKFtOL Takea eraih. if iraa aBUing Ameri.aB ship JAMES NE8M1TH, sHarvev Mills, master, la now wil til iMTt UCC tOfacB. JTOT JTeTgnT Of bale C0t00, IB WHTTKEV TaT to th captain oa board, mfalo fH FOB. LIVERPOOL Tbe tast sailing Al ime Wbd ship MERIDIAN, J. Simpson, matter, bar lag part of her cargo en, aged, wiTi nsaf with despatch.

Foe freight of too bales cot J. UIUI BT tlravler alie.l aT Far riaift apply the captain en board, Foakaw, Tird District. FOB. LIVERPOOL The UVXiH OOL The 'I new bat sailing 1 American ship TRANSPORT. Htgglna.

mester, li "now loading and will bar imzneoiete cspatcb. arpJy mBS ef frH rtit errolv to eiFFKElT A LOVELL. lis Common rt FOR LIVERPOOL The Al a.taili.. Jean ship JABE2 BXOWJ J. H.

Snowmaster, 1 leading; and will receive Immediate despatch despatch gm treigns as eao neies cotton, apply to dlS J. P. WHITNEY at 'Per liiim apply to tbe captain on FO LIVERPOOL Tbe splendid new Al ship lag the. greater part of bar cargo with aeapaicn. Tor balance of freight, a board, orto ,61 Camp at, a.

i atiute. i tt. i ova. nawec. Bar engaged, will or passage, i.

H. ASHBRTDSB at CO. S3 St Charles it yL TOR LIVERPOOL The new Al nut sallinf American sh'p E. MILDER PARLEY, Nichols, i "master. Is now loading and will bare immeilata despatch, for freight of 400 bales cotton, apply to i.

T. WHITNEY 61 Camp street. ar Par passage apply to the captain on board. mb FOR LIVERPOOL The floe fast sailing New a mh4 elPPNET LOVELL. lis Common street.

FOR LI VERFOOL Tbe tfratcleaa bus fast sailing Bmiah snip ARAB, Grabam, master. For freight "apply to HOaHTON. RANKIN jM lis Common street neT For easaaee apply to tbe captai on board. FOR LIVERPOOL The new Al fast saiiins lajnencan uiiztrniH. me.

master, is now a leading aad will receive Immediate despatch. Fir Freight of 600 bales cotton, apply to rt WHITS El SI Camp street I rer passage apply to the captain on board. FOR LIVERFOOL Wants heavy freight Tbe iDnun cupper bu'h usmci, ureoow. master, 1U have Immediate despatch' For freight apply ts i ELLIOTT, ADAJUS At I M)Oravtevetret. Fli er to 6IFTNET LOVELL, 116 Common sr.

21 FOR UVWOOL Takes beavy frrlgb I fast sal line American shin 'BALT MdUir Tk. The AND MAR I CLARK. Easeman, mast.T. Is now loadins sed will recerve immediate deapaxeb.

at Makt af oo bales cotton, apply to ror neavy Ireignt, i. T. WHITNEt SI Camp street. SeT Far paaaage apply to the captal on board. Sio LIVERPOOL Wants Heavy Freight JTbe Al American ship ELVIRA OWEN.

Alez a aoder, master, will be Immediately despatched. Aj'P'yU 6IFNEV LOVELL, Jaff 116 Common street. FOR LIVEKFOOL The Al splendid ship 1 MORTIMER LIVINQ8TON. Sampson, master, "is aow loading as above and will have early drs fates. Far balaocc of freight of bales cotton, or peases, apply to J.

H. ASHBR1IX.E A Jen 63 at har1ea street. Iondon. POR LONDON The Al fast nillng Oldenburg tberk JtVtBLAM). Mo ler.

maste, is now loa.1 tag. and wiU nave quick despatcb. For freight of RNEREf At K.1RCHHOFF. t'nlon at. WI er J.

F. WH1TNEI" A 61 Camp street. Far aisige apply to the captain on board. Havre. FOR HAVRE Heavy freight wsnted Tbe Al nrr.ji.

trenry H. Brewer. OFFICIAL. 11.k I eDd, will I spectors R. gtevenaoo.

Harvey despatch. For beavy 'frelehr torton, apply I fiineteenth Prerinct At Mi J. H. ASHBRIDSE At CO. as St.

atrret ar fWaatsage, bavins' fine accommodations, apply aa Vaatd. Third District. HA7RE The new Al Ammn.rlimM iii ip BLU.U, Bird, master. i now load "lag sod will have Immediate ior nrjgataf cD bales cotton, apply to F. WHtXNET ACO ri Csmprt aWFwyeasage apply tt be captain on board.

mblO A FOR HAVRE Wants heavy freight Tbe new aad spleBdid Al American clipper ahip OllEK JF ASUA, Bernea, maa er, having tbe greater part "JLtTsw norm, win meet wtrn quick dtspaurb. Far rrtlgat of too bales entton, apply to C. J. MEEKER At ST Sravler freer. m.rr.

fffffsgs apply to the captain on board, Fost IA, rO HAVRE Tne Al new and splendid amp I MART. Wm. Churchill, master, la now loading aad will have quick despair b. For oalaoce of TW pawage, aaviug sopenor state room accommo apply to tbe captain, on board, or to tjr U. W.

HiSSON at Hi Camp St. FOR HAVRE The anlendid Al New Vk Backet ahtp OERMANIA. D. H. Wood, master, to sow aaaaiing, ana Baving ran of ner cargo en 'wUI xaeet with deapatch.

For balance of freight. apply an noard. or J. H. ASHBRIDUE At St.

Cbarleset Triesle. A FOR TRIESTE Tbe fast sailing American ship 1 AMRA8SADOR. McDonald, mum. the "fisaUT part of ber cargo engaged, will have early far mis Dioi Daira rorenn. oatne tsereef, apply to bulk J.

H. ASH BRIDGE At 53 St. Cbarlea stteet MS TRIESTE Tbe Al fast sauing. American COLCI48IA. Proal.

master, will have oe i ior tne aoove port. For baianre of freight J. EEKER A Cr flmier ihMt Pw yeeasge apply to tbe captain on board. RaHitSkie 4 FOR BOSTON The line (utu'Uni A mrir.n lamFITDAIIfflH 1 i i A 1 UIUU. DJMICr.

UK. IDH11M I Will have immediate dtfiwlrh Vw J. P. WHITNEY At SI Camp street Pwpsaeage, apply to tbe captain an brard. BOSTON Tbe fast sailing Al bark I SIERRA NEVADA.

Faater. maatrr? having a Tge partian of ber cargo engaged, will meet wi'b For baianre ot freigbt, or passage, apply raptaia board, or to MS C. J. MEERER At 87 Oravler street Wiw Tors, HEW lORR Holmes's Line of Packets. a fcetaalnne: regular racket abip ST.

LOCIS, Beyt, master. Is now loading aud having a to gvingon board, will be immediately eZTfrfC Far freight ar passage, having elegant ac VeZSHVF to 1 raptain on board, opposite srtsi wiet, oecona trisrnct, or to AARON COHEN, 1S7 Common St. 5 ifOHJl Union Line of frk kiuna regular packet ship MEDIATOR, niaaier, naving most oi bercargo eu iSL on. Boart1' have despatch as above. 11 rreignt, or passage, bsvlng superior accom "M7 me cmpimin on Doara, at foat ro, rtrat JOHN O.

WOODROr A CO 31 Natcbex street RA Tbe new last aal.lng orig Afll, Oilchrist, master, having nearly all el gaged, will bsve immediate despatch. to the captain on bart. or tt AJHBRIDOE At BODHOCSViCIE, 7 Common sTeet "i'WBW tORK Louisiaos ine The very LOUISIANA, Sullivan. mTL' large portion of ber cargo eu TsMea board, will Lave immediate deepateb. rtva "aaapply on board, Fost la, First Dis "TtajAg BrT LABP.

lnp Magazine street IVkll I Wttb aAauaaeipoia, Philadelphia anet F'ew Orleana l.i. ri QeZi Ti" Htm master, bavins part of ber cargs i rLca eor ireignt apply to WAAHaarS12 CO. S3 Bt Charles rnt BAUe BOUDOCSViUlE. fm mm. 1 81 Common street' uwrq.

gppoiifeipe mint iiBtiT i' S'ewrt. master, having I Compagnie Jefferson Na IS, roe de Bssin, pies de la rue aasfisaca. a 7 cugageo, win nave i tnnu. inspecteurs joau zwcia, Airxanaer ztvy et jonn eaaaBeaT or JMMf' 'PP'Y tbeTtap 1 tiallagber. Market Second DiaUltt.J Diaieme Precinat A la maisen de la compagnie d' I7 I snw xJiiiriwi e).

