The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)


of No. 2ft Torfc fctrcet. is probably the most; extensive coin collector in the cityv He delights mncli in exhibit in? him flao collection to an interested spectator as the latter in viewing it Although a very i ufv man he nnda considerable time looking up new and valuable adiii i ions to hi storehouse While thus eo cceil he hat gleaned a considerable mount ef knowledge relative to the toryof American coins. To a renter who visited him the other even Mr. Gobeille very kindly exhibited collection and gave many valuable of information in the history of nricaiv coin.

The first coin ever is ia this conn try vu the eld fash ed cartirheel cent." The first issue is ia 17J3, and there were three die With the single exception of a year' 1815 there has been cak in 'the issue of cents, from that so to the present. The labor reqnired i secure a sample of the three varieties cents made in 1793 is very great, and bring from $2 to $3 each. The eent 1714 ia a trifle more common and can bought for about CO cents, while a pie of the issue of 1795 ia worth $1 35. was in this year that the liberty cap 3 changed to the fillet head, and these issued regularly for thirteen years en the Goddess of Liberty appeared rthe face of the coin with thirteen ir surrounding it. A eent of the issne lTlflMf in good condition, is worth 1 or 0.

It is said in explanation of that the scarcity of 1799 pennies re .3 from the fact that a number of. yet on hand and unissued Iron mint were struck over in 1880 to sup a deficiency tn the latter year. In, the Philadelphia Mint, the mint then in operation, was med down, and no cop were issued that year One the rarest cents extant is one issue of i year 1817, when the number of stars rronndina: the Goddess of Liberty's I rd was increased to seventeen. 8v thousand of these were stamped aen the two additional stars were re jved and the remainder of the issue of jat year appeared with the original Uiirteeu stars. From 1817 until 1358 there was do change in the dies.

In the latter rear the small nickel cents, with the eagle, were stamped. These are very rare. Although a dozen years ago ey circulated freely they cannot now 1 purchased for less than $3 each, and fin very good condition often bring much more. The issue of the bisr copper ji at was not discontinued until 1857, but Lotmany of them were coined ia that vur. andthia, fact makes them worth.

'W so to 75 cents each. From 185A to there was no ehange. but in the Iat year, the Indian head, surmounted its night cap of eagle feathers, was i rrodnced. There were tire years of nn issne of this latter cent, when. nzewassubstitutedfornickeland has 1 cu continued ever since.

The smallest i umber ef cents issued in any one year in .111, when, but were ed. The maximum was reached in ,3, when the number stamped reached enonuom aggregate or 51,180,000. cents of the various years have a T.lne distinctively their own. A. 1798 is valned at $1, 179T at 60 cent 1 at 80 eenta.

1800 at 40 cents, 1801 at cents. 1803 at 50 cents, 1903 at 20 cents, 1 1804 at tlX The year 180S i one of coinmonold dates, there peniues stamped that year, while 7UO.0OO were coined in 1804.1 The rt rit of 1805 is hard to set. ad eost and that of 1806 is harder still, Kng alont $2 25." A eent eoinedin i9 worth 25 cents, in 1808 Si, and in I j4. Plenty of the issue of 1810 may te Lad for IS cents each. An 1S11 cent is worth 1 50.

one of 1812 and iS13 i Jyeveuty nve cents will buy cent. and. SO cents one of 181. i re is but little premium on the 181 tf i up, bat the fifteen star penny of 1311 worth 50 in the coin market. From ti date until 1821 cents bring little ovot lace vaxne.

i latter years issue there are 7 few coins extant, and the eent 1 lag that date brings 35 cents. Here ZTn a long skip, no premium bein nnui tne nying eagle eent ot I i is reached, which briogs, as has i ady been stated. to $6. The big eent or iaaz, tne 'last year in 1 they were issued is worth, 50 cents have had a mnch less rrsm na first was issued in 171J3, te last in I80T, hut many breaks r.r;l between. The greatest number 3 iinea iso, when 1.154,000 were "'l, and the smallest number in when bat 2200 were coined.

A half the latter date is worth S3, and (t cannot be bonarht for less 1 j. The issne of 1733 is worth Sir ii 1 60 17U7. 75 The a of 17M is impossible to get for love A. halt cent of the vear 1800 wnrth 25 cents, of 1802 $2. the issue l.

1 and those fiom 1840 to 1H48 are from $4 to 47 each. An half cent, small date, is worth "9 late. a dime. The half cent of for tX There is no premium of on subsequent issues 1 Two cent pieces were tint issued iLzid their coinage wa diseon IB 1873. In 1865.

Hfl.THO ODO whth fnd in 18T5 but S00.00U. Those i to 1870 are worth a nickel se of 18TL 85 cents. 1872, 40 nd 1873, $150. These are the tea, in the coin markets. The ree cent pieces were first issued almost simultaneously with.

ent stamp. There is bat mand for ny of them except ned between 1863 and 1873 ne bHng discontihued on the The intervening dates are ia 50 cents to $1, those of 1H brinrinir tiih as million, six hundred and sixty mum pieces were eoinea lit but 370 in The three el piece was first made in 1873. sfe issued still. Aa 1873 dace C) Silver half dimes led continually between 17U4 excepting in 170S. 171, 1804.

1 ti to 1828, inclusive. In 185a 000 were coined and in i. A half dime of the year a fully A half dime with nd sixteen stars worthjS5 a star. A 1704 hnlf dime is a is also one of 1703. The, piece was first is.ned in nil manufactureiL la 3 were issued, and ra 187 scarcest dares are l7l former are worth i wi.

is 3 ueU 40 cents. Aituut 7.000,000 nickles without the word were issttet, and will soon rriall premium. oeen issued since ITaa, ex 0 ears inclusive, nad 1825. In were stamoed, and in 1310 i uie larter a2M is One of 10 is worth to 1804 they are worta $2, (ame is worth $4. and ub irentyieen ec 4 were YJBaod discontinued in lSiO.OOO iiwutni and Tiu.

They are de ome valuable, and ate is now worth It 50 r. jnrtera Luve ben ITSiS to lSOS. 18t5, lJO. coined in lTr.aad. 't one of the latter is exii T1iom dted $73 jind Juc) reTH vno siamiwd in in 1827.

Thooaated worth ieacli. Ttios rrw. are worth 34. in 1S7.K and cm of i fc. 25.

