The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)

10 THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALU. JUNE 2. 1909. Sssrld sin nfllnlal a ih tri ouh to r.w. "T.u-1 YASS-CANBEBBA.

NEWCASTLE. sera Oaks, BalWnaer. Pott Town, Bocaeataur. Tat Ckay, Taerbia, Piua, Ud Hots, Miiabka. SHIPPING.

AUSTBMalAN WBATHEE, THE JUNE ENTRIES. "EPSOM" AND METBOP. hlgar, Slipper, OarltOD, Boniface, Balmoral. Al Oaaba, Carl Dour, Permian. Koorlnga, Lady Dodlty, Waipoaa, KILLED BY ELKOTRICrTT.


fcaaan. tha Government thought the best thing avoealhla for the country would a Uon of tho present Parliament (Gkmrnment Snambers: "Hear, I uked hie Kx-ellency to allow me time to state tba Oorern-(nenfs case In writing. Yesterday I dellrered THE 3S AID XA7. NEWCASTLE, Tuesday. An Inquest was held to-da bw tho Pranar Sydney Entries.

Grey Hume, Antilteaa, Tbe Shifter, Son of the Mann, OERBT8, CUPS, AND BTEXiPLKS. wit SkerinK! Plarri. Ambuaidor. Ubv. lf.1t Kltw.

Hrmao. too. Tynt. Minlv Mir.r,.- 11 ton' SCrwi I rilUdrcn'. With a view to placing; tbe Federal Caoltal C' 5lbblalt' rMpeetiB tDe atb 01 OBNBRAL INCBBA8B Or -TntimVted to- mT thaT he noinUe I hy the ESS, Mrt.

'wlSJl enSS ot consider that bo would be able februarr In poaaessioa of "curate to grant the request of the OoTernment. Ho 'n'onnatlon concerning tho water supply and K.v rJ, also Informed me, that he would communicate the alternative alte. at With me later 'in writing. then tendered Preml" "porta from ,1 emofo? oJ rnniSE. JjJ the re.ignat-.oVof myself and Mlnietera.

1 Chief Engineer for Harbour, and Water vearf Jaw, slncioeen officially Informed that Mr. Burh chi" Wtoer, I. thitlSl 510. Aa. been commlMioned to form Irrigation Md

B. Ita Board AnMli.w IfJ JJllV iJLi: Thomas Burnett, who waa killed throoah The end came reaterda. turn nor. to a hri.f Sunny Booth, Root allle, Didos, Bloe Oatmeals, Fla- auu aula, Brm, I'tunm, atiaair. llull.

Ayaaaand ylniua, Lady 8a, Ooloro Slipper, Welcome cUM. OaoacvallL Pon, Uwua, KlnroT iZ-Tmt, Hock Light, UUt Led, Llnecrr, atlnoni. Him ford. Wain, Healer, builUi. BankoloaiewBurAtt.

Orlat, liooolxl, Hetosraph, To and Pro, Patroo.OM, llnto, ftlgnn. ifuun, Ntitu Storey, guolikr. Lord foete, Prlnc Koote, Beitiia, Lirence and coUd, uooey, Wrigtt, btccie ano oulut Moolnui, Abororloe, Baw Bee. BWpplnsatooe, Wllklnaon, Brltton and caildna, aMtoaio and hid. Red Knight, Footpad, Kami Queen, Dlplomatiat, i children.

Cooper and 8 children, jama and dilid Loyal Blue, Halt Bow, Ifaranul, Vavaaor, Featbentltch, Hobituon, White and 4 cuildrenT Urer. atuw ana Amati, Scotch Pie. Petrillo, Black Bange, Irlabmaa, MM, htubba, Wood, lienor, Butler, FeSaWSinarl, Parate, Omia, Balaowan, BrpUy, DooaanalhaL Te ltitcbeu. Sharp, Uinmoeda, Harrey, and Lee. MliU Amour.

BotSe d. Krin. Flint. Wkhom. Kycadrerie. l. Ih.i nSTil.i u.iL.T Mr'Ji'T? pvrioa oi euaiainea enort ny the officials of the Australian Jockey Club, who had been engaged reeelylng entrlea for the great turf eyenta of the iprlng and for other classic erenta to come. The total showa an ad uovfnment. This la the end of my statement, tneae were forwarded to tne board rrr- Ji "7 the colonnade and the and the loweat iT-sere la another matter- which 1 think i nt-l'n Melbourne last week. Mr.

Da Burah'a re. Ungarie, Palmenrtoo, Julea, Black Prince, Hoax, Sheen, chip, ttua, (8), atlnty, blrante, Uum, Hurat. Bell vance of 86 on that of last year. The entrants doiiucs BJUafffltnor. attir iia in mnw wo pHDimagq id yenieraav "tieraia nine noos, uuuio, Mariee, uoaeps, auila (1), Clark, alutr, clnnueTalli.

Powerh wmi una nouae pi aces on record Ita profound wvpvn ww uwie BIRRS NOHJNATBD. fSH! Vrt' Armltage, wires, wire appeared to be about six Inches from the gutter. Harry Hullan, a boy who was assisting deceased, said that when he went on to the roof he accidentally touched the wire and received a shock. Deceased said, "It's a good job you did not stick there, because I would not have been able to got you assistance, The rire. nominated In Sydney foi JblbissM erenta tiil; aer ecu.

iToWdTZBrlde: regret at the untlmoly deceaae of the Premier tuu ts oouonea in me louowing South Australia, Mr. Thomas Price, and twm8: aWIIVMua It, a Dmt.atk tat. 1,1. I TA lH.rTrl.t 1 Wa arltaa ka kaaei for tbe Epsom Handicap. 1 mile, 1600 soys, added, aggregated (Inclusive ot the Melbourne entrlea) 161, as against 188 last year.

The total for the Metropolitan, 1 mile and a half, 8000 sovs. added, was 189, against 130 last year. The others compare as follow: Breed- are the following: liiut Briop, Ban FrAiiciaco, Grafton, i tuiru, ursiinuii, itiwiiu, loung, aeaung, Rtynolda, Hansen, 0TDrien, Gray, Mines, and Taylor, Messrs. Kirkland. Brinjrh.

Ritchie. Wimlav Hawirin. rtr uauuir, ouver ahibui, nwrwi aniiiciji Newhsven, Orxil Simile, Trussing Oup, Multi-form, Ftavua, Antonio. Bt Alwyne. King.

M'CUtcbie, CurtU, M'DousM, On, H'Bridge, Plate, 1600 sots, added. furlongs. 128. the people of South Australia." Mr. P1 1" Ysss-Csnberrs ana.

the Prim. Mimatar. and u'cJ. ENTRIES OTHER STATES. I would have received a shock as well." rsigrsve, Mr.

sna Master null, 'lyree, O'Lslry, Norman, Iredale, Waller, Donns (S), Ryan. Petrrkuii. Kil- Witness said be thought the work in the gour, Aydon, CinquevaiU, three Melitersingors, Law-son, M'tUnnon, Dawson, Harris, Phillips, Guest, Bur feeney entries for events in- other SUtes than Vio-toru are the following: Western AoatraUan Derby. Phillipic, Potost, and Lord Palmerston, ieenaland Derby. The Bee, Canonbar, Araeta eott, Flamen.

Winker, snd 8nopaia. wtuiuo. i-a, vuirjumi ui Buuruvmiiuu ui uu uo aim itur.u nw oi fcut) muioii l.a. 1 .1. harfwakam DlaiAlr UMa.t A I li.

sabQ riviuwr svii iruui mo Dpetuier ueiure na tT ilf son, Healey, Ogle, Ctubaan, Reull, Bsrnsrd, Bar- centre of the roof, where the wires dipped, would be rather awkward. Whilst they were working witness saw one of the wires touch the front of the deceased's shirt He left the roof before the accident took place. uojecnew, nowam, ourneu, anuu, Heooei, maiey. Vueenfliaiid at. lrrcr.

HJanODOar, rismcs, winser, id Snopsis. Gulueas and Autumn Stakea opats, as against 122; Olmcrack 600 sots. added, 4 furlongs, 126, as against 124; December Stakes, 600 sots, added, 6 furlongs. 111, as against 187; A.J.C. Sires' Produce Stakes.

1U0, 1000 sots, added, 7 furlongs, 176, as against 164; Champagne Stakes, 1910, 1000 sots, added, furlongs, 231, as against 217; A.J.O. Derby, 1910, 3000 sots. added, 1 mile and a half, 247, as against 250; and the A.J.O. St. Leger, 1911, 760 sots, added.

1 mile and three-quarters, 210, as against 210. The aggregate figures are. 1668 this year, and 1482 last year. In the nomination of sires the numbers -are also In tsvour of this year, being' 34. as against 29 Stanley station said be was standing in The MUmoie on th part of Mr tngloBirbeV move was on tne part or the wotero popoUUoa boundary ot tba town Fisher, who rose and moved that the House jof Queanbeyan.

The county adjourn till to-morrow. Fowler, W.A.thowi the rrlatiw potritioD of tbeM two titn and 1 attracted some attention by moving an town of (ueanbVyan. An officer of thla depart- niAnfr tn fhw A front tht (ha r14niirnmii ha till ment has HUde a detailed inwIiintJAn nf hnth riltM. Hunter-street and saw deceased sitting on the neya, truer, kite, uouse, anigot, naroer, spencer, Buckland, M. Spencer, Sullivan, King, George, Byrne, M'Gratb, Smith, Mitchell, Bodenham, Buchanan, Lovelock, Crawford, Dickson, Scott, Thompson, M'Larsen, Christian, Hairs, Ford, Keoide, Blake, Sprague, M'Kenaie, Hudson, Carter, DouHree, Need ham, Pearce, Leslie, Hania, Osrde, Bugg, Murray, Weston, Goode, VICTORIAN AMATEUR TURF CLUB, roof with his heels in the gutter of the roof.

He grasped the wire and Immediately fell backward. Ho did not take particular notice. apuiiiiiw minra mv prooaoie course tn the main aewen that would be neceaMry to construct fTharaday to allow the House to elect tera. This was ruled out of order by the Rijwlc f'nloman. Lelshton.

M' Donald. Allen. Beacon. Green, Mylle, Harrlsoo, Fisher, Holmes, Nelson, Balrd, as be had previously seen a council employee grasp an electric light wire, and when the current was shut off he waa unhurt. MELBOL'BNE, Tuesday.

THE AUSTRALIAN IHTRDLE Sim, lusa 92yds. Kalnuelc. Green Valler. Faaall. Penance.

Wollara. Ulna WIND, WEATHER. Bpeaker. and Mr. Fisher's motion waa then carried on the voices.

Members seemed In bo hurry to leave. the chamber. Some gathered In little bunches discussing the position, while thers busted themselves selecting new seals. Entries received at tbe A.J.C. omce for in As there were other witnesses to call the ucai wivd iM airaa.