MUBUDQE A tie "My lamul i7 Lonnon street Tbe new I snip lull UII, nrrw loading, and will bare imi nesvy freight, or freight of 300 bales MI A SI Camp street. 7 to tne captain on board. nhl 1 FoV.ii?'le. WsmTna ut sailing A JajHEJiay OHJ5ELL. Brooks, ms jy1" wul have immediate deeps aeapatcn.

m.S i. P. apply to mer mester. I ITSEY At Campst. rt I unexpected circ*mstances fae.

iT7 payment on ail paper not Zf af 1IL1WW uu cuiuiaiit.ri UIsC OBwC i SblDOlCntS Of Dronsrrv nr rv. CaffTVKTV)Vsi ra aai 1 1 Wat awa. I rciieauon tntia, and we conbdentlj cor lmXebtelnem mt an SHOLTZ HADDErl At LATTOte. 'UcU uJ di. Tr i heylngor trading for any as legal are held agjalnst ii'uiii hnitth iiuiUi a.

AVB BBiaaaai lty aud wfU attend to tbe datlas "ving a competent agent In Wash lumnrg wren ail tne faeces ent at and forward to tbe es. TtlT. ur Bounty Lend, for T. 72' th act of CseitrM. ii Aaii, RwyTubiic.

ttikTisr street cneuea et ae crocneu, eiicaa, rue xouiause pres oes Re mparts I osrx teurs Joseph Dubuc. Dr. E. Sabatier et Louis altera, Jr. Onzieme Precinct Aa Theatre d'Orlene rue d'Orleana.

Insrectrurs Francis Mooney. M. Delery et Hortalse Andry, Jr. Douzieme Precinct A la maison de la pompe de la Compagnie Na 10, rue Damaine, entre St. Claude et Renv parta.

I napectenrs Oeorge Clark, Charles caiongue et BH.1W1B Compagnie Na 4, tue de I'Hopital, entre Royale et Boar ban. Inspecteurs John T. Dufeur. Jules Caasard et A. J.

Oulrot. Ooatorrleme Precinct A la maison de la pompe de la Compagnie Na 3, sur le Cheroin da Bsyou. I nj pec teurs rary zoa Vinet Joan Coulter et 9. de Int. Wuinxieme Precinct A la maison de la pompe de la Compagnie No.

8. Inspecteurs Edward I arcane Tarresu et Chs. Grandpr. Se zieme Precinct A la Halle Breton ne. E.

Solomon Audler et F. Girard. Joans ton, u. Inspecteurs, Dix Septieme Precinct A la maison da e'eole Milne burg Inspecteurs Miguel Brixolarl, Charles fa*got, nAei aujtn. Dia Huitieme Precinct A la maison de la pompe de la Compagnie No.

Ins B. Stevenson, Harvey Brooks et Edward Brown. Dii Seofiesie Precinct An Depot do Railroad da Golfs dnMeaiqoe. lospectears F. Heifer, Tbos.

Boylan, Viagtieme Preclnct Aa bareau da la Fresee Catnn, a Mnrphy. Vingt Unieme Freonct Aa Msrcbe de la rn Louisa. ass Vila, aOMIt Winn, et Mrch' dea rues Andr. Inspecteurs sL niiWml uwoncs et Ueorge W. Batler.

Vlngt TrotsiSDie Precinct A la saalsoa d'ecole a. rn. es rues see MagaslBa et Secocda. ItveectearaJanM Norment. W.

Hleese et John P. HlgiiuV 1 iea recaora as euertow devrank (trs Wts as fair. aonsBlanA, rsatsnltuM ikLji I The noils to be opened at the following nieces, and nn der the direction of the Insne'tors below named, to wit First Precinct At the School Hooer, corner of Para nler and Richard streeta. inspectors J. B.

Walton, as. Boas and Florence. Second rnreincT At tne cng ne House of Fire Corn org built British ship COR ALIA, vennis. ier, uiu navs prompt oespaicii. xor uiai ap 1 n0.

go, on Thalia street, between A polio and Bee cbua I napectora Robert Hamilton, E. T. Farker and Leonard Cragln. Tbird Precinct At the Engine House of Merh an Irs' Fire Company No.B Inspectors William Redwood, Tim Johnson end as Huckina. Fourth Frecinct At tbe Engloe House of Jackson Fire Company No.

Inspectors Thus. Leeds, Tbos. H. Sbieldsand M. Marnnlon.

Fifth Frednct At the Engine House Jf No. 9. corner of Tchonpitoolas and Natches atreeta. Inspector J. At.

Bavase, Bernard Coben and L. C. I) i Hard. Sixth Precinct At the bouse of Louitiana Hose Company, corner of Perdido and Carondelet streets Inspectors Ueorge C. rower, Henry Florence and Robert Con way.

Seventh Precinct At the Engine House of Fire Com rny No. 14. Common street, ntir St. FsuL Inspectors A. Agaisse, Wm.

Cbrirty and Job Bennett. Eighth Frerinct At tbe Engine House of Fire Com pany No on Daopbin street, between Customhouse and Bienville streets J. B. Frrao, J. W.

An drewsaudWm SbeppaM. mnttt rrecinrt At tne noose or jeRrrv Notice Election. MAYORALTY OP HEW ORLEAKS, 1 Bfc City Hall, Msrcb 1. ihwi. rlrtoe of the act to Consolidate tbe city or Mew Orleans, and provide for tbe government and adminls tratlon ot its affairs, apprared February g3d, 1KM: and Tiding for tbe incorporation of tbe ritr of Lafarette with the city of few Orleans, approved djd February, 1M; and In acrordance llkeeise wttl tbe provisions of ordinance flo.

of the fAmnini, rnMnll ionln the irpirroi'ioo oi tne several district, and warns, approve fOTCa ucteoer Mtb, leAgt Notice Is herebv 1vn tnf an rlertlon will DC be the nnmllff. Na Arlfiru on FODRTH MONDAY of this month, vli day of March, law for the following eaeeotlve olticer and members of tbe Comman Council. wit: A Recorder of tbe First District of tbe ety of Ifew Orleans, In place of tbe Hon. Ueorge Y. Bright, appointed by tbe Common Council, null the next city election, to fill said effice vacated by tbe resignation of tbe Hon.

H. M. Summers at nf Aldermen, to I tbe va canries orcaainned by Uw rms of Jsmes H. Caldwell. Patrlrk Irwin.

W. Aams. J. A Brand, W. A.

Gordon, and Nicholas Slnnott. Jr. vis i Three Aldermen from the First Distrlcti Two Aldern en from tbe Second Uistjlctj One Alderman from tbe Tbird District Twenty seven membtrs of tbe Board of AnlstaDt Aldermen, a. follows i Three Assistant Aldermen from tbe First War.l Foor Aatisnt Aldermen from tbe SVcood Wsrd i Sis Assistant Aldermn from tbe Tlilrri Ward Two Assistant Aldermen from tbe Fourth Ward) Three Asttant Aldermen from tbe Firth Wsrd; Two Assistant Aldermen from tbe Sixth Wsrd; Two Assistant A Me men from the Seventh Wsrd One Assistant smrrmia rrora rue igntn vvsra; One Assistant Alderman from the Ninth Ward Two Assistant Aldermen firm tbe Tenth Wsrdt One Assistant Alderman from the Eleventh Ward. Ptre Cam ran' N.

IV on Basin street, near Conti. Inspectors John Reid, Alex. Levy aud John Sailagher Tentb Frecinct At the bouse of Pelican Hnnk and Lad ler Company, on Toulouse street near Rampart In erectors Joeepb Dubuc, Dr. E. Sabatier and Ls.

Casters, Jr. Eleventh Precinct At th Orleans Theatre, on Orleans street, between Royal and Bourbon. Inspectors Francis aioonry. oa. Lfewry ana 11 Anary, Jr.