Half tJe first timt in Ks4 Kone were coined in 179, 1800U1S01 ana I81S. Those dated 178 and 1797 sell for ji5; 1794 is worth $5 1794 only cents 1815 about S7: 1S3H (milled ease 2 li without arrows, A half dollar 1880 is worth 70 cents. There were .28,000,000 silver dollars lade in 1883 and but 800 in 1839. The most ancient date ia 1794. From then until 104 they were coined continuous ry.

'ineu saip or tnirty wo years occnrreii. The trade dollar is the only thing that has marred the issue since 18S6. with the exception of 1837, when nose were coined. The silver dollar of 1804 is the rarest American coin. But two srenuine enea are believed to exist.

and their owners have refused $1000 each for them. The 1794 dollar brings $40. Those between 1795 and 1863, i $3 each 1836. $4 1889, with flying eaglsv $25 eaeh 181 and 152, $35 and $40 respectively 1858. $36.

The trade dollars issued from 1873 to 1878 are destined to beenmA tivt. Mr, Gobeille's collection is an. exceedingly interesting one. and contains many of the above mentioned coins. He is aalding te it continually, and contemplates making it the saost complete collection in the State.

Cleveland Leader. Jim's Inrestatents. Jim Lnowed all kinds 'of signs. He said he knowed most everything. I said it looked to me like all the signs was about bad luck, and so I asked him if there warn7 any good luck signs.

Be says: fc Mighty few an dey ainr no use to a body. What you want to know when good luck's a comin' forf want to keep it qff 1" and be said If yen's got hairy arms en a hairv breaaV, it's a sign dat you's agwyne to berieh. WelL. aeya some use in a signe iuce oat, 'Jesse it's so fur ahead. You see, maybe youfa got be pmf a long; time fust, en so vou might get discourage, en kill yo'sef 'f you know by de sign dat you gwyne to be rich bvmsbv." Have yon got hairy arms and a hairy breast, Jim?" What's de use to ax dat question? jjon't yon see has I Well, are you rich I No but 1 ben rich wunst, and gwine to be rich agin.

Wunst I had fo'teen dollarvbut I tuck to speculaf en got busted out." "What did you speculate in, Jim Well, fust I tackled stock." "What kind ef stock Why, live stock. Cattle, you know. I put $10 in a cow. But I sin' gwyne to ruts, no mo money in stocav Ue cow np'n died on my han'a So you lost the $10 tn No: I didn't lose it alL I on'y 'bout nine of I sole da hide en taller i Or Yon had $3 10 left. Did jan speculate any more Tes.

You know dat oue laiartred niri per dat belongs to ole Misto Bradish Well, he sot up a bank, en say anybody dat put in a dollar would git fo dollars mo' at de en' er de year. Well, all da nigg*rs went in. but dey didn't have much. I wusde on'y one dat hail much. 8o I stuck out for mo dan to? dollars, en I said 'f I didn't git it I'd start a bank mysef.

Well, o7 course dat nigg*r wan to keep me out er de business, uekase he say dey warn't business 'nough for twi banks, so he say I could put in mv $3 en he pay me thirty five at de en er year." 44 So I done it. Den I reckVd Td invesr de $35 right off en keep things a tuovia'. Dey wuz a nigg*r named Bob, dat had ketched a wood liat, en his marster didn' krowit: en I boasht it ntTn him told him to take de $35 when de en' er de year eome but somebody stole de woxt nat dat night, en nex' day de oikv Uigsed nigg*r say de bank's busted. So dey didn' none nv us git no money." What did you do with the ten cents, Jim I. Well.

I Txiz gwyne to spen it, but I had a dream, en de dream tola me to give it to a. nigg*r name' Balum Balum's Ass dey call him tor short he's one er dem chuckle heads, you know. But he's lucky, dey say. en I see I warn't lucky. De dream say' let Balum inves' de ten cents en he'd make a raise for me.

Well. BiUunt he tuck de money, en when he wuz in church he hear de preacher say dat whoever give to de po' len' to de Lord. en bonn to git his money back a hund'd times. So Balum he tuck en give de ten cents to de po', en laid low to see jwhst wm gywne to come of it." did come of it, Jim "Jfuffin' never eome it. I couldn't man age to Klecit dat monev no way en uaiam ne eouian ain't gywne to len' no mo' money 'dout I see de seenri ty.

Bonn' to git yo' money back a handed t'mes, de preacher says Ef I could git de ten cents back. I'd call it squab, en be glad erde chanst I it's, all rio bt Mnror'Jim Jong as you're going to be rich, again some time or 1 PS en Fa rich nnw nmn fn Innlr at it. I owna myae'f. en Pa wuth $800. But hve stock's too reskv.

Hnk. I wisht I had de $800, en somebody else had de Mark Twais. 31 nerman's Theatrical JJ.brarv In all vrobabilitv there wi IT lw Jimj ly scene in the auction rooms ef Messrs. Sotheby. in Wellington street.

Strandj on the 22d of January On, that date one of the most interesting and Valuable theatrical libraries that has ewer bees submitted to the public will be dispersed. The books in nnMtinn are at present the property of Mr. Henry Herman, ha is well known to our readers as the oint author of "Jhe Silver King" and Claudian most cases the memoirs have been extended to four volumes, and inlaid to folio size bv th insertion of autographs, portraits, playbills, and other interesting material. All the books have been bound in th very best stvlebvRiviere.TontLZanhna. Iori, and other well known masters of their craft: Perhaps the, finest of Mr.

Herman's extra illustrated mmoir in Mr.F.W.Hawkins slife of Edmnnd Keau. These volumes are specially noteworthy for the number of rare autoirrnnha am) portraits, ich they contain, there bei in all over uuo extra illustration of th text. A matchless set of play bills re la uo iruu wiu. greauv enhance the ValUtt of the "Lie Mr. tffimiui'amntv of Jkirkmau'slifo of Charles Macklin i alw erecially noteworthy for it rare autographs.

It contains Maeklin's own papers, used by the writer of the book: and isfull of letters, documents written by oraddre5.d oniuinl report of the trial of Mukl in nrti der of Thi'iuas Hallam. containing the only record of his sentence in existence, to ether wit the MS. catalogue of Macklin library (which unnminwl tuany botks now unknown to tlm collector, ail Of Which VPM liKt l.r wreck fjtf the Irish coaet). tend to further enhance thevalneof the work. The descendants of Timnms THhriin do well To par attention Mr Herman A magnificent four volume py of his This is chiefly; noticeable for a fin antoeraph of forty of Didbin's soaga.