The aewase In either case will be disposed of by biological treatment, that la, will be poawd first through aepUo Unka, then through flttert, and lattly treated by land nitration. The effluent will then be fit to be discharged Into any stream witaout danger of pollution. The greatest difficulty a role in applying tbe biological method of treat- Otrrction shown ov ahomn thus terstate eTents made the following totals: Coroner adjourned the inquest till Thursday krroasfjMOiaaflMrMM Thirteenth Futurity Stakes, Fourteenth Fu morning. Paul, Phaeton tia, Phoebus, Concave, Alert Dream. Mauri Waipu, Admiral, Rout, Vernier, The Prior, Dago ba, NighUight, Keen, Kia-ora, icsrnbene, Cbsrle- n.n.K Unlamn faKl rkinloa fihtr In.

1 light Brteie turity takes, 30: Debutant stakes, in; uaui- Clear Cloudy ATTACK ONMB. DEAKIN. fhshloStrong uanu vowna ioe locauon ot ireanneni works that would be frae frnm untinumfait and other fleM Guineas, 82; Marbyrnong Plate, 86; Sires' Produce Stakes, 61; Ascot Vale Stakes, 92; V.R.C. Derby. 119: Oaks.

66: and V.R.C. St. dian Chief, Louise, InLen-ogtitor, Invermsyson, High A CHILD DROWNED. Norman Walter Barkley, 16 months old, was Ureen, allirrav, jenmna, joupcr, biwain, unmui, Black, O'Shiia, Cooper, Little, Cole, Brown, Pine and a children, Munro and child, Houghton snd child, White, Young, Downey. Walton, Rogers, Groig, Stubha, Kimpton, Robinson, Coleman, Amos, Wood, Goble, Mirth, K'Grsth (), Murdoch, Bargesa, Sitn-roons.

Harvey, Ariel, Lestin, Tbompson, Stevenson, Stafford, Balk. Cutler (), Tad gen. Hart. Price. Megrs, Jones, BuUer, Bullock, Allerdice, Pareona.

Kesn, Holt, Percy, Sorerrson, Taylor, Keboe, Coxeter. Emmi-tt. Fer-guson. Smith, Moore, Rsnsen, Cumminga, Humphries. Gibson, Henderson, pulllnger.

nkley, Rose, Spcir. Taylor Kett, Green, Harrison, Miichell, Sharp, Luk-, Desna! TeSs. Lee, Good. Begetio. Pyk, Campbell, Deveridge, Belcher, Corner, and 17 Chinese in the steerase.

F. W. Jackson, agent SSenhun, 44M tons, Captain CJoj, from Kew ss route to Newcastle snd lobiections, A point that should not be lost sight of In connection with the selection of a city area twe HemyCtle Rain drowned In the Hunter River at Dempsey Is rtocK, caoie, Aeious. logo, Kncnanieu owes, -si. owi-ran, Yairabuiidie, Circtilus, Insolent, Old Nick, The Oothbrack, Coraki.

Wolaregang, Bignature, Tbe Blbble, The Son, Brownie, Rogue's March, Craiglee, Old Ohap- ery Hough VjM Leger, 97; Melbourne Cup, 99; CaulOeld Cup, 73; Wllllamstown Cup, 27; Grand National Hurdle. 8: ditto Steeole. 1: Toorak Handicap. Ji that of tbe atorm water drainage gathered from the city area iteelf, and any additional volume that may be passed through the city area', and aathered iic, Monrrcai, uif-ncoc, Binucrny, nununoeen, Ananoa, -II U.a. If (nr.

Gyuethan fntna irinav land this arternoon. Tne parents live close to the water. The mother missed the little fellow for a few minutes, and on a search being Instituted tbe body was found lying in 28; Western Australian Derby, Queensland BY MR. HUGHES. MELBOURNE.

Tuesday. 1 The Labour party held a meeting mt to-night to condemn the new Federal government. Mr Hughes, the retiring Attorney-General, aid that there was no religious seot so meek in oatobment areas outside ot it. The existence of Cuach. lieo.

Manuou. Ngauruhoe, Arctic, Derby, Queensland Bt. ueger, v.a.i.u. Australian Hurdle Bace, and V.A.T.C. Aus KhfiTYBihfWiter.

Yorirk Rnotter. Proet6eT. Protector. foot of water. auckuuki, noyai juiion, sea uem, ueanntw, nuiy cbaaoclt paaaing through a city area, which are liable to carry large volumes ot flood gathered from areas outstde of tbe city, entail very beary expense, ss all such channels mutt be trained and protected by permanent works, and, where possible, completely ICOrered In.

an that thav do not farm an MaAnL tralian Steeple, I. It will be seen that the entrants for the Waliy, stnnoisos. wuio irawuu lauwn on 0WU7-S enart nave all trsTelled cl1 the Mt State a. now only occupies tko eaatero ouSSTi New South Wales, and tbe adranclng desresakn oecnnw. tk.

Briahane. Yacuom Oil Oompsny. sjats. Kakaoe, a 1511 Oaptain B. J) COAL AND OTHER EXPORTS.

two bis handicap of the KJJO. Spring Meet Deport, r. W. nyuDey auiirica. Protector and Aueklsnd.

THE AUSTRALIAN STEEPLECHASE, of 1500 sort, about 4m. The following vessels cleared at the Cus ing tne lode the cream of the equine talent In the Commonwealth and New Zealand, a re smd mild but would not, if Its minister had acted as Mr. Denkln, had done, follow him to the end of the earth and tear him limb from aimb. Mr. Deakin soared into the blue Empyrean, where poor grovelling wretches On map showing tbe proposed Canberra area, tbe approximate lines of main sewer and proposed position of treatment works are iodicaied.

Assuming A iWXrTS StanTraan rnSuenHlTw srd SoutbCoMt S.N. Oom- Vffl-UtS TMHd, frvnr.mtM hn. KM tOltS. toms-house to-day: Sydney, for Melbourne, via Sydney, with 1760 tons coal. 260 tons bun sult, due largely to the added money In both erenta be In Increased bT 600 aoTS In each nreen VaTlev.

Pilot. Kleta. Moreomhe. Wollara. Ffn- that there are no objections to the site of tbe proposed treatment works, the whole area oa the rwarth kers: Oouraka, for Melbourne, with 15300 slid not follow him.

fkntait. Thomas, from the Frsser River. Little Ught, Pbaetmtis, Redlight, BilUarda, Concave, Alert I case. Tho entry from Booth Australia or sir side of the Molongk) can be drained by graritatkan tons coal and 160 tons bunkers; Eudora, bqtn, for Talcahuana. with 2013 tons coal: Kalapoi, rerctrai woa.receiTea too late tor acceptance METEOROLOGICAL RBPORTS.

ureem, Ltrcaon, sisuncc, waipu, luaierc, venucr, im Prior, Dagoba, Storm, Nightltght, Boiadale, Kia-ora, SoSii. Nregian ship. ltl Captain Farup, a a-. niow a Paitaa. asent.

i for the Deny. to tbe proposed outfall. It would be nm fssiiy, bow-ever, to pomp the small ares to tbe south side of the river. Tbe proposed site for treatment works for Devonport, Beauty Point, and Burnte. via Knrai-nii.

(jomns. tvinara ijountv. micamDeae. votuu' Namol. s.

114 tons. Captain Warse, from Newcastle. ion. Banshee, (htail, Hynam, Tom Oroggin, Jack Bbay, "CHAPMAN-ALEXAHDEE MISSION. Services at congregational church.

Oonunonwealth Weather Bureau. Tueadar. Sydney ealnfall i i -i Nvwcaatla snd H.R.S.8. Company, gents. ituiiati Kittnti.

un to uaie. nm dkui. faciei latnia, ions, ispwin cmuruy, iiuni num. uw rf flilflN rVsntsrainv. aUrents.

Post Boy, Ski bo, Confederate, Harvest, Inverniayson, Seciet, Togo, Wanrua, Kn chanted States, Yarrabundie, AUSTRALIAN JOCKEY CLUB. anamsa, uon. Sydney, with 150 tona wingers; uauura, nq, for Valparaiso, with 2S26 tona coal, 6 tona ship's use; Strathgyf, 4-m bq, for Ban Francisco, with 3640 tons coal, 12 tons ship's use; Colonel de Villebols Mareull, bq, for Astoria, with 2027 tons coal. Moruys, 688 tons. Captain Swanson, from Bate- at tn, en Jane 1 wen ss follow tegs, BjUransld, 4ft lWn; Btagars, lteggabiS' Boollgal, Bourke, Brewarrinarit, t.

enebrt Cosdobolin. Cln; Cowra. Kuabalong. I(t tin; listen, 18ft sis: OoSaW Gundagai, 2ft; Gunnedab, ialhi Louth, 1: Meniadie, Sin; Hoanu, 2Xf UmlSS. ll "in, 8tt Sin; UuUgundi, 2ft ln ISrissSa 8ft Din: Pooncarie.

2ft Ha: Tilna. i. r-TL? There were two services at the Pitt-street Congregational Church yesterday In connection with the Chapman-Alexander Mission. The enoTV rifaV' 1 to notat? trm date, Ctrculus, Old Nick, Coram, Easy act, woiaregang, Bignature, Hawthorn. Snob, Seymour, The" Bun, Bat- will be, I consider, tree from any objection.

They sre, however, situated on the river flat, and should! any works be comtructed for the purpose of forming an artificial lake in connection with the city, it may be that the proposed site would be covered with water. It would then be necessary to carry the outfall westerly beyond the Black Mountain. The only land available here tor treatment works is at a big! level, which would necessitate the mrmninr of the ma n't Bay. iiiawsrrs ana aouin o.n. vom- asrnta I annuel laVtyTlaTniUT.

IfUDF. UIUV. Will Linsuurc, uwvia- nrst was a 60 minutes' service, commencing tion. Btariel. Sndprby.

Kanrrai, Rurambeen, Ataahua, The following entries were received yesterday Hilhneads, 1W tons, Captain Basclarn, fram Moruys. llawsrrs and South Coast 8.N. Company, iL period of im polota. Barometer at a.m.. stvizi' aa n.m 9aom.

a Ubentor, Vnloan, Lady Justice, Bribery, Maui, Cuach, for the principal kandkmps of the pprmg p.m., 20.O78, Leo, Mtntaon, Arctity rrotecior, wasnosn, uiauww. WSBVS Winn fif- fll 77 ageuva. a. 147 tons. Cancain W.

Green, sewage from tbe whole area. One large atonn water; WortonssUx, Deulalst, oMnnauoa. leisrpera turea. At 0 s.m., 00.9; at p.m.. 00: EPSOM HANDICAP of 1600 sovs.

lm 02S entries). from Narooma. iTTawarra and Booth Coast 8.N. nanng a xai raicumenc area or as square Bobrlkofl. Grev Phrase.