Twelfth Precinct At the Eugine Honte of Fire Company No. to, on Main street, between Rampart and St. Claude. Inspectors Oeorge Clark, Cbaa. Calongne and Ba'dwin.

Thirteenth Precinct At tbe House of Fire Co npany No. 4, on Hospital street, between Royal and Bourbon streets Inspectors John T. Dulour, Jules Caa sard and A. J. (iotrnt, FoorteenthPrecinct At the Engine Fire Con paoy No.

3, on tbe Baycn Rial, inspectors Henry He son. John Coulter and F. de Wint Fifteenth FreriBC At Engine Hncse a Inrpect ore Edward Johnston, 6. Laroque Turgraa and Cbas, Uran.lpre. Sixteenth Precinct At Breton Market I nj per tors E.

Cbaiilot, Solomon Audler aad H. tiereus. Seventeenth Pre'lnct At tbe School Hnuae, at IMllne burg. Inspectors Miguel Brixolarl, Cbaa. fa*got, and Alex Roth.

Eighteenth Precinct At Engine House No. In Brooks and Ed. Brown. ezlran 1 1 I R.I) TtA 11. pot luspectots F.

Heifer, Tooe. Boylan. John Oil 1W17 Twentieth erlnrt At Cotton Press Office. Oreatmen s'rert. Inspectors R.

L. Mu'pby, Arthur Ouenu and Cbaa. Seuz i ran. Twenty Orst Precinct At Ixiuisa I'reet Market Honse Inspector Michael Duno, Robert Winn aad Cesar Vinet Twenty second Precinct At tbe Market Hue, on stteet. comer of Bt Andrew and Magar'ie streeta Ins7ectois Hiestand, C.

Goodrich and U. W. Butler. Twenty tbird Precinct At the School Houre, corner cf Msgszine and Second streets. Inspectors Jsmes Nor mcnt, W.

H. Reese and J. P. Higgiua 1 be returns of said election to be male to tbe under signed. Mayor, eccordtnj to lw.

JOHN L. LEWIS, Mayor. MAIRIE DE LA NOUVELLE ORLEANS, Hotel de Vllle, le eer Mara, 1865. EN verto de I'acte por coosolider lavillede Ui Nou velie Orleans etpourvoir an gouvernement et I'adml nistration de see anslrea, approuve le S3 flvrlrr, IBM, et conformement A acte sappiementalre au precedent et pourvoyaat 11ncorp ratlon de la vllle de Lafayette la ville de la Nouvelle Orleana. approuve le S3 fevrier, ihas.

et coufevmement en outre box dieposttione de rordonnance No. 330 do Consell Common, rixant la represn'etion ds divers stricts et arroadissem*nts, approuve le Is Octo bre, 1hvj Avis est par le present donnf qu'une election par les vo tantsdument qualifies de la ville de la Nouvelle Ortea'a aura lieu le Vuatheroe Luudi du present moia, dire le 36 mare, IBM, A I'erlet d'elire 1'orhier exrcutlf et les lUrmbres cl apres du conseii "wi savor: Un Recorder du Premier District de la vllie de la Nou velle Orleans, rn remplacemrnt de i'bonoralle Oeorge Y. Bright, nomme par le Cansell Common jor remplir. jusqu' aux prorhaines elections municipales, li dlte are, devenue vacante par la resignation de 1'hoanaale H. M.

Bammers. Six Membres du Consell des AMermen, ponr remplir les vacanrM occaslnnnees par 1'expiration du temps oe service de My. Jsmes Caldwell, Pstrick Irwin, R. W. Adams J.

A. A. Qordon et Icbolas S'nnott, suit: Trc is Aldermen pour le Premier District Deux Aldermen pour le Second District Un Alderman poor le Troisieme District Vingt sept Membres da Consell des Asslstsnts Alder men, comme suit Trois Assistants Aldermen poor ie premier arrocdlsae ment. Vuatre Assistants Aldermen pour le second arroDdlsse meot Six Assistants Aldermen pour le troisieme arrondiiee ment Deux Assistants Aldermen pour le quatrleme arrondlme naent Trois Asslstsnts Aldermen pinr le cinqaieme arrondiste roent Deuz Assistants Aldermen pour le aixleme arrondbse Dent Deux Assistants Aldermen pour le septleme arrondisse menu Un Assistant Alderman poor Is hultitme arrondisse meat Cn Assistant Alderman ponr le nenvieme arrondlsse ment Deux Assistants AMrrmen ponr le dixleme arrondlsse ment Un Assistant Alderman ponr le oni'eme arrondiatement Lea sc rutins seront ouvtrru dans Its endroits et aim la direction des it spec ten ra ci sprts dsignea et nemmes, sa voir: Premier Precinct A la maison d'ecole au coin dea rues Paranieret Richard. Inspecteurs J.

B. Walton, James Boss et Florence. Deuxieme Precinct A la maison de la pompe de ls Compagnie Na iy, rat Tfcalis. entre Apollo et Bacchus I nspecuura Robert Hamilton, E. T.

Parker Leonard Troii me Precinct A la msion de la pompe de la Comrwgnie Mechanics No. 6. Inrpecieurs Wm. Red mond. Tim Johnson et James Buckins.

Voatrieme Precinct A la maison de la pompe de la Coin pa sie Jackson No 18. Inspecteurs Tb a. Leeds, Thomas H. Shields et M. Marmion.

Cinqaieme Precinct A la maison de la pompe de la Csmpasnie No. 8. aa coin dea rues Trboupitoutas et Nat cbes. Inspecteurs J. M.

Bavsge, Bernard Cohen et L. Dli ard. Sixieme Precinct A la maison de la Cempagnle de Tuysux de la Louisiane, au coix des rues Perdido et Ca randelet Inspecteurs Oeorge C. Blower, Henry Fiorance et Robt. Conway.

Septieme Precinct A la maison de la pompe de la Compagnie No. Is, rue de la Commune pies de la rue St PauL Inspecteurs J. A. Agaisse, Wm. Christy et Job Bennett.

Huitieme rrecinct A la maison de la pompe de la Compagnie No. 7, rue Daupbine, entre Douane et Bien ville. Inspecteurs J. B. Preau, J.

W. Andrews et Wm. Sbrppard. cveuneme rrecinct a ib maison ce is pompe ae is NEW ORLEANS. THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 22, 1855.

OFFICIAL. flAS brousht to tbe Tbird District Found, No. 8) Elvsisu Fields street, ss estrsvs One srav Horse, in bsnds bis? b. no visible brand. One bay Horse, bsnds high, a small star In tbe face.

OOrn fore nrri wju rui uiuu ioui wni'r, no visioie orand One roan Pony, 13l bauds high, no visible brand. Which, if not claimed within ten days, and tbees nenes thereon paid, will be sold at Doblic auction, at said Pound, on MOM)AY, tbe id day of April, 1KS5, at a'clor F. M. Htm Orl'sos. Msrcb 1 1RVL ACOCSTUa S.

PHELFS.atreet Commlsilonsr. L. Passe 1 1 Race and blara ioe. in arc a it, ism. P.

A. Kalnbursrr, Basin and Constance. F. Tbeisman. Benjamin and Magazine.

John Kit in, Edward street. E. Alpln. Annunciation and Rlrbarl. Patrick Clark.

Pacanier and Richard. Thomas Ansley, Edward aad Annunciation. F. Baseman, Race and St Thomas. Q.

Scbsflcr, Celeste aud Trboupjtoo'as. mhis W. GABLAMD, Treasurer. TREASURER'S OFFICE, NEW ORLEANS, march 17. is.vv rp HE following perrons having been returned tstbis A.

omce, by the Street commissioner, as doing Business without a license, they are hereby notified, that unless tbey at oure take out their license, tbe ordinances will be strictly enforced Wm. Sanders, Benjamin and Front Levee, coffee house and wood vsrd Mrs. Iliggins, Front street, coltee rouse. Lysll A Davidson, Benjsmin street, warehouse. D.

Lock art. Front Levee, cortee boose. Penn A Rbodes, New Levee aud Rofhgnsc, cotton press. A. M.

Summers. New Levee and Robin, warehouse Mra Christopher Augusta, New Levee and Benjamin, retail merchant Margaret Murphy, Sew Levee st eet. family grocery. P. A Hardy.