When i'oor Tom" niniin.i in Horsemonger Iano jail he was at his wit's end lor monev wberewit the bare necessities of life In his Us trexa he applied for hdp to r'orraster, brother of CrowraiIL' by whose advice be wrote out forty of his mat famous son cs. Forrester at first proposed to raffia them, but finall dseided to send thera to Air. UMnrf.rrt. tt bo bunght the MS. as a cnrios'tv This manuscript, together withx Forrester's leixer to comeriord and the tatter's original reply, ani also a fine water eplor drawing by Forrester representing Totn in Lis.

distress playiag. upon th dovble bass, are inserted, iu these Other finely, illnstrated books memoirs are those the Cowman family; Robert William KUintim the Ltttr remarkable for its antotrraph iettera of such celebntios as ine Vestris and a work that could not. possibly be matched or represented in duplicate containing as it does nearly every one of Urinialdi original songs and original water color orawings of well known prints and Peter Cunningham's history of Nell Ciwyn. The latter volume ia number 15 of 100 copies printed on brg and thick hand made paper, specially for illustration. The illustrations comprise close npen two hundred appropriate views and an to graphs.

Among the latter re an autograph artier from Charles II to Capt. Rilligrew, signed also by Samuel Pepya two very in i eresting docn ments beari the si gna tiatt' I w. arinal arnrn nam ah iuivtuuwicUtiauianTnioQa TV llbVOU and signed bv ierdita Robinson and a curious documnt dated from Paint era Hall Jan. 26, 1654, and sigued by Joiiir Evelyn. Thomas Clifford, Bullen Keymer and Will D'Ogley.

The nrints and autographs are. indeed. of the rarest kind and the volume contains lovely mezzotints and rare engravings by such masters as Cornelius Vist her, Hollar, Houbraken, Cornelius de Pas. etc." A book that is sure to be a special attraction to American buyers is Mr. Field's Yesterdays with Authors," one of the finest works of its kind that is to be obtained.

Amongst the autographs inserted are letters of Thackeray, Bui wer Lytton. Mark Lemon, Tom Shirlev Brooks. Lord Teanvson Wil liam Cullen Bryant, De Sir alter Scott to 'Alexander Nasmytlv Leigh "Hnnt AVashington Irving. Car lyle, Charles IHckens, Edmund Kean. Robert, Browning, Tom Hood, James Payn, Matthew Arnold, Barry Cornwall, Foster.

and Kelson when captain of the "Agamemnon." An autograph of Queen Victoria is also American play goers it may be assumed, endeavor to possess Mr. Herman's copy ef Mr. Lawrence IBarrett's life of Edwin Forrest and Mr. William Winter's history of the Jeffersons. Both, these books are numbered as the first of only one bnn dred large paper copies printed.

former volume has, amongst other additional illustrations, an artist's touched proof portrait of Edwin Forrest before all letters, and an autograph letter of Mr. Barretts relating to the bookv whilst Air. Winter's admirable book is enriched with many fine portraits and two autograph letters of Thomas Jefferson, the founder of the Jetterson family. Mr. Herman's large paper American copy of Dr.

Doran's Their Majesties', Servants is probably the finest copy of that work which has been submitted for sale. London Antral at the Principal XXotala, 8T. CHARLES HOTEL. Brown, 8t Loots; Omtterry. Loulsv vtUe; B8 Hull, wifo and toe, Uar A.J Katoa wife.

Katon, Coi io Metin. Toaas mulch. Jb Haad. 2 Geo Beelle. Chicago; A McKeon.

Boston; Burrow, Concord. Mass Dyer, Fall River. Mass MM De Laos. Detroit. Mick; Bnrsert.

Philadelphia; MFlaaagaa. Aiif trxiltt Hendtsraoa. Fort Siuivtt. Ark; Fast. SL Aunett, Mw York; Arointrong, Hon tana; Pence.

Minnesota; Mrs MoQaiUon and son, Miss Me yuiilon and maid, Paul A sklnnk and If Massachusetts Honker Ksw York Bount and wle, steCol luUKh, St Pan Ja M. Lnive, Lotustana aiiss Bessie Bettls, LMilvtUe; A Davis. Pass Christians A Miller, Columbus. Arnold. Philadelphia; Jt and wife, Viodnia a Uuaenbock.

AC Liv introron. Ban Francisco; Haaw. Loois ille; Harris and wife, Miss jfmily L. Harris, Miss Harris, Cleveland. crrr hotel.

Wm Baldwin and Pa Carter. Indian ttH irnrrm. tt 8 Dickson. Robinson, Red River; Arauio. it Bimes, Wasoington If Borouglis.

AasUh ft House, Chicago A WUkiasoa and family, IlL; A Plaascar Chrystal Springs Joseph 111X StIvuo, New York Oitxtra. Mount Vemou Case, Unit Gray and wife, Dakotar Satterthwart Ut Holmes, 8aleni. Cross and wife. Little Rock Shepard and wife, Indianapolis i Johnsou. Brookhaviui viii.

Carthage A Watssn. Rodnwy Joo Miller. Ohio Dudley Ore. PKarttogton Win flbanei1: Terrenwnue Irving. Unt Irr.

Lafourche; Jolet. Terrebonne Kgst ston. Snow and wife, tfatehns. Fisk. Worcester; Read, teuton JT Hemell and wife, New York Phelps and wife, Racine; A Nichols.

Mis It to hoi, Nichols; 1 Mason. Bay City; Wm aump ton. Cantos Geo Spaidiag, Boston a Amer, Miss Baglsv. Vtrloriaia Younjr. Dayton; ChasA Lrerty, elty; JS Wyune, Brown county Ferguson, Bell eiMiatr Geo West.

Hweet Home Allen sad wife, CattettsvUle; Dickon sua wu Texas; JHMcGehee, La. HOTEL ROTAL, WalthaU Jaa Loagstrent, a Freeman, Mississippi; Keep. OarflcM. li AKimbsJl and wife. Cbleairo; Cum nuoas and wife.

8t Louis. Mo; A urr man. Chlenxiee, Msa CT fmaroa. Tucson srlz; Wlllard and wite, Geneva. Henderson.

George. Brow a. Ttswuto Canada; A Greever and. wife, Kansas City: 8 Goudy, Dakota: Mrs Nf Pereles and naughter. Prelea and wife.

Milwaukee. Wis; James If Supple. Boston, Mass Jamea Canavau. MUford. Mass.

i YOBDRRBAJSK HOTEL. Hern, Chicago; A Bee be. Mason, wis; John Tehan, Loras City. A.T; SUltman, Westerly; Huaiphreva and wife. mounts jsucutrworca sua wire.