Ititthlahurry. Filte Foffi. a ciock, tea ny ranx xjickson, at jwhlch Dr. Ottman spoke. The second service lasted from 3 till 4.

Mr. Alexander had charge of tne music, and Dr. Chapman was the jureacher. Dr. Chapman's subject was "A Forgotten Secret." The consTes-atlon which he faxrtxl waa The revenue collected at the CrUsnoms-hoose, Newcastle, for the month ending May 81 is as follows: Pilotage, 1802 0s 7d; narboor and light rates, 1076 0s 4d; removala, 681; duty and excise, 10,327 8a; sd valorem.

2836 ISs: mlseellaneous, 27 10s 6d; total, 16,170 18s 4d. BiuEs, nm uroagn tne proposeo cuy area. There would be no diftVnltv fit aWlltw wfth Mita Vnr.l Company, ssnts, ltnaawloaa a. 71 tmta. fain tain J.

A. AnderstSl. Abbey Boy. Achillean, Gravitation, Kxrjanston; Halt Sydney Entries. Protects, Wisdom, and Grafnax, TOORAK HANDICAP, OF ISOO lm.

kins-. auwCallnni. PlaveL Hon of the Marsh. Ambassador, COASTAL REPORTS AT fl P.U. sfseleay Rlvw.

North Coast S.N. Oompsny, 8 71; at 8 p.m., 04; at 8 p.m., Wini-Oratest velocity, 30 miles from jtbt RAINFALL REtUffTBATfONS. Altogether, the Canberra site may be said to present facilities far desling with both sewage sad storm- logo, aiacsjnooor, imnisii. taay aieiena, jaanineH Gaby. Boasiie.

Jfaetcr Koote. Lady rudle. Legation, Lrwrenny. Barm. Keynote, Spryfoot, Alawa, Ifotber crowded to the doors, and.

largely composed ot The Magga Mum site ts cuarence suvcr. norta uosax.sui, (jompany, jaaiose, ut. buno, inues, jaay uo, i AntenlL PutTrnlus. Lady San. KursDcsi.

Montcalm, uoose, uiue, rosiio, ixjra iwiwy, aiDcawaik, bswsi nw Uarv DmIoii. CVlnM Desliie. MaSS The rainfall registraHona for the 84 hours eaded at 8 a. an. will be found elsewhere.

Canberra, and is fntmected by tbe Jenabombra Ones. COUNTRY NEWS. KaiuDoi. s. S0O3 tons, Caritain Ittsant.

tasa New- ssoicb. ibb moral wntcn aaorned his tale waa the need for genuine prayer. He spoke earnestly and tmpresalvely, till at times he Seemed to burn with the fore nf bin Mni Oontaogo, BUen Ale, Eiindale, Ba, Hyman. Blue Oar-, ments, Torulu, Warstar, ArtiUerle, lUtcnmaker, Golden which has a rataJusent area of 60 square miles. tbe map which atxMinpstdes tbe report is Indicated the ritr; Snowaboes, Off Chance, Periloua, KapunoX Suffice, Queen O' Scots, Bunton, Mariana, Katanga, Wiridgil, RAINFALL DISTRIBUTION.

NeW Smith Walea Hcr (ha 9A Unnrm AmJt A cssxie. r. rr. aacascBn, saruw. City of Grafton, s.

825 tons. Captain W. B. lfelson. oupper, welcome ipisi, ejouymom, rixm vd a-uunii.

Outbreak, LitUe Lsu, nacre, Haco, My Gun, Adonis, from Ricfarnond River. North Coast B.K. Coxapaay, Light to heavy rain recorded generally over tbe aouth-western half, except la the Bouth-esstt few stations Kirkmaiden, Hrajseur, Port Logan, MX.iiiiocn, reep do, Oriwa, Narcisaa, DUobl, Late Uours, Captain White, Sperry, Thittlfbrook, Le Jeune, Mindful, My Sister, Proapeosof, Adele, Santiago, Alias, Kovers, yiiuinaiK uswoi ior ane pntposeu mam Bswera, sna the site proposed tor trtsatmeat wortts. Tbe bulk ot tbe sres can be drahted by gTSvitsUoa. The site of the trsatmeat works I eonsieer free from objection, but.

if this sres srhoald be nirtv' fhi krrarjamtl CThe address was Illustrated with several pretty Stories. One waa ot the death of a child In his earlyp re aching days. The mother had Eric. THE CHURCHES. DUNGOG, Tuesday.

A flower show and basaar. In aid of the la far west receiving over the inch. Victoria. Verr lisht rain iwrtdnl In niniwalanif. iion, jaarsnui, siarvu huctu uhw' neen.

Iaoval Blue. sBtuoscODe. Black agents. DEPARTURKS. June Orevs.

R.M.S.. for Briahane. tist, Wailaoe Ueorgis, ueienry, neage, stenoan, AiaoroBia, v. w- Lord Desmond, Caloric, Usbridge, Arba, Kcrlie Soclal- lart- UnnnHv lalanrl Klnir. Itnnnie.

Wallace. ScobiS. Sim- ewo -one a cripple, the other fair to look upon. aporise. Porch, Soprano.

Buckle, Nu- tsucK. Mtflir. water, then the outfall works will have to be carried inoderate to very heavy north and northern central districts; otherwise light to heavy. Tweed Heads, NW, light, isining, heavy srsv, bar; Byron Bay, calm, cloudy, sea araooth; Bulks, light, cloudy, bar moderate; Clarence BeaklM light, dull, sea slight; Woolgoolga, lirtTeksS sea smooth; Bellinger Heads, NW, light, cltnb as slight: Nsvirrbocca ileads, 8K, onrmT' smooth; Port Macquarie, mod, cloudy, tea ssssOi Manning Heads, NK, light, cloudy, sea ssioaa; tsl Rocks, ftesh, cloudy, sea slight; port stast-4-NW, cloudy, sea smooth; Newcastle, NHK, sss, cloudy, sea smooth Lake Macquarie Betda, sitt. cloudy, tea smooth; Catherine Hill Bay, cloudy, sea smooth; Bamnjoey, 11 rat, dS sea nnooth; South Head, NW.

light, doll, tea 1'-Wollongong, NE, fresh, cloudy, aes alight; Kawa, NW, fresh, cloudy, sea smooth; CnklvTa Hcsit, NE, fresh, cloudy, sea slight; Jerrls Bay, HR, fssW cloudy, sea slight; Ulladulls, calm, doody, ss smooth; Bateroan's Bay, strons, drill, ss nadu: Moruys, NW, light, cloudy, sea smooth; asst. light, cloudy, ses slight; Unco Cape, In, cloudy, squally, sea mod; Uabo blind, JL bs4' showery, sea slight. FORECASTS AT 8 P.M. warts, Mooltan, Aborigine, Emperlca mavnatra TWlnun.ini JaIIv Kate. YelloW Streak.

LiS- local Methodist church building fund, was held at was the latter that died. The mother sniessed his half-KDOken thontrht. mm sht a Malaita, for New Hebrides, via Lord Howe and o. Black a very cosouissMe mstaace down stream to a suitable site, and it is then probable that the greater part of tbe city will hare to be pumped. Tbe em-bom bra Creek, passing as it does through almost tbe Banouo.

Lestos. War Bee, Malt Rose, ManobeL Meto- in the Centennial Hall on Friday and Saturday last. Notwithstanding; the adverse sea tfllaeoirsolate amid her poverty, of the pity that Acrroik isisnaa. Olivebank, four-masted bt) (bom the Heeds), Newcastle. araph.

To and Fro, Storey, Sunlight, Lord Foot. son, there wss nice collection of flowers snd narte, Dunolly, laabestille, Boniface, Delaware, Tinker Bell, Baymore, Beresford, Cullinansn, Moriarty, Lady Ruenalf, Graftonite, Dunnite, Bobby. Kubelik, Bomb, Ballenger, Tbe ParisUn. Scottish Chief, England, Imprint, Alcoy, Belief, Seddon. Iolaire, PUtesu, Demolition, Winteriga, Trsstful, Admirer, Idealist, Motor, En-chsnteur.

Tea Cosy, Ritmo, Capodit, RJa, Wallace, Naiad, ah, for Newcastle, en note from Liver war oea, neaugnw, aiuics, nmnuiuivii au, Biverview, Doy, Maltose, Irishman; Edna May, Psrsee, Hir Awnwr Prvtromi. Orma. Bala-owin. Don Hannlbsl, plants. The proceeds will amount to acorn ucnus oi uw proposeo cuy area, a great Drawback; its catejnmnt area so large that it would be out of tbe question to attempt to cover it, and I think It Will lie vera- 4a trrmt it aa that Ir 70.

Phillipic, Cocenc, Oaks, Bungledoo, Blue Book, Danllo, will sot always be ss eyesore to tbe city. Wight, Ngsruboe, Lady UobadU, William, nuanaa, uvt- BELLINGEN, Tuesday. pool. Age, for Melbourne, via Newcastle. Dart, training yacht, on a cruise.

Alrile, for Sinsapore, via ports. Westralls, for Hobart. Pilbarrs, for Ft mantle, via ports. Wotlonars. a.

for Melbourne. Mariee, Lord HyDia, TBsroour, ayeaagene, ioru nterston, FlmL Lady Buenalf, Perdition, Mirabis, Bri tain NH Tsnk Cimw- Tnirrat. Alibi. Fortunaa, ne crrppie naa not oeen taken instead. Then tier heart nearly bursting at the thought, she folded the cripple in her arms, saying that its very defects physically made It the dearest to her of all.

And the preacher followed up this story by saying that before anyone eottld comfort others he had first to know what Jt araa to suffer himself. From grave Drj Chapman passed to gay, and from gay to graVe again. The "forgotten i secret" was how to -pray. There had to be a awunmiriaB me navecuve menu 01 tne xwe ntea, the Oasbezxa site iiniWliaed nrmnta Kt ros-rW lliicrr, i rue wm, Dnwauiig, uivliiki, Banavie, Slipper, Rahnorsl, Al Caaba, Carl Dour, Son of A couple' of months ago subscription lists' were sent out to obtain funds to relieve the Armlet, rWtea, AH Red, Bright Steel, Cithara, Tbe Freima-, Bonnie Lassie, Bonax, Motoa, UeUtat, a uun, lauiy inauey, bodw, iiercu, wupuna, auu- widow and alx vouna children of the late air. New fionth Wales.

Unsettled to ninin msn. Wyrcema, for fktown, via Brisbane and ports. Pink fin. Imnrint. Hohbv.