New Levee street warehouse. Pennls Urtscoll. New Levee and Hunter, corlee house. Martin Lots, Hunter and Trboupitoulas, rofiee houte. Julia Woose.

Trboupltoulas, retail niercbant Fredrrick Young, Tcboupitoulas aud Benjamin, collee bnuie. Mrs Hrnnesy. Benjamin, retail merchant P. A. Hatdy, Hunter and New Levee, warehouse.

Adam Lerdrman. New Levee, ciear ore. Frederick Heise. New Levee aud Rotiignac, coffee house. Penn A Rhode.

Henderson and New Levee. cotton press. Hsslins A Parker, i i Levee and Robin, cotton press. Oarman. New Ltvee and Robin, feed store.

Passman A Yanry, Race snd Trboupitouias, warehouse Mrs. Domingo Rabassa, Mace and New Levee, roiire bnuae. Mrs. Fabuca, New Levee, family grocery. Ann ReraMlrr.

New Levee, famuv srorenr. Edward Cbristensnn, New Levee, beerbo'tler. Wm Srhetfer. New Levee and Orange, rorlee bouse. O.

Hardlll A Orarge street, warrbnuae. joqd narre, lcnoupitouiaft, retail mercnanr. Pbil. Dopb. TcUoupl'oulas and Race, dre bonse C.

n. fsrteurA Brother, Tchonpitoolas and Richard. Texas cotton press. Wm. Scbneiber A New Ltvee sod New Market, cof fet bouse.

Mrs. Barrett New Msrkrt and Annunciation, dry gro cery John Commiakl, New Market and Annunciation, wood yard. William Gordon, New Market and Annunciation, lumber yard H. Carrfere. New l.eree aad St.

James, stave yard. aporte Uodare, Tcboupitoulas, retail merchant Manuel Parga, St Jam New Levee, cottee bouse. Henry Ferver. rw Levee, coffee booe. Mrs Bridget Huaae.

New Levee, family grocery. Ely Fonbenl, ew Levee, stave yard. John Bath, Tchoupitiulas. family grocery. Jacob oung.

Tchoupltoulas and St James, offee bouse. Alien Jobntoif, Tcboupitoulas and New Levee, tobacco warenouee. Jobn McCane, Trboupitouias and Berjamin, coffee bouse. P. H.

I' he lan, Tcboupitoulas and Tuertaa, family gro eery. ThonM Long, Tcboupitoulas, fairlly grorery. Peon Rode, Tcboupitoulas sni Betlecbaase, warehouse. T' imss McVfaaid, St. Tbomas, family grocery.

ltiow urace, uomas, family grocery. John Laborde. St. Taomai, fsmliy grocery. MniH A lanrey, BellecbaMe aud 8L Thomas, ware bonse.

M. Urien. Jusephlne sad 8t Thomas, family grocery. Harmao Andrew. Robin snd Tchoupltoulas.

corlee house. Jsrob r.hinbart. Race and Tcboupitoulas, corlre boose. Charles Snields. Hace and ReMglous, famiy grocery.

Fianc Cmmett. Tch upitnulas and Orange, codee buuee. D. C. Forbes, Religious aud Orange, cotton pickery.

P. Stromeyer, Tehoopiioulee, conee boase. F. Stromeyer, Tchoupitoulss, retail dry grocery. Barn.

s. Stanley A Ca, Tcboupitoulas and Religious, Branch cotton press. David Kara. Tchnupitonlas, retail merchant James Koegb, Tcboopitoalaa snd Celeste, family gro eery. Ludwlg Rhlnebart, Orange aad Religious, tamliy grocery.

Tat. Hold, 8t Thomas, fsmily grocery. F. Baseman, Race and St. family grocery.

Fred Alker. Orange and Religions, coffee noose. Mai tin Buts, Orange and St Thomas, family grocery. oi. Bison, uengious.

master builder. Jack Kraft. Religious and St. James, family roc err. D.

riiiralor. Alex. Watereton. Religious and Felicity Road, contractor. Eliza Holland, 8t Thomas and tBenJamia, family gro eery.

Ellen Kennety, St Thomas, family grocery. James MtlJusij, St Thomas aud EJward, family grocery. Mrs Hugh, Edward, grocery and bar. Stephen (serron. Edward, dry grocery.

Fat Ryan. Annunritlon, family g'orery. Ant Bargain. St. Ttiomaa and Basin, corlre hoore Hsskins, I'acanier.

Louisiana cotton press Hsskins, Rioin and St. Thorn warehouse Fn. Doerr, Race and St. 1 bovas, fa grocery. Ellen Murphy, Orange and St.

Ibomas, family gra eery. Mrs. Malony, St. Tbomas, bar and grocery. F.

A Collins, cLarJ cottou rickrr. Wm. Mctirrgor, Ricbard aud Et Tbomaf, family gro eery, Banira, Stanley At Ca, Bt Thomas and Market, Com merrial cotton press Oeorge Muchviller, Richard Pacanier, faml.y grocery. Robert Conway, Market and Pacanier, family grocery. orumBo, racauier, couirscor.

Ed war! Riley, Bt James and St Thoma. family gToeery. nmrnoe uanegsg, rencity Koad and St. Thomea, lam iiy grorery Jobn Bnen, Basin and Pacanr. cotton p'ekery.

O. W. Stevens, Annunciation and Bssln. contractor. J.

Hkins, Room snd Pacanier, cot' on warehouse. Charles H. Cbsse Race and Pacanier, cotton pickery. Mrs. C.

Uoiasbip, Anuuuciation and Robin, rrtatii mer cbant. Jamra Markeys, Richard, fami lv grot ery. R. Abbot A Ca, Market and Annunciation, cotton ware boose. Thomas Ridge, Market and Pacanier, family grocery.

Urn. McLaughlin, Berjamin at Annunciation, ccn tr.cter. John Klein, Edward, livery stab'e. Margaret Braudou, Annunciation and Robin, faml grocery A boot A Ricbard and Annunciation, Planters cotton press. John Shields, Annunciation and Felicity Road, family gTocery.

M. Maban, Market ai.t Fe'irity Boad, family grocery. F. Tbiesman, Benlamin and Magazine, family grocery. James Carman, Edward ant Magaz'ne, auctiout er.

Mrs Ann Oolson, Basin, retsil merchant. Jacob Nau'eoB, Race and Constance, family grocery. C. N. Pastern Brother.

Orange and Constance, Texas warebnose. W. Wink. Msgazine. furniture store.

L. Fassell, Race and Magazine, coffee houee, W. Miller, Magazine and Orange, lumber vard. Pb1l Rile Richard and Constance family grocery. Jobn Flailry, Felicity Eoad and Constance, family gro eery.

Gust. Lacbaux, Magazine, contractor. Pat Fox, Edrd and Camp, contractor. George Sterling, Camp, retail merchant. N.

Bulhler, Camp and Benjamin, coffee he use. Adam I erdeibeimer. Magazine and Batin, coffee bouse. Mrs. Murphy.

Camp and Edward, retail merchant Adam Howl, Magazine, wood yard. Adam Bulbmare, Felicity and Camp, contractor. nHi mi mw aicuaia, grocery Btepben O'Leary, Pacanier and grorery. Road, family W. H.

GARLAND. Tr.asurer. Notice to Tax Payer. TREASUKLH OFFICE, City ar Hew Orleans, 1 I March 8, 18W. accordance with tbe requirements of the thirty fifth section of tbe act of consolidation, notice is hereby 1 are now ready, and tne tax payers are notified to apply at tbe Treasurer office and par tbe same.

By the provisions of tbe charter, all taxes thai remain 11 un tuc a mjj are to oe put tn suit. W. H. A RL A NO, Treasurer. OUC.

To Towkoat Captains and Owners and Captains of all Sea going Vessels. INo. IV77. IIUOLVED, That the present landing of segolg A schooners, ez ep: coasters to Bsrataria, Attakapas and Calcasieu, common I called Lower 1'iravnue Tier.l be removed to Its former place, say opposite tbe mess Market, between St. Ai ne and Dumaine streets and 'bat tbe lauding of 'earn boats and coasters be extend to the foot of Jeaerson street.

iS'gnedJ L. PLACE, President Board of AaaiaTant Aldermen BIgnedl J. A. BRAUD. President pro tern.