Qalnev. Ill; 8 MKabsch and wlfeanAofcua, Mexico; Dr Burman. Des Molnes. Iowa; Chart Catlln, Howard CatUn, Chicago; Cross nian. new lsrau Heoaas.

Watder, at Loaia; Brows, La John arkpatrlck.Cliira(ro;'AHaley and wife, Wllsonv Kansas; Cane. Houstoa, Texas? Chamberlln, Hew York; Adolnh Fts and wife. Middle town, Ohio; PC Hoffman. New York Rohmsn and wife. Deavwr Dale.

Boston; John Tibbe, ClnetnnaU; PMcCuUongh.DtPanl; A 8chuls, Pittsburg. Pa; Milton Goldsmith, Leutarille Bcblater, Shell Mound; Wrtgat. RV AoradevArk. CASSTDTS HOTEL. Smith.

Chas HowelT. Tndlana Silas Tarn. Miss: Eyre. La; 8 aauiil tun. Texas; Paurenee and wife, Minn A Buckley.

'fhos deary. Tens; Caps W11 Wm Lane. 8t IhUs hittingtoa, Lemle, Gaiffen, Chase, AbeU. John Wilmington. Walk eu.Tesn; John Harrison, Jaa Harrison.

St DESECHAUD HOTEL. Mrs Barber, Mrs Young. Gar lsnd. New York; Teusteuauher. A tthodea, McDonald, Mo Kirov and wife.

Todd, Ohio: Albers and wife. Texas; Sptuikiiaar and wife. Ids; Lnkie. CaU Fergas Held. Va; A Leaw Tann: Lettin.

New Mexico; Root. Newman, Stokes, Ala. 'f 80CTHERW HOTEL" EDelong and lady. III; Holt and wife. Tcf BJ Pace, Leon Leyda.

Kn hoff. Reed. Miss 8 Wuol.r and wife, Wallace. V.l 8 tUmooa; ImI Jos Augustine sad wife. Penur Woodrnff, Davey, Wis; 4m Crainner.

McCord, Texas; Koblason and wife. Willis. Miss Rider. Kendcn hslt, Ohio; David Kdrte. Indiana; Lake.

Misx; a Rsgsdaie, Middlehreok. Ga; Blaelr, Texai ICuseeil, Degnan, New York. HOTKL Watkins. Nashville It BCoom, Jack sop. Miss Cartetse and sou.

PhuUns, X' Phillips. Ind A Taylor and wif Kan. fas Mldkiff and wife. Mo; Jovoe. Bay 8t LonU Pete Jenkior.

Colorado Hurley. Ark A Perry. Texas 8W H4 IstKt. Lawrence. AIpliMi.

Bariuw Granger. Miss Granr, UeMolaes Wilson Montano; Wilcoxen. Mo A Kimball, Thoe Hare. Cal cHephea Har aieUng, Daar; Nelson, dneiunati; mlth. A Peoples.

and TRK; A.C airfield. Chaa Orohnaa. Peleatiae; I Bmeeley, Iowa. CARONDELET HOTEL, Gibbon. Denver; Knlaht.

Bostoi DonneU Miller, Cheyenne; A. Dainrettand wtfe.8t.Paal; Miss Bessie Sinita and wif a. I. Pertdas, Wemnn Householder. Kansas City; Mrs Story.

BrowBwood VaiU sod wife, Omaha Handera, Wm Russell. St Louis; MUler, Miller, Louisville; Watson and wife 8t, Joseph; Ihoa Bed. Plttsbunc. Mfeo Jooea, Texas; Brooke. Ne branha PJP Qqatraaaa and wife, Missis wppi; Crouch.

8t Lonls; Rere and wif, 8t Paul Blob arriaon sod wife, Mrs Richardson. A Foster. Davenport; Butcher and wtfn. lawn; Chris Pallauf. Alabama Dr Robt MCConaoll.

Ohj Davis and wife. 8 Tiu au wife. MifMworf Vallrath. Uant. W3ja als; Henry, Kansas.

2' 5 I. 4 i. i '1 i it .4 3 i 4 sosiztmo Viw Tom. Jaa. JS, Afteraoon.

Cottom doll futures steady. January IT.ll. fob roary 1I.ST. Mareb 11 13, apru 11 26, May 118, Jnne 11.60. July 11.60, August 11.70, Beptaav 1er lljss, October 1087.

New Yoba, Jan. lO. Cfttton The Post says: Future deliveries advanced to day 7 and closed steady after sale of 43,000 bales shorts, froqtu ntly like to eovw oo 8atardy, besides export continues large, there being again rat shipboard, uncleared. 2464100 bales, including 20.000 bales coastwise shipments. The Southern markets are wlta eatehanre.

Nsw Yoaav Jan. ia Dry Goods There has been seme boaineaa in alt departments, but as a rule, the market has reflected qatefc, a nirnal. to elose the week. In seasonable speculations business for the week has been large, and for other goods of lias character, but different claanow, a like business is in NawToaav Jan. 10.

Floor Arm, receipts ISwo. exports sous, eupernne State Western W703 15, 8t Louis $3 1593 85; wheat spot lots firm, options opened higher and atronjr, later weakened, declined closing with a alight recovery, receipts 40.000. exports 351,000, No. 9 aprhig 94.ungraded red 84 r9. No.

3 red 88. No. 3 red a2fe NHL No. a red January sales 64,000 at 91 mliH, closing at 91H. February sales 1JO8.O00 at ftt3( 944V eioeing at March sales 634,000 at M.

closing at 9Ji. April Bales 20.00O at closing at June sales 1604)00 at 9K o9i 4, closing at 9X corn spot grades demand fair, market arm options heavy and a trine lower; receipt exports 134,000, ungraded a963.No, 3 n33, steamer 53 54i(. special January No. a 6353H. steamer yellow 549.

steamer white 61 S3. No. 3 January 6 953, closing at 61, Febraary 50950ft, closing at 50,. Mares. O950H, dosing at so.

April 60960i. elosmir at 60, Usr UMSWi, eloalBg ton i oata Ua5l better, but closed with the advance partly lost, receipts 34,000, ex ports 45, mixed Western 36938, white western 38941 nay ateady wKa a moderate demand hops quiet but Arm sales 5 150 baas, January H.os 8.13i Febrnary as, March ao, April a. as, May Sugar steady and moderately active, superior Manilla 4 1 16. Demerara eentrifugal 5 7 33, Cuba centrifugal reflned firm, con Molasses quiet but ateady. Rlea qxUet bat flrm.