Bomb. Rraurunoe. anox, faculties ior tbe trestment of sewmce, and the storm-water qiaeation Is easily dealt with. If it sttouM be decided by the sxitborities In charge of the city that would be mideairsble to discharge the scourings from tbe street surface into any artincial lake that would with northerly winds, veering later to wnierty. Bvdoev tries.

P. Sheridan, who about that time was drowned Kertie, Socialtit, Idyll, Georgia, Tiercel, Bhobi, Late InHnaan ftnn nf the Marah. Gsbv. Master Foote. in tbe south arm of tbe Bellinger Hiver.

in Uours, epryrooc, Aiawa, ixeBov, win, uiavwuww, collectors have met with very liberal response, Hyman. Resales, Flsvinius. Artillerie, Oolden Slipper, Metograph, To and Fro, Storey. Sunlike, Lord Foote, M.liman Patpuae. ftemM.

RalaTOWan. DOU- MoerskiVs, for Newcastle. 1 June Le Malre, for Batavia, via ports. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. --June ne lomea ior the beautUcaUon of the city, then means would have to be taken to interceDt the etena- sna un usance.

THE METROPOUTAN of 8000 hannibal. BotHeld. Lady Wilde, Syesdgerie, Lord wster drains, and carry them to a point in the Mo-leurlo RWer bekrw the lake. Thla wt-nld tmt he a nw and, including 20 odd collected for the same purpose on the Nambucta, a total of over 100 has been subscribed. It Is Intended to place the money In the care ot trustees, to be drawn Bobrikoff, Downfall, Buckleberry, Grey.

Phrme, Ws-Ihaua, Gidysa, Unceols, Flying Machine, Abbey Boy, South Australia. Light to heavy and general rains recorded over State south of Alice Springs. Western Australia. Light rain recorded along the south coast. Queensland.

Light te moderate rain ncecded throughout lanbasrd and south-eastern districts. Tasmania. Light to heavy rainfall recorded la north and west, SYNOPSIS. CONDITIONS AT 8 A.M. New South Walea Cloudy to overcast generally, with showers or raining at scattered places in south-western naif of State.

Victoria. Overcast in extreme east, otherwise generally unsettled to raining. South Australia. Gloomy or raining tlttoughout Western Australia. Fine in Murchisoa snd over Gold-neldsi -cloudy to raining in JUinberiey and along south oosat.

Queenslsnd. TfTrrttrJirirfg and showery along Padnc slopes snd East Darling Downs; unsettled snd raining in far south -west; otherwise fin but cloudy. Tasmania. Overcast, threatening, or raining generally. 1 BAROMETERS AT 9 A.M.

CajTarven, 9.88; Geraldton, 80.15; Perth, 80.85; Esperance Bay, 80.34; Eucls, Stresay Bay, 29.93; AdeUide, 20.83 Robe. 20.78; Portland, 28.79; Mel-bourne, 29.88; Wilson's promontory, 29.77; Gsbo Island, 20.08; Cape Bt. George, 80.04; Newcastle, 80.15; Port Macquarie, 80.21; Clarence Heads, 80.27; Brisbane, 80.28; Kocsaharaptoo, 80.13; Maoksy, 30vO5; Oooktown, 20.96. 'TEMPERATURES. Perth (for the 84 hours ended st 0 maximum 68, minimum 42 Adelaide, maximum 62, minimum 53; Melbourne, maximum do, minimum 68; Brisbane, maximum '78, nxinlmum to, Hobart, 06, mlni- Mokcja, for Auckland and outer New ZMbmd genuine desire behind It, divorced from all selfish motives.

Faith was shown to be a large factor, and then followed a description of the faith of a lttle boy's first He was sent off alone' to see how he would get on. but his father shadowed him. First the fishes In a creek attracted him; then butterflies. He chased the butterflies UU. he got lost In an wm aaWltta lit gcajauvi 10 VttnDCXTS, Dot WOU1U in olra an enocitxrss exDeadltnre in ccnnsjctioo with Palmer.

ton, Bungledoo, Mariee, Tumut, Banqua i WILLI AMSTOWN CUP. Svdnev Entries. by Mrs. Sheridan, in equal monthly allowances ZT Amador! porta; hsrort. for Btrabsn, Regatta Point, Devon port, and Burnte: s.

for Eden snd Melbourne: reranai noQatf an the artiU1 lak mmn-m Yugilbar, s. for the Macleay, River; llosedale, s. for RTmin tn.hv.. Vt.H Kfnsp TJidua. FiavinioK.

Mont until exhausted. Multiple, Martinet, Gaby, Rosalie, Master Foote, Le- CESSNOCK, Tuesday. gatlofl, Togo, Mai tine, Dr. Lunn, Didus. TrrrrnoTe, On Saturday evening Mr.

Thomas M. Gibson, Tinsel, PMpalmn. Flsvinius, Lady i Montealm. Bs, nariM.P a tlia rvmanrwlr cn- Hyman, Blue Garmente, Olivanter, Warstar, Artillerie, ntll lately manager of the cessnocK oo- m-. Welcome Triat.

Jollvmont. calm, Lady San; Prince Foote, Lord Foote, Sun like. we aviHuni- suvcr, nunter, ior newcasue, CLEAR ANCKS.Jnne 1. VlcVOa-ls. unsettiea mrouKrwu nuiser sesssi rains, becoming squally and rough along tat era, line, with winds veering westerly and Queensland Mostly finer, but more or las osss) In the northern half, but further showeri as tat east north from the tropics, with fresh to soudlr ssss essteriy winds; unsettled grot rally orer tbf ssstass.

hair with rain. South Australia. Fine In tbe interior, still fettu? eloudy over settled areas, with westerly to trsjtgxrtr winds, fresh sod squally In the tooth sad avas-east '-f Western Australia. Except some light ihummV, south coast, weather generally fine south at tst trsskst cold st night inland, cloudy more or lea is ttaiaef, districts, with some scattered nisi; easterly winds. Tasmania.

Rains, with squally northerly ts assm) and south-westerly winds, strong in the- west ASTRONOMICAL MEMORANDA FOR JUNt Bun rises 8.6L sets 4.64; Moon, 8.68 p.ra.,'4Jami Mercury, 8.8 a.m., 0.0 p.m.; Venus, 7.38 ts p.m.; Mars, 11.8 p.m., 12.23 p.m.; Jupiter, ItUtLSa ettbride of the city, the sewage ot the town of Qoean-bryan, which is better than a village, can be dealt with and treated la the same nvaitser ss proposed in cermsetlon with the Federal City, snd the effluent. Wfrieh wmild ha tarntev trrin thm Unlmwln American cornneia, ana nignt came upon nun. The only thing be could think of waa nraver. uaw nee, ttea nnignt, eiiviDasvn, nijiwu, bH Ivinl Rlx. Ralfrawan.

Onms. Doiabanmbal. Malaita. s. 0S tons.

CDtain Vov. for New nebridea. operative Dairy Company, was presented wlthipjr outbreak. Little Lord, Li nacre. Ham, Ado- Kyeaugerie, UngarieIrd Palmentoo, linacre, Little via ix) ra uowe sna won oik istamos, witn and kneeling down in the cornfield he said the only one he knew.

When the first words were ids. Kuvcra, Banttago, Thoaford, Eric, Silver MfNi, aUUW uu, arum. River, will be free from any objection. There is, how-sver. In airr mr no HfSWilf a- ta ha aniiiWrsatahrl In as -per use puoiunen yesurasy.

out of his mouth Father" his Hampton, naivaaora, jaarsnui, sooMaui, aav, Qoeen, DoplomstUt, Qneen, Loyal, Bine Grist, Vaiwirti. Porch. Bnckle. Mool- Koorings, s. 8174 tons, Captain N'TJoosld, for -Fre-msntle.

vis Port Kemhla. deaJing with ita drainage. father picked him up. The story waa well 1 HAWKESBtiRY GUINEAS. Era, 2378 tons, Captain Egan, for Melbourne, vis laia ahnrtsrine.

Vgivaanr. Rlnjr'a Crass. FeatbeTfrtitcb. told, and the congregation looked as If it triin poutroon rrom tne eateanwnt areasof the Queanbevan and Molonglo BMrrv, should For the Hawkesbury Guineas, to be run for In the newcaauf a puree UI MfloniilUB un ujv vv mm vio- parture from, Cessnock, Mr. Gibson 3aas accepted the position ot secretary at the Leoonfleld (Branxtoh) Butter FaeLory.

The inatallatlon of the telephone exchange at the post-office will be completed jaext week. Word hi to hand, through Dr. Llddell, M.P., to the effect that all preliminary details have been settled In connection with the erection sb, 3787 toss, 1 Captain Daries, for New- Atnata. ticovcn ne, reinno, uKc, 8ha(tbury, War Bee, Malt Rose, Monobel, Meto-; anHntr of 1910. tbe added money ts sou guineas, anu unjaE mnauv ma pnrfierTy or tne ntaic the DUritv of the streama can be maintalrttyf gmder aera Narad, eastln.

(would nave liked to applaud. MEETINGS AT GLEBE. the distance' a mUe. The winner oi ue wwetuii tion 4, and regulations of the Water Rights Act, IKS; Alrile. a 2397 tens.

Gsntain Wilson, for filnirnmrsi grapb, '1U sna pTO, oiorey, rnoce rime, ouiuiae. Lord Foote. Bsw Bee, Hayfield, flteppingstone Red Guineas will have to carry 101b penalty. The The mlssloners opened their attack on the via ports, psaseranrs ss per lint published yes- atnies, Baisui, voy, maivoso, PsrsM Sir AvmOP. PfltOai.

OrCUS. Don Hatmlbal, entries received yesterday were the following: miner rrxuaq ui mc rriuiiu ncaita ACT. OT IWa, The question of slnuvetbe result of mining operationscan be dealt with under aeuttoo Ixt of the Min- bur Aet Of 1BIM. WakatiDU. a 1945 tans.

Csntain Graham, for New. T.antana Mrmwn' rSe f. hv TlSut Bri on Trieste: a ai miUlDU. bOCCUC, HUICK rNi uwa, FuU Moon, June 4, st 11.25 a.m.; New aot'JUf 18, st 9.28 s.m. Hlrh Water at Fort feoistm st 7.11 ta, ad UI uui blk c.

by Haut Brinn Idolatry; ch by Flams tUVXitt MaSarJHlI). The heights above summer level of the iiusad rivers or tne nsw auQ wit, o-. Book, Danillo, Mariee, Sheen, Status, Ooldw City, Department has been asked to call Te Amour, Proportion, Klkhorn, Solomon, Kyeadgerle, Westrslls. a. mtU tons.