Board of Aldermen. Approved January laeo. Signed J0HM L. LEWIS. Mayor.

A true copy TU08. THEARU. Secretary. Tne attention of towoiat captains Bad. owners is par ticu laxly called to the above ordinance.

JcHN 8LEMMER, Second District. Thw Naajslwbeaj Ckrwailele. JL. JOCROA0, No. is raner street.

Mew Orleana, is Agent for tbe above newspaper, published la Nacogdoches, Tessa. The circulation and locality of tbe Cbmnlcle make It one of tne best advertising mediums la astsrn jeaas. efc w. una Jet) tins Rdllorand Pahllsber. Far Male, inn LIRF.LT nCGKOES.

com prist eg aefTfaita, fe ostiers, marc in lea, ate. field hands, UUXAA Uf LAV, to i LOrnnios ssjeej, HOARDING. ROOM" AND BOARD Families desirous of securing apartments tat tbe coming season, consisting of Far lor and Bed Room, ran be suttel hy calling at tbe corner of Magulne and Julia streets; wltn of tbe largest, bsndsomest, and best ventilated rooms in lae Pouth. Meals servel private If rroulred. A few eentlem.n be suited wltD pleasant rooms and board, and also a few day boarders.

Terms moderate, and accommodations equal to any in Hew Orleans. 3m vaauinu famines and single gentlemen can be accommodated with pleasant rooms and board at Mm AnHerann'. I'mMBiUM mrmr iii i I ff AtIWtAni fan fteW na. va rM1.iaw. I 1.

77 1 Elya eprv iole. On Cbeval seise males etdemie de haut, une petite etoile su front, lea deux pleds de devant et le pled droit de deniere blsncs. sans eamr vi.fble. Dn Bidet rouan, de trelte mains et demte de baut, sans rwuipi vwuic 8i les Hits animaux ne sont pas reclames dans dlx Jours, et les depenscs payees, its seront vendus a I'encbere pub llque, au dlt depot, LUNDI, le 8 Avril, 18M. Aslieorea r.

m. Nouvelle Orleans, le SI Mars, law. AUGUSTUS S. PHELPS, mbt 87 apl Commlsaaire dea Rues. TREASURER OFFICE, NEW ORLEANS, i attached.

Terma a iw Post Office. ait fm moderate. Address COM FORI box M. LAN HORN A SON'S Native Ameilcan Oro noco, lbs. Native American Gold Leaf.

lba. Bailie arey Oronoco.lbs Hudson, opposite Hvde Fsrk. Jafi tf BOARU1MU A few families and aiugle gentlemen can be accommodated with board and lodging at Mrs COVIN UTON '8, corner of Julia and Baronne streets. A few transient boarders ran aj i Omnibuses and cars pass every ten minutes. Jalo tf BOARD1NO The Florence House baa been renovated, and will be reonened for the MMinn nf Monday, the November.

Persons deslrrrps of securing good rooms would do well to apply immediately as above. WILLS KAWLINS, Virginia Itlanufaetared ATobaeco Agency, Corner Tchoupltoulas and Oravler streets. The undersigned bsve now in store their usual large and varied stock. of VIRGINIA MANUFACTURED TOBACCO, consisting, in part; of some of tbe most celebrated brands ever oflered In this or any other market! A few of which are annexed below DR. JAMES 8AUNDERR Harry or tbe West, lbs.) I Same Old Coon, lbs.

Paul Jones, lbs I Davy Crockett, las. W. Lowndes, lbs, I Tolley Hay, lbs. Harry Fere, lbs. lbs.

WM. T. BOORER'S Celebrated Peyrona, lbs. i Picayune, lbs. Crescent City, lbs.

I Harrison, lba Peytoua Twist, lbs. I Sailie Simms, lbs. lbs. Peytooa Rolls, lbs. MILLER At CREMSHAW'S Nutmeg, lbs.

I Lipscomb, lbs. noimes, ids. miller I wist. Lipscomb, 1 6 lbs. lbs.

POIN DEXTER At HAL8EV Polndexter Uols Leaf, lbs. I e. W. (ialt, lbs Honey Dew, lbs1 BETH HAL8ETS Oem Colls, Ole Bull, lbs. HALSEf At EDTLER'S Butler A Ca, lbs.

a I Butler At 1 lbs. Robiuson, lbs. 1 YODNO A RCRW rn. soangjB Borweu, ex IDA New OfVans, lbs. Young A Burwell.lA lbs.

MeaiV 1 ft lba. Ambler, na St Charles, lbs. Clinton, (he. Barnaul, 15 lbs. Young A Harwell, lbs.

tiiTurop, 4 ior. OEOHA6AN, TAR WATER A CO. 8 Braxter. lbs. Tar water, is lba MrENERY A MrCnllocb, lba.

McEnery, 1A lba. W. L. Saunders, C. S.

Ferguson A Armatead A Varwlck, eila A Anderson, Peyton Grave ley, H. B. Dickinson. Moss, Bros. A Co.

I Goo lba. I Tarwater, 16 IU. MCCULLOCH'S McEnery, if Ihs. McCullocb, 14 lbs. Cbaa.

Ellis, lbs. Auieiican Clipper, lba. J. A. Clay, lba.

Oay woof, I he. Patrick Henry, IbA W. H. Lurke, lba. And many other brands, of every a and 8s, wblch they offer to tbe trade upon the most aecomi modating terma WILLS A RAWLINS.

Jaft 4m3dp cor ooplton las and Brevier streeta VVILSON, LIPSCOMB Wholesale Acency of Virginia Tobacco, No. SA Oravler street Tbe subscribers bavc now In store, and will continue to receive through the season, FRESH supplies of MAN CFACTURED TOBACCO, of all sizes and qualities and every variety and st le, direct from the most eel cheated manufacturer! In Virginia, consisting. In part, of tbe following brands, which we offer to tbe trade an liberal terrat: DR. JAMES SAUNDERS'S Harry of tbe West, lba. I Paul Jones.

lba Same Old Coon, INa. I Harry Percy, lba Davy Crockett, lba. I W. Lowndes, lba A. LEFTWICH 8 Bold Leaf, lbs I Four Aces.

John Logan, lba I Cass. lbs. M. L. A B.

Oronoce, lb. Langhnrn'e Natural, lbs. Catawba, Ins. orton, i Iqa WM. A.

READ'S Gold Bars lba I Gold Diggers' Solar Placer. I lbs. MILLER At CRENSHAW'S Premium, lba. Natural Bridge, lba. C.

FORD'S Ella Boon, lbs. Extra Gold Leaf, lba; E. D. WITHERS'S Celebrated Young Amer Crometella Twist. lea, lba I Hendrick Pancais.

Yellow Jacket, lba I Curoneoia, lb. Johnson Pancake. DEaTER, OTEY A Bailie Ward. I Filibuatero, Ins. Filibustero, lbs.

Julia Dean Twist. TALIAFERRO A BRODNAX'S Cold Leaf, fancy boxes.) W. Scott. Ins. Ins.

I I Smith, lba Gold rarh. lba. I Lizzy Wilsnn. Ids. D.

Black, lbs. 8 rue Pumpkins, lba. COSBY At WISFKEE'S Pomegranate. I Pride of Virginia. PalcceitoXwist H.

B. DICRTNSON'S Cuba Rolls. Witches' Eye. J. BAILEY W.

L. Ogden, lbs. L. D. Pride, lbs.

Various other brands, too numerous to mention, of bair Twist. Rolls, As, 8s, 10s, 13s and 16a. FINE CUT and SMOKING TOBACCO, of all descriptions, and put np in every stvle. WILSON, LIPSCOMB A JalT tmMp Kft Grav'er street. Conotry ISeata for Hnle.