Petrsfeam steady. United 737L reflned TTS rosin arm; turpentine 3l93lH leather steady with a fair wool eulet but firm far fine grades, domes tie fleece 3493s, pulled 15990V Texas 13918; pork dull and drooping, sew mesa $13 3513 60; lard lower. Western, steam spot T.309T.2att, February 7.179T.3S, March 7.239T.33,. April 7.297.31, May T.3S9T.40; butter quiet but flrsK cheese arm. demand lights lead steady.

common S3 6593 70, othera unchanged. ST. Loots. Jan. 10.

Cotton quiet. Middling 10 asses 700 receipts 1SOS, shipmenu 3360, atsck St. Louis. Jan. let Flour unchanged wheat active aad as settled, opened higher, then broke and ran straight down closing at I below yesterday.

No. rod STii9H7 rash, and January. February. 809 5K4 March. at inside aiay, closing May, cloalna; figures; corn opened fraction better, declined anoTioseu unaer H3a cash.

ssws514 January and February, a.B64 March, am sassf May. oloainir at loweas ngnros; oata oaaler and slow, bid sash, 8081 May; rye hlrher; 52 bid barley steady, 65973 lead arm, 93 50: butter unenanaeo eggs quiet, 19; uaxseed steady, il 81 hay unchanged; bran better; t8as at mill corn meat hi her. $3 io is whisky ai. 13; provialsna aaler nut slow; pork $12 25ia each, 813 12 January bulk; meats, long clear C.10, ahort rib abort clear bacon, long clear T. short rib 7.4, aasrt clear lard 64 avked.

Keceipts Flour sons bbis wheat 57,000 corn soo, oata 13,000, rye barley S000; ahlpmen ts flour 8000 hbla. wheat sotio bushels, corn 35,000, oats 10,000. rye awH. barley 8t. Loms.

Jan. Ml Cattte receipts loo. fbtimenta too, supply too small to make a market, only a retail trade done: sheen re ceipts loo. shipments 700, no supply and but little local trading. CaiCAdo, Jan.

10. Floor flrm and! unchanged: wheat demand active bus very unsettled, at the opeuing ouerings were largely in excess of demand and prices declined it 54 almost at theopeninc from the atartlnK figures, later declined more, then advanced H. acain declined and closed nudcr yesterday aalaa raaaed. January 80 83H closina as 0H. February 806 82 closing at o4, March 8D8z closing as SIH.Msy 87Mieloaingass7)s.

Nov Chicago Srixw MHiw8ij4 closing at No. 3 1. 8. Ku. 1 red 81 corn In good demand, unsettled and etrnug early, declined and eloeed yesterday, cash January 3737 4 closing at 87 4.

February sefi37H closing at S7H, Ataroh 874 mViH eloslng at 37. May 41941K closing at 41 flaxaeatt scarce and firm, 17; pork scarce and firm. early ruled 537 higher, declined 40 5 and closed ateady. cash 811 9S913. February til 8S913 So, dosing at aii ss au 87Hir March til 96912 as.

ctaains at til B7HS13. May tia 239U 75, elo sing at 811 80912 32; lard la fair demand but weak and 10a 15 points lower, cash .77) SA80, February 80 3 0.95, eloslng at 6.80 6.82 H. March eloslng at .90 .2, May 7.107 25, closiag at 7.10T.13: bulk meats demand fair, shoulders 4.9035, abort rib 5.9598. ahort clear 8.4096.45; whisky steady and unchanged, 81 13; butter quiet and unchanged, eggs easier, 22. EeoelDts flour 700a.

wheas ss.eao, mm ISSMO, oata S3 .000, ryo oeo; abipoienta flour 1S.OOS wheaS l7)oe bushels, corn, oata 57,000, barley 8000. Chicago. Jan. 12. The Drovers Journal reports: TToaa roaetwai sTJisa, shipments 42US, market generally ateady aad strona er than Friday's close, rough packing 84 209 4 4S.

packing and ahlpntng 4 4894 87'i, Usrht $4 2594 4fl, skips 84 lo, market elosed with 13JJ00 unsold; eattle receiptB 280. 8bip ments 250a, marxet strong ana active, wita au sold, export gradea 8898 an, good to ehuios ablpptna fS 8U98 10, eaamea to fair 84 209s, corn fed Tex ana 84 60; sheep receipts lsns, 2700, shipments 1300, market brisk and Arm. inferior to fair $2 2092 30, medium to good 83 25a 6a, frood to choioe 83 7594 80. CrscnniA Jan. ia Cotton quiet and an ehanged flour, demand fair, market ttrar and tendtng up want; wheat active, flrm and higher.

No. 2 red 84986, receipts 2500, ship ments 500 p*rn; demand fair, market flrm, No. 2 mixed 42; oats ateady with a fair demand 32; rye strong and higher. 58960; barley arm and nnchaoired pork quiet I2 2i 13 dull, lower to 6.80 bulk meats quiet but flrm and unchaaged baenn quiet and unchanged; whisky steady with a fair demand, 8L 11 live hoga quiet, common and lUcht 83 8094 packing and bntchers'tft 4594 80, receipts 7S00, shipments 1900; eggs qnlet and unchanged; cheese ateady with a fair demand. LociBvuxa, Jan.

10. Xtton firm. Mid' dllng 1H wheat steady and Una Ions berry so. No. 2 red 78; corn Ho.

2 mixed 41. Bo. 3 white 43; oata No. 3 mixed 31 pro vtsiona easier but not. notably lower; mess pork 12 60; bulk; meat' shoulders 5.

clear ruv 6, dear aides baeonshnuklers 6H. clear rib clear sides TH hams sugar oured lardprlme leaf 85J. KanSAs Crrr. Jan. 10.

The Uve Stock Indicator reports; Cartle ecelpts 330, not auf hcient to fully test too market, but the feeling ts strone; hoss receipts 9500, market ao rtve but 5910C, lower Jots of 208 to Sao ton. 82 95 ir 37H. mainly at 84 is94 25 sheep receipts tso. market ateady, fair to good mutton 82 SOWS. 1' 10.

Petrolenm dull. Halted eertlncatea opened at 72J. ed to 72. advanced to 73K. and eloawt at727.

WiijuMjTOM, Jan. 10. Turpeaune duU. Nfw Yoaav ia The weekly bank statement shows the following Loans, decrease. fl.7S4.00O; specie, increase.

leaal tenders. iBcreaae, 82.422JM0; deposits, increase. taA iBjwe; ciroulaooo. deeresse. reserve.