Csntain K11. fm nnhavt tne detailed reperts of the. ottlcer who was ehsrged with the investigation of these sites sre attached for uieoe last evening, wnen tne first or a series evangelistic meetings was held in the local Presbyterian Church. The seating accommodation was taxed to its utmost, but 76 per cent, of the audience con-r sis ted of women. There was a big master in Nereid Ztlpcrt Aero; Holstreant; Wilson's Promon-torv; mnninnatl: eh f.

hv Sir Trim tram Enoore: Oroya, R.M.B., 297 toss, Csntain Laws, for Brisbane. utrormanon. iw arara naumen deals oart rith the tenners ior tne worn as vsny-sw wmwm bora immersion, ungme, nun, mmij imwiui, aii-uuf T.1RMORB. Sundav. Britain, DiU, Duke of CHarance, Liiid Wsllace, Le Malre, 8024 tons, Captain Potjewd, for hr hv A ww luirM.n Idrlv flrttnn hr e.

hv Maltster BTwu mafCm 01 ine orairiaga, OZ ane sad their UabiKty to pollution. -Wild Rose; ch by Maltster Egste; ch by iHuavia, via porta. ENTERED 1, An unoccupied cottage near the pound was JKS, fxAl: totally burnt to-nlxht. air. Georse Cottee waa in mUw Ktvirr-Keriie: ifonodiit.

Fierv Star. Maltster Knergy; br by Maltster ldy Margaret Pkautreanx Bon Bov Scout: br f. by St. "ALL BLACKS" st 10 a.m.; a lan neb, at ta; iNrata, efl Uunch, st 5 p.m. Psssed; June 1, lisstlngs, at 8 p.m.; rHt nf nnrtia.

a. at nn. nannlleSS. B. at 12.80 Ovland.

ft, for 'Ocean Island snd Ynawalrl Mi MarsLegio: Sweet Adeline; PeroU; bf by Sir the owner of the house, which was outside idyll, Georgia, Tiercel, Dhobi, Santos, Trafalgar, Mala, Is, for Wellington: Allinws, for RocManrptoe. via Keynote, Barm, Snow TrtttraraMuta; br by. Mncsster worny uraxii the water reticulation A fiOOn STRONG TEAM. Brootong, Spryfoot, A laws, aboes, and Master SoulL Macleay, a. at 8.80 Boscdale, at 8 uriavwaci aupicaa, uq, ior uisoorne, flewessue.

n9 onoir gauery, nut nere again per cent. of the singers belonged to the fair sex. However, Mr. B. W.

Naftsger, tbe soloist -of the mission party, proved a boat in himself, and fcy his sweet and rendering of the hymns made up for the absence of male voices. Mr. Charles M. Alexander, wLj had charge the musical arrangements, went clear away from the orthodox method of church singing, -and roused the congregation to a sense of Yellow Flag: Peso; Greenbank; Hartfell; Nancy Stair; Dumpling; by War God Beeswing; ch by Flavus Spanish Ladyt by Sir Tristram Welcome FEDEHAL ABBTTKATI0N ACT. 1 1 APPEALS TO HIGH COURT.

MKLBOpRNE Tbe special case Stated by Mr. Justice Hlr The Moerski brought to Sydney yerteriay fla liH Black' team, who arc to play in Rugby MM AUTUMN slEETlNO, 1011. MOVEMENTS OF OVERSEA a. all south. NEWCASTLE (62m).

A it: June 1, HUwatha, ihlp, from Adelaide; OpJand, from Melbourne; Derwent, DuckcnOeld, Hunter, Sydney, Ouraka, Kivmin a. lliimv. a. Allee. s.

Snhene. a. Lubra. a. The foliowing aires have been nominated for the Sires Maeedonia, R.M.SL (P.

snd O. Corapany'a service), league inatcnes in uyancy atta nruDsne. iss sssr ben of the tram now In Svdnev are: 8ulhna. likh Queenie; Iktrnndo; Golden Foote; Blue Point; Bonia; Gewong; Blue Band; ch by Dora Blue;" nmi MnwiD, nonnu oyiiney, jeit voiomoo Sunday last for Fiemsntle. straat ffapin-V Pi tad tat Kissr Mmn.

True Blue, Haut legatum; Odist; wosd; csyenne; Braxpan Sea Shell: or br f. bv Lancaster RosfBsnk: f. Ultobnnks, Helen Nicholl, Wyoming, s. Clan gins. President of the Commonwealth Court Byrne, J.

Spencer. G. Spencer, House, Eiaf, ,) land. Hooker, George, Barker, and sc. Frsser is ntsnaging the tvsm, snd states that stsf i Geelong (Lund.

Blue Anchor line) arrived at Durban i-lnnV Sir Tristram (imtk). Bin Francisco DBEAPHOTJGtHT FUAU. BRANCH At LEICHHARDT. A public meeting was held tn the Letelt-hardt Counell-cbauibers on Monday night to establish a branch of the Dreadnought Fund. The Mayor Alderman TiwadmM) piwaMed.

or Arbitration and Conciliation, tn connection by LsjicsstcrNowra Maid; Canoobar; Klcctrie deep Interest In the service of sons which MacpfaeiTon, sb, all from Hvdoey; usnuttmry, oq, from Tcrtoralillo; A pari ma, from Port Cltslrnen. Scottish King, Witm sUltater. Ibex, Havoc, ine rentaiMOff nve men arnve inm. on sronnay arrcrrioon, cn route irom bydney, via Dorta, bormd to TvOTxlon. Hessen (Nord-Crrotsrher Lloyd esrro servfre) left Dor- Grafton Ayr taldle Sylvan ite, Merv Dep: June 1, Hawk, for Fort stepaens; Hurray.

land they will have a really good largely formed tbe first part of the proceed-Ings. ci: oy jnex siias nnuternm; uy toex stirs; Purple Heather; Glndswood; Dextrine: Bine Gem; Wayward Lassie: ch f. by Orsil Fritters: Bairnesdale: with the dispute between the Federated Sawmill, Timber-yard, and General Woodworkers' Association, against James Moore and Co. and (iiwt.) Fononatus timp.i, sawuiaroi, o-wiuw Qren Bee, KJlUrbrsnlu, s. Lubra, DuckMnWd, team includes men drawn from tbe smatasi, mt Tiialm Cnn fltntvi.

fimn 1, Ean on rrw issi en roon rrom Bretnea and stntwerp. ISV11S. uiip Then came the address of Dr. J. Wilbur mnuie Wilbertroy; Dimple Bobby; by Simmer Developer New haven, Orril WavrUne Gun.

Kaispoi, a. for Tsiimsraan ports, via -rJydney; James other timber merchants, came before the High many of them will le unknown to league lonM enthusiasts bete, BulUvan is tmiddered tha tat 'i forward of the bunch, while George is tspcctsl a) Dumbea. Hf 'flfl nm i tl MWtlinaa waeKat The UV Horse, Posits: isL AlwriM rvwia- hM. fnv A tark land Alabaina. a.

for Melbourne. Stirring patriotic add mas as were delivered by Rilles on Friday Last from Noumea sod Sydney, ria leaser, Bobedil, Csiawir, if, w.usce, casu, Chapman, who selected tor his text the passage of Scripture, "No man cared for my soul' -The address was short, full of Interest, and bristling with anecdote, but it was emotional, and in this respect it was characteristic In ngurc well st nail-uacx. King awe aa a back or in the forward line. wkO Bsas lhav CATHERINE HILL BAY (48m). Arr: June 1, WaK lsrah, st 9 from Bydney.

Dep: June 1, Wullarah, s. at 8.30 for ftdney. BAKRANJOKY (li). Arr: June 1, Genoa, tttuna; Marcaux; moisx; ttoortnga; rumen; winxer; Cadonis; -br by True Blue Specula; br by True Bloe dam by Sulphur: fUly, by Grafton Mist Mrios; Eurolet; blk by Maltater Foreaf Maid; br by FoftuivtusAslrep; by Flavus toekatitch: ch 5 by Epinidon Elvira; Double Tape; Bsndabab; Danceresf Karush: Pirunoner: Sweet Brew: br snd Mr. M'Arthnr applied to the Court1 on behalf of the Commonwealth Government for leave to Intervene in the matter.

He understood that the Court knew something of the case. It snd Bucktand are good firc-cighths. G. Bpeatsr ECHA1U7HOR8T DUE TO-MORROW. a splendid foil-back, and was In Sydney togtAacr st anchor.

M. his brother tn the New Zealand amateur teas SM The Genhan mall steamer Scliarithorst, from Bremen and SemthMmntaei. vis na-trta waa in ka. mg.i having granted leave to Intervene to tbe New SOUTH HEAD t-rssscn ve years back. The fomartta arcrage about 14 ass north a motion that a branoh ot the fund bs formed In Lelchhardt was submitted.

1 A gentleman rose ta the body ot the hall, and InUmated that he desired to move an amendment, The chairman asked was the gentleman a resident of Lelchhardt, and the. reply was no, that he came from Redfsrn. boOTne at 10 O'claelf iaat niaHal- anrl artWanM VICTORIA, BACma CLUB. MELBOURNE, Tuesday.

ybq. In tow. at 6.30 p.m., tla a at Alt In bsWL r. I in lsrl.t atwl tho har-L-tt Itfuil 111 mttmt. south wales oovernment.

blk tiy ltelmcny--Latem; ch by Sir Foote Astonia; by Abundance Turquoiie; br by Simmer Honolulu; f. by George Frederick very way of tho gathe; Dr. Chapman's i appeal went Mght home to the; feelings of bis hearers, who, when called upon to suddenly proclaim for responded well. But It also set one or two of tho old elders of the kirk, who had been long accustomed to dwell The team Biwecdcd to the AaricultTiral I MJM fd-hrafltVn SimV AaT! JUM 1. WsllSTTtd.

yesterday, snd attar a nm spptarcd to be wjt Josephine; Grem Flag; ch f. by Tho Irish Horse-. The Chief Justice: What, are the points In TorvedT Mr. M'Arthnr: The points Involve the con Djonry a. anout noon Tomorrow.

On arrival the Bcharnhorst will berth at tbe Nerd-dMrtseber-Lloyd wharf on the western side of the Circular Quay. at 7 s.m.; Mount Kembts, at 12.40 pnu, both from gOOd iCitStaaX). ruTUfi-riiT. tivrmrtnw Syojiey. Dtp; -lone waius-na, --v ssDorsH sasds to-day by awssrs to tbe inviU' Tsc.

stitution and tne interpretation or Aroi- The chairman said he would take no amend- tke of tbe varisus tsoing chaw to soonast far the The team was omdally recei-cil In the tftenisi jl meat. They must vote either for or asslnst: rUAsLA June 1, Kiaras, at 4.451 piiTtrom Bydney. DP: June 1. Kianis, 7.80 ROSKHILL GUINEAS. wanaka wrrn cargo of oats.