For Bale A brautifnl Country Sea and Acres nf Lard on tbe East River, tweive mi let from the L'ltv Hall, at a reasonable price. ForS le At Fishkill, a short diitance above tbe land ing. a Mansion House, acd over seventy Acres of Land, directl oo tbe wa'er. For Sale Just above Ta rytown, a splendid Country Seat and 100 Acres of Land, direcly on tbe water, one aianaino and one cottage tne roau on tne piace are all macaiamlsed. and tbe fences mostiy iron tbe view un surpassed on he HCdsm ror Sale The snarious House formerly known as tbe Farm of 60 acres, with a large oak Frame House, and a splend'd view, goon bsbtng.

fowling. Ac. For 8le A Farm in Westchester county, of over S00 acres, about two miles In the interior, with good farm buildings, at a lancer's price For 8 A good place at S'amford, on tbe Sound; 36 acres, tine gardens, choice fruits, Ac. For Sile Aa elegant Msnsion and Porter's Lodge, and about lb acres of land, loca'ed on the Hudson at Abbots ford. for Sale MO Acres near two miles from the For Salle A larg? Stone Edifice, near the Had'r a lit tie above Spuyten Duyvll, in the vicinity of Konkers, with seres of lantf.

am advisers. Xot that the correspondence discloses in itself discreditable either to Mr. Souli' or the Administration, so far as the power oi nis aaoptea country but lie was left hanging before the lanfhing court of Madrid, apparently "hoist by his ovrn petard." There is no question he was much incensed as well as mortified under these cir c*mstances, and when ho left Madrid was fully determined to fix the disgrace of. his diplomatic failure upon his principals at Washington. The news 'of this disposition preceded him and to a desire by tne Presi dent to bo dvance of the Ministers exposure, uted his transmission of the correspondence) to the House at the heel of the session.

But it was not suppoeejl that this would satisfy Mr. Souls. There was a suspicion that he had in his possession facts not appearing in the oflicial correspondence, which would reflect still more unfortunately upon the Administration and there were ominous outgivings to the effect that he would issue a manifesto well calculated to create a sensation. But suddenly all this was hushed. Mr.

Soule became cool, calrfi and severely polite to every body at the White House, the State Department or ou the Avenue. The Cuban Junta, at New York, oflTed Y'm the opportunity, in a public speecb, to unbosom his griefs but Mr. Soule declined. He visits tho State Department, is permitted to arrange the corres pondence to be published in a shape to suit his ideas of propriety, and, to the outward world, eems to be on the best possible terms with Mr. Marcy.

There is a secret back of all and ex plaining it all. What is it A part of it I think I have the key to perhaps to alL 1 here is another corretpoudence on file in relation to our Spanish between the Department of State and Mr. Terry, Secretary of the American Legation at Madrid, which took place while Mr. Soule was at Ostend. This correspondence presents the statement that the difiiculties between the United gtates and Spain, growing out of the Black Warrior and other outrages upon American citizens, might all hare' been satisfatrily adjusted had Mr.

SoulS desired such adjustment, and been willing to follow his in relation thereto. Mr. Perry accuses Mr. Soule, in effect, of bad faith; of refusing to use the means afforded by his instructions to arrange the pending difficulties, when he must have known that they would have been effectual, and this at the very time when he was writing to the State Deportment that the Spanish would not settle, and that rio' arrangements could be made. Mr.

Perry further asserts that even after Mr. Soule went to Ostend he (Mr. could have arranged the Black Warrior affair in five minutes' time but he had received. tho most positive injvmctions from Mr. Soule not to communicate with the Spanish Government at all upon these eubjects.

Unless I am misinformed, thiaTerry corres pondence reflects most unfortunately upon Mr. Soule, whether justly or not, and is ofii cial, too, and therefore entitled to tho same weight and credit in the public estimation as is the Soule correspondence itself. May not supplementary correspondence, and tho miles below Vanderbllt LAnding; tbe bouse baa been I fear Of its publication, 06 tne Secret Ot JSlr. much enlarged, out it naa oeen in keeping with tbe old I i i rru maniloo beautiful beach and hathingftuit Ac. I Soule 8 forbearance? 1 here ror bale At ff ast recg Hunrngton.

on the Siund. II ai)C iDailg Puagunc. THE C0MM0N.C0UNCIL. i Washington Correspondence. SPECIAL COBBKSPOUDBNCK OF THE PICAYUNE.

Washington, March 15, 1856. By tho mail which cornea this you will receive the last of the Soule correspondence, which was sent to Congress just before ad journment. There has been a great deal of shuffling here in relation to this correspondence. I think there are few who will not admit that it ought never to have been published. A will bo music, I take it, between the xilinister and the Ad ministration.

Meantime, the Black Warrior affair will be adjusted has been ad i us ted already in snb OFFICIAL. BOARD OF ASSISTANTS. Tuesday, Marc 20, 1855. i ce uoora met tit bait past 6 o'clock, M. The roil oeiDK caiieu.

me lOlluwinir mnmhora tuKir names, to wit won. l. 1L lace, I'resident; Messra. Con ant, Levy, Rolling, Stith, Tb yer tWd Wiltx W. 6 There being; no qnorcnl, Mr.

Wiltz moved for a receaa of fifteen minutes, which was granted at the expiration of which time, the roll being again called, the following member answered to their names, viz Metsra. Conant, Cooper, Filleul, Howell, O'Con proper regara ior tne nonor oi tne country, nel, Rush, Levy, Lone. OUvier, Place, Reed, uAnuinu a ia.iy and gentleman can be accom 1 ana consiaerauons oi puoiic policy, ante I ttoiung, teymoar, tsutn, i racy ana W1UZ lb. bave prevented the parade of an un Harding, changed. at tbe otfice of tins paper.

itclerences ex tf lOARDlNQ Mrs. CARNEI, formerly of Ts Magazine I omcb, not warranted by tLeir license, they are berWoy notified sii'ie Ventt iSmaaS! lormTtbat tb, SLo" naSo Sr Mlt successful diplomacy before the world. This, The reading of the journal was dispensed with. Mr. Thayer took his seat The following cominonlcation from the Mayor expected to have been sustained by all the tee on Fire Mayobaxtt of New Oblraks, 1 Hall AfircA ail isas To the Praidtntand the Common Coun cil: Gentlemen I have received from the Harbor ntl.

fj oalMi rw t. I luul wifcii opoiai ur i blaster ot the Second District the sccompanyine to purcnase tuoa are concernea. in ail mat I letter, in answer to a communication addressed tlo nannra wan cenrlit nV.1 itf rt. an I by me to him, relative to the enforcement of re ROARDlNOPrlvate Boardlagi by Mrs. PLOCHE.

at I solution No. 1977 of the Common Council, ao "reet. aniiriy positive Qcmana, ana sucn great parade, our proved.26th Januarv. 1855. fixinir the landinir of llAl II tl ai i i ill I A i 1 Aa a I 1 D.

zentirmau aod lady can be accommo I uoverameni permitteu itseil 10 De insultingly I seagoing scnooners, (except coasters to iiaratana, CSSl reoelled to be treated almost with contemnt Attakapas and Calcasieu.) commonly called, "Low changed. Address Box 119. Vrmt Ottse I f. I er ricayune ner, opposite the Meat Market, be and that portion of the correspondence which tween St Ann and Dumauje streets, and extend uiacioses these tacts certainly is loll ol dis 1DS tne landing of steamboats and coasters to the grace to the Administration and the country. t.

it' tw it i The Harbor Master informs me that he has not A ithin a day or two I have gathered some space enough in the Second tJistrict to properly items of interest in connection with this sub moor the schooners, and, under such circcmstan ject So far as the published correspondence th5 CUDCil determine cuuno, uuuiu a wuuutt ai ura aiiuiuu i wouia iurmer can your attention to tne ncces Court was admirable. His instructions were I slty appointing inspectors and clerks for the decided and high toned, nd he would Beem to have followed Siem faithfully. But when his Government have failed to make good the threats he had promulgated in its name, he was left in a very peculiar position. He election ot an Associate Justice of the Supreme ijoun, ior uie nrsi judicial supreme i'lstnct, or aerea to taxe piace on Monaay, xi April nest. Very respectfully, JOHN L.

LEWIS, Mayor. The following communication from the Surveyor was read, ana on motion reierrea to the Commit Surveyor's Dkpabtjibnt, Citt Hall, 1 New Orleans, March 20, ItSOo. To the Honorable the Common Council, Board of Assistant Aldermen As reuuired by resolutions Nog. 2.035 ana i nave we honor to report First That I have esanrfned the awnings of the Meat Market, Second District, and found the wood work and zinc decayed repair, and that new awnings will be necessary. I estimate tbe cost ol the same to be Second The dredge boat, after a thorough ex: animation, I found worthy of repairs the cost 1 estimate at $1,300.