Increase. 87,823, 01 The banks now hold 847Ji44ioa inex eees of the legal requirements. Mw Yoaa, Jan. 10. Afternoon.

Woney market easy. H91H. clostnr at 1 offered; prtmo aaerBantlle paper 4H98; starling exchange bankers hills long 4). sight 1MH. l.

rij Haw Tone Jaa lO. ClosliMt qaotattsaa bondaT BMi Caitd 8 ttenS. lOI IJaitwl Staa 4a'a, nnapan TJaitod States 4'k, Pacific ,6 of 11' Central Paalfle latw ..110 ErjU 55, LafcUrh and WllV.batia.. aakad. 98 Lawmmni.

nonawia i 75 MawwMui i BU 1 1 bin. riw and Bloux City 1st aoi itnneMiw o's. Ban Taa t'arisc land rraata TM Pacrifle Kia ma ill XW Virion Patrie land mut nkiag Virginia 8'a Virginia i i Kims Nsw lam I IT triaams ML ava Adams gxprw AiiMrUoux iis lOT 116 At lia4 87 5 a DIDIVELL'S ST. CHILES Canada 43 uaaaw 30 Central Paeute S3 'a Chosapeakaaad Ohio sj nesspeaaa ana oiue nrst preierrsd.MM.. II 'a Chesapeaka and Ohio aeeaad.

prafd and Chioaso and Alton arofarrad. 145 CbloaffO. Borluurtoa and Qninry. Liuoacroi bi. tjoaim ana mow 1 rrinsm ss Chicago.

8b Louis sad Plttahnrs Do. li1 Clsvalaadaad rvjnha, Delawaraand 73 Palawan, lckawaaaa and Wtara, eo imnxiiraiui Hisiiraans Erie 14, Ens prsferrod 28 nm ymTM 1t D. Fort .........125 Hannibal and fit. Jaaanb J. prainrrau.

Harlem Bonaton and TVitss. iiunois ereami. lantananolta Rio Kan aad LMXm jrta and Wat Lake Louisville and IV ash villa Lonlsvtlla and New Albanv ObioContrai Ohm and Hisausipni. Ohio and Mississippi prafsrred ununi anu OBiormMn. uraaoa Jtavuratlaa Oraaroa TranaeoaUaontal ororoa Imp: ricifleaaiU Panama Peoria, Daoatar and.

Svaaavllia. ntwwirir Pullman Palaoa Car raaniaiii sksd HM liH igtoa aad Waatsra va SI Vt ssu la i Marietta and Cincinnati first praferrad. 10 arietta and Cincinnati anoaad prafarrad. 4f nmphta and r)iilMiaa Micliixan Cnotral 64 Mlnneaotaand St. lvf mnesora ana nt, insula prexerrtMU, aumon ncuic Mobua and Moms and Saasx.

KaabrUio and Ntv Jeraev CoaUai Norfolk and Weatara foTxnorn Northers Paclao. preferrad North woatora. prtrfnrras. on Tawai i 7 7 an it 'j zrrmrriis i IMS. 4l Ht Xa" i'.

mm yl U.I. ot 1 t. 232 Oil 1 3 ijt IM rnion Baadinir. 173 Aoca .10 i os. uaiiaand saa lMvprstemd.

Do. first prof erred. St. Pan! in mmm SI 7.1 St. Paul prefTTod ob raw ana lnuui Bt.

Paul and Omaha profaned axaa ana rneine tJnion United States 'Wabash. Bt. Lraia and Paclfla i.w. HH tai. mwm lua.

rut Wabash, St. Loots sad Paclao prefarrod. Walls Fanra Kxpreoa .105 Woatora 67 J.I IMIIM I 18 QaMiksllvarnrofanad eaca Bostoh. Jan. 10.

Mavfohn Centrals Tm 44JSacrlp 8i. rosjadf 4. Lmtarooi Jaa. 10, 1 f. M.

Cotton Sales of American 4200 bales. Futures barely steady, January. January and February acuvery a 0S S4O. nnyer. reoruary ana uaroa 8 61 4dL Bo, March and AnriL 8 1 44U.

April and May 8 64d. May and Juno a nao. aauer, uuno ana my i4a. July and August 8 64d. buyer, August and DrpiemoeT a shmu.

ao. Londow, Jan. 10, P. U. Consola for money 9 l.via, on aeeount United States 4's 125K.

do. t't 116. Erie 149. Krie seconds 49. New York Central 123 Pens' aylvanla Central S3.

Beading 9, Canartlan Pa cuo be. ram n. LnrKRPOoivJsn. 10, 1:30 P. It bacon duU, Cumberland out 37a.

8L. ahort rib 38.. long dear short clear lard. pcimo weaters ouu. spinta oz turpentine ateaay.

22a. so common rosin ateaxiy. wheat hrm, new Western winter 7a. 7U new So. a anrma: 7S.

I.1 a. Urnroou ia BreadsralT sctfve and Brass lard American 87a. bacon. long clear 848. short clear 3aa; refined petroleum 63 spirits of turpentine tin, Pakib.

Jan. ia Kentoa 7Ut. 70a. Bkbxjh, Jan. 10.

Specie in the Imperial sank of uermany has increased 897Jas marksv Aarwa.Jan. loPetroleuiB 17aiSf. Bpeaker' Carlisle la said to receive a heavier mall than any other member of Coav green, and Senator Logan's stands next. very large pro portion of the latter comes from soldiers In all parts of the Union, and It ia Senator Logan's rule to answer every letter. 1 Jaak" Plneard, a French Canadian, while I at work In the lumber woods near Portland, Me.

recently walked, twenty ave miles to get the nearest physician to dreae hla arm. eiuanaa oy a railing iiiiaiiwiaaaaaayaaaaa a i i law PHILIP PTHIXIPS.tha Waaioa Pllgrlsa, WILL U1VX At "BONO SBBMON VROX tne 8CREK3T at WKLKLEUT 's fanksay Klshc, at 8 The Hymns, lilble Readings and Illustration will bo seen under pawarhu luna Ucrht. Mo fee cBarged i couocuoa to nay vt i ait i 3Tstt Openeil Every Day, 2:39 P. JX BUFFALO BILL'S CHan. W.