The t7ni0U CtWmsUrv'a CSl-sm fSttenwP WatvaVw mwUm acvtaat sveats shaad wag very graurying. in a Calvlnistlc atmosphere, thinking. They were hot very sure whether, Cere was not a strong ring Armlnlantsm about the- pro-' ceedlngs, and whether the grand old doctrine i of predestination bad been entirely lost sight' Entries closed yesterday for the Rcsridn fkneaa. tMtc. wss a tscord entry te tetk the Miiourns -Tjey' Jtrne a stesmer at ine vesunuie or ine iow-n uau uy nr.

r- w. van, M.L.A., pnsident at the league, the riwaj Mr. Alexander Knox, Mr. Dottaldion, M.LA., oH nf Innl til 9 PH. Them WSS SB SttSS a cargo of about 17,000 bags of oats from New Zealand, is due here on Friday.

Tbe eats are to be Cop sad the Xautttld Oop, and the sama remark a sweepstakes of 30 with 800 sovs. added, for Uuyear-olda, to be ran far in Septanber. 1010,. the s-; plies to some ot the otasr events, snce aitogether of at lex.t couple of hmiditd. Mr.

OBulUvsn said tli.t, like themselm, tst or in tne preacner remaiKs, nut it wis a revival meeting, and the mls usnmimeu toe hum star liners tor tsoodon. TAWATA MARU DUE THIS MORNTNO. tollowing being received tratlen Act as to what la the meaning of an industrial dispute extending beyond one: State. The Court granted the and tbe ease was est down for argument on June In tbe reference from the Court of Conciliation and Arbitration In the matter of the application by the- Amalgamated Society of Engineers to have the name of the Australian Institute of Marine Engineers removed from the register. It was decided to hear arguments on the reference Immediately after arguments sloners accomplished their object fully.

Blue Stocking; Wan gar; Msrkdagery; Calsre; by ITLLADULLA (lOSmJ.Arr: May 81, Moruys, at 8 plmTfrom the south. Dep: May 81, Moruys, at XV Ccrnon- Ze slanders came of nntinn siock, ana wss countrr. Thanks to his old friend, Mr. Be4kB, Hf The Japanese mail trtesmcr Yawata Man, from' Toko- mission, is to be continued In. this church sach evening until Saturday.

had bad chance of looking into some of hi sas bilities when he waa in New Zealand two mn derry. at 0 p.m.. for Sydney. IfOrtUTA IIEAIK. June 1, Clan lirmnani rromise; uy isocnnocr laturei; IT.

Dilution; Inspection; Danube; Acrostic; Forriieden; by Machine Gurr-Gcprgiiia br by St Mars Legio; Lantana; Roaren; br f. by Haut Brton (imp. Trieste; blk ck by FJsvus (Imp.) Nereid: Bon Wiscoj Boy Scout; br by Maltster Lady Margaret Af tsr some applause, the chairman informed the gentleman: Ws do not want your amendment; we do not want your speech, and we do not want' your The meeting, he added, had been called for the residents of Lelchhardt, sad he requested that the genUeman should retire to Redfern and deliver his speech there if be liked; but he was certainly not going to let him deliver It there. 1 The visitor took the hint, and was escorted to the door by an officer of the council, to the accompaniment of loud applause on the part of the The 'resolution was carried with four dissentients. IntjTe, at a.o p.m., uorm.

KlTIuBOURNS OUP, of 6000 tova tm, Bobrikoff, Downfall, Lawrenny. Golden Gate, Jsck Smith, Barm, Spryfoot, Alawa, Mother Goose, Lord Dudley. Jean Crawford, Brtowshoet, Suflce, Poaitn, Ventuaiist, Congs d'EaUrs, ldU, Fiery Star, Herova, Queen o' Scots, Kildeso, Burston, Grafton, King, Ms nana, Kstsjiga, Cherry Lsss, Ktricmsidtn, Braaseur, Port Logaa, Orlam, Mindful, My lister, Dbobi, Santos, WWdgil, Sperry, Le Jeune, Even Time, Flavian. Monodist, Nobel, Medge, Oeofaria, Lord Desmond, Caloric, Uxbridge, Lltbgow, Ambrosia, Bonnie Wallace, Boidoi, Kerlie, SocUlUt, Arba, DeUwsre, Tinker, bvrnore. sfoanl.

lalnenrv. Ptatnla. Tm. CASUALTIES. as in their own country, snd he had no aoaBtttJ match next Saturday would bo as fine a .1 i tJX Kntfl- hiTA tha Stom po, is oue ac eyuney ajsriy tnu morning, and will berth st the Quay.

She vignaUed Ta clung Point st B.46 p.m. yesterday. CHINA DUB TO-MORROW. They, and O. Company's R.M.8.

Chins, from London, resumed her voyage from Melbourne yesterday, snd is due here to-morrow morning. Arr: June Eden, a at 0.30 BEKMAOUI (lesm). Deo: June 1, Eden, s. at IS from eyaney. br by Ayr Laddie (imp.) Lady Grafton; br br MaltsterWild Rose; br by Maltsters-Eagle; ch TRIPPED AND FELL.

walking along WelHngton-rstreet, whichever It might be. Tboy would htvs tat t4 of fsir play and a good run for their 8nea of the theatres would bo open to them in tse nj ing, snd In tbe day he would try to iirrinri trw for them to Mori's Dock and round the urtxxr. OflEtaf CAPB June 1, a steamer at 3 a.m., one at 7.10 p.m., both nor GABO f238m). Paaeedl. June-1, Karon, st 4.30 by suUtater Knergy; Lady Frisco; Wilson's Promontory; Clncinatti; ch by Sir Tristram (imp.) Encore; br by MaUeter Rosctto; by Ban Francisco (imp.) in tne sawmuiers' case.

Vv1' cesshook: colliebies. yS: PROSPEROUS -WINTER' CESSNOCK. Whilst Newtown, Mrs. Margaret Lane, a. resident of BisbopBgate-street, 1 LORR SHAFTESBURY ARRIVEB.

hc British fourimasted barque Urd Bhaftealmrv, with a cargo of 'of Oregon, snd 420.031 aged 60, uismsy; xiuper: acto: iioisurain; uawong; iiiu f. bv Flavus-HDora Blue: Ltnratlon: OdiBt: lo Vouni, Gsy Perilous, Dunolly, Bendff Dunnite, Bobby, Phytadjl, Kubelik. Disbolq, Xewtown, tripped and fell, striking her head wn.SWs' PB01I0NTOBT Inward: JUf-JLi. 4 1 rL. hon, The Mayor was appointed hon.

treasurer. Wosd; Cayenne; by Incarter-Rcscnarik; by Lancaster Nowrs Maid: Kef: br or blk f. by Positano mxt ain, usviui, imprint, oooax, aainorooai on the ground. She was conveyed to irince airPAi unanital hv th Hlvii Ambulance Bri- lains arnvea nere yestcrdsy from Eraser River. Strona-gsles were encooiitered on May 18 19, duriiw Which aU'VPlllf aalla nra Inat- 1 and Alderman Pearson hon.

secretary, and a Seddon, Pls'tesu, Demolition, 'Knox, Somruunbulisti Governor, Miidamc Meina, me i .3 Mayor snd others had bpu invited to Jhc iw no doubt some of thorn would come. He Uie silver trophy prewnled by Mrrrs. JK-Tti of Glasgow and London, to the winning JfJ the scries of five matches to be ployed on taj i Ac cultural Ground In Sydney, the mt6TJ2 (imp.) Circe; Canonbar; Electrie Wire; ch by Ibex Alcoy, Knaland, Wuiteriga. UutiUtor, Plea, Scotch i- srttdo' and admitted with siigai concussion to. The local colltcries -have -worked well for the pay just ended, and prospects of constant wbrlc are' bright.

The depression in SeWaiXJurSTtr Eiuyalua, to Sinjaporci Oonah, for Iiurnie: lon-SS, for Ijimclrtoni lonamlncka, for Calroa, i7. srfnee: Chiiu. R.M.8., Kapunda, and Bcham- aire. Ajoerovra. nns tin.

oaitaire. Mntnr fob, towd. FIONA AT FIJI, uo Drain. Tea Cory, -Dyed Garments, seven Oaki, business, caused through the slackness of. Miss Brctborton; by inex attra; cn ny Purple Heather; Gladswood; Dextrine; Blue Gem, Wayward Lassie, ch by Oncil Fritters; Bsirnsdsle; Wilbertro; Glory Dimple; orbr hy Hiut Brion Novelette by Simmer Ssids; Mareaux; Kolax; Aromatic; St.

Margaret; Booringa; Flamen; Winker; Cadonis; hr- by True Blue -Spe- horat. O.Af.S.. all for Sydney. Koor. Jm.

l. Wareatca. DK1V1NU AUVIUIW ITU the ooal trade, is now passing away, and the Dest 'DOlVtcjUBi pjaycr it- ttjtwai would, he said, do a great deal to IHt up JJ '1 Rmrbv sramc. as they called it in England, -u say loctal Sugar Itefinlng Company, Limited, notifying Jhst the new steamer Fiona arrived at Suva, Fiii, from Hydney, on Sunday moralng last. The Fiona is on miners and business people are loosing ior- at 4.15 p.m,, toloraahaaa, at a.i p.m..

ooui iur ward to a prosperous winter, sradin -r the' Aberdan Extended bun it niarc popiuar, Mr. Donaldson as rood a camo vaasB aiuvufx uie ISianUS. vvniie uuiar iiear unuuwiuuia subscription was taken up, the response being regarded as generous. Amount slresily acknowledged 14 II Cltisens 'of Msrrtckville 37 2 II (I. H- rtobertson 0 0 Town sttd District of Orange (first Instsl.

i IM 0 .0 Mr. Justice Sly -10 10 Mrs. M. Hodgson (fledfern) ,1 -1 0 Collection Mxs. Iletherington and Miss -( Ftriwuson, at XdHotig Grove, Shsrpe's Creek, and Wondalgs Picnic).

lift 0 A mend to tbe Lord. Mayor'a sought Fund1 '5'5 B. Pcatifsx and Co, BSD uraav Mrs. Ham-Hnracn was urovn ouu nun our jack Aground at gaps hawkr' had in their lives. cuis; voeen oi auktsiib; oven Aoeime; rcroia; by Positano (imp.) Lsdy Iasors; br by Sir.

Tristram (imp.) Muta; Utile Desmond; br by Lancaster Moray Brssil; TADrXAIDB CWStmL-Arr: June 1, afouaro, from tbe eastern fitatea. PORT PIB1B (iam. Air: Jane 1, Oycle, from 'ajSaOT mOOmH-Arri June anarolaail Htnar1 arm Bttd IntltPlSia lA the Whilst attemnUnaf iv t-rraat in u.i,- i akaat Tri. rnhlll. atronrlorl thA TIStlAIlt.