By resolution No. 2,053, I am authorized to lav a floor in the belfry of St Patrick's Church, and to have gas lights placed in the same, provided the expense shall not exceed the sum of 30. I have to report that the gas fixtures alone will cost $'X), aud the flooring $43. Without further instructions I cannot, therefore, proceed with the work. On the petition of Franklin Fire Company No.

11, aakins for repairs to their encine referred to me by your honorably body, at your sitting of February oth last I have the honor to report that the repairs will probably cost about 4600. and ndrUe that the prayer of the petitioners be granted. On the petition of Pelican Hook and Ladder Company No. 4 referred to me at the same sit ting asking that a let be purchased and a truck house be built thereon for Its use, I report that the present house is unsuitable for the purposes of the compsny, and recommend that their pmyer be granted. A lot can be now procured on Rampart street, between St.

I otiis and Toulouse streets, at a cost of 1,500, and a suilablc building erected at a lurthcr cost 01 So.lrOO. mailing a total cost LODIS II. PI LIET, Surveyor. l.noa miotnlra not. hv Mr TArrw it I atanrlintr rjuth warrants not oaida is probable the forms and ceremonies attend 2 The amountof pay rolls due opto the 1st of 1 li I Asril not warranted lor.

ant upon such diplomrtic consummations wiU Hetiid statement of the obable monthly Hudson Biver Railroad, suitable foa market farm, good I be postponed until the arrival at Madrid of I receipts, and from what source derived, for the bouse and out buildings. Price 7i CO. I r. i tQ I baianre) of the fiscal Tear. For Sale A superior old Mansion and 12S acres on the me new jxuiibi, vxi.

h.tty, be. and fae i. herebv may assume the credit tnereoL required to furnish the City Council a detailed It has for a long time been a mooted quesi I statement of all amounts now due, or that will tion whether the one years cotice" of the become due during tue oaiance oi tne nscai year, U0U wneiner me one ear a ui "7 of For Sale A Gothic Cottage and acres, on the south bv resolutions the Ftrsn crffir' ffittn. of over 300 $lS Teme acres, in a fine state nf rnlttaat Inn between Hndann and I I ciiiirorl art far BB hlg detiartment mkV be Concerned. "v.ei fcj Resolved, That the Street Commissioner be, and termination of any treaty can be given to a foreign Government by the President of the United States alone, or by tho President and Senate, or whether an act of Congress is not necessary for the purpose.

Each of these theories has its advocates and it will be re termination of any treaty can be gi ven to a fcirfilirn fl rl VPrn TT1 Pn DV the lreSld0nt Of the rnited States alone, or bv the President and I or whether an act of Conirress is not Oenale or wnetner an act oi vonKreoa i is not necessary for the purpose, tach Of these atpa and it will be re theories Has Its aOVOCareS ana 11 WIU OO re Kive7 S'Z wiu bJ divided if required" he hereby to Notice to Hold, rs of Farms and Country Seats Parties as soon as pracucable, a detailed statement of all wishing to tell thlr farms through the subscriber will I I moneys, and the amounts now due, or that may please send a description, the nearest and easiest mode of I become due during the balance of tbe fiscal year, conveyance 1 1 see them, tbeir price, aad tbe description nder contract or by resolutions of the Ltf membered. that when Mr. SlideU's xmwnJrVtZulMu may be re wue jer tne gross amount oi sale, xocnargei vuuum, l. ni mirf li llu I. k.

km I aaaainn fi iaeJ Via KnarhTlPIlt IH1T DC CODCenieU. aiivertifed tbe owner will please enclose live dollars, for I F. I Me Vlnnner crtared the following resolution, which sum it will be advertised six times conspicuously I 01 OUT treaty BlipuuuioilB wiu tog jjg, being Suspended, Jlanrl Burl France, which bind US to keen a I bv the following rote, and, mwuiurr niuw i naac iw I 1 Hrmm fnr enn. charge of property in other agents' bands, be deems it the interest of owners to employ bu one agent in tba city. lo strangers city references will be giveo, if required to oth rs.

a reputation of near twenty years' standing wiU be a sufficient guarantee for their entrusting their property with him. E. H. LUDLOW, Auction and Private Sales Room for Real Estate, Morel mer Building, Ko. 11 all street and New street, flew rots.

mtio at OtFICE OF THE CHIEF OF POLICE, I new urieans, ma co io, ii vuiitr. is nereoy given, 11 steamboats and seagoing article ef ordinance No. 1M3 Art. 3S Every persoa ownlee or commanding an steamboat or seagoing vessel is forbidden to permit any person to remain on board such vessel while lying at aoy of tbe wbsrvesof New Orleans, ae transient boarders or loggers, (those p' none employed on said boats eacepted.) anleas tbe said owner, commander or captain, aha 1 base previously obtained a license from the Comptroller of tbe city, wblch liceaae shall be registered at tbe Mayor' shce, and for which aald owoer. comasaader ar captain, snail pay to tbe Treasurer af tbe city one hundred dollars fmhe pear ending on tb 1st day of January fallowing tbe taking out of tbe license.

Any owaer. commander ar captain who aba'l fail to comply wttb tbe provisions of this article, shall be fined twenty Ave doliarg or each and a vara aflanea '1 tVaL IL ihVf CBUI roe. naval force on the African slave coast, jur. on motion, sent to cu irenc Turner defeated the action by threatening to jJ5essrs. Bennett, Conant.

Cooper, Filleul, nnrcat th nower Ot the henate to trive the I nll tl Connell. itusna, l.btj, kws, notice without the consent of the House. A precedent, however, has recently been established. The Senate, in secret session, just before its recent adjournment, authorized the President to give notice to Dnark of our win be strictly enforced intention to terminate the treaty by whicn we are held to pay the Elsinore Sound dues ana rhat r.otic has been eiven. .1 Reed.

tieymour, issyer, jprncy, iw winsky and Wllu 17. That the Street Commiseioner be tn have the fence around the Boys' House of Refuge repaired, provided the expense shall not exceed $175. Mr. Levy offered the following resolution, which was read, and the rules being suspended, the same was adopted unanimously Resolved, That the several committees of this Rnant ronort on all matters referred to them and imnortant step, and a very judicious one. in not Tet reported on, in order that the bno rf nf a TaiusuM) urmw i he rireaent iioara may oe conipieirai rnTu'stoS'u'pontom established reto bv buccaneer chiefs.

OIa. on Flto of A communication from the Street Commissioner in regard to the dilapidated state of the fence around the boys House ot Keluge was read, and on motion reterrea to tee Committee on Improve ments and Buildintrs. The following communication from the Chief of Police was read, and on motion of Mr. Tracy, the same was referred to a special committee ot three; whereupon the Chair appointed Messrs. I racy, Thayer, ana Connell on said committee New Orleans, March 20, 1355.

To the Honorable the President and Members of die Board of Astulant Aldermen Gentlemen According to the 'lst section of the act of consolidation, 1052, I take tbe liberty to Drt fer the followinrj charees against Recorder P. Seuzeneau, of the Third District, and would most respectfully beg leave to request of your honorable body to take the same into consideraion, and to quire imiucuiaicij auiu ujc uiniwi, iasu wit. I. For compounding teloniously and fraudulent ly in tbe cese ol the State of Louisiana vs. Henry i i i VV.

r.1118, anas lrsyuu alias jsun Farrell, arrested on the 22d of February, lr35 charged with passing forged coles on the Canal Bank of New Orleans. 3. For giving up said bank notes, knowing that the signatures ol the President and Cashier were forgeries, acd that said notes were stolen from said bank while in blank form. 3. For receiving and allowing fees to be charged in said Recorder's office, for bonds and free negro passes or passports, and appropriating the same to his own cse, in violation of the act of consolda tion ef IS 52, section 27th.

Respectfully submitted WM. H. JAMES. Messrs. Trewinsky and Bennett took their seats PETITIONS.

Petition of the dairymen, complaining of the amount of taxes imposed on them, was referred to the Finance Committee. nf A Ft Cole, nskinff Dei mission to sell books on the levee and steamboat landing free of license, was laid on the table. Of owners and occupants of stores on Front Levee, between Roffignac and Henderson streets, First District, protesting against the erection of a steam corn mill in that neighborhood, was referred to the Police Committee. Of J. Sj.