Cody) T72XD T7EST, The Greatest ExMLItlsa a EartV Onty Cares Ope 133aV li TiTT Pi 01. BAST TO JCTTHERK KVKBT 8 MLSUTB3 FOR 6 HTH. ad Hteausi Cars Start ASMXSSIOCT SO CrT8.C3IILDaK2f 25 CTS. Covered Ssata. ETo Wight CarrUxea AdnHtsd SETT CHLZA53 EaSZ CALL PAH Tawsay.

Hwaday; at 3 O'clock. THS GJUCAT GLOTK HATCH. Hard OIovos to a finish. 'AITS OTHIB NOTKB BPABBSB3. Take Canal street stesTn cara every IS mi net as.

Jail If EUSIISTA ZZ1XX. For BAtXa. PARTIES. WEDDISOS. etc A rr'y at too HaU, Clio, bstwsas FryTniA and 6k, Cuariaa atraata.

TnEHTliE; Ilvei Eveniiiff and Tuesday 3 Caturday Uatiaeea." SFTICTACXJTi A 4 Intradaeutg all tie principal specialties tie Ballet as prodared at tie Star Tieatre, Kew Terk, daring' ti pradartias if SECTJEE SEATS EAEITZ ld JXTRAi CHAEGIT doaro pn at IX A. JC Svoaiaa a Alton and Terrs 21 Alton aad Terra Hants preferred. 82 American v.rprmm Hti BnrllBjrtoa CAaic 65 UMT OF SOLOISTS A. BOSK, CORSET, (SOLOIST). STBOS.S.


a. wrHXJjtBirscH, txtba; (S0loi3t. ntASZ STROSS, IXtTXfe, (SOLOXST) Rescued Seats at Oranewald's TO DAY, aad at the hall HTrgrPAT, all day. JalO vt ODD FE1X0 TTS niXL. We Jaraaay.

Jaa. at. Ifetta. Grand Compllmentai BanefltConcart tsaderet Elss KATE BIltDETTELL W'bo on this oecaalon will havo ths aeaiatanesdf 'no Von Doafaog ef Cincinnati. Sanara A li tim and Rotuoa.

aoloista, at tttm facaana Mexican Band, and aome of tha boat mn.t..i talank in Mew Jail It Grand Faaey Dress and Calico Ball, TO HZ OIVJlS BT DrVISIONS SOS. 1. 3 A9fT 3: AKCiEHT order cf VA8HHTOTOT AaTHLMT lIALll Oa aauavaav Kvaauac. tea. XT.

1883. COaTMITTEE OF ARRAlf QK1TE31TS. (Green Bud.) ROBKBT RBID. Chahrmaa. J.T.FJtx,rerald, J.

Fitzpatrick. M.Kesay. Patk. Trowcr, M. J.

Buckley, M. J. Uodidaa, W. J. Barrett.

Jaanaa Malln. UiUrouui. John MeCloakcy. YUOOn it A If AGB9. KANE.

Chairman. M. a H. Butler. T.J.Bath.

J. IOBertv. T. Mcl aiiahlln, W. 4oaiia, lry Pitsserald, Mich.

'nuBliiK. M.Jovoa. no. T. hi nrphy, M.

arkey, Robert Kllia. I. Maaee. Jno. McVahon.

W. J. Delaaey, M. Byan. BranaKan.

A. O. Taaffa. J.C.H.Eavanaaa frlia, Mnrphy. M.J.

Barrett. P. Mulqneeaey, P. M. Uary.

P. at. Haraaa. Peter Killeea. Bebt.

Javey. BKCEPTTOW COBIWTTIK. (White Bud.) Wi H. FLYITBT. OS airman.

John fiillan. Path. Bellew. Thoa. Jaa.

P. Bnnion, John J. 'oooey, M. Lna. Omiii R(41ry, Minn.

Huatc M. faoarSa. 140, Braiiana, LaJteKox, Ptt ktnc Robt. P. Barr, Wm.

Snnan, Juoa Hnrh Beillr P. Powers. Ed. XeUMcCart. Jaa.Saah.

Jaai ParreU. Jno.Ryan,N.l; Park, Ronan. a Eaoa, Patk. Dnnn, Richd.Walabv Sealed propoaala will be raeeived. i te and inalndiua; Jan.

for sale of liat Raesa, Bar Room and Reabanrant. at Hov HO Catondelet atrcet. Admission OUK DOLLAR. Jail IS 4 td Fancy Dress, KasqneracI and Calico begiven by BRAJtCH No. 5, HTBERWIAir I BJkPI EVOLKa A8SOUIATION, at rjuuraiTz u.iiu.i iiall.

On Ram part between mnnaine andMt.Phllln. Ow Matarday KvealnM. Committee ef ArranraaiMta. P. n'fimil.

ehairman; Dr. J. J. evior, Peter KlizardC Jamea Conners, Wa Clark, Patrick Qulnn. P.

J. Daniela, B. Conaina, frank Taxne. Ladled raniMiow ran ne naa oy applying tr. w.

Mnloneeav. 6ti5 K. KaOMrt: P. Kllsardi. tww nrr Bniyondv aad Mandeville street or to any Sf tbocomaittee.

Tiaets81i Ja4 II It Grand Fancy Dress antl Iask Tift A TO BK Givxs BT TSS yy TacksonBenerolentAssociation I WA8HISGTOS ABTILLEBT HALL, SATTKJBAY KYKSUSG, JAM. 'A4, 1H5. Arranaementa Committees Adolpk Walx, Jr s. il. P.

Hoaold. Anton Waia. J. HebeL. JalL IS 2A.

PEOPOSALSa 00 1 The prrrnegea of the Bar, Hat Box and Res taurant of the Ball to be given by the Jackson Beaevoientr Association oa Batnrday, Jaa. 34, win be sold on ON DAT. Jan. 12 at 7:50 P. 2C.

at the residaace 'bC J. Bnghem HKBEIh o. Ho. 12 d'J Ja It ETIS. STETTaETS DANCING ACADUHX, aBIJlEWALiJLV OPE15A IIOUSE, ChHdrears Claas TITKSDAVS and BATTW IXAYM at 4 P.

Private Claaa Tim CBUDAVa at P.M. ladiea'and OentTemen'a Class MOWDaTS aad from HMlOr. M. Private Cln for advanced pupila ItaDA to 10 P. Glana now formtajr aa Wanoleoa awar Bt Ciartia atiaaa.

bays at taUton, Kuj DA Xi and a kxitk. iNr. aa. Por parucaiara call at resldencs. 98 Canal atreeVor at tirnaewaJd Opra.