BDa won every Austrtuian vou tj m. yesterdsy-'mornlng the steamer Our Jsck, belonginr to Allen Taylor's fleet of coasters, grouided near tti end nf the leaartie. "Well (lOJV: jr.uhm.6 ordered her removal cowra Hospital. AdeUide. rameo: Yellow rug; rrso, u-uueu: ivtucj ounr.

Dumpling; ch by Flavus (trap.) Bbl ling; ch by Flavus (Imp.) Eily; by Flavus (impu)--Bofy Bee; mised to attend the matcli if llJlS he wanted them to come down to the pteway sw "nS S2L.a.l. lL i at 4 nvuniuu, o- ail imQi i i.oq, awe, Soult. Kala. Trafalaar, Distillery, Carlton. Boniface, Eighteen Carat, Coonabar, Twdt, Bahnoral, Hetal Otiem.

Carl pour, Kocrlnfa, lady Duul, Sir OJiria, Walpuas, Ualconi, Sydney Xstrlre. The Bklfter, WaUenna, Omy Phinie, Unceolar, Fly-teg Hachliie, aidyea, Abbey Boy, Lord Nclaa, Lord Baroptoo, narel. Son of the' Umh, Aicbaaadnr, Tcgo, alartfaet, Oaby, Hyman, Kalt gleg, Sunny South, nalam. Rose Alller Didsa, Blue OanWj, riayinlul. Be, artilltrie, Boekllght.

Oolden Slipper, Welcome Triat, Linacre. Little Lad, Mliuru, Slradora, Ban-tiaf QrtX. KoagtKl, Vetcgraph, Patrouaua, Hadlr, Buckle, BDsrano, Black Buck, Storey, Bonllke, Lord foote, Prlacs Baw Bee, 8tepniaroa, -Bayaeld, Bed Knlaht, hteollao, Aborlrlna, Oarndcn, IfoldayU, Seatas, uWladairy. War Bet) rMtpad, Loyal Blue. sUraaal, Vsranr, taai-a Craaa, rntarntltch.

Amati, Scotch Pie. PatriUs, Black biauman, PMIlleic, Parsae, Balman, Orcsa, PotosT, Byplay, Donhatuuhal, Te Ajaear, Golden City. Croftoo, Lord Palneriton. Un- Qoeen roote; uuxe rooie; ning oote: uupaisi; AiDfln -i nrwaora -j gau siubi ii auaH nels has been and all haste is now being made in laying the double line, As this work can- only be proceeded with when the pit is idle; 1t will take some time to complete this work, seeing that the mine always works nearly full time. As soon as the lines are laid, the endless rope will be Installed, and the output of the mine' will then double Its present yield very quickly.

At present the, quantity of coal won per-day is about 640 tons. The -miners have at times difficulty in vet tins- msxtT ski oa as ther can All. owing BAR BARBOURS. escort her to the ground. ta Alderman Entrl sb snd Mr.

Knox -ls joinea carnenter. enaaRea at Terragong aiauon, wuen aUia. for London; flohart, at .) p.m.. for Btatea June 1. Plauen, st 4 for home from Herrlwa on Baturaar nignt The following telegrams were received yesterday respecting the condition of the various liar harbours- Caps Hawke.

bar 7ft tin at Marh wata. rrcliy VU1, acitwu, shu, ansa, atvaa- msttsn; by War God Beeswing; ch by Flavus Spanish Lady; by Sir Trlstism Welcome Queenie; Foote: Blue Point; Bonis; br by True Blue dam by Bulphor; Ally, by Gmfton mu irat him Hmrh A. alwiiiror nsfAMt Jnek Banrke the Jrr. for the tm.

a was witn ninx 'iney naa- tost meir wax en on bar, 12ft cn inside channel at high water; Manning! Ha-arla IfMr Ain as haw lAf al. .1 A TtT 7T w.nri Uurrr. and member, of the hessaa sneep run in meeariy. nours tn uu morn- Melos; ch Borolet, by streciyoon-nrciet; br trea, arVhTtniTstnaAaleen! ch bv Enfnlcion Elvira: Ttwsday. The public subsoriptlont received to date for the Dreadnought Fuod amounts to 102 14s auni lix.

IUC uwruuuu vuo auiaj uwium "SL? neit tJmhJ." 1 BETTIBH aSO FOBBlGlf BBOPPDIO. LONDOS, Tuesday- AtyfMhL uvsMoaajl faswa 11 a (m, TELEGRAPHIC SHlPPTNfl to the present system of hauling the skips. iua vaaa wi a vrvva utiar- unuunij match against New South wait, i. but are ma sung, on taefc wnoie. ne.

tana Gastaia Barnet, at Fal- THURSDAY ISLAND June Marsnoa, wuouueu. uriiai ton uuurjiuatu wiui an face In the and mud a tew inches deep. In a1 dased state Bqyke mSS, trim Geelon, lurch and iremantle March with n.818 bja of garie, gjlailaiiH, BotncM, Bnlo, hurabia, Duke of TOWNSVTLLE (1870m). Arr: June 1. Wyw1maAw.

by Elavil- tccgafatch; br by Maltster Trim-mfr; D.8.O.; br by San Fiancisco Yeens; far Doable Fuse, by MaltsterFuse; Bundabah, by Rice (imp.) Secret; ch Dance ress, by Hots Tbe Gaiety. br by Field Battery Alboem; br hV Maltster Atners; ch Pin money, by Maltster llsngosteen; eh Sweet Brew, by Maltaler Fudle; br by Dslmeny Latem; ch by Sir Foote Antonia; by AbuncUn ce Turootse blk by 8immer--Hoaolula: b.f. by George Frterick Jose A new record- has been staWuihed aTthe Aberdare colliery for the output of coal fnt niricie The ttxird outpot ooastl- rinrlrM ai Biif MaVAA in si MiMMar till from Sydney. Dep: May 31,. Taiyuan, for Bris- "l11- i me hm.

nantaln tesan, It. tarsa anmat hnllrf lata tvAM 3 cehtsal inssioir, A service in connection with the Central UVE SIOCK MABKET- y-, MELBOURNE, "ftied In the lire rtock mkrt tM SSipmp sai frtnrwf dar1 ISiraaP ainerla UTwlth 43.3M, tuted 124 wasgons of best large coal and 42 FLAT TOP ISLAND (U25m). Am June 1, Blnsera. a from Townsville. avan.

Wiuwufc rvniwivew in ins ovate. of slack, this amooat wi oeau re- rkntaie WilllanUYJn, cnatsnea, I rani, raeros, ruat, glltborn Lord Wallace, Fcrtosae, ftolomoo, Jinek, BUdt Prince, Oaks, Sheea. Blue Book, Dautle, atarlrc, OBAHD HATIONALPUEDLI RACE of Hit 3m. Karaucs. Orera Valley.

rcauL Kutarma, Wollara, Alert Dream, Maurice, Walou, Blndicta, Oam-bado, Tbe Prior, Vernier, Kiaoa, Waatn. Leeabore, Daalba. Hiatltllrkt. WranaaHe. Banahee.

Euacambene. fey hUrca li.yia Albany March resents aoojut taev tons. itnma rffaAatiafaxtion has bees tn existence phine; colt, ny leremDone koj sieer were yarded. Ow ne to tne ra Seorct The jjrJyJ P- Mission silver jobilee was held In the Lyceum Hall yesterday afternoon. There was a very large congregation, ladles predomraatlng.

ai, ynin iw.w wta. mini amopg the emproyeea of the Aberdare ooUtery yt" TuesdavC" iuces." y'J' and prime qualiuca proven aa. VTi-a. rcrementa. and for inlHil ''J'JSSi Uom the demand ra, deddedlyjrrakrr.

in moat Inatancc. price, ruled bt JLSi 110.1400 tooa. Captala Mnoodaos. at London, from Sydor, vi HobarlTl "elbour April 'i vAtina man named Arthur latsria an nnmtaav over tne aistno-iuon war mtmva jw and evening As a rule, Ue evening (Aarieniagne, 80U00, Indian chief, Inyermayeoa, Aclua, C. it.

cViexanoer sub, ana qunrvcive irum the Chapman-Alexander miaslonalso, joined aoan. uaraai. wimiiooraooioo. (joaeave. RCKAPTON Jmw avility.

fromlroG Islsnd. Dep: May Jl, Timaru, for iron BUNDABERO Jane 1, Tinans, from. Brisbane. Dep: Gayundsh, gunboat, for Brisbane. BRISBANE June reretTineTV Townsville.

Dep: Marloo, and Time, aTtwth for Sydney; ran tali, for Cairns; Bombala, for Townsville; Komnrs, for Bookhampton; Musgrsre. a. for fflsostone; ttocklTly, for Blchnd RIverT TWEED HEADS (g74m). June 1, DuraBbab, ready tor ses. Dep: June 1, Dtjroby, at CM a.m., for Sydney.

Passed: June 1, a steamer, with yellow IWnel. black too. in llabt trim. 8 inaata abrea ftrAJ I. night drank a big dose of Lysol (disinfectant).

A doctor was called In and antidotes were ADELAIDE, Tnesday. The following are the wrinbers of the riotniuations -rho Toeyitt and Moore's shift has been getting la more time than the tv ahiftL and a eounle of devuutlons hsve in the IOU Nick, Tbe CothmJclralua, Kuchanted Bute lew 1 Dualea. Itamleea. Hmh. The Wltuamm.

Th unner latt improwi n. Prime eroabred wethen. Wt to Wj.S"h3l'Z singing. -v annaal sermon was delivered by the singing. Mrana eu dellmriiel -ba aba training eoipj, irum aromn R.T.

Hry Howard, of Adelaide who -a 1W. Iter. Oraijl Md naitiriw him tsJcB these, and thev had a tLi recciven to-nay ror urn Morphetvillo Plate, 87i Sooth Austrslfaa Stakes, nerbv. 8Si Bt. Idger.

St. This gtv ee a total of waited on the managermnt with a view to having the work mors evenly distributed. This, ait, few higher! good, 17 Inferior, from llfi prime orowbred fSfVW 18, few to i good, 186 to inferior, from 10 i prime merino "IT particularly good resetter. He took for bis forced down his The reason, ascribed 201, as gainst 14 last year. This year's figures Ariss.

Ataahua, Golden, Calm, Msai, Star 8toot, BriV err, Kgusraswe, Yarrabar, KDotter, Protector, War- Wainera, waa. oTptaln Blckfced, from London, for Briabane, ii PAthnac. tShaw, Sayill, and Albion Company's (SIT HlUgOSrs, bvuu vapaSriueta waig inaun'a araver was not answered. People were are easily a recovn. however, tne mawgenwn cvuiu n.

way to do. One secUon of the employees of the shifts less than the other. extra, 19 to ai; ooo. at life t. lai Inferior, from 8: with meifno 1 wsagerie, aoCTisnn.

noyai, Jaaiion, ssa uem, uesttnlst, Mondiaba. panjr witn rerusea to go a oau wim sup. i- may niia rraiatiii. nti in icuurmiDg. aft, at 2.40 p.m., sooth.