Douglas in regard to Kidder's Gag Regulator, was on motion referred to the Committee on Improvement and Buildings. KESOIiUTIOXS. BIr. Tracy offered the following resolutions, which were read. The rules being suspended, the same ere unanimously adopted, and on motion sent tVhe Board ot Aldermen for concurrence Rcsofrcd, That the Comptroller be, and he is hereby, required to furnish the Common Council at the earliest practicable time a detailed statement of the finances of the city, as follows 1.

The amount, and to whom Issued, oi tne out NUMBER 49. BeitraolBtd That the Committee on Fire re port, ex soon as practicable, an ordinance defining the fire limits throughout the city, and repealing; all ordinances previously passed on the subject, and describing what kinds of buildings shall be erected within the several limits. Mr. Filleul offered the following resolution. The rules being suspended, the same was read twice and adopted by the following vote Kearefn Bennett, Conant, Cooper, Fffleul, Connell, Leyy, OUvier, Reed, Rolling, Seymour, Thayer, Trewinaky and Wiltz li Hays Messrs.

Howell, Kusha and Long 3. Resolved, That the Clerk of the Recorder's Court of the Second District be, and be Is hereby, authorized to purchase two dozen of chairs for the use of said court, provided the same do not cost more than $18 per dozen. By a message from the Board of Aldermen, this Board was informed of their resolution appointing a joint committee to confer with a committee oi the Fontchartrain Railroad Company, to compromise the existing difficulties betweenVhe eKya'ndSn JaUrod I am satisfied, waaandisthe opinion of at was read, apd, on motlon referred to the Com I una a rfe. a I mittee on Streets and Landings I rn WIUl least a portion of the President's Cabinet mittee on Streets and Landlnpa the following; amendment, which mimfmn. on motion of Mr.

Wiltz. concurred in br this Rnini! Amerded by adding the words "in order to hear the proposals of the said committee relative to thn difficulties existing between the city and said com. pany, and report thereon to the Common Council." Proposals for the sale of bonds to the city were received and read, and on motion were referred to the Finance Committee Kugene Rousseau offered 4 of tLOOO each at W. G. Stephens offered IS of $1,000 each? at 05 to 97 per cent II.

fc W. Morgan offered 20,000 worth at prices varying from $91 45 to $08 95 per tlOO. c. v. ttoseveit, oi new fork, ottered at 99 per cent.

Samuel Arnold offered $10,000 worth at from 84 to P8 per cent Joseph Whitney ottered ot fl(XX) at 9 SO etch. Hanau Sc. Co. offered 13 bonds of 1.000 each, at ta 903(4 per cent. oeo.

s. Lawrason onerea iu ol fi 1,000 each at 96 per cent fi. w. ranrey onerea 100 01 si.uuo at 890. H.

W. Palfrey offered 50 of 1.000 each at $900. F. Rodewald offered 106 of $1,000 at K)A per cent. F.

Rodewald offered 11 of $1,000 at 90 per sent Peschier Sc. Forstall offered 4 of $1,000 at 90 per cent A. Lanfear offered 4 of $1,000 at 90 per cant Charles Maes oflered 13 of $1,000 each at 88 per cent. uiDDy At Lee onerea to 01 ii.uuu each at yj per cent. E.

Forstall offered 11 of $1,000 each an 95 per cert A. Robb Co. offered 5 of $1,000 each at $925 each. STREETS AND IiANDINGS. Mr.

Lew. on behalf of the Committee on Streets and Landings, offered the following report, which was read and adopted The committee offer the following report on sub jects referred to them The committee aavese tne neara to reject the following resolutions 1. A resolution authorizing the Surveyor to dace curb stones on each side of the promenade on Esplanade street from Royal to Claiborne street z. A resolution proviuiug ior ue laying out OI Tivoll Circle. Tbe committee report against granting; the nravers of the following petitioners 1.

A petition of property holders on St Bernard street offering to sell property to the city for the opening said street," and offering to purchase an' irregular piece of property belonging to the city, nsar said St Bernard street 2. A petition of property holders on Derbhrny street asking that said street be opened from Esplanade to Keleue street 3. The petition of J. A. Cotton aud J.

G. Landry, asking for a special landing for their mail boats) running between this city and St Francisville. Tho committee do not. believe that the Council has tbe right or if it has, that It is good policy to grant exclusive privileges for landings. As the subjbet of the public park referred to In the Mayor's message was disposed of by the Board after referring the message to this Committee, no action is now necessary.

The committee offer a resolution calling on the Committee on Fire to report an ordinance defining; the fire limits, XL LEVT. CHAS N. OLIVIER. ISAAC THAIER, Mr Conant moved a reconsideration of the vote on the resolution authorizing the Mayor to enter. into contract with the New Urieans Gas Light and Banking Company to furnish the city with gas, which was lost at the last meetincr.

The rnlea helne suspended, the same was granted. Mr. Tracy was called to the chair. Mr. Levy moved to insert 5 per cent interest in lieu of 0 oar cent, which was carried.

Mr. Place moved to strike out enttrely the clause in the resolution allowing interest, which wag The resolution was then adopted by the follow ing vote, and sent to the Board of Aldermen for concurrence Yeas Messrs. Bennett Conant Cooper. Filleul. Howell, O'Connell, Rush Levy, Long, Olivier, Place.

Heed, Rolling, Seymour, Thayer, Trewin sky and VViltzl7. The following special report was read and adopted, and tha resolutions accompanying; the same were read, and the rules being suspended, the same were adopted by the following vote Yeas Messrs. Bennett Conant Cooper, Filleul, Howell, O'Connell, Rusha, Levy, Long, Olivier, Reed, Rolling, Thayer and Wiltz 14. Nays Messrs. Place, Seymour and Trewinskr 3.

The special committee, to whom was referred the subject concerning the employment of coun sel to defend the interest of the city in the suit of Poultney vs. tn city ot Latayette, neg to report that tbey deem it advisable to pass such resolutiona as will defend the city's interest Your committee would state that there is a very large amount ot property belonging to the city now in dispute, and 1 1 ..1 .1 1 1 is 11 aasuiuiciy uwcaetu uiai tuu city BJMlluu uw represented in Washington City in the above men tioned suit Your committee, therefore, present a resolution for your adoption, securing the services of counsel for said purpose. Respectfully submitted. WILLIAM RKEI, ISAAC THAIER, E. FILLEUL, H.

DUB. ELL, JESSE OILLklORE. Resolved, That the professional services of C. Roselius be secured to oefend the interest of the city in the Pettltney claim, pending In the Supreme Court of the United States, conditioned that said counsellor accept one thousand dollars as retaining fee, and one thousand in the event of success and final judgment In favor of the CltjV FINAJfCE COMMITTEE. The Finance Committee recommend the payment of the following bills.


The fallowing resolution, accompanying the above report, was read, and the rules being suspended, the same was adopted by the following vote: Yeas Messrs. Bennett Lonant, cooper, menu, HowelL O'Connell, Rusha. Levy, Long, Olivier, Rolling, Seymour, Thayer, Trewinsky and Wilta Kesolved That' the Treasurer pay the following sums on the warrant of the Comptroller, viz Sundry persons, for labor and cart hire for the month of February, for the Street Conunlssionert deparment $3,56 85 Sundry persons, for labor and cart hire for the month of February, for Surveyor's Department, George Cronan, for. repairing bved 2d section, as per contract, to 2d February, 1SSJ lCapt John Steib. for board of prisoners, Ac, fRTteD Tllcan' HookAnd C.

two months' rent of truck house, March, $150 as secretary of Ft IAnro IIIAU1C. Avr iWi Talcs: and drunken persona, 93 charitabiV Association, for three t. man in the lock. up of the First District, PDr. MeKelvey, for attending sick persons hi de Joan ArUlcni, ior uw, "Tr C.

F. Burkett, for candles. Ate for City EaU, $12 65. Leeds Sc for repairing to press seal for Mayor, $25 25. W.

W. Dunbar, for service aa seWrtary to the Streets and Laodinc CommiUee, to 1st of Msrch, ICOSTixvxa tks 1 1 if.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)
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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.