Ueoae. and Na poleua Avenue oa daya of tuition. afl tatf BATTLE OF SEDAN, aStsraasaal tomra Ccrr ory ct Ospaaite ayaxma atrwot nnl raaca ta ExpaaiOom ainos, This araatl rtnnramlr view mt the frreatest St all atodera battlaa. aaowtaar ur en and Ota man armies actiroiy ensr apes to the public oa and after Wedaeaday. 3X It A'T'rt 'w rtdTiIta, 60 eenta c2iraa.

Jecuiy electric llrhta at rLUrtit. CTSTTTrrxn inn v. Jaa. It. a.

Every Eveaing and Wsdnosday ami Saturday" Tho KmlTwnt CMudaa aad IILLTC3 SCSLLS, Assisted by the Tonvv sad Oirtwd' Vocalist aast CsBtmuenn. DOLLl NORr.R vtiinrMMt for tixo first tuns ia this city his latest Hw LOTS A3D LATT. A rsiMdyDnma la four acta, by Mr. St tttias Ifobltaa. New nt original cuarat Tanning dramatic climax, scuiua sffocta.

ttanday. imn. la.iLr. SOliAKD RXEo. JalO tf 8 T.

i A II i 8 12 A CommeBcln'r STTHBAT, Jan. II. Every Krealag aaMlwr and Saturday KTiUnasa. FoaltiTcly Last Week of ths apoctacalar Hnanaa TCTTLAT.Tg Z3XiO 3 ti watcst Prodnctlaa. ano THB tuvrrs.

BALLETM Ths wenderfnl ramie so www. hoaaai tt mart TKtn mth a marvk. Psalttvoly Last Wonk! dy Jan. 1 H.B AJX BILT. (Has.

iLTjltZ WAir GEA5D 0PEEA E0US2. CCansli iimiw n.i.i.. one Weeav nor la, Sunday, Jm. 1L Etery Xvealns and Thursday aad Saturaar Katinera. 4 The Cliarajin Protean Aetrsaa, EISS MATTES Supported nyarr.

CHARLES 8. OGEES aad; clever company of Ia Caarles Uaylefa teeria Comic iT. eatltte4 OH FASTIS AZfD SIABtOTTM. aftaa Vlnkra will lnrnwtn.1. ttmr SpocialUoa Manffa, Danoes.

ForaoaaUoaa, KecitatMms. aatusted bv taa nonnlju dian, Charles BoVrara. Bnndsy. Jaa, IS Mr. MTLTOa ITOBXKa.

tar 1 or ma ancceawnu piaya. JalO ta ST. CHAEirS (Her rsreweQ Aspearaaceat H'BJZ TLT CIl' ULLt, ITIEATIIS; Opera Ccapsay jroa TWO WIKK3 O.ILT. I AH ths artists of ths eompanr. with ths nmhnaV tra and choraa.

nador tba diractiaa nt SIG302 1JIDIT1. THE REPERTOniE Will tncluda boaidoa otbars I.A TRA TT ATA. MIKKLLA (new), HK I RA ALXIK. L.TJCIA. RIGOLB1TO, HUOOESOT8, AIDA.TROVA TOKK, LUS.UA, FAUST, CRISPIN O.

WmTm Week of taw gaaacrltfaav Six ICia tita aad Oaa Matin, Prtcw21. The box utfico of theatre will own Thnradav. Jan. 15 ths a la for subscriptions wul oiwa atouday, Jaa. 19.

Parqnet and Dreaa Circle. S3, Family Cirri (firac three rowa), $'J; FaaaUy Circle (other rowa). 1 60 tiallery. 50c; geoerai ednus aion, 1. Oathooceaalonot arsrEADKLIITA PATTTSV appearaocea.

owinir to tho inorwaaad oxpoaaea. tha foUowina; altera tana a are nukuoin the ausauy pricea: Parquet and Dress Circle. $5 Family Cirof a (flrst three rowa). 4, other rowa uaUery. gennrat admission, 2.

The sale (or the nihUy perfornianees bcrina Tuesday, Jan. 20. Jail kit CrxnieTTal Opera Hccsa, Baronne, near Canal atxeet. J. A.

8IMON TO WICnT. The Laughable Comedy ia Three Acta. THE FACTO Iir CICL. Last Week of the Celebrated Uadrid Spanish Dancers, In their Beautiful Ballet LA GAIXECAOL lratiaees Wednesdsy sad Batardny at 13 M. bunday, Jaa.

l9 4i BACK a W'i HO R.X., Admlaslaa 7.1. AO and 4J Ceatav Jail lt 4 Jos. A Cower Post Li nt nent of tile Galf Baronna. near, Casal treet, mt hair ateUef Faad. Beors' open at o'Aerk P.

at, Cnrtaia risei at a P.M. Kindred CTganixatlons caraiaUy iaritodto 1:1 TICItLX 33c, To be had from MTiuwibf mt Vnat, at LUI enthal'a, jeweifr. No. Caual hit' at Maf'a, drnrgist. Cani street, ror.

Cbartrna. sad at KUia'e book aUre, oppoHlto Poet aad at thedoor. Jail l.i 15 FAEAHTA'a ICON TnEATlli: PCSITITTLT LIST V' lX, i BIOXOAT JAH. I .7. usu sn c.

rzizcz, la the Baaaattwint Comedy Drama, aoKaatly If ousted, stronrfy Cast aad Artls. UcaUy Acted. Sfatiaeea Monday, Patarday and Raadvaneein Prioea. H.HirW Show for ONE DIME TKN Ci 1 J. FBTorite Kesortfor Latfies CLil Lrca nA rw onma 'l rTT pTw CaasJ, If ear tM.

Charles strenT. ftsr TUB comical vertioa or I tlOSlTS It. II. 8. PINAFC HE.

TUB io The Tattooed Man, the TaiiMt Kyen. MnA, tee Mafl' thaThrrellertMiii. 1 uri Three ao'nul r. ieaaafao. tUe ICammoth Fat Woman.

aud avheratoo aamorvt tei 19 A. M. to 13 P. IX. ADMIS8T05I very TLKSD AY, at Tarw vi ti:" JOIN A.WAV.

All I Jal tr 4 I TO TirU JETV IECa 9 A. i WMtia fr ii latrwoj; li1" a an Aifrat u. ijy bavctj 'a I I a ltflu. 1 Of I 1 anj asd i vt. r.i FDMi iDAT ANi A'.

rfr riufimjwioii i i i 1 ti r. 1 GlAVlr C. CvMwaaU..

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)
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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.