BYRON BAY (Stom). Dep: June ly Cavanba, at all l0P-sidd-strong on one weak oft the like adamant against certain temptations sail sins; crumbling swsy like pieces of cheese In respect of others. All wore In peril of, loD-Sadedness. A which lumped the The miners at BeUbtr3 ars ew mucn nam I ttw It nrwaaavhls BROKEN HILL., i tn uiiiiw, riBiu; rfune BUwtnsney, line), 12, ttt Captain Kempaon, irom lonoon, torellington ami other Kew Zealand porta, via Cape- AuiS.Ua, (Ty ow'tooa, Capttal Kearney, from London, for Sydney and Mew Zealand, ''rbteey Entries, Warwidgerie, Protector, and AuckUivd.

GRAND NATIONAL BTEKPLKCHABE of son, about Jm and at 0 a.m.. south: larsre Dutch steamor. vins pttti. deicriptlon. the demand wai aetlye, r-fV'J3 eailer' whiM for other grade, eompetitlce "7J at decidedly redoced rate Jf-TL-l nt.

1. 1710. nvJ. 116 tO Um Sara. James A.

Johnson, 21, -a member of the Senior Cadets, was- admitted to the hospital ATTIJlLTTEP TEATS WRKCKSHQ. BWSBANEJ EXPRESS INCIDENT. OUTRA, Tuesday. There sre no further particulars of the att.mi.t ta wreck the Brisbane exoress train. st 8 p.m., bound for Bydney.

RICHMOND RIVER HEADS Jane a large steamer, black funnel, st 10 a.m., Friendship, st 8.4 both north; Duroby, at 1.80 p. mi. points snd tried to- run on two sets ot rails that any further driviiia win soon have to be suspend until the water" baled out. The dorrlek over the sits for the air shaft. Is nearly oompleted, and in all probability tendart will be invited for slAyUng the Bimards.

Frtv. Of to 109; inferior, from 66. tone, Captain Brown, from Llmpeol, lot Melbourne, Syd iwwA XnaAaA a. Wlnntiaattto aatii JsckT Vulcan, HissMtis, Lvcsvon. Klstre.

Btonu. St once caso try nuaswr, ou waa wivu st If he prayed one way and lived' an-m her. disaster was the result. That was KoToroit, Koala Lumpur. Comus, Chivslry, Kiaers, i ttinr iiiai 11 who iuoaiou.

wnn uiaiua waui1 ney, anu i Dssmba, lfelsdsse. Sotiirm. wfiAti 'h wean'on went off. CLARENCE HEADS June 1, an ixilisry fore-and-aft sehooaer. at 148 n.m..

tiorth- a fLuoamcene, tjonros-fin Qttall. Dibto-ilatf'. snatt. where Balaam failed. Ke wanted to die the THE MAILS.

THIS DAY. The police are still investigating. The black- Lady Justice, King's Coustr, r. Antered his right side and passed cargo steamer, black runnel, at Lit south. WOOLQOOLGA (BtWm).

Arri May bonlgo, s. NEW ZEALAND SHTPPINO. AUCKLAND through to the back. It can be extracted death of the rignteous, out ismm to live tne life. He wanted all the pleasures of sin with- tracker S' services were uispouseu wiui ion night.

A rOUCE CELL HOHETMOO a ncuatan. ruaiDoy, uonieuerste, Easy1 Jsck, Jtt Bhsy, Boob, Hawthorn, The Abdallaa, Daisy, Bootnerang, lrcCTStlonl Btartrl. Kaures, Ballaba. Maul. Bribery.

Tracker. Grafnas. lata nm kl DroBcuv vwaii ivitniia ne wan tea to reap wnere ne warsiv rrom snocn. South Atwfwlla. Oyerlend, 5.80 am, Victoria.

Oyerland, 6.86 and 8 p.m. Queeraland. Overland, 3.4S a. Dt ,1 a.m. 6-80 p.m., from Bydney.

Dep. joj Dorrigo, at 8 for Bydney. MACLEAY RIVER HEADS 1, St George, at 1L14 p.m., st anchor off bar. SMOKY CAPE (eMm). Passed: June 1.

ft n- tiy1" June 1, Munila, for Bo- Worlanaster, Beth, Picanirmy. O. Ifonoar. at ta. Oartral feUe.

OmC Tease' iTi V. JTDS BAKrlTTnt. y. Entry. awuii.iK ...1 t.

,1 a M. Auckland, n.z. luuecw. Fill. Tla Auckland.

Mokola and hu. CAULPTKLD CUP, of 8000 sovs. llm. BROKEN HILL, Tuesday. Another 41 men were engaged thla after A MISSINQ COTTER, ADELAIDE, Tuesday'' 'iti tiAna nr the safety of the cutter Pastime.

Barotonira and Tahiti, via DOCTORai' 'V aa.i.i Han: Jobson hss done the meanest fellow and a renag wea. amal i cUrie. of rl.Iv lrZ; uI rloteua beharlenr en fhrertar aflat. iTwsa elicited HPS of SUCh a ntan was little anorf of Blaa-that ther aad ben, married iW ear. The bride nksmoiuv It was an aTerydar einerienc and brtdrfroora of a few hna aad Indulged none too prayers taat did not express the purposes at the jnarrbge few jft watbe time and win of the life were a hideous mockery.

ffS uai" that eight a eeeeUUe haM scene, of nrelry which nfsablsd will. noon for work on the Proprietary mine. All Liwrenay, Jsek Smith Barm Keynote, Spryfoot, A laws. Mother Goose, Golden Gate, Poslto, Ventullat, Urwhriiat. Mvll.

Fisrv Star. Guntwwder. Oonn DeaHre. st 8.1A a.m.t north, PORT MACQUARIE Jans 1, Weo-ehope, a st 6 a.m., lor Sydney; Usstiags, at for Newcastle, TACKING POINT 08m). Psssed: June 1, Myee, at 11.10 p.m., awrth; Yawata Mara, J.Mei, at Ltf p.m, sotrth.

Tfauroto. li am. Taiminia, ria traffic department men nave aino seen oraer- Stranan, neenan, thing I erer heard of. He earn, to my house th. other sight, ate a big dinner, got Indigestion and then went to another doctor to be which left Bdithburgh last month for Port Adelaide, has bean abandoned.

It is now carded as certain that her master, J. Wilson, Tla ateiBOnrne. vonan. TBURSOAY. ed to present- themselves.

The mounted troopers from the Murray district Will return home to-morrow cured. nnoanuneru. imm Aleds. scfa. at 5.80 n.m..

Belli nsrer. s. am BU1WIAI13 IX XAJtlT. caueed blot to aaaHn w.a. ne cm.

aaciB ue. bridegroom nrsing the bride tD )ola him 4n a high-kicking eahlbltko. As tbe sceoe was laid on a city! footpath, the oeicrr bore the pafr eg to thr station. Uunceaten. yU Eden.

Wakatlpu, Ola Eden. Wakatipu. 0 a.m. FIBrlCir. a nunaia.

In water after meals la th. Snowflboes, Perilouj, Woorooms. Suffice, Kildeso, Bunton, Kstajgga, Wlrdgil, Klrkmsiden. Brasseur, Port Logan, Cherry Lsss, Solario, Peep Bo, NardssB, Dhobi, Late Hours, Santos, Master Soult, Kven Time, Sperry, Flavian, Tbiitlcbrook. Jeune, Mindful, My Sister; Scobia, Cleorgis, Nobel Medge, Ambrosia, Lithgow, Lord tfesmond, Osloric, Kerlie, Soelsllst, Moaody.

Boimie Wallace, ivimmerette, Trelovouni, Psttoja, TrairWtory, Dunolly, La Bastille, has arena to a siTTRnirLaAJt RlfEUMATISsf for Bydney- CROWDY HEAD (147m). PsJsed: June 1, Aiatra-lia, ktch. Euroka, 1120 p. both north. fr.t to DIGESTION and speediest cure naiLni.HiBuiia.

10. -Port amcquarie. Wauchope, 16 am. a) OF KANAKAS. ntVhS SaVrSSrS tadd a flw.hi5'; It dlscoTtrred, y.strt.r morning that Seated JSy to Ihlerea had entered the of Mr.

gld- aamraoMn la often attributed to defeettv Kr HBADACHB known. Ann tnu mum iubw vcamoee, Baulna, nrcauwater, anu wnwu Orafton. 1 n.m. u.a. at cu a.m., nTniont, st i. rrom Mrd- kidneya, This, In metaure, ljt only a bogeys An smciem All chemists. Is per bottle; four time th. New BriUui, German New oohiea, "P- i.f Rontkong, and Japan (d.rect).-rrla ney. vep: tions ayss, si v.iw ior as atac Uver.

BRISBANE, Tuesday. The work of deporting kanakas from Queens am advert ising tries, kidneys are eorrect--oeTer fear, f- a. ad. It you -Day. st ner bottle CAPS HAWKE June 1.

Oar Jsek. a. naed ananttty of crothlrHi -and Hweiiery and jj Diboio, v1 phii oooHlsh, -1 aoanutr wibiih mivi nu- fa-mi i saooish tc aw tn niaa eases out of ten the pains are Von cannot get a better Tonic for INDIOE8-urltlimrj -than nnuiii'l at 8.40 s.m.. and srooaded tt end of land bss not yet been completed. A small number are now.

being gathered at Brisbane. wau. wall SlrJpon7and Japan Ports twt Port Hcrrjor. Th-nrday tSJSSm hays, araanmc. sad he aria, BMthln but UXjBCVVAK nBKXJUATVOi, BEAL sVOCKS i June Nerestg.

s. iiui. AX 7s 6d is mosey, rfortlon of the 0les g'J'nt grWsll -skW. Srddon. Wsire: of property trerewrvd aft.

Robert F. Wyly. whs pVtean? Dtrnrtion. Wmtsrigs, Traitful. Kambrook.

It lives St the ssSVSS, Th total VSJUS Of th Bocvsa? atousr, Adndrer, Movoa, Saltarde, Pink Un. 1: aiguassi. AU Res. Wssoa at Meat WllMss IFor troubles connected with law hi da trr.WOLnv 80HNAPT cltesys APF. They will bs sent away as soon as stesmsr pav, aorts; wsnesssfs, avf s.oo pav, soma.

PHOSPHKBINE, Ba oar and get i- i hUlra, aa PJa. nms aim asssi rosse aurws, la at on, attaaaaihw aad haal waa a boat MMi gfi'' saat tras ahemt 4M, sasLLr removed by taking arflps or fTSHMR'a PHsPHlNsl. 1 assasstts, Hi toK pm. 1 I 1 Ml,.

The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)
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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.